
72 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/cwtch/ffi.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/cwtch/gomobile.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'cwtch/cwtch.dart';
import 'model.dart';
import 'views/profilemgrview.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
void main() => runApp(Flwtch());
class Flwtch extends StatefulWidget {
final Key flwtch = GlobalKey();
FlwtchState createState() => FlwtchState();
class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> {
final TextStyle biggerFont = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18);
Cwtch cwtch;
AppModel appStatus;
initState() {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
cwtch = CwtchGomobile();
} else {
cwtch = CwtchFfi();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
appStatus = AppModel(cwtch: cwtch);
return Provider<FlwtchState>(
create: (_) => this,
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
// This is the theme of your application.
// Try running your application with "flutter run". You'll see the
// application has a blue toolbar. Then, without quitting the app, try
// changing the primarySwatch below to Colors.green and then invoke
// "hot reload" (press "r" in the console where you ran "flutter run",
// or simply save your changes to "hot reload" in a Flutter IDE).
// Notice that the counter didn't reset back to zero; the application
// is not restarted.
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
// This makes the visual density adapt to the platform that you run
// the app on. For desktop platforms, the controls will be smaller and
// closer together (more dense) than on mobile platforms.
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
primaryColor: Color(0xFF4B3557),
canvasColor: Color(0xFFB09CBC),
accentColor: Color(0xFFD01972),
home: ProfileMgrView(),