First cut of Token Board

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2019-09-14 22:50:06 -07:00
parent a2cfcaf8a4
commit 1066862f58
8 changed files with 389 additions and 43 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ vendor/

applications/tokenboard.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
package applications
import (
// TokenBoardApp defines a Tapir Meta=App which provides a global cryptographic transcript
type TokenBoardApp struct {
connection tapir.Connection
TokenService *privacypass.TokenServer
AuditableStore *primitives.AuditableStore
paymentHandler privacypass.TokenPaymentHandler
handler TokenBoardAppHandler
// TokenBoardAppHandler allows clients to react to specific events.
type TokenBoardAppHandler interface {
HandleNewMessages(previousLastCommit []byte)
// NewTokenBoardClient generates a new Client for Token Board
func NewTokenBoardClient(store *primitives.AuditableStore, handler TokenBoardAppHandler, paymentHandler privacypass.TokenPaymentHandler) tapir.Application {
tba := new(TokenBoardApp)
tba.TokenService = nil
tba.AuditableStore = store
tba.handler = handler
tba.paymentHandler = paymentHandler
return tba
// NewTokenBoardServer generates new Server for Token Board
func NewTokenBoardServer(tokenService *privacypass.TokenServer, store *primitives.AuditableStore) tapir.Application {
tba := new(TokenBoardApp)
tba.TokenService = tokenService
tba.AuditableStore = store
return tba
// NewInstance creates a new TokenBoardApp
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) NewInstance() tapir.Application {
tba := new(TokenBoardApp)
tba.TokenService = ta.TokenService
tba.AuditableStore = ta.AuditableStore
tba.handler = ta.handler
tba.paymentHandler = ta.paymentHandler
return tba
// Init initializes the cryptographic TokenBoardApp
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) Init(connection tapir.Connection) {
if connection.HasCapability(AuthCapability) {
ta.connection = connection
// If we are a server, now we can start listening for inbound messages
if ta.connection.IsOutbound() {
go ta.listen(ta.clientSwitch)
} else {
go ta.listen(ta.serverSwitch)
// TokenBoardMessage encapsulates the application protocol
type TokenBoardMessage struct {
MessageType string
PostRequest PostRequest `json:",omitempty"`
PostResult PostResult `json:",omitempty"`
ReplayRequest ReplayRequest `json:",omitempty"`
ReplayResponse ReplayResponse `json:",omitempty"`
// ReplayRequest requests a reply from the given Commit
type ReplayRequest struct {
LastCommit []byte
// PostRequest requests to post the message to the board with the given token
type PostRequest struct {
Token privacypass.SpentToken
Message primitives.Message
// PostResult returns the success of a given post attempt
type PostResult struct {
Success bool
Proof primitives.SignedProof
// ReplayResponse is sent by the server before a stream of replayed messages
type ReplayResponse struct {
NumMessages int
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) clientSwitch(message TokenBoardMessage) {
switch message.MessageType {
case "PostResult":
log.Debugf("Post result: %x", message.PostResult.Proof)
case "ReplayResponse":
var state primitives.State
log.Debugf("Replaying %v Messages...", message.ReplayResponse.NumMessages)
lastCommit := ta.AuditableStore.LatestCommit
for i := 0; i < message.ReplayResponse.NumMessages; i++ {
message := ta.connection.Expect()
state.Messages = append(state.Messages, message)
data := ta.connection.Expect()
var signedProof primitives.SignedProof
json.Unmarshal(data, &signedProof)
err := ta.AuditableStore.MergeState(state, signedProof)
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("Successfully updated Auditable Store")
} else {
log.Debugf("Error updating Auditable Store %v", err)
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) serverSwitch(message TokenBoardMessage) {
switch message.MessageType {
case "PostRequest":
postrequest := message.PostRequest
log.Debugf("Received a Post Message Request: %x %x", postrequest.Token, postrequest.Message)
ta.postMessageRequest(postrequest.Token, postrequest.Message)
case "ReplayRequest":
state, proof := ta.AuditableStore.GetState()
response, _ := json.Marshal(TokenBoardMessage{MessageType: "ReplayResponse", ReplayResponse: ReplayResponse{len(state.Messages)}})
for _, message := range state.Messages {
data, _ := json.Marshal(proof)
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) listen(switchFn func(TokenBoardMessage)) {
for {
data := ta.connection.Expect()
if len(data) == 0 {
return // connection is closed
var message TokenBoardMessage
json.Unmarshal(data, &message)
log.Debugf("Received a Message: %v", message)
// Replay posts a Replay Message to the server.
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) Replay() {
data, _ := json.Marshal(TokenBoardMessage{MessageType: "ReplayRequest"})
// PurchaseTokens purchases the given number of tokens from the server (using the provided payment handler)
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) PurchaseTokens(num int) {
// Post sends a Post Request to the server
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) Post(message primitives.Message) bool {
token, err := ta.paymentHandler.NextToken(message)
if err == nil {
data, _ := json.Marshal(TokenBoardMessage{MessageType: "PostRequest", PostRequest: PostRequest{Token: token, Message: message}})
return true
return false
func (ta *TokenBoardApp) postMessageRequest(token privacypass.SpentToken, message primitives.Message) {
if ta.TokenService.IsValid(token, message) {
log.Debugf("Token is valid")
signedproof := ta.AuditableStore.Add(message)
data, _ := json.Marshal(TokenBoardMessage{MessageType: "PostResult", PostResult: PostResult{true, signedproof}})
} else {
log.Debugf("Attempt to spend an invalid token")
data, _ := json.Marshal(TokenBoardMessage{MessageType: "PostResult", PostResult: PostResult{false, primitives.SignedProof{}}})

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package applications
import (
type Handler struct {
Store *primitives.AuditableStore
func (h Handler) HandleNewMessages(previousLastCommit []byte) {
log.Debugf("Handling Messages After %x", previousLastCommit)
messages := h.Store.GetMessagesAfter(previousLastCommit)
for _, message := range messages {
log.Debugf("Message %s", message)
type FreePaymentHandler struct {
tokens []*privacypass.Token
TokenService *privacypass.TokenServer
func (fph *FreePaymentHandler) MakePayment(int) {
tokens, blindedTokens := privacypass.GenerateBlindedTokenBatch(10)
// Obtained some signed tokens, in reality these would be bought and paid for through some other mechanism.
clientTranscript := core.NewTranscript("privacyPass")
serverTranscript := core.NewTranscript("privacyPass")
signedTokens, proof := fph.TokenService.SignBlindedTokenBatch(blindedTokens, serverTranscript)
privacypass.UnblindSignedTokenBatch(tokens, blindedTokens, signedTokens, fph.TokenService.Y, proof, clientTranscript)
fph.tokens = append(fph.tokens, tokens...)
func (fph *FreePaymentHandler) NextToken(data []byte) (privacypass.SpentToken, error) {
if len(fph.tokens) == 0 {
return privacypass.SpentToken{}, errors.New("No more tokens")
token := fph.tokens[0]
fph.tokens = fph.tokens[1:]
return token.SpendToken(data), nil
func TestTokenBoardApp(t *testing.T) {
// numRoutinesStart := runtime.NumGoroutine()
log.Infof("Number of goroutines open at start: %d", runtime.NumGoroutine())
// Connect to Tor
var acn connectivity.ACN
acn, _ = connectivity.StartTor("./", "")
// Generate Server Key
sid, sk := primitives.InitializeEphemeralIdentity()
tokenService := privacypass.NewTokenServer()
serverAuditableStore := new(primitives.AuditableStore)
clientAuditableStore := new(primitives.AuditableStore)
// Init the Server running the Simple App.
var service tapir.Service
service = new(tor.BaseOnionService)
service.Init(acn, sk, &sid)
// Goroutine Management
sg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
service.Listen(NewTokenBoardServer(&tokenService, serverAuditableStore))
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
id, sk := primitives.InitializeEphemeralIdentity()
var client tapir.Service
client = new(tor.BaseOnionService)
client.Init(acn, sk, &id)
client.Connect(sid.Hostname(), NewTokenBoardClient(clientAuditableStore, Handler{Store: clientAuditableStore}, &FreePaymentHandler{TokenService: &tokenService}))
client.WaitForCapabilityOrClose(sid.Hostname(), AuthCapability)
conn, _ := client.GetConnection(sid.Hostname())
tba, _ := conn.App().(*TokenBoardApp)
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 1"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 2"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 3"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 4"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 5"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 6"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 7"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 8"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 9"))
tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 10"))
if tba.Post([]byte("HELLO 11")) {
t.Errorf("Post should have failed.")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 60)

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@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
package primitives
import (
// SignedProof encapsulates a signed proof
type SignedProof []byte
type SignedProof struct {
Commit []byte
Proof []byte
// Message encapsulates a message for more readable code.
type Message []byte
// State defines an array of messages.
type State struct {
message []Message
Messages []Message
// AuditableStore defines a cryptographically secure & auditable transcript of messages sent from multiple
@ -25,50 +28,64 @@ type AuditableStore struct {
state State
identity Identity
transcript *core.Transcript
latestCommit []byte
commits map[string]bool
LatestCommit []byte
commits map[string]int
mutex sync.Mutex
// Init initializes an auditable store
func (as *AuditableStore) Init(identity Identity) {
as.identity = identity
as.transcript = core.NewTranscript("auditable-data-store")
as.commits = make(map[string]bool)
as.commits = make(map[string]int)
// Add adds a message to the auditable store
func (as *AuditableStore) Add(message Message, latestCommit []byte) ([]byte, SignedProof, error) {
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(latestCommit, as.latestCommit) == 1 {
as.state.message = append(as.state.message, message)
as.transcript.AddToTranscript("new-message", message)
as.latestCommit = as.identity.Sign(as.transcript.CommitToTranscript("commit"))
return as.latestCommit, as.identity.Sign(as.latestCommit), nil
// this prevents multiple clients updating at the same time and will likely cause retry storms.
return nil, nil, errors.New("attempt to append out of date transcript")
func (as *AuditableStore) Add(message Message) SignedProof {
defer as.mutex.Unlock()
as.state.Messages = append(as.state.Messages, message)
as.transcript.AddToTranscript("new-message", message)
as.LatestCommit = as.identity.Sign(as.transcript.CommitToTranscript("commit"))
return SignedProof{as.LatestCommit, as.identity.Sign(as.LatestCommit)}
// GetState returns the current auditable state
func (as *AuditableStore) GetState() (State, []byte, SignedProof) {
return as.state, as.latestCommit, as.identity.Sign(as.latestCommit)
func (as *AuditableStore) GetState() (State, SignedProof) {
defer as.mutex.Unlock()
return as.state, SignedProof{as.LatestCommit, as.identity.Sign(as.LatestCommit)}
// GetMessagesAfter provides access to messages after the given commit.
func (as *AuditableStore) GetMessagesAfter(latestCommit []byte) []Message {
defer as.mutex.Unlock()
index, ok := as.commits[base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(latestCommit)]
if !ok && len(latestCommit) == 32 {
return []Message{}
} else if len(latestCommit) == 0 {
index = -1
return as.state.Messages[index+1:]
// MergeState merges a given state onto our state, first verifying that the two transcripts align
func (as *AuditableStore) MergeState(state State, signedStateProof SignedProof, key ed25519.PublicKey) error {
next := len(as.state.message)
for _, m := range state.message[next:] {
as.state.message = append(as.state.message, m)
func (as *AuditableStore) MergeState(state State, signedStateProof SignedProof) error {
next := len(as.state.Messages)
for i, m := range state.Messages[next:] {
as.state.Messages = append(as.state.Messages, m)
// We reconstruct the transcript
as.transcript.AddToTranscript("new-message", m)
as.latestCommit = as.identity.Sign(as.transcript.CommitToTranscript("commit"))
as.commits[base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(as.latestCommit)] = true
as.LatestCommit = as.identity.Sign(as.transcript.CommitToTranscript("commit"))
as.commits[base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(as.LatestCommit)] = next + i
// verify that our state matches the servers signed state
// this is *not* a security check, as a rogue server can simply sign any state
// however committing to a state allows us to build fraud proofs for malicious servers later on.
if ed25519.Verify(key, as.latestCommit, signedStateProof) == false {
if ed25519.Verify(as.identity.PublicKey(), as.LatestCommit, signedStateProof.Proof) == false {
return errors.New("state is not consistent, the server is malicious")
return nil
@ -84,16 +101,16 @@ func (as *AuditableStore) MergeState(state State, signedStateProof SignedProof,
// If, after syncing, the FraudProof still validates, then the server must be malicious.
// the information revealed by publicizing a fraud proof is minimal it only reveals the inconsistent transcript commit
// and not the cause (which could be reordered messages, dropped messages, additional messages or any combination)
func (as *AuditableStore) VerifyFraudProof(commit []byte, signedFraudProof SignedProof, key ed25519.PublicKey) (bool, error) {
func (as *AuditableStore) VerifyFraudProof(signedFraudProof SignedProof, key ed25519.PublicKey) (bool, error) {
if ed25519.Verify(key, commit, signedFraudProof) == false {
if ed25519.Verify(key, signedFraudProof.Commit, signedFraudProof.Proof) == false {
// This could happen due to misuse of this function (trying to verify a proof with the wrong public key)
// This could happen if the server lies to us and submits a fake state proof, however we cannot use this to
// prove that the server is acting maliciously
return false, errors.New("signed proof has not been signed by the given public key")
_, exists := as.commits[base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(commit)]
_, exists := as.commits[base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(signedFraudProof.Commit)]
if !exists {
// We have a message signed by the server which verifies that a message was inserted into the state at a given index
// However this directly contradicts our version of the state.

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@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ func TestAuditableStore(t *testing.T) {
vs.Init(serverID) // This doesn't do anything
as.Add([]byte("Hello World"), as.latestCommit)
state, _, proof := as.GetState()
as.Add([]byte("Hello World"))
state, proof := as.GetState()
if vs.MergeState(state, proof, serverID.PublicKey()) != nil {
if vs.MergeState(state, proof) != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fraud Proof Failed on Honest Proof")
commit, fraudProof, _ := as.Add([]byte("Hello World 2"), as.latestCommit)
fraudProof := as.Add([]byte("Hello World 2"))
// If you comment these out it simulates a lying server.
state, _, proof = as.GetState()
if vs.MergeState(state, proof, serverID.PublicKey()) != nil {
state, proof = as.GetState()
if vs.MergeState(state, proof) != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fraud Proof Failed on Honest Proof")
fraud, err := vs.VerifyFraudProof(commit, fraudProof, serverID.PublicKey())
fraud, err := vs.VerifyFraudProof(fraudProof, serverID.PublicKey())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error validated fraud proof: %v", err)

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -29,10 +30,16 @@ type SignedToken struct {
// SpentToken encapsulates the parameters needed to spend a Token
type SpentToken struct {
t []byte
T []byte
MAC []byte
// TokenPaymentHandler defines an interface with external payment processors
type TokenPaymentHandler interface {
NextToken(data []byte) (SpentToken, error)
// GenBlindedToken initializes the Token
// GenToken() & Blind()
func (t *Token) GenBlindedToken() BlindedToken {
@ -41,6 +48,7 @@ func (t *Token) GenBlindedToken() BlindedToken {
t.r = new(ristretto.Scalar).Rand()
Ht := sha3.Sum256(t.t)
log.Debugf("token: %x", Ht)
T := new(ristretto.Point).SetElligator(&Ht)
P := new(ristretto.Point).ScalarMult(T, t.r)
return BlindedToken{P}

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package privacypass
import (
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ func TestToken_SpendToken(t *testing.T) {
func TestGenerateBlindedTokenBatch(t *testing.T) {
server := NewTokenServer()
clientTranscript := core.NewTranscript("privacyPass")

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@ -5,21 +5,24 @@ import (
// TokenServer implements a token server.
type TokenServer struct {
k *ristretto.Scalar
Y *ristretto.Point
seen map[string]bool
k *ristretto.Scalar
Y *ristretto.Point
seen map[string]bool
mutex sync.Mutex
// NewTokenServer generates a new TokenServer (used mostly for testing with ephemeral instances)
func NewTokenServer() TokenServer {
k := new(ristretto.Scalar).Rand()
return TokenServer{k, new(ristretto.Point).ScalarMultBase(k), make(map[string]bool)}
return TokenServer{k, new(ristretto.Point).ScalarMultBase(k), make(map[string]bool), sync.Mutex{}}
// SignBlindedToken calculates kP for the given BlindedToken P
@ -57,18 +60,23 @@ func (ts *TokenServer) constructBatchProof(blindedTokens []BlindedToken, signedT
// IsValid returns true a SpentToken is valid and has never been spent before, false otherwise.
func (ts *TokenServer) IsValid(token SpentToken, data []byte) bool {
if _, spent := ts.seen[hex.EncodeToString(token.t)]; spent {
log.Debugf("data: [%s]", data)
defer ts.mutex.Unlock() // We only want 1 client at a time redeeming tokens to prevent double-spends
if _, spent := ts.seen[hex.EncodeToString(token.T)]; spent {
return false
Ht := sha3.Sum256(token.t)
Ht := sha3.Sum256(token.T)
log.Debugf("token: %x", Ht)
T := new(ristretto.Point).SetElligator(&Ht)
W := new(ristretto.Point).ScalarMult(T, ts.k)
key := sha3.Sum256(append(token.t, W.Bytes()...))
key := sha3.Sum256(append(token.T, W.Bytes()...))
mac := hmac.New(sha3.New512, key[:])
K := mac.Sum(data)
log.Debugf("mac: \n%x\nK:%x\n", token.MAC, K)
result := hmac.Equal(token.MAC, K)
if result == true {
ts.seen[hex.EncodeToString(token.t)] = true
ts.seen[hex.EncodeToString(token.T)] = true
return result