
92 lines
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package core
import (
// Transcript implements a transcript of a public coin argument.
// We have the following goals:
// - Provide a consisted transcript API for our zero knowledge protocols
// - Allow sequential proofs over a common transcript (ensuring a single proof cannot be extracted standalone)
// - produce an auditable human-readable transcript.
// The design of this API was inspired by Merlin: https://docs.rs/crate/merlin/
// At some point we might want to extend this to be compatible with Merlin transcripts, built on STROBE
type Transcript struct {
hash hash.Hash
transcript string
// NewTranscript creates a new Transcript with the given Label, the label should be unique to the application
func NewTranscript(label string) *Transcript {
transcript := new(Transcript)
transcript.hash = sha3.New256()
transcript.AddToTranscript("protocol", []byte(label))
return transcript
// AddToTranscript appends a value to the transcript with the given label
// This binds the given data to the label.
func (t *Transcript) AddToTranscript(label string, b []byte) {
op := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) %x;", label, len(b), b)
t.transcript = fmt.Sprintf("%v\n%v", t.transcript, op)
// OutputTranscriptToAudit outputs a human-readable copy of the transcript so far.
func (t Transcript) OutputTranscriptToAudit() string {
return t.transcript
// NewProtocol provides explicit protocol separation in a transcript (more readable audit scripts and even more explicit
// binding of committed values to a given context)
func (t *Transcript) NewProtocol(label string) {
op := fmt.Sprintf("---- new-protcol: %s ----", label)
t.transcript = fmt.Sprintf("%v\n%v", t.transcript, op)
// CommitToTranscript generates a challenge based on the current transcript, it also commits the challenge to the transcript.
func (t *Transcript) CommitToTranscript(label string) []byte {
t.AddToTranscript("commit", []byte(label))
b := t.hash.Sum([]byte{})
t.AddToTranscript(label, b)
return b
// PRNG defines a psuedorandom number generator
type PRNG struct {
prng io.Reader
// Next returns the next "random" scalar from the PRNG
func (prng *PRNG) Next() *ristretto.Scalar {
buf := [32]byte{}
io.ReadFull(prng.prng, buf[:])
return new(ristretto.Scalar).SetBytes(&buf)
// CommitToPRNG commits the label to the transcript and derives a PRNG from the transcript.
func (t *Transcript) CommitToPRNG(label string) PRNG {
t.AddToTranscript("commit-prng", []byte(label))
b := t.hash.Sum([]byte{})
t.AddToTranscript(label, b)
prng := sha3.NewShake256()
return PRNG{prng: prng}
// CommitToTranscriptScalar is a convenience method for CommitToTranscript which returns a ristretto Scalar
func (t *Transcript) CommitToTranscriptScalar(label string) *ristretto.Scalar {
c := t.CommitToTranscript(label)
cs := [32]byte{}
copy(cs[:], c[:])
return new(ristretto.Scalar).SetBytes(&cs)