
182 lines
6.3 KiB

extern crate core;
use std::borrow::{BorrowMut};
use std::fs::read_dir;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::thread;
use cwtch_imp::imp;
use cwtch_imp::behaviour;
use cwtch_imp::behaviour::BehaviourBuilder;
use cwtch_imp::behaviour::Behaviour;
use cwtch_imp::imp::Imp;
use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset};
use libcwtch;
use libcwtch::CwtchLib;
use libcwtch::event::{ContactIdentity, ConversationID};
use libcwtch::structs::*;
const DIST_DIR: &str = "cwtch_dist";
const BOT_HOME: &str = "~/.cwtch/bots/update_bot";
const PASSWORD: &str = "be gay do crime";
const BOT_NAME: &str = "Update Bot";
const LAST_OFFERED_KEY: &str = "profile.last_version_offered";
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Version {
major: u8,
minor: u8,
fix: u8,
path: PathBuf,
struct UpdateBot {
versions_dirs: Vec<Version>,
latest_version: PathBuf,
version: String,
impl Version {
pub fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Self {
let vs = path.to_str().unwrap().strip_prefix(DIST_DIR).unwrap().trim_start_matches("/v");
let parts: Vec<&str> = vs.split(".").collect();
if parts.len() != 3 {
return Version{ major: 0, minor: 0, fix: 0, path: PathBuf::new()}
return Version{ major: parts[0].parse::<u8>().unwrap(), minor: parts[1].parse::<u8>().unwrap(), fix: parts[2].parse::<u8>().unwrap(), path: path}
impl UpdateBot {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut versions_dirs: Vec<Version> = vec![];
for entry in
read_dir(Path::new(DIST_DIR)).expect(&format!("could not open '{}' dir", DIST_DIR))
let entry = entry.unwrap();
let path: PathBuf = entry.path();
if path.is_dir() {
println!("version: {}", path.to_str().unwrap());
let v = Version::new(path);
println!("{:?}", v);
if versions_dirs.len() == 0 {
panic!("no cwtch versions detected in {}!", DIST_DIR)
versions_dirs.sort_unstable_by_key(|item| (item.major, item.minor, item.fix));
println!("sorted vd: {:?}", versions_dirs);
let latest_version = versions_dirs[versions_dirs.len() - 1].clone();
let version: String = latest_version.path
let bot = UpdateBot {
versions_dirs: versions_dirs,
latest_version: latest_version.path,
version: version,
println!("versions: {:?}\n", bot.versions_dirs);
return bot;
fn main() {
if !Path::new(DIST_DIR).exists() {
panic!("no '{}' directory with versions to distribute", DIST_DIR)
let mut update_bot = UpdateBot::new();
let behaviour: Behaviour = BehaviourBuilder::new().name(BOT_NAME.to_string()).profile_pic_path("updatebot.png".to_string()).new_contact_policy(behaviour::NewContactPolicy::Accept).build();
let event_loop_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut bot = Imp::spawn(behaviour, PASSWORD.to_string(), BOT_HOME.to_string());
event_loop_handle.join().expect("Error running event loop");
impl UpdateBot {
pub fn greet(&self, cwtch: &dyn CwtchLib, profile: &Profile, convo_id: ConversationID) {
let do_offer = match cwtch.get_conversation_attribute(
&format!("local.{}", LAST_OFFERED_KEY),
) {
Ok(ret) => match ret {
Some(last_offered) => last_offered != self.version,
None => true,
Err(_) => false
if do_offer {
self.offer(cwtch, profile, convo_id);
pub fn offer(&self, cwtch: &dyn CwtchLib, profile: &Profile, convo_id: ConversationID) {
let resp_message = format!(
"Currently offering Cwtch {}\nPlease respond with the OS you would like a package for:\n- Windows\n- Android\n- MacOS\n- Linux",
let response = MessageWrapper {
o: MessageType::TextMessage,
d: resp_message,
cwtch.send_message(&profile.profile_id, convo_id, &response);
impl imp::EventHandler for UpdateBot {
fn on_contact_online(&self, cwtch: &dyn libcwtch::CwtchLib, profile: &Profile, convo_id: ConversationID) {
self.greet(cwtch, profile, convo_id);
fn on_new_message_from_contact(&self, cwtch: &dyn libcwtch::CwtchLib, profile: &Profile, conversation_id: ConversationID, _handle: String, _timestamp_received: DateTime<FixedOffset>, message: MessageWrapper) {
let mut body = message.d.clone();
match body.as_str() {
"windows" => {
let mut windows_path = self.latest_version.clone();
windows_path.push(format!("cwtch-installer-{}.exe", self.version));
cwtch.share_file(&profile.profile_id, conversation_id, windows_path.to_str().unwrap());
"linux" => {
let mut linux_path = self.latest_version.clone();
linux_path.push(format!("cwtch-{}.tar.gz", self.version));
cwtch.share_file(&profile.profile_id, conversation_id, linux_path.to_str().unwrap());
"macos" => {
let mut mac_path = self.latest_version.clone();
mac_path.push(format!("Cwtch-{}.dmg", self.version));
cwtch.share_file(&profile.profile_id, conversation_id, mac_path.to_str().unwrap());
"android" => {
let mut android_path = self.latest_version.clone();
android_path.push(format!("cwtch-{}.apk", self.version));
cwtch.share_file(&profile.profile_id, conversation_id, android_path.to_str().unwrap());
_ => {
self.offer(cwtch, profile, conversation_id);