First cut of connection-deduplication

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2019-07-16 13:22:30 -07:00
parent 1fec260185
commit 17871cade7
4 changed files with 69 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ func (ea SimpleApp) Init(connection *tapir.Connection) {
// CheckConnection is a simple test that GetConnection is working.
func CheckConnection(service tapir.Service, hostname string) {
for {
_, err := service.GetConnection(hostname)
if err == nil {
} else {
log.Errorf("Error %v", err)
func main() {
@ -53,17 +67,18 @@ func main() {
id := identity.InitializeV3("server", &sk, &pk)
// Init a Client to Connect to the Server
go client(acn, pubkey)
client, clienthostname := genclient(acn)
go connectclient(client, pubkey)
// Init the Server running the Simple App.
var service tapir.Service
service = new(tor.BaseOnionService)
service.Init(acn, sk, id)
go CheckConnection(service, clienthostname)
// Client will Connect and launch it's own Echo App goroutine.
func client(acn connectivity.ACN, key ed25519.PublicKey) {
func genclient(acn connectivity.ACN) (tapir.Service, string) {
pubkey, privateKey, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
sk := ed25519.PrivateKey(privateKey)
pk := ed25519.PublicKey(pubkey)
@ -71,13 +86,19 @@ func client(acn connectivity.ACN, key ed25519.PublicKey) {
var client tapir.Service
client = new(tor.BaseOnionService)
client.Init(acn, sk, id)
cid, _ := client.Connect(utils.GetTorV3Hostname(key), SimpleApp{})
return client, utils.GetTorV3Hostname(pk)
// Client will Connect and launch it's own Echo App goroutine.
func connectclient(client tapir.Service, key ed25519.PublicKey) {
client.Connect(utils.GetTorV3Hostname(key), SimpleApp{})
// Once connected, it shouldn't take long to authenticate and run the application. So for the purposes of this demo
// we will wait a little while then exit.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
conn, _ := client.GetConnection(cid)
conn, _ := client.GetConnection(utils.GetTorV3Hostname(key))
log.Debugf("Client has Auth: %v", conn.HasCapability(applications.AuthCapability))

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@ -50,23 +50,51 @@ func (s *BaseOnionService) WaitForCapabilityOrClose(cid string, name string) (*t
// GetConnection returns a connection for a given hostname.
func (s *BaseOnionService) GetConnection(connectionID string) (*tapir.Connection, error) {
conn, ok := s.connections.Load(connectionID)
if !ok {
func (s *BaseOnionService) GetConnection(hostname string) (*tapir.Connection, error) {
var conn *tapir.Connection
s.connections.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
connection := value.(*tapir.Connection)
if connection.Hostname == hostname {
if !connection.Closed {
conn = connection
return false
return true
if conn == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no connection found")
connection := conn.(*tapir.Connection)
return connection, nil
return conn, nil
// Connect initializes a new outbound connection to the given peer, using the defined Application
func (s *BaseOnionService) Connect(hostname string, app tapir.Application) (string, error) {
_, err := s.GetConnection(hostname)
if err == nil {
// Note: This check is not 100% reliable. And we may end up with two connections between peers
// This can happen when a client connects to a server as the server is connecting to the client
// Because at the start of the connection the server cannot derive the true hostname of the client until it
// has auth'd
// We mitigate this by performing multiple checks when Connect'ing
return "", errors.New("already connected to " + hostname)
// connects to a remote server
// spins off to a connection struct
log.Debugf("Connecting to %v", hostname)
conn, _, err := s.acn.Open(hostname)
if err == nil {
connectionID := s.getNewConnectionID()
// Second check. If we didn't catch a double connection attempt before the Open we *should* catch it now because
// the auth protocol is quick and Open over onion connections can take some time.
// Again this isn't 100% reliable.
_, err := s.GetConnection(hostname)
if err == nil {
return "", errors.New("already connected to " + hostname)
log.Debugf("Connected to %v [%v]", hostname, connectionID)
s.connections.Store(connectionID, tapir.NewConnection(, hostname, true, conn, app.NewInstance()))
return connectionID, nil

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@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func main() {
// Init a Client to Connect to the Server
go client(acn, pubkey)
// Client will Connect and launch it's own Echo App goroutine.

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ type Service interface {
// Connection defines a Tapir Connection
type Connection struct {
hostname string
Hostname string
conn net.Conn
capabilities sync.Map
encrypted bool
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ type Connection struct {
ID identity.Identity
Outbound bool
Closed bool
MaxLength int
MaxLength int
// NewConnection creates a new Connection
func NewConnection(id identity.Identity, hostname string, outbound bool, conn net.Conn, app Application) *Connection {
connection := new(Connection)
connection.hostname = hostname
connection.Hostname = hostname
connection.conn = conn
connection.App = app
connection.ID = id
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ func NewConnection(id identity.Identity, hostname string, outbound bool, conn ne
// SetHostname sets the hostname on the connection
func (c *Connection) SetHostname(hostname string) {
log.Debugf("[%v -- %v] Asserting Remote Hostname: %v", c.ID.Hostname(), c.hostname, hostname)
c.hostname = hostname
log.Debugf("[%v -- %v] Asserting Remote Hostname: %v", c.ID.Hostname(), c.Hostname, hostname)
c.Hostname = hostname
// SetCapability sets a capability on the connection
func (c *Connection) SetCapability(name string) {
log.Debugf("[%v -- %v] Setting Capability %v", c.ID.Hostname(), c.hostname, name)
log.Debugf("[%v -- %v] Setting Capability %v", c.ID.Hostname(), c.Hostname, name)
c.capabilities.Store(name, true)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func (c *Connection) Expect() []byte {
n, err := io.ReadFull(c.conn, buffer)
if n != c.MaxLength || err != nil {
log.Errorf("[%v -> %v] Wire Error Reading, Read %d bytes, Error: %v", c.hostname, c.ID.Hostname(), n, err)
log.Errorf("[%v -> %v] Wire Error Reading, Read %d bytes, Error: %v", c.Hostname, c.ID.Hostname(), n, err)
c.Closed = true
return []byte{}
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func (c *Connection) Expect() []byte {
if ok {
copy(buffer, decrypted)
} else {
log.Errorf("[%v -> %v] Error Decrypting Message On Wire", c.hostname, c.ID.Hostname())
log.Errorf("[%v -> %v] Error Decrypting Message On Wire", c.Hostname, c.ID.Hostname())
c.Closed = true
return []byte{}
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ func (c *Connection) Send(message []byte) {
encrypted := secretbox.Seal(nonce[:], buffer[0:c.MaxLength-40], &nonce, &c.key)
copy(buffer, encrypted[0:c.MaxLength])
log.Debugf("[%v -> %v] Wire Send %x", c.ID.Hostname(), c.hostname, buffer)
log.Debugf("[%v -> %v] Wire Send %x", c.ID.Hostname(), c.Hostname, buffer)
_, err := c.conn.Write(buffer)
if err != nil {