
53 lines
1.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

package Protocol.Data.Control;
message Packet {
// Must contain exactly one field
optional OpenChannel open_channel = 1;
optional ChannelResult channel_result = 2;
optional KeepAlive keep_alive = 3;
optional EnableFeatures enable_features = 4;
optional FeaturesEnabled features_enabled = 5;
message OpenChannel {
required int32 channel_identifier = 1; // Arbitrary unique identifier for this channel instance
required string channel_type = 2; // String identifying channel type; e.g.
// It is valid to extend the OpenChannel message to add fields specific
// to the requested channel_type.
extensions 100 to max;
message ChannelResult {
required int32 channel_identifier = 1; // Matching the value from OpenChannel
required bool opened = 2; // If the channel is now open
enum CommonError {
GenericError = 0;
UnknownTypeError = 1;
UnauthorizedError = 2;
BadUsageError = 3;
FailedError = 4;
optional CommonError common_error = 3;
// As with OpenChannel, it is valid to extend this message with fields specific
// to the channel type.
extensions 100 to max;
message KeepAlive {
required bool response_requested = 1;
message EnableFeatures {
repeated string feature = 1;
extensions 100 to max;
message FeaturesEnabled {
repeated string feature = 1;
extensions 100 to max;