drone windows test final
continuous-integration/drone/push Build was killed Details

This commit is contained in:
Dan Ballard 2021-05-12 16:30:22 -07:00
parent dcaf6ccf8a
commit efcc1a64ab
1 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ steps:
- name: build-windows
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-dev
- flutter pub get
- flutter build windows
#- flutter pub get
#- flutter build windows
# flwtch-`cat VERSION`-`cat BUILDDATE`
- $Env:buildname = 'flwtch-win-'
- $Env:buildname += type .\VERSION
@ -214,13 +214,17 @@ steps:
- $Env:builddir += $Env:buildname
- $Env:zip = $Env:buildname
- $Env:zip += '.zip'
- $Env:sha = $Env:zip
- $Env:sha += '.sha512'
- mkdir deploy
- move build\\windows\\runner\\Release $Env:builddir
#- move build\\windows\\runner\\Release $Env:builddir
- mkdir $Env:builddir
- powershell -command "Expand-Archive -Path tor.zip -DestinationPath $Env:builddir\Tor"
- powershell -command "Compress-Archive -Path $Env:builddir -DestinationPath $Env:zip"
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash tor.zip -Algorithm sha512).Hash > .\$Env:zip.sha512"
- move $Env:zip deploy
- move $Env:zip.sha512 deploy
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash $Env:zip -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > $Env:sha
- mkdir deploy\$Env:builddir
- move $Env:zip deploy\$Env:builddir
- move $Env:sha deploy\$Env:builddir
- dir deploy
- name: deploy-windows
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.2rc