Compare commits


3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sarah Jamie Lewis 7c587bf295 Flutter Upgrade + Translations 2021-06-07 15:12:24 -07:00
Sarah Jamie Lewis 54c2818cf2 Fix Self-Invitations
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing Details
2021-06-07 14:15:19 -07:00
Sarah Jamie Lewis f3d713cfcc Fix invitation wrapping
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing Details
2021-06-04 17:04:06 -07:00
79 changed files with 1998 additions and 2994 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,174 @@
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: linux-android-test
disable: true
- name: clone
image: cirrusci/flutter:dev
from_secret: buildbot_key_b64
- mkdir ~/.ssh
- echo $buildbot_key_b64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.b64
- base64 -d ~/.ssh/id_rsa.b64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# force by pass of ssh host key check, less secure
- ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- git clone .
- git checkout $DRONE_COMMIT
- name: fetch
image: cirrusci/flutter:dev
- name: deps
path: /root/.pub-cache
- wget
- wget
- chmod a+x tor
- echo `git describe --tags` > VERSION
- echo `date +%G-%m-%d-%H-%M` > BUILDDATE
- flutter pub get
- mkdir deploy
- ./
#- name: quality
# image: golang
# volumes:
# - name: deps
# path: /go
# commands:
# - go list ./... | xargs go vet
# - go list ./... | xargs golint
# #Todo: fix all the lint errors and add `-set_exit_status` above to enforce linting
- name: build-linux
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:linux-dev
- name: deps
path: /root/.pub-cache
- flutter build linux --dart-define BUILD_VER=`cat VERSION` --dart-define BUILD_DATE=`cat BUILDDATE`
- mkdir deploy/linux
- cp -r build/linux/x64/release/bundle/* deploy/linux
- cp linux/cwtch.desktop deploy/linux
- cp linux/cwtch.png deploy/linux
- cp linux/ deploy/linux/lib/
- cp /sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/icudtl.dat deploy/linux
- cp tor deploy/linux
- cd deploy
- mv linux cwtch
- tar -czf cwtch-`cat ../VERSION`.tar.gz cwtch
- rm -r cwtch
- name: build-android
image: cirrusci/flutter:dev
event: push
from_secret: upload_jks_file_b64
from_secret: upload_jks_pass
- name: deps
path: /root/.pub-cache
- echo $upload_jks_file_b64 > upload-keystore.jks.b64
- base64 -i --decode upload-keystore.jks.b64 > android/app/upload-keystore.jks
- sed -i "s/%jks-password%/$upload_jks_pass/g" android/
- flutter build appbundle --dart-define BUILD_VER=`cat VERSION` --dart-define BUILD_DATE=`cat BUILDDATE`
# cant do debug for final release, this is just a stop gap
- flutter build apk --dart-define BUILD_VER=`cat VERSION` --dart-define BUILD_DATE=`cat BUILDDATE`
# or build apk --split-per-abi ?
- cp build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab deploy/
- cp build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk deploy/
#- cp build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk deploy/android
- name: widget-tests
image: cirrusci/flutter:dev
- name: deps
path: /root/.pub-cache
# - flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
- flutter test --coverage
- genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html
# Todo: gonna need more work on container
# requirements: Visual Studio 2019 (not to be confused with Visual Studio Code) with the “Desktop development with C++” workload installed, including all of its default components
#- name: build-windows
# image: cirrusci/flutter:dev
#- volumes:
# - name: deps
# path: /root/.pub-cache
# commands:
# - flutter config --enable-windows-desktop
# - flutter build windows
- name: deploy-buildfiles
image: kroniak/ssh-client
from_secret: buildfiles_key
secrets: [gogs_account_token]
event: push
status: [ success ]
- echo $BUILDFILES_KEY > ~/id_rsab64
- base64 -d ~/id_rsab64 > ~/id_rsa
- chmod 400 ~/id_rsa
- export DIR=flwtch-`cat VERSION`-`cat BUILDDATE`
- mv deploy $DIR
- cp -r coverage/html $DIR/coverage-tests
- cp -r test/failures $DIR/test-failures || true
- cd $DIR
- find . -type f -exec sha256sum {} \; > ./../sha256s.txt
- mv ./../sha256s.txt .
- cd ..
# TODO: do deployment once files actaully compile
- scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/id_rsa $DIR
- name: notify-email
image: drillster/drone-email
port: 25
skip_verify: true
status: [ failure ]
- name: notify-gogs
image: openpriv/drone-gogs
event: pull_request
status: [ success, changed, failure ]
from_secret: gogs_account_token
- name: deps
temp: {}
repo: flutter/flutter_app
branch: trunk
- push
- pull_request
kind: pipeline kind: pipeline
type: docker type: docker
name: windows name: windows
@ -32,68 +203,45 @@ steps:
- name: fetch - name: fetch
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.3rc image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.3rc
commands: commands:
- powershell -command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile" - powershell -command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile"
- powershell -command "if ((Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha512).Hash -ne '72764eb07ad8ab511603aba0734951ca003989f5f4686af91ba220217b4a8a4bcc5f571b59f52c847932f6efedf847b111621983050fcddbb8099d43ca66fb07' ) { Write-Error ' sha512sum mismatch' }" - powershell -command "if ((Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha512).Hash -ne '2b7d683f036d0fec149f1d2bdfcf5b7ef4c337005a2b685c056b00047fdb2b57d4c25b8559ad7ef5c7a030b273934be82a9f83ef6e391f5d7d13d8d6c83e8048' ) { Write-Error ' sha512sum mismatch' }"
- git describe --tags > VERSION - git describe --tags > VERSION
- powershell -command "Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm'" > BUILDDATE - powershell -command "Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm'" > BUILDDATE
- .\fetch-libcwtch-go.ps1 - .\fetch-libcwtch-go.ps1
- name: build-windows - name: build-windows
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.3rc image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.3rc
commands: commands:
- flutter pub get - flutter pub get
# flwtch-`cat VERSION`-`cat BUILDDATE`
- $Env:buildname = 'flwtch-win-'
- $Env:version += type .\VERSION - $Env:version += type .\VERSION
- $Env:buildname += $Env:version
- $Env:buildname += '-'
- $Env:builddate += type .\BUILDDATE - $Env:builddate += type .\BUILDDATE
- $Env:releasedir = "build\\windows\\runner\\Release\\" - $Env:buildname += $Env:builddate
- $Env:builddir += $Env:buildname
- $Env:zip = 'cwtch-'
- $Env:zip += $Env:version
- $Env:zip += '.zip'
- $Env:sha = $Env:zip
- $Env:sha += '.sha512'
- flutter build windows --dart-define BUILD_VER=$Env:version --dart-define BUILD_DATE=$Env:builddate - flutter build windows --dart-define BUILD_VER=$Env:version --dart-define BUILD_DATE=$Env:builddate
- copy windows\libCwtch.dll $Env:releasedir
# flutter hasn't worked out it's packaging of required dll's so we have to resort to this manual nonsense
- copy C:\BuildTools\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.29.30036\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\vcruntime140.dll $Env:releasedir
- copy C:\BuildTools\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.29.30036\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\vcruntime140_1.dll $Env:releasedir
- copy C:\BuildTools\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.29.30036\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\msvcp140.dll $Env:releasedir
- powershell -command "Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath $Env:releasedir\Tor"
- name: package-windows
image: openpriv/nsis:latest
from_secret: pfx
from_secret: pfx_pass
- $Env:version += type .\VERSION
- $Env:builddate += type .\BUILDDATE
- $Env:releasedir = "build\\windows\\runner\\Release\\"
- $Env:zip = 'cwtch-' + $Env:version + '.zip'
- $Env:zipsha = $Env:zip + '.sha512'
- $Env:msix = 'cwtch-install-' + $Env:version + '.msix'
- $Env:msixsha = $Env:msix + '.sha512'
- $Env:buildname = 'flwtch-win-' + $Env:version + '-' + $Env:builddate
- $Env:builddir = $Env:buildname
- echo $Env:pfx > codesign.pfx.b64
- certutil -decode codesign.pfx.b64 codesign.pfx
- signtool sign /v /fd sha256 /a /f codesign.pfx /p $Env:pfx_pass /tr $Env:releasedir\cwtch.exe
- copy windows\runner\resources\knot_128.ico $Env:releasedir\cwtch.ico
- makensis windows\nsis\cwtch-installer.nsi
- move windows\nsis\cwtch-installer.exe cwtch-installer.exe
- signtool sign /v /fd sha256 /a /f codesign.pfx /p $Env:pfx_pass /tr cwtch-installer.exe
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash cwtch-installer.exe -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > cwtch-installer.sha512
- mkdir deploy - mkdir deploy
- move build\\windows\\runner\\Release $Env:builddir
- copy windows\libCwtch.dll $Env:builddir
- powershell -command "Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath $Env:builddir\Tor"
- powershell -command "Compress-Archive -Path $Env:builddir -DestinationPath $Env:zip"
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash *.zip -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > $Env:sha
- mkdir deploy\$Env:builddir - mkdir deploy\$Env:builddir
- move $Env:releasedir $Env:builddir - move $Env:zip deploy\$Env:builddir
- powershell -command "Compress-Archive -Path $Env:builddir -DestinationPath" - move $Env:sha deploy\$Env:builddir
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > $Env:zipsha
- move cwtch-installer.exe deploy\$Env:builddir\cwtch-installer.exe
- move deploy\$Env:builddir\$Env:zip
- move *.sha512 deploy\$Env:builddir
- name: deploy-windows - name: deploy-windows
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.3rc image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fdev2.3rc
when: when:
event: push event: push
status: [ success ] status: [ success ]
environment: environment:
from_secret: buildfiles_key from_secret: buildfiles_key
@ -106,4 +254,4 @@ trigger:
repo: flutter/flutter_app repo: flutter/flutter_app
branch: trunk branch: trunk
event: event:
- push - push

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
v0.0.2-108-g3964348-2021-06-24-17-42 v0.0.2-49-g6a0e839-2021-06-02-19-40

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Open Privacy Research Society
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Cwtch UI # flwtch
A Flutter based Cwtch UI A Flutter based Cwtch UI
@ -32,24 +32,14 @@ After adding a new key and providing/obtaining translations for it, follow the n
### Updating translations ### Updating translations
Only Open Privacy staff members can update translations. Only Open Privacy staff members can update translations automatically:
In Lokalise, hit Download and make sure: ```
flutter pub run flutter_lokalise download -v --api-token "<X>" --project-id "<Y>"
* Format is set to "Flutter (.arb) This will download a bundle of translations from Lokalise and convert it to resource files in `lib/l10n/intl_*.arb`.
* Output filename is set to `l10n/intl_%LANG_ISO%.%FORMAT%` The next time Flwtch is built, Flutter will notice the changes and update `app_localizations.dart` accordingly (thanks to `generate:true` in `pubspec.yaml`).
* Empty translations is set to "Replace with base language"
Build, download and unzip the output, overwriting `lib/l10n`. The next time Flwtch is built, Flutter will notice the changes and update `app_localizations.dart` accordingly (thanks to `generate:true` in `pubspec.yaml`).
### Adding a language
If a new language has been added to the Lokalise project, two additional manual steps need to be done:
* Create a new key called `localeXX` for the name of the language
* Add it to the settings pane by updating `getLanguageFull()` in `lib/views/globalsettingsview.dart`
Then rebuild as normal.
### Using a string ### Using a string
@ -67,5 +57,6 @@ Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.stringIdentifer),
### Configuration ### Configuration
With `generate: true` in `pubspec.yaml`, the Flutter build process checks `l10n.yaml` for input/output filenames. API tokens are only available to Open Privacy staff at this time, who will perform the translation updates for you as part of merging your PRs.
With `generate: true` in `pubspec.yaml`, the Flutter build process checks `l10n.yaml` for input/output filenames.

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
# Functional Requirements # Functional Requirements
- [ ] Kill all processes / isolates on exit (Blocked - P1) - [ ] Kill all processes / isolates on exit (Blocked - P1)
- [X] Android Service? (P1) - [ ] Android Service? (P1)
# Splash Screen # Splash Screen
- [X] Android - [X] Android
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
- [ ] Desktop (P2) - [ ] Desktop (P2)
# Custom Styled Widgets # Custom Styled Widgets
- [X] Label Widget - [/] Label Widget
- [X] Initial - [X] Initial
- [X] With Accessibility / Zoom Integration (P1) - [ ] With Accessibility / Zoom Integration (P1)
- [X] Text Field Widget - [X] Text Field Widget
- [X] Password Widget - [X] Password Widget
- [X] Text Button Widget (for Copy) - [X] Text Button Widget (for Copy)
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
- [X] Profile Picture - [X] Profile Picture
- [X] default images - [X] default images
- [ ] custom images (P3) - [ ] custom images (P3)
- [X] coloured ring border (P2) - [ ] coloured ring border (P2)
- [X] Profile Name - [X] Profile Name
- [X] Edit Button - [X] Edit Button
- [X Unread messages badge (P2) - [ ] Unread messages badge (P2)
- [X] Navigate to a specific Profile Contacts Pane (when clicking on a Profile row) - [X] Navigate to a specific Profile Contacts Pane (when clicking on a Profile row)
- [X] Navigate to a specific Profile Management Pane (edit Button) - [X] Navigate to a specific Profile Management Pane (edit Button)
- [X] Navigate to the Settings Pane (Settings Button in Action bar) - [X] Navigate to the Settings Pane (Settings Button in Action bar)
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
- [X] Update Profile Name - [X] Update Profile Name
- [X] Update Profile Password - [X] Update Profile Password
- [X] Error Message When Attempting to Update Password with Wrong Old Password (P2) - [ ] Error Message When Attempting to Update Password with Wrong Old Password (P2)
- [ ] Easy Transition from Unencrypted Profile -> Encrypted Profile (P3) - [ ] Easy Transition from Unencrypted Profile -> Encrypted Profile (P3)
- [X] Delete a Profile (P2) - [ ] Delete a Profile (P2)
- [X] Dialog Acknowledgement (P2) - [ ] Dialog Acknowledgement (P2)
- [X] Require Old Password Gate (P2) - [ ] Require Old Password Gate (P2)
- [X] Async Checking of Password (P2) - [ ] Async Checking of Password (P2)
- [X] Copy Profile Onion Address - [X] Copy Profile Onion Address
## Profile Pane (formally Contacts Pane) ## Profile Pane (formally Contacts Pane)
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
- [X] Name - [X] Name
- [X] Onion - [X] Onion
- [X] Online Status - [X] Online Status
- [X] Unread Messages Badge (P1) - [ ] Unread Messages Badge (P1)
- [X] In Order of Most Recent Message / Activity (P1) - [ ] In Order of Most Recent Message / Activity (P1)
- [X] With Accept / Reject Heart/Trash Bin Option (P1) - [ ] With Accept / Reject Heart/Trash Bin Option (P1)
- [X] Separate list area for Blocked Contacts (P1) - [ ] Separate list area for Blocked Contacts (P1)
- [X] Display all Group Contacts (if experiment is enabled) - [ ] Display all Group Contacts (if experiment is enabled)
- [X] Navigate to a specific Contact or Group Message Pane (Contact Row) - [X] Navigate to a specific Contact or Group Message Pane (Contact Row)
- [X] Pressing Back should go back to the home pane - [X] Pressing Back should go back to the home pane
@ -88,22 +88,22 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
- [X] Allowing Copying the Profile Onion Address for Sharing - [X] Allowing Copying the Profile Onion Address for Sharing
- [X] Allowing Pasting a Peer Onion Address for adding to Contacts - [X] Allowing Pasting a Peer Onion Address for adding to Contacts
- [ ] (with optional name field) - [ ] (with optional name field)
- [X] Allowing Pasting a Group Invite / Server Address - [ ] Allowing Pasting a Group Invite / Server Address
- [X] (if group experiment is enabled) - [X] (if group experiment is enabled)
## Message Overlay ## Message Overlay
- [X] Display Messages from Contacts - [X] Display Messages from Contacts
- [X] Allowing copying the text of a specific message (on mobile) (P2) - [ ] Allowing copying the text of a specific message (on mobile) (P2)
- [X] Send a message to the specific Contact / Group - [X] Send a message to the specific Contact / Group
- [~] Display the Acknowledgement status of a message (P1) - [~] Display the Acknowledgement status of a message (P1)
- [X] Navigate to the specific Contact or Group Settings Pane ( Settings Button in Action bar) - [ ] Navigate to the specific Contact or Group Settings Pane ( Settings Button in Action bar)
- [ ] Emoji Support (P1) - [ ] Emoji Support (P1)
- [ ] Display in-message emoji text labels e.g. `:label:` as emoji. (P1) - [ ] Display in-message emoji text labels e.g. `:label:` as emoji. (P1)
- [ ] Functional Emoji Drawer Widget for Selection (P2) - [ ] Functional Emoji Drawer Widget for Selection (P2)
- [ ] Mutant Standard? (P2) - [ ] Mutant Standard? (P2)
- [X] Display a warning if Contact / Server is offline (Broken Heart) (P1) - [ ] Display a warning if Contact / Server is offline (Broken Heart) (P1)
- [X] Display a warning for configuring peer history (P2) - [ ] Display a warning for configuring peer history (P2)
- [X] Pressing Back should go back to the contacts pane - [X] Pressing Back should go back to the contacts pane
## List Overlay (P3) ## List Overlay (P3)
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ required - any new Cwtch work is beyond the scope of this initial spec.
- [X] Pressing Back should go back to the message pane - [X] Pressing Back should go back to the message pane
## Group Settings Pane (experimental - P3) ## Group Settings Pane (experimental - P3)
- [X] Gated behind group experiment - [ ] Gated behind group experiment
- [X] Update local name of group - [ ] Update local name of group
- [X] Get Group Invite - [ ] Get Group Invite
- [X] Leave Group - [ ] Leave Group
- [X] Pressing Back should go back to the message pane for the group - [ ] Pressing Back should go back to the message pane for the group

View File

@ -69,15 +69,6 @@ android {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release signingConfig signingConfigs.release
} }
} }
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString()
} }
flutter { flutter {
@ -91,30 +82,4 @@ dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.3.2" implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.3.2"
implementation "" implementation ""
implementation "" implementation ""
// WorkManager
// (Java only)
// Kotlin + coroutines
// optional - RxJava2 support
// optional - GCMNetworkManager support
// optional - Test helpers
// optional - Multiprocess support
implementation ""
// end of workmanager deps
// needed to prevent a ListenableFuture dependency conflict/bug
// see
implementation ''
} }

View File

@ -43,9 +43,4 @@
<!--Needed to access Tor socket--> <!--Needed to access Tor socket-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!--Needed to run in background (lol)-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<!--Meeded to check if activity is foregrounded or if messages from the service should be queued-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
</manifest> </manifest>

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
package im.cwtch.flwtch
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content.LocalBroadcastManager
import cwtch.Cwtch
import io.flutter.FlutterInjector
import org.json.JSONObject
class FlwtchWorker(context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) :
CoroutineWorker(context, parameters) {
private val notificationManager =
context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as
private var notificationID: MutableMap<String, Int> = mutableMapOf()
private var notificationIDnext: Int = 1
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
val method = inputData.getString(KEY_METHOD)
?: return Result.failure()
val args = inputData.getString(KEY_ARGS)
?: return Result.failure()
// Mark the Worker as important
val progress = "Cwtch is keeping Tor running in the background"//todo:translate
return handleCwtch(method, args)
private fun getNotificationID(profile: String, contact: String): Int {
val k = "$profile $contact"
if (!notificationID.containsKey(k)) {
notificationID[k] = notificationIDnext++
return notificationID[k] ?: -1
private fun handleCwtch(method: String, args: String): Result {
val a = JSONObject(args)
when (method) {
"Start" -> {
Log.i("FlwtchWorker.kt", "handleAppInfo Start")
val appDir = (a.get("appDir") as? String) ?: ""
val torPath = (a.get("torPath") as? String) ?: "tor"
Log.i("FlwtchWorker.kt", "appDir: '$appDir' torPath: '$torPath'")
if (Cwtch.startCwtch(appDir, torPath) != 0.toLong()) return Result.failure()
Log.i("FlwtchWorker.kt", "startCwtch success, starting coroutine AppbusEvent loop...")
while(true) {
Log.i("FlwtchWorker.kt", "while(true)getAppbusEvent()")
val evt = MainActivity.AppbusEvent(Cwtch.getAppBusEvent())
if (evt.EventType == "NewMessageFromPeer" || evt.EventType == "NewMessageFromGroup") {
val data = JSONObject(evt.Data)
val channelId =
createMessageNotificationChannel(data.getString("RemotePeer"), data.getString("RemotePeer"))
} else {
// If earlier version channel ID is not used
val loader = FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader()
val key = loader.getLookupKeyForAsset("assets/"+data.getString("Picture"))//"assets/profiles/001-centaur.png")
val fh =
val clickIntent = Intent(applicationContext, { intent ->
intent.action = Intent.ACTION_RUN
intent.putExtra("EventType", "NotificationClicked")
intent.putExtra("ProfileOnion", data.getString("ProfileOnion"))
intent.putExtra("RemotePeer", if (evt.EventType == "NewMessageFromPeer") data.getString("RemotePeer") else data.getString("GroupID"))
val newNotification = NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, channelId)
.setContentText("New message")//todo: translate
.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(applicationContext, 1, clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT))
notificationManager.notify(getNotificationID(data.getString("ProfileOnion"), data.getString("RemotePeer")), newNotification)
Intent().also { intent ->
intent.action = "im.cwtch.flwtch.broadcast.SERVICE_EVENT_BUS"
intent.putExtra("EventType", evt.EventType)
intent.putExtra("Data", evt.Data)
intent.putExtra("EventID", evt.EventID)
"ReconnectCwtchForeground" -> {
"CreateProfile" -> {
val nick = (a.get("nick") as? String) ?: ""
val pass = (a.get("pass") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.createProfile(nick, pass)
"LoadProfiles" -> {
val pass = (a.get("pass") as? String) ?: ""
"GetMessage" -> {
val profile = (a.get("profile") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("contact") as? String) ?: ""
val indexI = a.getInt("index")
Log.i("FlwtchWorker.kt", "indexI = $indexI")
return Result.success(Data.Builder().putString("result", Cwtch.getMessage(profile, handle, indexI.toLong())).build())
"UpdateMessageFlags" -> {
val profile = (a.get("profile") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("contact") as? String) ?: ""
val midx = (a.get("midx") as? Long) ?: 0
val flags = (a.get("flags") as? Long) ?: 0
Cwtch.updateMessageFlags(profile, handle, midx, flags)
"AcceptContact" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("handle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.acceptContact(profile, handle)
"BlockContact" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("handle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.blockContact(profile, handle)
"SendMessage" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("handle") as? String) ?: ""
val message = (a.get("message") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.sendMessage(profile, handle, message)
"SendInvitation" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("handle") as? String) ?: ""
val target = (a.get("target") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.sendInvitation(profile, handle, target)
"SendProfileEvent" -> {
val onion = (a.get("onion") as? String) ?: ""
val jsonEvent = (a.get("jsonEvent") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.sendProfileEvent(onion, jsonEvent)
"SendAppEvent" -> {
val jsonEvent = (a.get("jsonEvent") as? String) ?: ""
"ResetTor" -> {
"ImportBundle" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val bundle = (a.get("bundle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.importBundle(profile, bundle)
"SetGroupAttribute" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val groupHandle = (a.get("groupHandle") as? String) ?: ""
val key = (a.get("key") as? String) ?: ""
val value = (a.get("value") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.setGroupAttribute(profile, groupHandle, key, value)
"CreateGroup" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val server = (a.get("server") as? String) ?: ""
val groupName = (a.get("groupname") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.createGroup(profile, server, groupName)
"DeleteProfile" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val pass = (a.get("pass") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.deleteProfile(profile, pass)
"LeaveConversation" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val contactHandle = (a.get("contactHandle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.leaveConversation(profile, contactHandle)
"LeaveGroup" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val groupHandle = (a.get("groupHandle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.leaveGroup(profile, groupHandle)
"RejectInvite" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val groupHandle = (a.get("groupHandle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.rejectInvite(profile, groupHandle)
"Shutdown" -> {
return Result.success()
else -> return Result.failure()
return Result.success()
// Creates an instance of ForegroundInfo which can be used to update the
// ongoing notification.
private fun createForegroundInfo(progress: String): ForegroundInfo {
val id = "flwtch"
val title = "Flwtch"
val cancel = "Shut down"//todo: translate
val channelId =
createForegroundNotificationChannel(id, id)
} else {
// If earlier version channel ID is not used
// This PendingIntent can be used to cancel the worker
val intent = WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext)
val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, channelId)
// Add the cancel action to the notification which can
// be used to cancel the worker
.addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_delete, cancel, intent)
return ForegroundInfo(101, notification)
private fun createForegroundNotificationChannel(channelId: String, channelName: String): String{
val chan = NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_NONE)
chan.lightColor = Color.MAGENTA
chan.lockscreenVisibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
return channelId
private fun createMessageNotificationChannel(channelId: String, channelName: String): String{
val chan = NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
chan.lightColor = Color.MAGENTA
chan.lockscreenVisibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
return channelId
companion object {
const val KEY_ARGS = "KEY_ARGS"

View File

@ -1,29 +1,33 @@
package im.cwtch.flwtch package im.cwtch.flwtch
import SplashView import SplashView
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.IntentFilter
import androidx.annotation.NonNull import androidx.annotation.NonNull
import import
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Looper
import android.util.Log import android.util.Log
import android.view.Window
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content.LocalBroadcastManager import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import import
import import
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.Result import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.Result
import cwtch.Cwtch
import io.flutter.plugin.common.EventChannel
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
import org.json.JSONObject import org.json.JSONObject
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import
class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() { class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
override fun provideSplashScreen(): SplashScreen? = SplashView() override fun provideSplashScreen(): SplashScreen? = SplashView()
// Channel to get app info // Channel to get app info
@ -36,37 +40,13 @@ class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
// Channel to send eventbus events on // Channel to send eventbus events on
private val CWTCH_EVENTBUS = "" private val CWTCH_EVENTBUS = ""
// Channel to trigger contactview when an external notification is clicked
private val CHANNEL_NOTIF_CLICK = "im.cwtch.flwtch/notificationClickHandler"
// WorkManager tag applied to all Start() infinite coroutines
val WORKER_TAG = "cwtchEventBusWorker"
private var myReceiver: MyBroadcastReceiver? = null
private var methodChan: MethodChannel? = null
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
if (methodChan == null || intent.extras == null) return
if (!intent.extras!!.containsKey("ProfileOnion") || !intent.extras!!.containsKey("RemotePeer")) {
Log.i("onNewIntent", "got intent with no onions")
val profile = intent.extras!!.getString("ProfileOnion")
val handle = intent.extras!!.getString("RemotePeer")
val mappo = mapOf("ProfileOnion" to profile, "RemotePeer" to handle)
val j = JSONObject(mappo)
methodChan!!.invokeMethod("NotificationClicked", j.toString())
override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) { override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
super.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine) super.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine)
// Note: this methods are invoked on the main thread. // Note: this methods are invoked on the main thread.
//note to self: ask someone if this does anything ^ea
MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL_APP_INFO).setMethodCallHandler { call, result -> handleAppInfo(call, result) } MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL_APP_INFO).setMethodCallHandler { call, result -> handleAppInfo(call, result) }
MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL_CWTCH).setMethodCallHandler { call, result -> handleCwtch(call, result) } MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL_CWTCH).setMethodCallHandler { call, result -> handleCwtch(call, result) }
methodChan = MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL_NOTIF_CLICK)
} }
private fun handleAppInfo(@NonNull call: MethodCall, @NonNull result: Result) { private fun handleAppInfo(@NonNull call: MethodCall, @NonNull result: Result) {
@ -81,91 +61,143 @@ class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
val ainfo = this.applicationContext.packageManager.getApplicationInfo( val ainfo = this.applicationContext.packageManager.getApplicationInfo(
"im.cwtch.flwtch", // Must be app name "im.cwtch.flwtch", // Must be app name
return ainfo.nativeLibraryDir return ainfo.nativeLibraryDir
} }
// receives messages from the ForegroundService (which provides, ironically enough, the backend)
private fun handleCwtch(@NonNull call: MethodCall, @NonNull result: Result) { private fun handleCwtch(@NonNull call: MethodCall, @NonNull result: Result) {
var method = call.method when (call.method) {
val argmap: Map<String, String> = call.arguments as Map<String, String> "Start" -> {
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "handleAppInfo Start")
val appDir = (call.argument("appDir") as? String) ?: "";
val torPath = (call.argument("torPath") as? String) ?: "tor";
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", " appDir: '" + appDir + "' torPath: '" + torPath + "'")
Cwtch.startCwtch(appDir, torPath)
// the frontend calls Start every time it fires up, but we don't want to *actually* call Cwtch.Start() // seperate coroutine to poll event bus and send to dart
// in case the ForegroundService is still running. in both cases, however, we *do* want to re-register val eventbus_chan = MethodChannel(flutterEngine?.dartExecutor?.binaryMessenger, CWTCH_EVENTBUS)
// the eventbus listener. Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "got event chan: " + eventbus_chan + " launching corouting...")
if (call.method == "Start") { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val uniqueTag = argmap["torPath"] ?: "nullEventBus" while(true) {
val evt = AppbusEvent(Cwtch.getAppBusEvent())
// note: because the ForegroundService is specified as UniquePeriodicWork, it can't actually get Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "got appbusEvent: " + evt)
// accidentally duplicated. however, we still need to manually check if it's running or not, so launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
// that we can divert this method call to ReconnectCwtchForeground instead if so. //todo: this elides evt.EventID which may be needed at some point?
val works = WorkManager.getInstance(this).getWorkInfosByTag(WORKER_TAG).get() eventbus_chan.invokeMethod(evt.EventType, evt.Data)
for (workInfo in works) { }
Log.i("handleCwtch:WorkManager", "$workInfo") }
if (!workInfo.tags.contains(uniqueTag)) {
Log.i("handleCwtch:WorkManager", "canceling ${} bc tags don't include $uniqueTag")
} }
} }
WorkManager.getInstance(this).pruneWork() "SelectProfile" -> {
val onion = (call.argument("profile") as? String) ?: "";
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "Start() launching foregroundservice") Cwtch.selectProfile(onion)
// this is where the eventbus ForegroundService gets launched. WorkManager should keep it alive after this
val data: Data = Data.Builder().putString(FlwtchWorker.KEY_METHOD, call.method).putString(FlwtchWorker.KEY_ARGS, JSONObject(argmap).toString()).build()
// 15 minutes is the shortest interval you can request
val workRequest = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<FlwtchWorker>(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES).setInputData(data).addTag(WORKER_TAG).addTag(uniqueTag).build()
WorkManager.getInstance(this).enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("req_$uniqueTag", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE, workRequest)
// ...otherwise fallthru to a normal ffi method call (and return the result using the result callback)
val data: Data = Data.Builder().putString(FlwtchWorker.KEY_METHOD, method).putString(FlwtchWorker.KEY_ARGS, JSONObject(argmap).toString()).build()
val workRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<FlwtchWorker>().setInputData(data).build()
this, Observer { workInfo ->
if (workInfo.state == WorkInfo.State.SUCCEEDED) {
val res = workInfo.outputData.keyValueMap.toString()
} }
) "CreateProfile" -> {
} val nick = (call.argument("nick") as? String) ?: "";
val pass = (call.argument("pass") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.createProfile(nick, pass)
"LoadProfiles" -> {
val pass = (call.argument("pass") as? String) ?: "";
"GetProfiles" -> result.success(Cwtch.getProfiles())
// "ACNEvents" -> result.success(Cwtch.acnEvents())
"ContactEvents" -> result.success(Cwtch.contactEvents())
"NumMessages" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("profile") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("contact") as? String) ?: "";
result.success(Cwtch.numMessages(profile, handle))
"GetMessage" -> {
//Log.i("MainActivivity.kt", (call.argument("index")));
// using onresume/onstop for broadcastreceiver because of extended discussion on // var args : HashMap<String, dynamic> = call.arguments();
override fun onResume() { // Log.i("MainActivity.kt", args);
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "onResume")
if (myReceiver == null) { val profile = (call.argument("profile") as? String) ?: "";
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "onResume registering local broadcast receiver / event bus forwarder") val handle = (call.argument("contact") as? String) ?: "";
val mc = MethodChannel(flutterEngine?.dartExecutor?.binaryMessenger, CWTCH_EVENTBUS) val indexI = call.argument<Int>("index") ?: 0;
val filter = IntentFilter("im.cwtch.flwtch.broadcast.SERVICE_EVENT_BUS") Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "indexI = " + indexI)
myReceiver = MyBroadcastReceiver(mc) result.success(Cwtch.getMessage(profile, handle, indexI.toLong()))
LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(applicationContext).registerReceiver(myReceiver!!, filter) }
"GetMessages" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("profile") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("contact") as? String) ?: "";
val start = (call.argument("start") as? Long) ?: 0;
val end = (call.argument("end") as? Long) ?: 0;
result.success(Cwtch.getMessages(profile, handle, start, end))
"AcceptContact" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("handle") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.acceptContact(profile, handle);
"BlockContact" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("handle") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.blockContact(profile, handle);
"DebugResetContact" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("handle") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.debugResetContact(profile, handle);
"SendMessage" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("handle") as? String) ?: "";
val message = (call.argument("message") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.sendMessage(profile, handle, message);
"SendInvitation" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val handle = (call.argument("handle") as? String) ?: "";
val target = (call.argument("target") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.sendInvitation(profile, handle, target);
"SendProfileEvent" -> {
val onion = (call.argument("onion") as? String) ?: "";
val jsonEvent = (call.argument("jsonEvent") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.sendProfileEvent(onion, jsonEvent);
"SendAppEvent" -> {
val jsonEvent = (call.argument("jsonEvent") as? String) ?: "";
"ResetTor" -> {
"ImportBundle" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val bundle = (call.argument("bundle") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.importBundle(profile, bundle);
"SetGroupAttribute" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val groupHandle = (call.argument("groupHandle") as? String) ?: "";
val key = (call.argument("key") as? String) ?: "";
val value = (call.argument("value") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.setGroupAttribute(profile, groupHandle, key, value);
"CreateGroup" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val server = (call.argument("server") as? String) ?: "";
val groupName = (call.argument("groupname") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.createGroup(profile, server, groupName);
"LeaveGroup" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val groupHandle = (call.argument("groupHandle") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.leaveGroup(profile, groupHandle);
"RejectInvite" -> {
val profile = (call.argument("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: "";
val groupHandle = (call.argument("groupHandle") as? String) ?: "";
Cwtch.rejectInvite(profile, groupHandle);
else -> result.notImplemented()
} }
// ReconnectCwtchForeground which will resync counters and settings...
// We need to do this here because after a "pause" flutter is still running
// but we might have lost sync with the background process...
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "Call ReconnectCwtchForeground")
val data: Data = Data.Builder().putString(FlwtchWorker.KEY_METHOD, "ReconnectCwtchForeground").putString(FlwtchWorker.KEY_ARGS, "{}").build()
val workRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<FlwtchWorker>().setInputData(data).build()
override fun onStop() {
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "onStop")
if (myReceiver != null) {
myReceiver = null;
override fun onDestroy() {
Log.i("MainActivity.kt", "onDestroy - cancelling all WORKER_TAG and pruning old work")
} }
// source: // source:
@ -187,17 +219,4 @@ class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
val EventID = this.optString("EventID") val EventID = this.optString("EventID")
val Data = this.optString("Data") val Data = this.optString("Data")
} }
// MainActivity.MyBroadcastReceiver receives events from the Cwtch service via im.cwtch.flwtch.broadcast.SERVICE_EVENT_BUS Android local broadcast intents
// then it forwards them to the flutter ui engine using the CWTCH_EVENTBUS methodchannel
class MyBroadcastReceiver(mc: MethodChannel) : BroadcastReceiver() {
val eventBus: MethodChannel = mc
override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
val evtType = intent.getStringExtra("EventType") ?: ""
val evtData = intent.getStringExtra("Data") ?: ""
//val evtID = intent.getStringExtra("EventID") ?: ""//todo?
eventBus.invokeMethod(evtType, evtData)
} }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent"
app:lottie_autoPlay="true" app:lottie_autoPlay="true"
app:lottie_rawRes="@raw/cwtch_animated_logo_op" app:lottie_rawRes="@raw/cwtch_animated_logo"
app:lottie_loop="true" app:lottie_loop="true"
app:lottie_speed="1.00" /> app:lottie_speed="1.00" />

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ subprojects {
project.evaluationDependsOn(':app') project.evaluationDependsOn(':app')
} }
//removed due to gradle namespace conflicts that are beyond erinn's mere mortal understanding task clean(type: Delete) {
//task clean(type: Delete) { delete rootProject.buildDir
// delete rootProject.buildDir }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 20 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile
if ((Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha512).Hash -ne '72764eb07ad8ab511603aba0734951ca003989f5f4686af91ba220217b4a8a4bcc5f571b59f52c847932f6efedf847b111621983050fcddbb8099d43ca66fb07' ) { Write-Error ' sha512sum mismatch' } if ((Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha512).Hash -ne '2b7d683f036d0fec149f1d2bdfcf5b7ef4c337005a2b685c056b00047fdb2b57d4c25b8559ad7ef5c7a030b273934be82a9f83ef6e391f5d7d13d8d6c83e8048' ) { Write-Error ' sha512sum mismatch' }
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath Tor Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath Tor

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
wget -O linux/tor
chmod a+x linux/tor
mkdir -p android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a
wget -O android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/
chmod a+x android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/
mkdir -p android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a
wget -O android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/
chmod a+x android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
import 'package:flutter/src/services/text_input.dart';
abstract class Cwtch { abstract class Cwtch {
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<void> Start(); Future<void> Start();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<void> ReconnectCwtchForeground();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SelectProfile(String onion); void SelectProfile(String onion);
@ -12,8 +8,6 @@ abstract class Cwtch {
void CreateProfile(String nick, String pass); void CreateProfile(String nick, String pass);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LoadProfiles(String pass); void LoadProfiles(String pass);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DeleteProfile(String onion, String pass);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void ResetTor(); void ResetTor();
@ -28,19 +22,28 @@ abstract class Cwtch {
void AcceptContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle); void AcceptContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void BlockContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle); void BlockContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DebugResetContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> ACNEvents();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> ContactEvents();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> GetProfiles();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> NumMessages(String profile, String handle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> GetMessage(String profile, String handle, int index); Future<dynamic> GetMessage(String profile, String handle, int index);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void UpdateMessageFlags(String profile, String handle, int index, int flags); Future<dynamic> GetMessages(String profile, String handle, int start, int end);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SendMessage(String profile, String handle, String message); void SendMessage(String profile, String handle, String message);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SendInvitation(String profile, String handle, String target); void SendInvitation(String profile, String handle, String target);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LeaveConversation(String profile, String handle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void CreateGroup(String profile, String server, String groupName); void CreateGroup(String profile, String server, String groupName);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
@ -53,8 +56,5 @@ abstract class Cwtch {
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle); void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void Shutdown();
void dispose(); void dispose();
} }

View File

@ -17,28 +17,20 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
late ErrorHandler error; late ErrorHandler error;
late TorStatus torStatus; late TorStatus torStatus;
late NotificationsManager notificationManager; late NotificationsManager notificationManager;
late AppState appState;
CwtchNotifier(ProfileListState pcn, Settings settingsCN, ErrorHandler errorCN, TorStatus torStatusCN, NotificationsManager notificationManagerP, AppState appStateCN) { CwtchNotifier(ProfileListState pcn, Settings settingsCN, ErrorHandler errorCN, TorStatus torStatusCN, NotificationsManager notificationManagerP) {
profileCN = pcn; profileCN = pcn;
settings = settingsCN; settings = settingsCN;
error = errorCN; error = errorCN;
torStatus = torStatusCN; torStatus = torStatusCN;
notificationManager = notificationManagerP; notificationManager = notificationManagerP;
appState = appStateCN;
} }
void handleMessage(String type, dynamic data) { void handleMessage(String type, dynamic data) {
switch (type) { switch (type) {
case "CwtchStarted":
case "CwtchStartError":
case "NewPeer": case "NewPeer":
// if tag != v1-defaultPassword then it is either encrypted OR it is an unencrypted account created during pre-beta... profileCN.add(ProfileInfoState(
profileCN.add(data["Identity"], data["name"], data["picture"], data["ContactsJson"], data["ServerList"], data["Online"] == "true", data["tag"] != "v1-defaultPassword"); onion: data["Identity"], nickname: data["name"], imagePath: data["picture"], contactsJson: data["ContactsJson"], serversJson: data["ServerList"], online: data["Online"] == "true"));
break; break;
case "PeerCreated": case "PeerCreated":
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.add(ContactInfoState( profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.add(ContactInfoState(
@ -65,20 +57,13 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
if (serverInfoState != null) { if (serverInfoState != null) {
status = serverInfoState.status; status = serverInfoState.status;
} }
if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"]) == null) { if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"]) == null) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.add(ContactInfoState(data["ProfileOnion"], data["GroupID"], profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.add(ContactInfoState(data["ProfileOnion"], data["GroupID"],
isInvitation: false, imagePath: data["PicturePath"], nickname: data["GroupName"], status: status, server: data["GroupServer"], isGroup: true, lastMessageTime:; isInvitation: false, imagePath: data["PicturePath"], nickname: data["GroupName"], status: status, server: data["GroupServer"], isGroup: true, lastMessageTime:;
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["GroupID"],; profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["GroupID"],;
} }
break; break;
case "PeerDeleted":
// todo standarize
case "DeleteContact":
case "DeleteGroup": case "DeleteGroup":
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.removeContact(data["GroupID"]); profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.removeContact(data["GroupID"]);
break; break;
@ -98,9 +83,7 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
break; break;
case "NewMessageFromPeer": case "NewMessageFromPeer":
notificationManager.notify("New Message From Peer!"); notificationManager.notify("New Message From Peer!");
if (appState.selectedProfile != data["ProfileOnion"] || appState.selectedConversation != data["RemotePeer"]) { profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"])!.unreadMessages++;
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"])!.totalMessages++; profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"])!.totalMessages++;
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["RemotePeer"],; profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["RemotePeer"],;
break; break;
@ -125,9 +108,7 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
case "NewMessageFromGroup": case "NewMessageFromGroup":
if (data["ProfileOnion"] != data["RemotePeer"]) { if (data["ProfileOnion"] != data["RemotePeer"]) {
//not from me //not from me
if (appState.selectedProfile != data["ProfileOnion"] || appState.selectedConversation != data["GroupID"]) { profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"])!.unreadMessages++;
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"])!.totalMessages++; profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"])!.totalMessages++;
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["GroupID"],; profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["GroupID"],;
} else { } else {
@ -144,11 +125,6 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
} }
} }
break; break;
case "MessageCounterResync":
var contactHandle = data["RemotePeer"];
if (contactHandle == null || contactHandle == "") contactHandle = data["GroupID"];
profileCN.getProfile(data["Identity"])?.contactList.getContact(contactHandle)!.totalMessages = int.parse(data["Data"]);
case "IndexedFailure": case "IndexedFailure":
print("IndexedFailure: $data"); print("IndexedFailure: $data");
var idx = data["Index"]; var idx = data["Index"];
@ -176,10 +152,7 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
break; break;
case "AppError": case "AppError":
print("New App Error: $data"); print("New App Error: $data");
// special case for delete error (todo: standardize cwtch errors) if (data["Data"] != null) {
if (data["Error"] == "Password did not match") {
} else if (data["Data"] != null) {
error.handleUpdate(data["Data"]); error.handleUpdate(data["Data"]);
} }
break; break;
@ -201,32 +174,27 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
print("acn status: $data"); print("acn status: $data");
torStatus.handleUpdate(int.parse(data["Progress"]), data["Status"]); torStatus.handleUpdate(int.parse(data["Progress"]), data["Status"]);
break; break;
case "ACNVersion":
print("acn version: $data");
case "UpdateServerInfo": case "UpdateServerInfo":
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.replaceServers(data["ServerList"]); profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.replaceServers(data["ServerList"]);
break; break;
case "NewGroup": case "NewGroup":
print("new group: $data"); print("new group invite: $data");
String invite = data["GroupInvite"].toString(); String invite = data["GroupInvite"].toString();
if (invite.startsWith("torv3")) { if (invite.startsWith("torv3")) {
String inviteJson = new String.fromCharCodes(base64Decode(invite.substring(5))); String inviteJson = new String.fromCharCodes(base64Decode(invite.substring(5)));
dynamic groupInvite = jsonDecode(inviteJson); dynamic groupInvite = jsonDecode(inviteJson);
print("group invite: $groupInvite"); print("new group invite: $groupInvite");
// Retrieve Server Status from Cache... // Retrieve Server Status from Cache...
String status = ""; String status = "";
ServerInfoState? serverInfoState = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])!.serverList.getServer(groupInvite["ServerHost"]); ServerInfoState? serverInfoState = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.serverList.getServer(groupInvite["ServerHost"]);
if (serverInfoState != null) { if (serverInfoState != null) {
print("Got server status: " + serverInfoState.status);
status = serverInfoState.status; status = serverInfoState.status;
} }
if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(groupInvite["GroupID"]) == null) { if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(groupInvite["GroupID"]) == null) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.add(ContactInfoState(data["ProfileOnion"], groupInvite["GroupID"], profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.add(ContactInfoState(data["ProfileOnion"], groupInvite["GroupID"],
isInvitation: false, isInvitation: true,
imagePath: data["PicturePath"], imagePath: data["PicturePath"],
nickname: groupInvite["GroupName"], nickname: groupInvite["GroupName"],
server: groupInvite["ServerHost"], server: groupInvite["ServerHost"],

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:io' show Platform; import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart';
import 'package:flutter/src/services/text_input.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
@ -16,11 +15,8 @@ import '../config.dart';
/// Cwtch API /// /// Cwtch API ///
///////////////////// /////////////////////
typedef start_cwtch_function = Int8 Function(Pointer<Utf8> str, Int32 length, Pointer<Utf8> str2, Int32 length2); typedef start_cwtch_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8> str, Int32 length, Pointer<Utf8> str2, Int32 length2);
typedef StartCwtchFn = int Function(Pointer<Utf8> dir, int len, Pointer<Utf8> tor, int torLen); typedef StartCwtchFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8> dir, int len, Pointer<Utf8> tor, int torLen);
typedef void_from_void_funtion = Void Function();
typedef VoidFromVoidFunction = void Function();
typedef void_from_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32); typedef void_from_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32);
typedef VoidFromStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int); typedef VoidFromStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int);
@ -31,9 +27,6 @@ typedef VoidFromStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer
typedef void_from_string_string_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32); typedef void_from_string_string_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32);
typedef VoidFromStringStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int); typedef VoidFromStringStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int);
typedef void_from_string_string_int_int_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Int64, Int64);
typedef VoidFromStringStringIntIntFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, int);
typedef access_cwtch_eventbus_function = Void Function(); typedef access_cwtch_eventbus_function = Void Function();
typedef NextEventFn = void Function(); typedef NextEventFn = void Function();
@ -61,14 +54,13 @@ typedef GetJsonBlobFromStrStrIntFn = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int,
typedef get_json_blob_from_str_str_int_int_function = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Int32, Int32); typedef get_json_blob_from_str_str_int_int_function = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Int32, Int32);
typedef GetJsonBlobFromStrStrIntIntFn = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, int); typedef GetJsonBlobFromStrStrIntIntFn = Pointer<Utf8> Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, int);
typedef appbus_events_function = Pointer<Utf8> Function(); typedef acn_events_function = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef AppbusEventsFn = Pointer<Utf8> Function(); typedef ACNEventsFn = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch { class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
late DynamicLibrary library; late DynamicLibrary library;
late CwtchNotifier cwtchNotifier; late CwtchNotifier cwtchNotifier;
late Isolate cwtchIsolate; late Isolate cwtchIsolate;
ReceivePort _receivePort = ReceivePort();
CwtchFfi(CwtchNotifier _cwtchNotifier) { CwtchFfi(CwtchNotifier _cwtchNotifier) {
if (Platform.isWindows) { if (Platform.isWindows) {
@ -109,6 +101,7 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
StartCwtch(ut8CwtchDir, ut8CwtchDir.length, bundledTor.toNativeUtf8(), bundledTor.length); StartCwtch(ut8CwtchDir, ut8CwtchDir.length, bundledTor.toNativeUtf8(), bundledTor.length);
// Spawn an isolate to listen to events from libcwtch-go and then dispatch them when received on main thread to cwtchNotifier // Spawn an isolate to listen to events from libcwtch-go and then dispatch them when received on main thread to cwtchNotifier
var _receivePort = ReceivePort();
cwtchIsolate = await Isolate.spawn(_checkAppbusEvents, _receivePort.sendPort); cwtchIsolate = await Isolate.spawn(_checkAppbusEvents, _receivePort.sendPort);
_receivePort.listen((message) { _receivePort.listen((message) {
var env = jsonDecode(message); var env = jsonDecode(message);
@ -116,14 +109,6 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
}); });
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<void> ReconnectCwtchForeground() async {
var reconnectCwtch = library.lookup<NativeFunction<Void Function()>>("c_ReconnectCwtchForeground");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final ReconnectCwtchForeground = reconnectCwtch.asFunction<void Function()>();
// Called on object being disposed to (presumably on app close) to close the isolate that's listening to libcwtch-go events // Called on object being disposed to (presumably on app close) to close the isolate that's listening to libcwtch-go events
@override @override
void dispose() { void dispose() {
@ -138,7 +123,6 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
await for (var value in stream) { await for (var value in stream) {
sendPort.send(value); sendPort.send(value);
} }
print("checkAppBusEvents finished...");
} }
// Steam of appbus events. Call blocks in libcwtch-go GetAppbusEvent. Static so the isolate can use it // Steam of appbus events. Call blocks in libcwtch-go GetAppbusEvent. Static so the isolate can use it
@ -150,18 +134,13 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
library =""); library ="");
} }
var getAppbusEventC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<appbus_events_function>>("c_GetAppBusEvent"); var getAppbusEventC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<acn_events_function>>("c_GetAppBusEvent");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final GetAppbusEvent = getAppbusEventC.asFunction<AppbusEventsFn>(); final GetAppbusEvent = getAppbusEventC.asFunction<ACNEventsFn>();
while (true) { while (true) {
Pointer<Utf8> result = GetAppbusEvent(); Pointer<Utf8> result = GetAppbusEvent();
String event = result.toDartString(); String event = result.toDartString();
if (event.startsWith("{\"EventType\":\"Shutdown\"")) {
print("Shutting down isolate thread: $event");
yield event; yield event;
} }
} }
@ -194,6 +173,50 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
LoadProfiles(ut8pass, ut8pass.length); LoadProfiles(ut8pass, ut8pass.length);
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<String> ACNEvents() async {
var acnEventsC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<acn_events_function>>("c_ACNEvents");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final ACNEvents = acnEventsC.asFunction<ACNEventsFn>();
Pointer<Utf8> result = ACNEvents();
String event = result.toDartString();
return event;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<String> ContactEvents() async {
var acnEventsC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<acn_events_function>>("c_ContactEvents");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final ContactEvents = acnEventsC.asFunction<ACNEventsFn>();
Pointer<Utf8> result = ContactEvents();
String event = result.toDartString();
return event;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<String> GetProfiles() async {
var getProfilesC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<get_json_blob_void_function>>("c_GetProfiles");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final GetProfiles = getProfilesC.asFunction<GetJsonBlobVoidFn>();
Pointer<Utf8> jsonProfilesBytes = GetProfiles();
String jsonProfiles = jsonProfilesBytes.toDartString();
return jsonProfiles;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<int> NumMessages(String profile, String handle) async {
var numMessagesC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<get_int_from_str_str_function>>("c_NumMessages");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final NumMessages = numMessagesC.asFunction<GetIntFromStrStrFn>();
final utf8profile = profile.toNativeUtf8();
final utf8handle = handle.toNativeUtf8();
int num = NumMessages(utf8profile, utf8profile.length, utf8handle, utf8handle.length);
return num;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<String> GetMessage(String profile, String handle, int index) async { Future<String> GetMessage(String profile, String handle, int index) async {
var getMessageC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<get_json_blob_from_str_str_int_function>>("c_GetMessage"); var getMessageC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<get_json_blob_from_str_str_int_function>>("c_GetMessage");
@ -206,6 +229,18 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
return jsonMessage; return jsonMessage;
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<String> GetMessages(String profile, String handle, int start, int end) async {
var getMessagesC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<get_json_blob_from_str_str_int_int_function>>("c_GetMessages");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final GetMessages = getMessagesC.asFunction<GetJsonBlobFromStrStrIntIntFn>();
final utf8profile = profile.toNativeUtf8();
final utf8handle = handle.toNativeUtf8();
Pointer<Utf8> jsonMessagesBytes = GetMessages(utf8profile, utf8profile.length, utf8handle, utf8handle.length, start, end);
String jsonMessages = jsonMessagesBytes.toDartString();
return jsonMessages;
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SendProfileEvent(String onion, String json) { void SendProfileEvent(String onion, String json) {
@ -249,6 +284,17 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
BlockContact(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length); BlockContact(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DebugResetContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle) {
var debugResetContact = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_string_to_void_function>>("c_DebugResetContact");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final DebugResetContact = debugResetContact.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringFn>();
final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8();
DebugResetContact(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SendMessage(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String message) { void SendMessage(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String message) {
@ -328,63 +374,14 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {
CreateGroup(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length); CreateGroup(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LeaveConversation(String profileOnion, String handle) {
var leaveConversation = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_string_to_void_function>>("c_LeaveConversation");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final LeaveConversation = leaveConversation.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringFn>();
final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = handle.toNativeUtf8();
LeaveConversation(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LeaveGroup(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) { void LeaveGroup(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) {
var leaveGroup = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_string_to_void_function>>("c_LeaveGroup"); var leaveGroup = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_string_to_void_function>>("c_LeaveGroup");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final LeaveGroup = leaveGroup.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringFn>(); final RejectInvite = leaveGroup.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringFn>();
final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = groupHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = groupHandle.toNativeUtf8();
LeaveGroup(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length); RejectInvite(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);
void UpdateMessageFlags(String profile, String handle, int index, int flags) {
var updateMessageFlagsC = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_string_string_int_int_function>>("c_UpdateMessageFlags");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final updateMessageFlags = updateMessageFlagsC.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringIntIntFn>();
final utf8profile = profile.toNativeUtf8();
final utf8handle = handle.toNativeUtf8();
updateMessageFlags(utf8profile, utf8profile.length, utf8handle, utf8handle.length, index, flags);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DeleteProfile(String onion, String currentPassword) {
var deleteprofile = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_string_to_void_function>>("c_DeleteProfile");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final DeleteProfile = deleteprofile.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringFn>();
final u1 = onion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = currentPassword.toNativeUtf8();
DeleteProfile(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);
Future<void> Shutdown() async {
var shutdown = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_void_funtion>>("c_ShutdownCwtch");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
// Shutdown Cwtch + Tor...
final Shutdown = shutdown.asFunction<VoidFromVoidFunction>();
// Kill our Isolate
cwtchIsolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate);
print("Isolate killed");
print("Receive Port Closed");
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cwtch/config.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/config.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
@ -50,13 +51,7 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
} }
String torPath = path.join(await androidLibraryDir, ""); String torPath = path.join(await androidLibraryDir, "");
print("gomobile.dart: Start invokeMethod Start($cwtchDir, $torPath)..."); print("gomobile.dart: Start invokeMethod Start($cwtchDir, $torPath)...");
return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("Start", {"appDir": cwtchDir, "torPath": torPath}); cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("Start", {"appDir": cwtchDir, "torPath": torPath});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<void> ReconnectCwtchForeground() async {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("ReconnectCwtchForeground", {});
} }
// Handle libcwtch-go events (received via kotlin) and dispatch to the cwtchNotifier // Handle libcwtch-go events (received via kotlin) and dispatch to the cwtchNotifier
@ -82,8 +77,24 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DeleteProfile(String onion, String pass) { Future<dynamic> ACNEvents() {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("DeleteProfile", {"ProfileOnion": onion, "pass": pass}); return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("ACNEvents");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> ContactEvents() {
return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("ContactEvents");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> GetProfiles() {
print("gomobile.dart: GetProfiles()");
return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("GetProfiles");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> NumMessages(String profile, String handle) {
return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("NumMessages", {"profile": profile, "contact": handle});
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
@ -92,6 +103,11 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("GetMessage", {"profile": profile, "contact": handle, "index": index}); return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("GetMessage", {"profile": profile, "contact": handle, "index": index});
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<dynamic> GetMessages(String profile, String handle, int start, int end) {
return cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("GetMessage", {"profile": profile, "contact": handle, "start": start, "end": end});
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SendProfileEvent(String onion, String jsonEvent) { void SendProfileEvent(String onion, String jsonEvent) {
@ -119,6 +135,12 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("BlockContact", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "handle": contactHandle}); cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("BlockContact", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "handle": contactHandle});
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DebugResetContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("DebugResetContact", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "handle": contactHandle});
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SendMessage(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String message) { void SendMessage(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String message) {
@ -152,7 +174,7 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) { void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("RejectInvite", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "groupHandle": groupHandle}); cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("RejectInvite", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "handle": groupHandle});
} }
@override @override
@ -163,24 +185,6 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LeaveGroup(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) { void LeaveGroup(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("LeaveGroup", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "groupHandle": groupHandle}); cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("LeaveGroup", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "handle": groupHandle});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LeaveConversation(String profileOnion, String contactHandle) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("LeaveConversation", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "contactHandle": contactHandle});
void UpdateMessageFlags(String profile, String handle, int index, int flags) {
print("gomobile.dart UpdateMessageFlags " + index.toString());
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("UpdateMessageFlags", {"profile": profile, "contact": handle, "index": index, "flags": flags});
Future<void> Shutdown() async {
print("gomobile.dart Shutdown");
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("Shutdown", {});
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// Flutter icons CwtchIcons /// Flutter icons MyFlutterApp
/// Copyright (C) 2021 by Open Privacy Research Society via, /// Copyright (C) 2021 by original authors @,
/// This font was generated by, which is derived from Fontello. /// This font was generated by, which is derived from Fontello.
/// ///
/// To use this font, place it in your fonts/ directory and include the /// To use this font, place it in your fonts/ directory and include the
@ -102,9 +102,8 @@ class CwtchIcons {
static const IconData add_group = IconData(0xe84e, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg); static const IconData add_group = IconData(0xe84e, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData add_peer = IconData(0xe84f, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg); static const IconData add_peer = IconData(0xe84f, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData add_24px = IconData(0xe850, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg); static const IconData add_24px = IconData(0xe850, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData address_copy_2 = IconData(0xe852, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData address = IconData(0xe856, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData send_invite = IconData(0xe888, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg); static const IconData send_invite = IconData(0xe888, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData copy_address = IconData(0xe889, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData leave_group = IconData(0xe88a, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg); static const IconData leave_group = IconData(0xe88a, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
static const IconData leave_chat = IconData(0xe88b, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg); static const IconData leave_chat = IconData(0xe88b, fontFamily: _kFontFam, fontPackage: _kFontPkg);
} }

View File

@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ class ErrorHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
bool importBundleError = false; bool importBundleError = false;
bool importBundleSuccess = false; bool importBundleSuccess = false;
static const String deleteProfileErrorPrefix = "deleteprofile";
bool deleteProfileError = false;
bool deleteProfileSuccess = false;
/// Called by the event bus. /// Called by the event bus.
handleUpdate(String error) { handleUpdate(String error) {
var parts = error.split("."); var parts = error.split(".");
@ -34,9 +30,6 @@ class ErrorHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
case importBundleErrorPrefix: case importBundleErrorPrefix:
handleImportBundleError(errorType); handleImportBundleError(errorType);
break; break;
case deleteProfileErrorPrefix:
} }
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
@ -76,19 +69,4 @@ class ErrorHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
break; break;
} }
} }
handleDeleteProfileError(String errorType) {
// Reset add contact errors
deleteProfileError = false;
deleteProfileSuccess = false;
switch (errorType) {
case successErrorType:
deleteProfileSuccess = true;
deleteProfileError = true;
} }

View File

@ -1,193 +1,170 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "de", "@@locale": "de",
"@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "accepted": "",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "acceptGroupBtn": "Annehmen",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Möchtest Du die Einladung annehmen",
"serverNotSynced": "Syncing New Messages (This can take some time)...", "acknowledgedLabel": "bestätigt",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "addListItem": "Liste hinzufügen",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addListItemBtn": "Element hinzufügen",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "addNewItem": "Ein neues Element zur Liste hinzufügen",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "addNewProfileBtn": "Neues Profil hinzufügen",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addPeer": "Peer hinzufügen",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "addPeerTab": "Einen Peer hinzufügen",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "addProfileTitle": "Neues Profil hinzufügen",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "addressLabel": "Adresse",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "blockBtn": "Peer blockieren",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "blocked": "Blockiert",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "blockUnknownLabel": "Unbekannte Peers blockieren",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "builddate": "Aufgebaut auf: %2",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "bulletinsBtn": "Meldungen",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "chatHistoryDefault": "",
"sendMessage": "Send Message", "contactAlreadyExists": "",
"cancel": "Cancel", "contactSuggestion": "",
"resetTor": "Reset", "conversationSettings": "",
"torStatus": "Tor Status", "copiedClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"torVersion": "Tor Version", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "copyBtn": "Kopieren",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "createGroup": "Gruppe erstellen",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "createGroupBtn": "Anlegen",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "createGroupTab": "Eine Gruppe erstellen",
"newPassword": "New Password", "createGroupTitle": "Gruppe Anlegen",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "createProfileBtn": "Profil speichern",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "currentPasswordLabel": "derzeitiges Passwort",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Einstellungen",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "cycleCatsAndroid": "",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "Adresse hier hinzufügen, um einen Kontakt aufzunehmen", "cycleCatsDesktop": "",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "cycleColoursAndroid": "",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "cycleColoursDesktop": "",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "",
"dateNever": "Never", "dateDaysAgo": "",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateHoursAgo": "",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateLastMonth": "",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastYear": "",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateMinutesAgo": "",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateMonthsAgo": "",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateNever": "",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateRightNow": "",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateWeeksAgo": "",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "dateYearsAgo": "",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "dateYesterday": "",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "defaultGroupName": "Tolle Gruppe",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "defaultScalingText": "defaultmäßige Textgröße (Skalierungsfaktor:",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "deleteBtn": "Löschen",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Geben Sie LÖSCHEN zur Bestätigung ein",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "deleteConfirmText": "LÖSCHEN",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "deleteProfileBtn": "Profil löschen",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Profil wirklich löschen",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "descriptionExperiments": "",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "",
"experimentsEnabled": "Experimente aktiviert", "displayNameLabel": "Angezeigter Name",
"localeIt": "Italiana", "dmTooltip": "Klicken, um DM zu senden",
"localeEs": "Espanol", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf löschen",
"addListItem": "Liste hinzufügen", "editProfile": "Profil bearbeiten",
"addNewItem": "Ein neues Element zur Liste hinzufügen", "editProfileTitle": "Profil bearbeiten",
"todoPlaceholder": "noch zu erledigen", "enableGroups": "",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Neue Verbindung", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "enterProfilePassword": "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein, um Ihre Profile anzuzeigen",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Verbinde zu Netzwerk und Peers ...", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 Profile mit diesem Passwort geladen",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Versuche, eine Verbindung mit dem Tor-Netzwerk herzustellen", "experimentsEnabled": "Experimente aktiviert",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Vom Internet getrennt, überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung", "groupAddr": "Adresse",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Gruppenmitgliedschaft anzeigen", "groupName": "Gruppenname",
"loadingTor": "Tor wird geladen...", "groupNameLabel": "Gruppenname",
"smallTextLabel": "Klein", "invalidImportString": "",
"defaultScalingText": "defaultmäßige Textgröße (Skalierungsfaktor:", "invitation": "Einladung",
"builddate": "Aufgebaut auf: %2", "invitationLabel": "Einladung",
"version": "Version %1", "inviteBtn": "Einladen",
"versionTor": "Version %1 mit tor %2", "inviteToGroup": "",
"themeDark": "Dunkel", "inviteToGroupLabel": "In die Gruppe einladen",
"themeLight": "Licht", "joinGroup": "Gruppe beitreten",
"settingTheme": "Thema", "joinGroupTab": "Einer Gruppe beitreten",
"largeTextLabel": "Groß", "largeTextLabel": "Groß",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoomstufe", "leaveGroup": "",
"localeDe": "Deutsche", "listsBtn": "Listen",
"localePt": "Portuguesa", "loadingTor": "Tor wird geladen...",
"localeFr": "Frances", "localeDe": "Deutsche",
"localeEn": "English", "localeEn": "",
"settingLanguage": "Sprache", "localeEs": "",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Unbekannte Peers blockieren", "localeFr": "",
"zoomLabel": "Benutzeroberflächen-Zoom (betriftt hauptsächlich Text- und Knopgrößen)", "localeIt": "",
"versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Aufgebaut auf: %2", "localePt": "",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Einstellungen", "membershipDescription": "Unten steht eine Liste der Benutzer, die Nachrichten an die Gruppe gesendet haben. Möglicherweise enthält diese Benutzerzliste nicht alle, die Zugang zur Gruppe haben.",
"unlock": "Entsperren", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Versuche, eine Verbindung mit dem Tor-Netzwerk herzustellen",
"yourServers": "Ihre Server", "networkStatusConnecting": "Verbinde zu Netzwerk und Peers ...",
"yourProfiles": "Ihre Profile", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Vom Internet getrennt, überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 Profile mit diesem Passwort geladen", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"password": "Passwort", "newBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung",
"enterProfilePassword": "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein, um Ihre Profile anzuzeigen", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Neue Verbindung",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Neues Profil hinzufügen", "newGroupBtn": "Neue Gruppe anlegen",
"deleteConfirmText": "LÖSCHEN", "newPassword": "",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Profil wirklich löschen", "newProfile": "Neues Profil",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Geben Sie LÖSCHEN zur Bestätigung ein", "noPasswordWarning": "Wenn für dieses Konto kein Passwort verwendet wird, bedeutet dies, dass alle lokal gespeicherten Daten nicht verschlüsselt werden.",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Profil löschen", "password": "Passwort",
"passwordChangeError": "Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts: Das Passwort wurde abgelehnt", "password1Label": "Passwort",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", "password2Label": "Passwort erneut eingeben",
"saveProfileBtn": "Profil speichern", "passwordChangeError": "Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts: Das Passwort wurde abgelehnt",
"createProfileBtn": "Profil speichern", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Passwort kann nicht leer sein",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Passwort kann nicht leer sein", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"password2Label": "Passwort erneut eingeben", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "Adresse hier hinzufügen, um einen Kontakt aufzunehmen",
"password1Label": "Passwort", "peerAddress": "Adresse",
"currentPasswordLabel": "derzeitiges Passwort", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer ist blockiert",
"yourDisplayName": "Ihr Anzeigename", "peerName": "Namen",
"profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten", "peerNotOnline": "",
"noPasswordWarning": "Wenn für dieses Konto kein Passwort verwendet wird, bedeutet dies, dass alle lokal gespeicherten Daten nicht verschlüsselt werden.", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer ist offline, Nachrichten können derzeit nicht zugestellt werden",
"radioNoPassword": "Unverschlüsselt (kein Passwort)", "pendingLabel": "Bestätigung ausstehend",
"radioUsePassword": "Passwort", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung veröffentlichen",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "profileName": "Anzeigename",
"copyBtn": "Kopieren", "profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten",
"editProfile": "Profil bearbeiten", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzlespiel",
"newProfile": "Neues Profil", "radioNoPassword": "Unverschlüsselt (kein Passwort)",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "radioUsePassword": "Passwort",
"profileName": "Anzeigename", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "",
"editProfileTitle": "Profil bearbeiten", "rejected": "",
"addProfileTitle": "Neues Profil hinzufügen", "rejectGroupBtn": "Ablehnen",
"deleteBtn": "löschen", "saveBtn": "Speichern",
"unblockBtn": "Peer entblockieren", "savePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf speichern",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf löschen", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Legt fest, ob ein mit dem Peer verknüpfter Verlauf gelöscht werden soll oder nicht.",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Legt fest, ob ein mit dem Peer verknüpfter Verlauf gelöscht werden soll oder nicht.", "saveProfileBtn": "Profil speichern",
"savePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf speichern", "search": "Suche...",
"blockBtn": "Peer blockieren", "searchList": "",
"saveBtn": "speichern", "sendAnInvitation": "",
"displayNameLabel": "Angezeigter Name", "server": "Server",
"addressLabel": "Adresse", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server verbunden",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzlespiel", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server getrennt",
"bulletinsBtn": "Meldungen", "serverInfo": "Server-Informationen",
"listsBtn": "Listen", "serverLabel": "Server",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "serverNotSynced": "",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Ablehnen", "serverSynced": "",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Annehmen", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoomstufe",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Möchtest Du die Einladung annehmen", "settingLanguage": "Sprache",
"newGroupBtn": "Neue Gruppe anlegen", "settingTheme": "Thema",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "smallTextLabel": "Klein",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Peer ist offline, Nachrichten können derzeit nicht zugestellt werden", "successfullAddedContact": "",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Peer ist blockiert", "themeDark": "Dunkel",
"pendingLabel": "Bestätigung ausstehend", "themeLight": "Licht",
"acknowledgedLabel": "bestätigt", "titleManageContacts": "",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden", "titleManageProfiles": "",
"dmTooltip": "Klicken, um DM zu senden", "titleManageServers": "",
"membershipDescription": "Unten steht eine Liste der Benutzer, die Nachrichten an die Gruppe gesendet haben. Möglicherweise enthält diese Benutzerzliste nicht alle, die Zugang zur Gruppe haben.", "titlePlaceholder": "Titel...",
"addListItemBtn": "Element hinzufügen", "todoPlaceholder": "noch zu erledigen",
"peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.", "tooltipAddContact": "",
"searchList": "Search List", "tooltipOpenSettings": "",
"update": "Update", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "",
"inviteBtn": "Einladen", "unblockBtn": "Peer entblockieren",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "In die Gruppe einladen", "unlock": "Entsperren",
"groupNameLabel": "Gruppenname", "update": "",
"viewServerInfo": "Server Info", "version": "Version %1",
"serverSynced": "Synced", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Aufgebaut auf: %2",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server getrennt", "versionTor": "Version %1 mit tor %2",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server verbunden", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Gruppenmitgliedschaft anzeigen",
"serverInfo": "Server-Informationen", "viewServerInfo": "",
"invitationLabel": "Einladung", "yesLeave": "",
"serverLabel": "Server", "yourDisplayName": "Ihr Anzeigename",
"search": "Suche...", "yourProfiles": "Ihre Profile",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.", "yourServers": "Ihre Server",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.", "zoomLabel": "Benutzeroberflächen-Zoom (betriftt hauptsächlich Text- und Knopgrößen)"
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"blocked": "Blockiert",
"titlePlaceholder": "Titel...",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung veröffentlichen",
"newBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung",
"joinGroup": "Gruppe beitreten",
"createGroup": "Gruppe erstellen",
"addPeer": "Peer hinzufügen",
"groupAddr": "Adresse",
"invitation": "Einladung",
"server": "Server",
"groupName": "Gruppenname",
"peerName": "Namen",
"peerAddress": "Adresse",
"joinGroupTab": "Einer Gruppe beitreten",
"createGroupTab": "Eine Gruppe erstellen",
"addPeerTab": "Einen Peer hinzufügen",
"createGroupBtn": "Anlegen",
"defaultGroupName": "Tolle Gruppe",
"createGroupTitle": "Gruppe Anlegen"
} }

View File

@ -1,193 +1,170 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "en", "@@locale": "en",
"@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "acceptGroupBtn": "Accept",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Do you want to accept the invitation to",
"serverNotSynced": "Syncing New Messages (This can take some time)...", "acknowledgedLabel": "Acknowledged",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "addListItem": "Add a New List Item",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addListItemBtn": "Add Item",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "addNewItem": "Add a new item to the list",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addPeer": "Add Peer",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "addProfileTitle": "Add new profile",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "addressLabel": "Address",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "blockBtn": "Block Peer",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "blocked": "Blocked",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "builddate": "Built on: %2",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"sendMessage": "Send Message", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"cancel": "Cancel", "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"resetTor": "Reset", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"torStatus": "Tor Status", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copied to clipboard",
"torVersion": "Tor Version", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copied to Clipboard",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "copyBtn": "Copy",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Could not send this message",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "createGroup": "Create group",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "createGroupBtn": "Create",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"newPassword": "New Password", "createGroupTitle": "Create Group",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "createProfileBtn": "Create Profile",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Settings",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\\nLong-press to reset.",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "Paste a cwtch address, invitation or key bundle here to add a new conversation", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\\nRight-click to reset.",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\\nLong-press to reset.",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\\nRight-click to reset.",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\\nLong-press to reset.",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\\nRight-click to reset.",
"dateNever": "Never", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateNever": "Never",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "defaultGroupName": "Awesome Group",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "defaultScalingText": "Default size text (scale factor:",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "deleteBtn": "Delete",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "deleteConfirmText": "DELETE",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments", "displayNameLabel": "Display Name",
"localeIt": "Italiana", "dmTooltip": "Click to DM",
"localeEs": "Espanol", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History",
"addListItem": "Add a New List Item", "editProfile": "Edit Profille",
"addNewItem": "Add a new item to the list", "editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile",
"todoPlaceholder": "Todo...", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network", "experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection", "groupAddr": "Address",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership", "groupName": "Group name",
"loadingTor": "Loading tor...", "groupNameLabel": "Group Name",
"smallTextLabel": "Small", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"defaultScalingText": "Default size text (scale factor:", "invitation": "Invitation",
"builddate": "Built on: %2", "invitationLabel": "Invitation",
"version": "Version %1", "inviteBtn": "Invite",
"versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"themeDark": "Dark", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invite to group",
"themeLight": "Light", "joinGroup": "Join group",
"settingTheme": "Theme", "joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"largeTextLabel": "Large", "largeTextLabel": "Large",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"localeDe": "Deutsche", "listsBtn": "Lists",
"localePt": "Portuguesa", "loadingTor": "Loading tor...",
"localeFr": "Frances", "localeDe": "Deutsche",
"localeEn": "English", "localeEn": "English",
"settingLanguage": "Language", "localeEs": "Espanol",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers", "localeFr": "Frances",
"zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (mostly affects text and button sizes)", "localeIt": "Italiana",
"versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2", "localePt": "Portuguesa",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Settings", "membershipDescription": "Below is a list of users who have sent messages to the group. This list may not reflect all users who have access to the group.",
"unlock": "Unlock", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network",
"yourServers": "Your Servers", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...",
"yourProfiles": "Your Profiles", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"password": "Password", "newBulletinLabel": "New Bulletin",
"enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile", "newGroupBtn": "Create new group",
"deleteConfirmText": "DELETE", "newPassword": "New Password",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile", "newProfile": "New Profile",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm", "noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile", "password": "Password",
"passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected", "password1Label": "Password",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match", "password2Label": "Reenter password",
"saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile", "passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected",
"createProfileBtn": "Create Profile", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"password2Label": "Reenter password", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "Paste a cwtch address, invitation or key bundle here to add a new conversation",
"password1Label": "Password", "peerAddress": "Address",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked",
"yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name", "peerName": "Name",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with", "peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.",
"noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now",
"radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)", "pendingLabel": "Pending",
"radioUsePassword": "Password", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Post new bulletin",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copied to Clipboard", "profileName": "Display name",
"copyBtn": "Copy", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with",
"editProfile": "Edit Profille", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle Game",
"newProfile": "New Profile", "radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "radioUsePassword": "Password",
"profileName": "Display name", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"addProfileTitle": "Add new profile", "rejectGroupBtn": "Reject",
"deleteBtn": "Delete", "saveBtn": "Save",
"unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer", "savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.", "saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile",
"savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History", "search": "Search...",
"blockBtn": "Block Peer", "searchList": "Search List",
"saveBtn": "Save", "sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"displayNameLabel": "Display Name", "server": "Server",
"addressLabel": "Address", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle Game", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins", "serverInfo": "Server Information",
"listsBtn": "Lists", "serverLabel": "Server",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "serverNotSynced": "Out of Sync",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Reject", "serverSynced": "Synced",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Accept", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Do you want to accept the invitation to", "settingLanguage": "Language",
"newGroupBtn": "Create new group", "settingTheme": "Theme",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copied to clipboard", "smallTextLabel": "Small",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked", "themeDark": "Dark",
"pendingLabel": "Pending", "themeLight": "Light",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Acknowledged", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Could not send this message", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"dmTooltip": "Click to DM", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"membershipDescription": "Below is a list of users who have sent messages to the group. This list may not reflect all users who have access to the group.", "titlePlaceholder": "title...",
"addListItemBtn": "Add Item", "todoPlaceholder": "Todo...",
"peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"searchList": "Search List", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"update": "Update", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"inviteBtn": "Invite", "unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Invite to group", "unlock": "Unlock",
"groupNameLabel": "Group Name", "update": "Update",
"viewServerInfo": "Server Info", "version": "Version %1",
"serverSynced": "Synced", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected", "versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership",
"serverInfo": "Server Information", "viewServerInfo": "Server Info",
"invitationLabel": "Invitation", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"serverLabel": "Server", "yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name",
"search": "Search...", "yourProfiles": "Your Profiles",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.", "yourServers": "Your Servers",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.", "zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (mostly affects text and button sizes)"
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"titlePlaceholder": "title...",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Post new bulletin",
"newBulletinLabel": "New Bulletin",
"joinGroup": "Join group",
"createGroup": "Create group",
"addPeer": "Add Peer",
"groupAddr": "Address",
"invitation": "Invitation",
"server": "Server",
"groupName": "Group name",
"peerName": "Name",
"peerAddress": "Address",
"joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"createGroupBtn": "Create",
"defaultGroupName": "Awesome Group",
"createGroupTitle": "Create Group"
} }

View File

@ -1,193 +1,170 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "es", "@@locale": "es",
"@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "accepted": "",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "acceptGroupBtn": "Aceptar",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "¿Quieres aceptar la invitación a ",
"serverNotSynced": "Fuera de sincronización con el servidor", "acknowledgedLabel": "Reconocido",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "addListItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addListItemBtn": "Agregar artículo",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "addNewItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "addNewProfileBtn": "Agregar nuevo perfil",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addPeer": "Agregar Contacto",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "addPeerTab": "Agregar Contacto",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "addProfileTitle": "Agregar nuevo perfil",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "addressLabel": "Dirección",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "blockBtn": "Bloquear contacto",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "blocked": "Bloqueado",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "blockUnknownLabel": "Bloquear conexiones desconocidas",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "builddate": "Basado en: %2",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "bulletinsBtn": "Boletines",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "chatHistoryDefault": "",
"sendMessage": "Send Message", "contactAlreadyExists": "",
"cancel": "Cancel", "contactSuggestion": "",
"resetTor": "Reset", "conversationSettings": "",
"torStatus": "Tor Status", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles",
"torVersion": "Tor Version", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "copyBtn": "Copiar",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "couldNotSendMsgError": "No se pudo enviar este mensaje",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "createGroup": "Crear perfil",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "createGroupBtn": "Crear",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "createGroupTab": "Crear un grupo",
"newPassword": "New Password", "createGroupTitle": "Crear un grupo",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "createProfileBtn": "Crear perfil",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "currentPasswordLabel": "Contraseña actual",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configuración de Cwtch",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click para cambiar categoría. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "...pegar una dirección aquí para añadir contacto...", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click para cambiar categoría. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click para cambiar colores. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click para cambiar colores. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"dateNever": "Never", "dateDaysAgo": "",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateHoursAgo": "",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateLastMonth": "",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastYear": "",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateMinutesAgo": "",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateMonthsAgo": "",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateNever": "",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateRightNow": "",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateWeeksAgo": "",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "dateYearsAgo": "",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "dateYesterday": "",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "defaultGroupName": "El Grupo Asombroso",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "defaultProfileName": "Alicia",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "defaultScalingText": "Tamaño predeterminado de texto (factor de escala:",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "deleteBtn": "Eliminar",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Escribe ELIMINAR para confirmar",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINAR",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "deleteProfileBtn": "Eliminar Perfil",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Confirmar eliminar perfil",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "descriptionExperiments": "",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "",
"experimentsEnabled": "Experimentos habilitados", "displayNameLabel": "Nombre de Usuario",
"localeIt": "Italiano", "dmTooltip": "Haz clic para enviar mensaje directo",
"localeEs": "Español", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Eliminar historial de contacto",
"addListItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista", "editProfile": "Editar perfil",
"addNewItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista", "editProfileTitle": "Editar perfil",
"todoPlaceholder": "Por hacer...", "enableGroups": "",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nueva conexión", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "",
"networkStatusOnline": "En línea", "enterProfilePassword": "Ingresa tu contraseña para ver tus perfiles",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Conectando a la red y a los contactos...", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 perfiles cargados con esa contraseña",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Intentando conectarse a la red Tor", "experimentsEnabled": "Experimentos habilitados",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Sin conexión, comprueba tu conexión", "groupAddr": "Dirección",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Ver membresía del grupo", "groupName": "Nombre del grupo",
"loadingTor": "Cargando tor...", "groupNameLabel": "Nombre del grupo",
"smallTextLabel": "Pequeño", "invalidImportString": "",
"defaultScalingText": "Tamaño predeterminado de texto (factor de escala:", "invitation": "Invitación",
"builddate": "Basado en: %2", "invitationLabel": "Invitación",
"version": "Versión %1", "inviteBtn": "Invitar",
"versionTor": "Versión %1 con tor %2", "inviteToGroup": "",
"themeDark": "Oscuro", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitar al grupo",
"themeLight": "Claro", "joinGroup": "Únete al grupo",
"settingTheme": "Tema", "joinGroupTab": "Únete a un grupo",
"largeTextLabel": "Grande", "largeTextLabel": "Grande",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Nivel de zoom", "leaveGroup": "",
"localeDe": "Alemán", "listsBtn": "Listas",
"localePt": "Portugués", "loadingTor": "Cargando tor...",
"localeFr": "Francés", "localeDe": "Alemán",
"localeEn": "Inglés", "localeEn": "Inglés",
"settingLanguage": "Idioma", "localeEs": "Español",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Bloquear conexiones desconocidas", "localeFr": "Francés",
"zoomLabel": "Zoom de la interfaz (afecta principalmente el tamaño del texto y de los botones)", "localeIt": "Italiano",
"versionBuilddate": "Versión: %1 Basado en %2", "localePt": "Portugués",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configuración de Cwtch", "membershipDescription": "La lista a continuación solo muestra los miembros que han enviado mensajes al grupo, no incluye a todos los usuarios dentro del grupo",
"unlock": "Desbloquear", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Intentando conectarse a la red Tor",
"yourServers": "Tus servidores", "networkStatusConnecting": "Conectando a la red y a los contactos...",
"yourProfiles": "Tus perfiles", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Sin conexión, comprueba tu conexión",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 perfiles cargados con esa contraseña", "networkStatusOnline": "En línea",
"password": "Contraseña", "newBulletinLabel": "Nuevo Boletín",
"enterProfilePassword": "Ingresa tu contraseña para ver tus perfiles", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nueva conexión",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Agregar nuevo perfil", "newGroupBtn": "Crear un nuevo grupo de chat",
"deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINAR", "newPassword": "",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Confirmar eliminar perfil", "newProfile": "Nuevo perfil",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Escribe ELIMINAR para confirmar", "noPasswordWarning": "No usar una contraseña para esta cuenta significa que los datos almacenados localmente no serán encriptados",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Eliminar Perfil", "password": "Contraseña",
"passwordChangeError": "Hubo un error cambiando tu contraseña: la contraseña ingresada fue rechazada", "password1Label": "Contraseña",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden", "password2Label": "Vuelve a ingresar tu contraseña",
"saveProfileBtn": "Guardar perfil", "passwordChangeError": "Hubo un error cambiando tu contraseña: la contraseña ingresada fue rechazada",
"createProfileBtn": "Crear perfil", "passwordErrorEmpty": "El campo de contraseña no puede estar vacío",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "El campo de contraseña no puede estar vacío", "passwordErrorMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"password2Label": "Vuelve a ingresar tu contraseña", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "...pegar una dirección aquí para añadir contacto...",
"password1Label": "Contraseña", "peerAddress": "Dirección",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Contraseña actual", "peerBlockedMessage": "Contacto bloqueado",
"yourDisplayName": "Tu nombre de usuario", "peerName": "Nombre",
"profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte", "peerNotOnline": "Este contacto no está en línea, la aplicación no puede ser usada en este momento",
"noPasswordWarning": "No usar una contraseña para esta cuenta significa que los datos almacenados localmente no serán encriptados", "peerOfflineMessage": "Este contacto no está en línea, los mensajes no pueden ser entregados en este momento",
"radioNoPassword": "Sin cifrado (sin contraseña)", "pendingLabel": "Pendiente",
"radioUsePassword": "Contraseña", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Publicar nuevo boletín",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles", "profileName": "Nombre de Usuario",
"copyBtn": "Copiar", "profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte",
"editProfile": "Editar perfil", "puzzleGameBtn": "Juego de rompecabezas",
"newProfile": "Nuevo perfil", "radioNoPassword": "Sin cifrado (sin contraseña)",
"defaultProfileName": "Alicia", "radioUsePassword": "Contraseña",
"profileName": "Nombre de Usuario", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "",
"editProfileTitle": "Editar perfil", "rejected": "",
"addProfileTitle": "Agregar nuevo perfil", "rejectGroupBtn": "Rechazar",
"deleteBtn": "Eliminar", "saveBtn": "Guardar",
"unblockBtn": "Desbloquear contacto", "savePeerHistory": "Guardar el historial con contacto",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Eliminar historial de contacto", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina si eliminar o no el historial asociado con el contacto.",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina si eliminar o no el historial asociado con el contacto.", "saveProfileBtn": "Guardar perfil",
"savePeerHistory": "Guardar el historial con contacto", "search": "Búsqueda...",
"blockBtn": "Bloquear contacto", "searchList": "Buscar en la lista",
"saveBtn": "Guardar", "sendAnInvitation": "",
"displayNameLabel": "Nombre de Usuario", "server": "Servidor",
"addressLabel": "Dirección", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Servidor conectado",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Juego de rompecabezas", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Servidor desconectado",
"bulletinsBtn": "Boletines", "serverInfo": "Información del servidor",
"listsBtn": "Listas", "serverLabel": "Servidor",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "serverNotSynced": "Fuera de sincronización con el servidor",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Rechazar", "serverSynced": "Sincronizado",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Aceptar", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Nivel de zoom",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "¿Quieres aceptar la invitación a ", "settingLanguage": "Idioma",
"newGroupBtn": "Crear un nuevo grupo de chat", "settingTheme": "Tema",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles", "smallTextLabel": "Pequeño",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Este contacto no está en línea, los mensajes no pueden ser entregados en este momento", "successfullAddedContact": "",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Contacto bloqueado", "themeDark": "Oscuro",
"pendingLabel": "Pendiente", "themeLight": "Claro",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Reconocido", "titleManageContacts": "",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "No se pudo enviar este mensaje", "titleManageProfiles": "",
"dmTooltip": "Haz clic para enviar mensaje directo", "titleManageServers": "",
"membershipDescription": "La lista a continuación solo muestra los miembros que han enviado mensajes al grupo, no incluye a todos los usuarios dentro del grupo", "titlePlaceholder": "título...",
"addListItemBtn": "Agregar artículo", "todoPlaceholder": "Por hacer...",
"peerNotOnline": "Este contacto no está en línea, la aplicación no puede ser usada en este momento", "tooltipAddContact": "",
"searchList": "Buscar en la lista", "tooltipOpenSettings": "",
"update": "Actualizar", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "",
"inviteBtn": "Invitar", "unblockBtn": "Desbloquear contacto",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitar al grupo", "unlock": "Desbloquear",
"groupNameLabel": "Nombre del grupo", "update": "Actualizar",
"viewServerInfo": "Información del servidor", "version": "Versión %1",
"serverSynced": "Sincronizado", "versionBuilddate": "Versión: %1 Basado en %2",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Servidor desconectado", "versionTor": "Versión %1 con tor %2",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Servidor conectado", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Ver membresía del grupo",
"serverInfo": "Información del servidor", "viewServerInfo": "Información del servidor",
"invitationLabel": "Invitación", "yesLeave": "",
"serverLabel": "Servidor", "yourDisplayName": "Tu nombre de usuario",
"search": "Búsqueda...", "yourProfiles": "Tus perfiles",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click para cambiar colores. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "yourServers": "Tus servidores",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click para cambiar colores. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "zoomLabel": "Zoom de la interfaz (afecta principalmente el tamaño del texto y de los botones)"
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click para cambiar categoría. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click para cambiar categoría. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"blocked": "Bloqueado",
"titlePlaceholder": "título...",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Publicar nuevo boletín",
"newBulletinLabel": "Nuevo Boletín",
"joinGroup": "Únete al grupo",
"createGroup": "Crear perfil",
"addPeer": "Agregar Contacto",
"groupAddr": "Dirección",
"invitation": "Invitación",
"server": "Servidor",
"groupName": "Nombre del grupo",
"peerName": "Nombre",
"peerAddress": "Dirección",
"joinGroupTab": "Únete a un grupo",
"createGroupTab": "Crear un grupo",
"addPeerTab": "Agregar Contacto",
"createGroupBtn": "Crear",
"defaultGroupName": "El Grupo Asombroso",
"createGroupTitle": "Crear un grupo"
} }

View File

@ -1,193 +1,170 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "fr", "@@locale": "fr",
"@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "accepted": "",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "acceptGroupBtn": "Accepter",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Voulez-vous accepter l'invitation au groupe",
"serverNotSynced": "Syncing New Messages (This can take some time)...", "acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmé",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "addListItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addListItemBtn": "",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "addNewItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément à la liste",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "addNewProfileBtn": "",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addPeer": "",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "addPeerTab": "",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "addProfileTitle": "",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "addressLabel": "Adresse",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "blockBtn": "",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "blocked": "",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "blockUnknownLabel": "",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "builddate": "",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "chatBtn": "Discuter",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "chatHistoryDefault": "",
"sendMessage": "Send Message", "contactAlreadyExists": "",
"cancel": "Cancel", "contactSuggestion": "",
"resetTor": "Reset", "conversationSettings": "",
"torStatus": "Tor Status", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"torVersion": "Tor Version", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "copyBtn": "Copier",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossible d'envoyer ce message",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "createGroup": "",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "createGroupBtn": "Créer",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "createGroupTab": "",
"newPassword": "New Password", "createGroupTitle": "Créer un groupe",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "createProfileBtn": "",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "currentPasswordLabel": "",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Préférences Cwtch",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "cycleCatsAndroid": "",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "... coller une adresse ici pour ajouter un contact...", "cycleCatsDesktop": "",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "cycleColoursAndroid": "",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "cycleColoursDesktop": "",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "",
"dateNever": "Never", "dateDaysAgo": "",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateHoursAgo": "",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateLastMonth": "",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastYear": "",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateMinutesAgo": "",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateMonthsAgo": "",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateNever": "",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateRightNow": "",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateWeeksAgo": "",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "dateYearsAgo": "",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "dateYesterday": "",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "defaultGroupName": "Un super groupe",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "defaultProfileName": "",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "defaultScalingText": "Taille par défaut du texte (échelle:",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "deleteBtn": "Effacer",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "deleteConfirmLabel": "",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "deleteConfirmText": "",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "deleteProfileBtn": "",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "descriptionExperiments": "",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "",
"experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments", "displayNameLabel": "Pseudo",
"localeIt": "Italiana", "dmTooltip": "Envoyer un message privé",
"localeEs": "Espanol", "dontSavePeerHistory": "",
"addListItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément", "editProfile": "",
"addNewItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément à la liste", "editProfileTitle": "",
"todoPlaceholder": "A faire...", "enableGroups": "",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "enterProfilePassword": "",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network", "experimentsEnabled": "",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection", "groupAddr": "",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership", "groupName": "",
"loadingTor": "Loading tor...", "groupNameLabel": "Nom du groupe",
"smallTextLabel": "Petit", "invalidImportString": "",
"defaultScalingText": "Taille par défaut du texte (échelle:", "invitation": "",
"builddate": "Built on: %2", "invitationLabel": "Invitation",
"version": "Version %1", "inviteBtn": "Invitation",
"versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2", "inviteToGroup": "",
"themeDark": "Dark", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Inviter quelqu'un",
"themeLight": "Light", "joinGroup": "",
"settingTheme": "Theme", "joinGroupTab": "",
"largeTextLabel": "Large", "largeTextLabel": "Large",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level", "leaveGroup": "",
"localeDe": "Deutsche", "listsBtn": "Listes",
"localePt": "Portuguesa", "loadingTor": "",
"localeFr": "Frances", "localeDe": "",
"localeEn": "English", "localeEn": "",
"settingLanguage": "Language", "localeEs": "",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers", "localeFr": "",
"zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (essentiellement la taille du texte et des composants de l'interface)", "localeIt": "",
"versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2", "localePt": "",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Préférences Cwtch", "membershipDescription": "Liste des utilisateurs ayant envoyés un ou plusieurs messages au groupe. Cette liste peut ne pas être representatives de l'ensemble des membres du groupe.",
"unlock": "Unlock", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "",
"yourServers": "Your Servers", "networkStatusConnecting": "",
"yourProfiles": "Your Profiles", "networkStatusDisconnected": "",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password", "networkStatusOnline": "",
"password": "Password", "newBulletinLabel": "Nouveau bulletin",
"enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile", "newGroupBtn": "Créer un nouveau groupe",
"deleteConfirmText": "DELETE", "newPassword": "",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile", "newProfile": "",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm", "noPasswordWarning": "",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile", "password": "",
"passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected", "password1Label": "",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match", "password2Label": "",
"saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile", "passwordChangeError": "",
"createProfileBtn": "Create Profile", "passwordErrorEmpty": "",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty", "passwordErrorMatch": "",
"password2Label": "Reenter password", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "... coller une adresse ici pour ajouter un contact...",
"password1Label": "Password", "peerAddress": "",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password", "peerBlockedMessage": "",
"yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name", "peerName": "",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with", "peerNotOnline": "",
"noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted", "peerOfflineMessage": "",
"radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)", "pendingLabel": "En attente",
"radioUsePassword": "Password", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Envoyer un nouveau bulletin",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier", "profileName": "",
"copyBtn": "Copier", "profileOnionLabel": "",
"editProfile": "Edit Profille", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle",
"newProfile": "New Profile", "radioNoPassword": "",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "radioUsePassword": "",
"profileName": "Display name", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "",
"editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile", "rejected": "",
"addProfileTitle": "Add new profile", "rejectGroupBtn": "Refuser",
"deleteBtn": "Effacer", "saveBtn": "Sauvegarder",
"unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer", "savePeerHistory": "",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.", "saveProfileBtn": "",
"savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History", "search": "",
"blockBtn": "Block Peer", "searchList": "",
"saveBtn": "Sauvegarder", "sendAnInvitation": "",
"displayNameLabel": "Pseudo", "server": "",
"addressLabel": "Adresse", "serverConnectivityConnected": "",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins", "serverInfo": "",
"listsBtn": "Listes", "serverLabel": "Serveur",
"chatBtn": "Discuter", "serverNotSynced": "",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Refuser", "serverSynced": "",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Accepter", "settingInterfaceZoom": "",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Voulez-vous accepter l'invitation au groupe", "settingLanguage": "",
"newGroupBtn": "Créer un nouveau groupe", "settingTheme": "",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier", "smallTextLabel": "Petit",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now", "successfullAddedContact": "",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked", "themeDark": "",
"pendingLabel": "En attente", "themeLight": "",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmé", "titleManageContacts": "",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossible d'envoyer ce message", "titleManageProfiles": "",
"dmTooltip": "Envoyer un message privé", "titleManageServers": "",
"membershipDescription": "Liste des utilisateurs ayant envoyés un ou plusieurs messages au groupe. Cette liste peut ne pas être representatives de l'ensemble des membres du groupe.", "titlePlaceholder": "titre...",
"addListItemBtn": "Add Item", "todoPlaceholder": "A faire...",
"peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.", "tooltipAddContact": "",
"searchList": "Search List", "tooltipOpenSettings": "",
"update": "Update", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "",
"inviteBtn": "Invitation", "unblockBtn": "",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Inviter quelqu'un", "unlock": "",
"groupNameLabel": "Nom du groupe", "update": "",
"viewServerInfo": "Server Info", "version": "",
"serverSynced": "Synced", "versionBuilddate": "",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected", "versionTor": "",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "",
"serverInfo": "Server Information", "viewServerInfo": "",
"invitationLabel": "Invitation", "yesLeave": "",
"serverLabel": "Serveur", "yourDisplayName": "",
"search": "Search...", "yourProfiles": "",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.", "yourServers": "",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.", "zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (essentiellement la taille du texte et des composants de l'interface)"
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"titlePlaceholder": "titre...",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Envoyer un nouveau bulletin",
"newBulletinLabel": "Nouveau bulletin",
"joinGroup": "Join group",
"createGroup": "Create group",
"addPeer": "Add Peer",
"groupAddr": "Address",
"invitation": "Invitation",
"server": "Server",
"groupName": "Group name",
"peerName": "Name",
"peerAddress": "Address",
"joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"createGroupBtn": "Créer",
"defaultGroupName": "Un super groupe",
"createGroupTitle": "Créer un groupe"
} }

View File

@ -1,193 +1,170 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "it", "@@locale": "it",
"@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "accepted": "",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "acceptGroupBtn": "Accetta",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Vuoi accettare l'invito a",
"serverNotSynced": "Non sincronizzato", "acknowledgedLabel": "Riconosciuto",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "addListItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addListItemBtn": "Aggiungi elemento",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "addNewItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "addNewProfileBtn": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addPeer": "Aggiungi peer",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "addPeerTab": "Aggiungi un peer",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "addProfileTitle": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "addressLabel": "Indirizzo",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "blockBtn": "Blocca il peer",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "blocked": "Bloccato",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "blockUnknownLabel": "Blocca peer sconosciuti",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "builddate": "Costruito il: %2",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "bulletinsBtn": "Bollettini",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "chatHistoryDefault": "",
"sendMessage": "Send Message", "contactAlreadyExists": "",
"cancel": "Cancel", "contactSuggestion": "",
"resetTor": "Reset", "conversationSettings": "",
"torStatus": "Tor Status", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli Appunti",
"torVersion": "Tor Version", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli Appunti",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "copyBtn": "Copia",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossibile inviare questo messaggio",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "createGroup": "Crea un gruppo",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "createGroupBtn": "Crea",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "createGroupTab": "Crea un gruppo",
"newPassword": "New Password", "createGroupTitle": "Crea un gruppo",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "createProfileBtn": "Crea un profilo",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "currentPasswordLabel": "Password corrente",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Impostazioni di Cwtch",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "... incolla qui un indirizzo per aggiungere un contatto...", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"dateNever": "Never", "dateDaysAgo": "",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateHoursAgo": "",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateLastMonth": "",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastYear": "",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateMinutesAgo": "",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateMonthsAgo": "",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateNever": "",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateRightNow": "",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateWeeksAgo": "",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "dateYearsAgo": "",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "dateYesterday": "",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "defaultGroupName": "Gruppo fantastico",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "defaultScalingText": "Testo di dimensioni predefinite (fattore di scala:",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "deleteBtn": "Elimina",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Digita ELIMINA per confermare",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINA",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "deleteProfileBtn": "Elimina profilo",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Elimina realmente il profilo",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "descriptionExperiments": "",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "",
"experimentsEnabled": "Esperimenti abilitati", "displayNameLabel": "Nome visualizzato",
"localeIt": "Italiano", "dmTooltip": "Clicca per inviare un Messagio Diretto",
"localeEs": "Spagnolo", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Elimina cronologia dei peer",
"addListItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista", "editProfile": "Modifica profilo",
"addNewItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista", "editProfileTitle": "Modifica profilo",
"todoPlaceholder": "Da fare...", "enableGroups": "",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nuova connessione", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "enterProfilePassword": "Inserisci una password per visualizzare i tuoi profili",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connessione alla rete e ai peer ...", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profili caricati con quella password",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Tentativo di connessione alla rete Tor", "experimentsEnabled": "Esperimenti abilitati",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnesso da Internet, controlla la tua connessione", "groupAddr": "Indirizzo",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Visualizza i membri del gruppo", "groupName": "Nome del gruppo",
"loadingTor": "Caricamento di tor...", "groupNameLabel": "Nome del gruppo",
"smallTextLabel": "Piccolo", "invalidImportString": "",
"defaultScalingText": "Testo di dimensioni predefinite (fattore di scala:", "invitation": "Invito",
"builddate": "Costruito il: %2", "invitationLabel": "Invito",
"version": "Versione %1", "inviteBtn": "Invitare",
"versionTor": "Versione %1 con tor %2", "inviteToGroup": "",
"themeDark": "Scuro", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitare nel gruppo",
"themeLight": "Chiaro", "joinGroup": "Unisciti al gruppo",
"settingTheme": "Tema", "joinGroupTab": "Unisciti a un gruppo",
"largeTextLabel": "Grande", "largeTextLabel": "Grande",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Livello di zoom", "leaveGroup": "",
"localeDe": "Tedesco", "listsBtn": "Liste",
"localePt": "Portoghese", "loadingTor": "Caricamento di tor...",
"localeFr": "Francese", "localeDe": "Tedesco",
"localeEn": "Inglese", "localeEn": "Inglese",
"settingLanguage": "Lingua", "localeEs": "Spagnolo",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Blocca peer sconosciuti", "localeFr": "Francese",
"zoomLabel": "Zoom dell'interfaccia (influisce principalmente sulle dimensioni del testo e dei pulsanti)", "localeIt": "Italiano",
"versionBuilddate": "Versione: %1 Costruito il: %2", "localePt": "Portoghese",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Impostazioni di Cwtch", "membershipDescription": "Di seguito è riportato un elenco di utenti che hanno inviato messaggi al gruppo. Questo elenco potrebbe non corrispondere a tutti gli utenti che hanno accesso al gruppo.",
"unlock": "Sblocca", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Tentativo di connessione alla rete Tor",
"yourServers": "I tuoi server", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connessione alla rete e ai peer ...",
"yourProfiles": "I tuoi profili", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnesso da Internet, controlla la tua connessione",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profili caricati con quella password", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"password": "Password", "newBulletinLabel": "Nuovo bollettino",
"enterProfilePassword": "Inserisci una password per visualizzare i tuoi profili", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nuova connessione",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo", "newGroupBtn": "Crea un nuovo gruppo",
"deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINA", "newPassword": "",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Elimina realmente il profilo", "newProfile": "Nuovo profilo",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Digita ELIMINA per confermare", "noPasswordWarning": "Non utilizzare una password su questo account significa che tutti i dati archiviati localmente non verranno criptati",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Elimina profilo", "password": "Password",
"passwordChangeError": "Errore durante la modifica della password: password fornita rifiutata", "password1Label": "Password",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Le password non corrispondono", "password2Label": "Reinserire la password",
"saveProfileBtn": "Salva il profilo", "passwordChangeError": "Errore durante la modifica della password: password fornita rifiutata",
"createProfileBtn": "Crea un profilo", "passwordErrorEmpty": "La password non può essere vuota",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "La password non può essere vuota", "passwordErrorMatch": "Le password non corrispondono",
"password2Label": "Reinserire la password", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "... incolla qui un indirizzo per aggiungere un contatto...",
"password1Label": "Password", "peerAddress": "Indirizzo",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Password corrente", "peerBlockedMessage": "Il peer è bloccato",
"yourDisplayName": "Il tuo nome visualizzato", "peerName": "Nome",
"profileOnionLabel": "Inviare questo indirizzo ai peer con cui si desidera connettersi", "peerNotOnline": "Il peer è offline. Le applicazioni non possono essere utilizzate in questo momento.",
"noPasswordWarning": "Non utilizzare una password su questo account significa che tutti i dati archiviati localmente non verranno criptati", "peerOfflineMessage": "Il peer è offline, i messaggi non possono essere recapitati in questo momento",
"radioNoPassword": "Non criptato (senza password)", "pendingLabel": "In corso",
"radioUsePassword": "Password", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Pubblica un nuovo bollettino",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli appunti", "profileName": "Nome visualizzato",
"copyBtn": "Copia", "profileOnionLabel": "Inviare questo indirizzo ai peer con cui si desidera connettersi",
"editProfile": "Modifica profilo", "puzzleGameBtn": "Gioco di puzzle",
"newProfile": "Nuovo profilo", "radioNoPassword": "Non criptato (senza password)",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "radioUsePassword": "Password",
"profileName": "Nome visualizzato", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "",
"editProfileTitle": "Modifica profilo", "rejected": "",
"addProfileTitle": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo", "rejectGroupBtn": "Rifiuta",
"deleteBtn": "Elimina", "saveBtn": "Salva",
"unblockBtn": "Sblocca il peer", "savePeerHistory": "Salva cronologia peer",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Elimina cronologia dei peer", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina se eliminare o meno ogni cronologia eventualmente associata al peer.",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina se eliminare o meno ogni cronologia eventualmente associata al peer.", "saveProfileBtn": "Salva il profilo",
"savePeerHistory": "Salva cronologia peer", "search": "Ricerca...",
"blockBtn": "Blocca il peer", "searchList": "Cerca nella lista",
"saveBtn": "Salva", "sendAnInvitation": "",
"displayNameLabel": "Nome visualizzato", "server": "Server",
"addressLabel": "Indirizzo", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server connesso",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Gioco di puzzle", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server disconnesso",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bollettini", "serverInfo": "Informazioni sul server",
"listsBtn": "Liste", "serverLabel": "Server",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "serverNotSynced": "Non sincronizzato",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Rifiuta", "serverSynced": "Sincronizzato",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Accetta", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Livello di zoom",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Vuoi accettare l'invito a", "settingLanguage": "Lingua",
"newGroupBtn": "Crea un nuovo gruppo", "settingTheme": "Tema",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli Appunti", "smallTextLabel": "Piccolo",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Il peer è offline, i messaggi non possono essere recapitati in questo momento", "successfullAddedContact": "",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Il peer è bloccato", "themeDark": "Scuro",
"pendingLabel": "In corso", "themeLight": "Chiaro",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Riconosciuto", "titleManageContacts": "",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossibile inviare questo messaggio", "titleManageProfiles": "",
"dmTooltip": "Clicca per inviare un Messagio Diretto", "titleManageServers": "",
"membershipDescription": "Di seguito è riportato un elenco di utenti che hanno inviato messaggi al gruppo. Questo elenco potrebbe non corrispondere a tutti gli utenti che hanno accesso al gruppo.", "titlePlaceholder": "titolo...",
"addListItemBtn": "Aggiungi elemento", "todoPlaceholder": "Da fare...",
"peerNotOnline": "Il peer è offline. Le applicazioni non possono essere utilizzate in questo momento.", "tooltipAddContact": "",
"searchList": "Cerca nella lista", "tooltipOpenSettings": "",
"update": "Aggiornamento", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "",
"inviteBtn": "Invitare", "unblockBtn": "Sblocca il peer",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitare nel gruppo", "unlock": "Sblocca",
"groupNameLabel": "Nome del gruppo", "update": "Aggiornamento",
"viewServerInfo": "Informazioni sul server", "version": "Versione %1",
"serverSynced": "Sincronizzato", "versionBuilddate": "Versione: %1 Costruito il: %2",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server disconnesso", "versionTor": "Versione %1 con tor %2",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server connesso", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Visualizza i membri del gruppo",
"serverInfo": "Informazioni sul server", "viewServerInfo": "Informazioni sul server",
"invitationLabel": "Invito", "yesLeave": "",
"serverLabel": "Server", "yourDisplayName": "Il tuo nome visualizzato",
"search": "Ricerca...", "yourProfiles": "I tuoi profili",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.", "yourServers": "I tuoi server",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\nPressione lunga per resettare.", "zoomLabel": "Zoom dell'interfaccia (influisce principalmente sulle dimensioni del testo e dei pulsanti)"
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"blocked": "Bloccato",
"titlePlaceholder": "titolo...",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Pubblica un nuovo bollettino",
"newBulletinLabel": "Nuovo bollettino",
"joinGroup": "Unisciti al gruppo",
"createGroup": "Crea un gruppo",
"addPeer": "Aggiungi peer",
"groupAddr": "Indirizzo",
"invitation": "Invito",
"server": "Server",
"groupName": "Nome del gruppo",
"peerName": "Nome",
"peerAddress": "Indirizzo",
"joinGroupTab": "Unisciti a un gruppo",
"createGroupTab": "Crea un gruppo",
"addPeerTab": "Aggiungi un peer",
"createGroupBtn": "Crea",
"defaultGroupName": "Gruppo fantastico",
"createGroupTitle": "Crea un gruppo"
} }

View File

@ -1,193 +1,170 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "pt", "@@locale": "pt",
"@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "accepted": "",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "acceptGroupBtn": "Aceitar",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Você quer aceitar o convite para",
"serverNotSynced": "Syncing New Messages (This can take some time)...", "acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmada",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "addListItem": "Adicionar Item à Lista",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addListItemBtn": "",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "addNewItem": "Adicionar novo item à lista",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "addNewProfileBtn": "",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "addPeer": "",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "addPeerTab": "",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "addProfileTitle": "",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "addressLabel": "Endereço",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "blockBtn": "",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "blocked": "",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "blockUnknownLabel": "",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "builddate": "",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "bulletinsBtn": "Boletins",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "chatHistoryDefault": "",
"sendMessage": "Send Message", "contactAlreadyExists": "",
"cancel": "Cancel", "contactSuggestion": "",
"resetTor": "Reset", "conversationSettings": "",
"torStatus": "Tor Status", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado",
"torVersion": "Tor Version", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "copyBtn": "Copiar",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Não deu para enviar esta mensagem",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "createGroup": "",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "createGroupBtn": "Criar",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "createGroupTab": "",
"newPassword": "New Password", "createGroupTitle": "Criar Grupo",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "createProfileBtn": "",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "currentPasswordLabel": "",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configurações do Cwtch",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "cycleCatsAndroid": "",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "… cole um endereço aqui para adicionar um contato…", "cycleCatsDesktop": "",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "cycleColoursAndroid": "",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "cycleColoursDesktop": "",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "",
"dateNever": "Never", "dateDaysAgo": "",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateHoursAgo": "",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateLastMonth": "",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastYear": "",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateMinutesAgo": "",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateMonthsAgo": "",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateNever": "",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateRightNow": "",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateWeeksAgo": "",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "dateYearsAgo": "",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "dateYesterday": "",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "defaultGroupName": "Grupo incrível",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "defaultProfileName": "",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "defaultScalingText": "Texto tamanho padrão (fator de escala: ",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "deleteBtn": "Deletar",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "deleteConfirmLabel": "",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "deleteConfirmText": "",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "deleteProfileBtn": "",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "descriptionExperiments": "",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "",
"experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments", "displayNameLabel": "Nome de Exibição",
"localeIt": "Italiana", "dmTooltip": "Clique para DM",
"localeEs": "Espanol", "dontSavePeerHistory": "",
"addListItem": "Adicionar Item à Lista", "editProfile": "",
"addNewItem": "Adicionar novo item à lista", "editProfileTitle": "",
"todoPlaceholder": "Afazer…", "enableGroups": "",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "enterProfilePassword": "",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network", "experimentsEnabled": "",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection", "groupAddr": "",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership", "groupName": "",
"loadingTor": "Loading tor...", "groupNameLabel": "Nome do Grupo",
"smallTextLabel": "Pequeno", "invalidImportString": "",
"defaultScalingText": "Texto tamanho padrão (fator de escala: ", "invitation": "",
"builddate": "Built on: %2", "invitationLabel": "Convite",
"version": "Version %1", "inviteBtn": "Convidar",
"versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2", "inviteToGroup": "",
"themeDark": "Dark", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Convidar ao grupo",
"themeLight": "Light", "joinGroup": "",
"settingTheme": "Theme", "joinGroupTab": "",
"largeTextLabel": "Grande", "largeTextLabel": "Grande",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level", "leaveGroup": "",
"localeDe": "Deutsche", "listsBtn": "Listas",
"localePt": "Portuguesa", "loadingTor": "",
"localeFr": "Frances", "localeDe": "",
"localeEn": "English", "localeEn": "",
"settingLanguage": "Language", "localeEs": "",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers", "localeFr": "",
"zoomLabel": "Zoom da interface (afeta principalmente tamanho de texto e botões)", "localeIt": "",
"versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2", "localePt": "",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configurações do Cwtch", "membershipDescription": "A lista abaixo é de usuários que enviaram mensagens ao grupo. Essa lista pode não refletir todos os usuários que têm acesso ao grupo.",
"unlock": "Unlock", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "",
"yourServers": "Your Servers", "networkStatusConnecting": "",
"yourProfiles": "Your Profiles", "networkStatusDisconnected": "",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password", "networkStatusOnline": "",
"password": "Password", "newBulletinLabel": "Novo Boletim",
"enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile", "newGroupBtn": "Criar novo grupo",
"deleteConfirmText": "DELETE", "newPassword": "",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile", "newProfile": "",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm", "noPasswordWarning": "",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile", "password": "",
"passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected", "password1Label": "",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match", "password2Label": "",
"saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile", "passwordChangeError": "",
"createProfileBtn": "Create Profile", "passwordErrorEmpty": "",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty", "passwordErrorMatch": "",
"password2Label": "Reenter password", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "… cole um endereço aqui para adicionar um contato…",
"password1Label": "Password", "peerAddress": "",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password", "peerBlockedMessage": "",
"yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name", "peerName": "",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with", "peerNotOnline": "",
"noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted", "peerOfflineMessage": "",
"radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)", "pendingLabel": "Pendente",
"radioUsePassword": "Password", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Postar novo boletim",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado", "profileName": "",
"copyBtn": "Copiar", "profileOnionLabel": "",
"editProfile": "Edit Profille", "puzzleGameBtn": "Jogo de Adivinhação",
"newProfile": "New Profile", "radioNoPassword": "",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "radioUsePassword": "",
"profileName": "Display name", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "",
"editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile", "rejected": "",
"addProfileTitle": "Add new profile", "rejectGroupBtn": "Recusar",
"deleteBtn": "Deletar", "saveBtn": "Salvar",
"unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer", "savePeerHistory": "",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.", "saveProfileBtn": "",
"savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History", "search": "",
"blockBtn": "Block Peer", "searchList": "",
"saveBtn": "Salvar", "sendAnInvitation": "",
"displayNameLabel": "Nome de Exibição", "server": "",
"addressLabel": "Endereço", "serverConnectivityConnected": "",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Jogo de Adivinhação", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "",
"bulletinsBtn": "Boletins", "serverInfo": "",
"listsBtn": "Listas", "serverLabel": "Servidor",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "serverNotSynced": "",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Recusar", "serverSynced": "",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Aceitar", "settingInterfaceZoom": "",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Você quer aceitar o convite para", "settingLanguage": "",
"newGroupBtn": "Criar novo grupo", "settingTheme": "",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado", "smallTextLabel": "Pequeno",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now", "successfullAddedContact": "",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked", "themeDark": "",
"pendingLabel": "Pendente", "themeLight": "",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmada", "titleManageContacts": "",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Não deu para enviar esta mensagem", "titleManageProfiles": "",
"dmTooltip": "Clique para DM", "titleManageServers": "",
"membershipDescription": "A lista abaixo é de usuários que enviaram mensagens ao grupo. Essa lista pode não refletir todos os usuários que têm acesso ao grupo.", "titlePlaceholder": "título…",
"addListItemBtn": "Add Item", "todoPlaceholder": "Afazer…",
"peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.", "tooltipAddContact": "",
"searchList": "Search List", "tooltipOpenSettings": "",
"update": "Update", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "",
"inviteBtn": "Convidar", "unblockBtn": "",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Convidar ao grupo", "unlock": "",
"groupNameLabel": "Nome do Grupo", "update": "",
"viewServerInfo": "Server Info", "version": "",
"serverSynced": "Synced", "versionBuilddate": "",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected", "versionTor": "",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "",
"serverInfo": "Server Information", "viewServerInfo": "",
"invitationLabel": "Convite", "yesLeave": "",
"serverLabel": "Servidor", "yourDisplayName": "",
"search": "Search...", "yourProfiles": "",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.", "yourServers": "",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.", "zoomLabel": "Zoom da interface (afeta principalmente tamanho de texto e botões)"
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"titlePlaceholder": "título…",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Postar novo boletim",
"newBulletinLabel": "Novo Boletim",
"joinGroup": "Join group",
"createGroup": "Create group",
"addPeer": "Add Peer",
"groupAddr": "Address",
"invitation": "Invitation",
"server": "Server",
"groupName": "Group name",
"peerName": "Name",
"peerAddress": "Address",
"joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"createGroupBtn": "Criar",
"defaultGroupName": "Grupo incrível",
"createGroupTitle": "Criar Grupo"
} }

View File

yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(["flaticons"], "Icons made by Freepik ( from Flaticon (");
} }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cwtch/notification_manager.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/notification_manager.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/messageview.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/rightshiftfixer.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/rightshiftfixer.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/ffi.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/ffi.dart';
@ -10,7 +8,6 @@ import 'package:cwtch/errorHandler.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/torstatus.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/torstatus.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/triplecolview.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/views/triplecolview.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'cwtch/cwtch.dart'; import 'cwtch/cwtch.dart';
import 'cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart'; import 'cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart';
@ -18,20 +15,16 @@ import 'licenses.dart';
import 'model.dart'; import 'model.dart';
import 'views/profilemgrview.dart'; import 'views/profilemgrview.dart';
import 'views/splashView.dart'; import 'views/splashView.dart';
import 'dart:io' show Platform, exit; import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'opaque.dart'; import 'opaque.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
var globalSettings = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark()); var globalSettings = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.dark);
var globalErrorHandler = ErrorHandler(); var globalErrorHandler = ErrorHandler();
var globalTorStatus = TorStatus(); var globalTorStatus = TorStatus();
var globalAppState = AppState();
void main() { void main() {
LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() => licenses()); LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() => licenses());
runApp(Flwtch()); runApp(Flwtch());
} }
@ -45,45 +38,47 @@ class Flwtch extends StatefulWidget {
class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> { class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> {
final TextStyle biggerFont = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18); final TextStyle biggerFont = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18);
late Cwtch cwtch; late Cwtch cwtch;
bool cwtchInit = false;
late ProfileInfoState selectedProfile;
String selectedConversation = "";
var columns = [1]; // default or 'single column' mode
//var columns = [1, 1, 2];
late ProfileListState profs; late ProfileListState profs;
final MethodChannel notificationClickChannel = MethodChannel('im.cwtch.flwtch/notificationClickHandler');
final MethodChannel shutdownMethodChannel = MethodChannel('im.cwtch.flwtch/shutdown');
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
@override @override
initState() { initState() {
print("initState: running...");
super.initState(); super.initState();
cwtchInit = false;
print("initState: registering notification, shutdown handlers...");
profs = ProfileListState(); profs = ProfileListState();
print("initState: creating cwtchnotifier, ffi");
if (Platform.isAndroid) { if (Platform.isAndroid) {
var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager(), globalAppState); var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager());
cwtch = CwtchGomobile(cwtchNotifier); cwtch = CwtchGomobile(cwtchNotifier);
} else if (Platform.isLinux) { } else if (Platform.isLinux) {
var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, LinuxNotificationsManager(), globalAppState); var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, LinuxNotificationsManager());
cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier); cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier);
} else { } else {
var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager(), globalAppState); var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager());
cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier); cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier);
} }
print("initState: invoking cwtch.Start()");
cwtch.Start(); cwtch.Start().then((val) {
print("initState: done!"); setState(() {
cwtchInit = true;
} }
ChangeNotifierProvider<TorStatus> getTorStatusProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalTorStatus); ChangeNotifierProvider<TorStatus> getTorStatusProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalTorStatus);
ChangeNotifierProvider<ErrorHandler> getErrorHandlerProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalErrorHandler); ChangeNotifierProvider<ErrorHandler> getErrorHandlerProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalErrorHandler);
ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalSettings); ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalSettings);
ChangeNotifierProvider<AppState> getAppStateProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalAppState);
Provider<FlwtchState> getFlwtchStateProvider() => Provider<FlwtchState>(create: (_) => this); Provider<FlwtchState> getFlwtchStateProvider() => Provider<FlwtchState>(create: (_) => this);
ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileListState> getProfileListProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (context) => profs); ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileListState> getProfileListProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (context) => profs);
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//appStatus = AppModel(cwtch: cwtch);
globalSettings.initPackageInfo(); globalSettings.initPackageInfo();
return MultiProvider( return MultiProvider(
providers: [ providers: [
@ -92,72 +87,25 @@ class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> {
getSettingsProvider(), getSettingsProvider(),
getErrorHandlerProvider(), getErrorHandlerProvider(),
getTorStatusProvider(), getTorStatusProvider(),
], ],
builder: (context, widget) { builder: (context, widget) {
return Consumer2<Settings, AppState>( return Consumer<Settings>(
builder: (context, settings, appState, child) => MaterialApp( builder: (context, settings, child) => MaterialApp(
key: Key('app'), key: Key('app'),
navigatorKey: navKey,
locale: settings.locale, locale: settings.locale,
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates, localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales, supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
title: 'Cwtch', title: 'Cwtch',
theme: mkThemeData(settings), theme: mkThemeData(settings),
home: appState.cwtchInit == true ? ShiftRightFixer(child: ProfileMgrView()) : SplashView(), // from dan: home: cwtchInit == true ? ProfileMgrView(cwtch) : SplashView(),
// from erinn: home: columns.length == 3 ? TripleColumnView() : ProfileMgrView(),
home: cwtchInit == true ? (columns.length == 3 ? TripleColumnView() : ShiftRightFixer(child: ProfileMgrView())) : SplashView(),
), ),
); );
}, },
); );
} }
Future<void> shutdown(MethodCall call) async {
// Wait a few seconds as shutting down things takes a little time..
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)).then((value) {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
} else if (Platform.isLinux || Platform.isWindows) {
// Invoked via notificationClickChannel by MyBroadcastReceiver in MainActivity.kt
// coder beware: args["RemotePeer"] is actually a handle, and could be eg a groupID
Future<void> _externalNotificationClicked(MethodCall call) async {
var args = jsonDecode(call.arguments);
var profile = profs.getProfile(args["ProfileOnion"])!;
var contact = profile.contactList.getContact(args["RemotePeer"])!;
contact.unreadMessages = 0;
// single pane mode pushes; double pane mode reads AppState.selectedProfile/Conversation
var isLandscape = Provider.of<AppState>(navKey.currentContext!, listen: false).isLandscape(navKey.currentContext!);
if (Provider.of<Settings>(navKey.currentContext!, listen: false).uiColumns(isLandscape).length == 1) {
if (navKey.currentContext?.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<MessageView>() != null) {
print("messageview already open; popping before pushing replacement");
builder: (BuildContext builderContext) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: profile),
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: contact),
builder: (context, child) => MessageView(),
} else { //dual pane
Provider.of<AppState>(navKey.currentContext!, listen: false).selectedProfile = args["ProfileOnion"];
Provider.of<AppState>(navKey.currentContext!, listen: false).selectedConversation = args["RemotePeer"];
@override @override
void dispose() { void dispose() {
cwtch.dispose(); cwtch.dispose();

View File

@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart'; import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:glob/list_local_fs.dart';
var globalSettings = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark()); var globalSettings = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.dark);
var globalErrorHandler = ErrorHandler(); var globalErrorHandler = ErrorHandler();
void main() { void main() {

View File

@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ class ProfileListState extends ChangeNotifier {
List<ProfileInfoState> _profiles = []; List<ProfileInfoState> _profiles = [];
int get num => _profiles.length; int get num => _profiles.length;
void add(String onion, String name, String picture, String contactsJson, String serverJson, bool online, bool encrypted) { void addAll(Iterable<ProfileInfoState> newProfiles) {
var idx = _profiles.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion); _profiles.addAll(newProfiles);
if (idx == -1) { notifyListeners();
_profiles.add(ProfileInfoState(onion: onion, nickname: name, imagePath: picture, contactsJson: contactsJson, serversJson: serverJson, online: online, encrypted: encrypted)); }
} else {
_profiles[idx].updateFrom(onion, name, picture, contactsJson, serverJson, online); void add(ProfileInfoState newProfile) {
} _profiles.add(newProfile);
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
@ -54,42 +54,6 @@ class ProfileListState extends ChangeNotifier {
int idx = _profiles.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion); int idx = _profiles.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
return idx >= 0 ? _profiles[idx] : null; return idx >= 0 ? _profiles[idx] : null;
} }
void delete(String onion) {
_profiles.removeWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
class AppState extends ChangeNotifier {
bool cwtchInit = false;
String appError = "";
String? _selectedProfile;
String? _selectedConversation;
void SetCwtchInit() {
cwtchInit = true;
void SetAppError(String error) {
appError = error;
String? get selectedProfile => _selectedProfile;
set selectedProfile(String? newVal) {
this._selectedProfile = newVal;
String? get selectedConversation => _selectedConversation;
set selectedConversation(String? newVal) {
this._selectedConversation = newVal;
bool isLandscape(BuildContext c) => MediaQuery.of(c).size.width > MediaQuery.of(c).size.height;
} }
class ContactListState extends ChangeNotifier { class ContactListState extends ChangeNotifier {
@ -177,10 +141,6 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
int _unreadMessages = 0; int _unreadMessages = 0;
bool _online = false; bool _online = false;
// assume profiles are encrypted...this will be set to false
// in the constructor if the profile is encrypted with the defacto password.
bool _encrypted = true;
ProfileInfoState({ ProfileInfoState({
required this.onion, required this.onion,
nickname = "", nickname = "",
@ -189,13 +149,11 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
contactsJson = "", contactsJson = "",
serversJson = "", serversJson = "",
online = false, online = false,
encrypted = true,
}) { }) {
this._nickname = nickname; this._nickname = nickname;
this._imagePath = imagePath; this._imagePath = imagePath;
this._unreadMessages = unreadMessages; this._unreadMessages = unreadMessages;
this._online = online; this._online = online;
this._encrypted = encrypted;
if (contactsJson != null && contactsJson != "" && contactsJson != "null") { if (contactsJson != null && contactsJson != "" && contactsJson != "null") {
List<dynamic> contacts = jsonDecode(contactsJson); List<dynamic> contacts = jsonDecode(contactsJson);
@ -225,7 +183,7 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
// Parse out the server list json into our server info state struct... // Parse out the server list json into our server info state struct...
void replaceServers(String serversJson) { void replaceServers(String serversJson) {
if (serversJson != "" && serversJson != "null") { if (serversJson != null && serversJson != "" && serversJson != "null") {
print("got servers $serversJson"); print("got servers $serversJson");
List<dynamic> servers = jsonDecode(serversJson); List<dynamic> servers = jsonDecode(serversJson);
this._servers.replace( { this._servers.replace( {
@ -249,9 +207,6 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
// Check encrypted status for profile info screen
bool get isEncrypted => this._encrypted;
String get nickname => this._nickname; String get nickname => this._nickname;
set nickname(String newValue) { set nickname(String newValue) {
this._nickname = newValue; this._nickname = newValue;
@ -286,41 +241,6 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
super.dispose(); super.dispose();
print("profileinfostate.dispose()"); print("profileinfostate.dispose()");
} }
void updateFrom(String onion, String name, String picture, String contactsJson, String serverJson, bool online) {
this._nickname = name;
this._imagePath = picture;
this._online = online;
if (contactsJson != null && contactsJson != "" && contactsJson != "null") {
List<dynamic> contacts = jsonDecode(contactsJson);
contacts.forEach((contact) {
var profileContact = this._contacts.getContact(contact["onion"]);
if (profileContact != null) {
profileContact.status = contact["status"];
profileContact.totalMessages = contact["numMessages"];
profileContact.lastMessageTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(1000 * int.parse(contact["lastMsgTime"]));
} else {
nickname: contact["name"],
status: contact["status"],
imagePath: contact["picture"],
isBlocked: contact["authorization"] == "blocked",
isInvitation: contact["authorization"] == "unknown",
savePeerHistory: contact["saveConversationHistory"],
numMessages: contact["numMessages"],
numUnread: contact["numUnread"],
isGroup: contact["isGroup"],
server: contact["groupServer"],
lastMessageTime: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(1000 * int.parse(contact["lastMsgTime"])),
} }
class ContactInfoState extends ChangeNotifier { class ContactInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
@ -437,8 +357,7 @@ class ContactInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
bool isOnline() { bool isOnline() {
if (this.isGroup == true) { if (this.isGroup == true) {
// We now have an out of sync warning so we will mark these as online... return this.status == "Synced";
return this.status == "Authenticated" || this.status == "Synced";
} else { } else {
return this.status == "Authenticated"; return this.status == "Authenticated";
} }
@ -463,7 +382,6 @@ class MessageState extends ChangeNotifier {
late String _inviteNick; late String _inviteNick;
late DateTime _timestamp; late DateTime _timestamp;
late String _senderOnion; late String _senderOnion;
late int _flags;
String? _senderImage; String? _senderImage;
late String _signature = ""; late String _signature = "";
late bool _ackd = false; late bool _ackd = false;
@ -484,12 +402,6 @@ class MessageState extends ChangeNotifier {
get message => this._message; get message => this._message;
get overlay => this._overlay; get overlay => this._overlay;
get timestamp => this._timestamp; get timestamp => this._timestamp;
int get flags => this._flags;
set flags(int newVal) {
this._flags = newVal;
bool get ackd => this._ackd; bool get ackd => this._ackd;
bool get error => this._error; bool get error => this._error;
bool get malformed => this._malformed; bool get malformed => this._malformed;
@ -517,8 +429,6 @@ class MessageState extends ChangeNotifier {
} }
set loaded(bool newVal) { set loaded(bool newVal) {
// quickly-arriving messages get discarded before loading sometimes
if (!hasListeners) return;
this._loaded = newVal; this._loaded = newVal;
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
@ -540,7 +450,6 @@ class MessageState extends ChangeNotifier {
this._timestamp = DateTime.tryParse(messageWrapper['Timestamp'])!; this._timestamp = DateTime.tryParse(messageWrapper['Timestamp'])!;
this._senderOnion = messageWrapper['PeerID']; this._senderOnion = messageWrapper['PeerID'];
this._senderImage = messageWrapper['ContactImage']; this._senderImage = messageWrapper['ContactImage'];
this._flags = int.parse(messageWrapper['Flags'].toString(), radix: 2);
// If this is a group, store the signature // If this is a group, store the signature
if (contactHandle.length == 32) { if (contactHandle.length == 32) {

View File

@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart';
abstract class OpaqueThemeType { abstract class OpaqueThemeType {
static final Color red = Color(0xFFFF0000); static final Color red = Color(0xFFFF0000);
String identifier() {
return "dummy";
Color backgroundMainColor() { Color backgroundMainColor() {
return red; return red;
} }
@ -309,15 +304,9 @@ abstract class OpaqueThemeType {
// ... more to come // ... more to come
// Sizes
double contactOnionTextSize() {
return 18;
} }
class OpaqueDark extends OpaqueThemeType { class CwtchDark extends OpaqueThemeType {
static final Color darkGreyPurple = Color(0xFF281831); static final Color darkGreyPurple = Color(0xFF281831);
static final Color deepPurple = Color(0xFF422850); static final Color deepPurple = Color(0xFF422850);
static final Color mauvePurple = Color(0xFF8E64A5); static final Color mauvePurple = Color(0xFF8E64A5);
@ -330,10 +319,6 @@ class OpaqueDark extends OpaqueThemeType {
static final Color softGreen = Color(0xFFA0FFB0); static final Color softGreen = Color(0xFFA0FFB0);
static final Color softRed = Color(0xFFFFA0B0); static final Color softRed = Color(0xFFFFA0B0);
String identifier() {
return "dark";
Color backgroundMainColor() { Color backgroundMainColor() {
return darkGreyPurple; return darkGreyPurple;
} }
@ -627,7 +612,7 @@ class OpaqueDark extends OpaqueThemeType {
} }
} }
class OpaqueLight extends OpaqueThemeType { class CwtchLight extends OpaqueThemeType {
static final Color whitePurple = Color(0xFFFFFDFF); static final Color whitePurple = Color(0xFFFFFDFF);
static final Color softPurple = Color(0xFFFDF3FC); static final Color softPurple = Color(0xFFFDF3FC);
static final Color purple = Color(0xFFDFB9DE); static final Color purple = Color(0xFFDFB9DE);
@ -640,10 +625,6 @@ class OpaqueLight extends OpaqueThemeType {
static final Color softGreen = Color(0xFFA0FFB0); static final Color softGreen = Color(0xFFA0FFB0);
static final Color softRed = Color(0xFFFFA0B0); static final Color softRed = Color(0xFFFFA0B0);
String identifier() {
return "light";
Color backgroundMainColor() { Color backgroundMainColor() {
return whitePurple; return whitePurple;
} }
@ -937,99 +918,6 @@ class OpaqueLight extends OpaqueThemeType {
} }
} }
ThemeData mkThemeData(Settings opaque) {
return ThemeData(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
primaryIconTheme: IconThemeData(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
primaryColor: opaque.current().backgroundMainColor(),
canvasColor: opaque.current().backgroundPaneColor(),
backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundMainColor(),
highlightColor: opaque.current().hilightElementTextColor(),
iconTheme: IconThemeData(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
cardColor: opaque.current().backgroundMainColor(),
appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundPaneColor(),
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
actionsIconTheme: IconThemeData(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
bottomNavigationBarTheme: BottomNavigationBarThemeData(type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed, backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundHilightElementColor()),
textButtonTheme: TextButtonThemeData(
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonColor()),
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonTextColor()),
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
elevatedButtonTheme: ElevatedButtonThemeData(
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonColor()),
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonTextColor()),
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20)),
shape: MaterialStateProperty.all(RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
scrollbarTheme: ScrollbarThemeData(
isAlwaysShown: false, thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().scrollbarActiveColor()), trackColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().scrollbarDefaultColor())),
tabBarTheme: TabBarTheme(indicator: UnderlineTabIndicator(borderSide: BorderSide(color: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()))),
dialogTheme: DialogTheme(
backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundPaneColor(),
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
contentTextStyle: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor())),
textTheme: TextTheme(
headline1: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline2: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline3: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline4: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline5: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline6: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
bodyText1: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
bodyText2: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
subtitle1: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
subtitle2: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
caption: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
button: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
overline: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor())),
switchTheme: SwitchThemeData(
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
trackColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().dropShadowColor()),
floatingActionButtonTheme: FloatingActionButtonThemeData(backgroundColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonColor(), hoverColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
textSelectionTheme: TextSelectionThemeData(
cursorColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor(), selectionColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor(), selectionHandleColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
OpaqueThemeType _current = CwtchDark();
void setDark() {
_current = CwtchDark();
void setLight() {
_current = CwtchLight();
OpaqueThemeType current() {
if (_current == null) {
return _current;
class Opaque extends OpaqueThemeType { class Opaque extends OpaqueThemeType {
Color backgroundMainColor() { Color backgroundMainColor() {
return current().backgroundMainColor(); return current().backgroundMainColor();
@ -1338,9 +1226,22 @@ class Opaque extends OpaqueThemeType {
} }
static late OpaqueThemeType _current; static late OpaqueThemeType _current;
//static final OpaqueThemeType dark = CwtchDark(); static final OpaqueThemeType dark = CwtchDark();
//static final OpaqueThemeType light = CwtchLight(); static final OpaqueThemeType light = CwtchLight();
static void setDark() {
_current = dark;
static void setLight() {
_current = light;
static OpaqueThemeType current() {
if (_current == null) {
return _current;
int scale = 2; int scale = 2;
static final String gcdOS = "linux"; static final String gcdOS = "linux";
@ -1440,4 +1341,76 @@ class Opaque extends OpaqueThemeType {
} }
} }
*/ ThemeData mkThemeData(Settings opaque) {
return ThemeData(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
primaryIconTheme: IconThemeData(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
primaryColor: opaque.current().backgroundMainColor(),
canvasColor: opaque.current().backgroundPaneColor(),
backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundMainColor(),
highlightColor: opaque.current().hilightElementTextColor(),
iconTheme: IconThemeData(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
cardColor: opaque.current().backgroundMainColor(),
appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundPaneColor(),
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
actionsIconTheme: IconThemeData(
color: opaque.current().mainTextColor(),
bottomNavigationBarTheme: BottomNavigationBarThemeData(type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed, backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundHilightElementColor()),
textButtonTheme: TextButtonThemeData(
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonColor()),
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonTextColor()),
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
elevatedButtonTheme: ElevatedButtonThemeData(
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonColor()),
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonTextColor()),
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20)),
shape: MaterialStateProperty.all(RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
scrollbarTheme: ScrollbarThemeData(
isAlwaysShown: false, thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().scrollbarActiveColor()), trackColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().scrollbarDefaultColor())),
tabBarTheme: TabBarTheme(indicator: UnderlineTabIndicator(borderSide: BorderSide(color: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()))),
dialogTheme: DialogTheme(
backgroundColor: opaque.current().backgroundPaneColor(),
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
contentTextStyle: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor())),
textTheme: TextTheme(
headline1: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline2: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline3: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline4: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline5: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
headline6: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
bodyText1: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
bodyText2: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
subtitle1: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
subtitle2: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
caption: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
button: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
overline: TextStyle(color: opaque.current().mainTextColor())),
switchTheme: SwitchThemeData(
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().mainTextColor()),
trackColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(opaque.current().dropShadowColor()),
floatingActionButtonTheme: FloatingActionButtonThemeData(backgroundColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonColor(), hoverColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
textSelectionTheme: TextSelectionThemeData(
cursorColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor(), selectionColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor(), selectionHandleColor: opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),

View File

@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ import 'opaque.dart';
const TapirGroupsExperiment = "tapir-groups-experiment"; const TapirGroupsExperiment = "tapir-groups-experiment";
enum DualpaneMode {
/// Settings govern the *Globally* relevant settings like Locale, Theme and Experiments. /// Settings govern the *Globally* relevant settings like Locale, Theme and Experiments.
/// We also provide access to the version information here as it is also accessed from the /// We also provide access to the version information here as it is also accessed from the
/// Settings Pane. /// Settings Pane.
@ -26,20 +19,18 @@ class Settings extends ChangeNotifier {
// explicitly set experiments to false until told otherwise... // explicitly set experiments to false until told otherwise...
bool experimentsEnabled = false; bool experimentsEnabled = false;
HashMap<String, bool> experiments = HashMap.identity(); HashMap<String, bool> experiments = HashMap.identity();
DualpaneMode _uiColumnModePortrait = DualpaneMode.Single;
DualpaneMode _uiColumnModeLandscape = DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait;
bool blockUnknownConnections = false; late bool blockUnknownConnections;
/// Set the dark theme. /// Set the dark theme.
void setDark() { void setDark() {
theme = OpaqueDark(); theme = Opaque.dark;
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
/// Set the Light theme. /// Set the Light theme.
void setLight() { void setLight() {
theme = OpaqueLight(); theme = Opaque.light;
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
@ -82,10 +73,6 @@ class Settings extends ChangeNotifier {
// Set the internal experiments map. Casting from the Map<dynamic, dynamic> that we get from JSON // Set the internal experiments map. Casting from the Map<dynamic, dynamic> that we get from JSON
experiments = new HashMap<String, bool>.from(settings["Experiments"]); experiments = new HashMap<String, bool>.from(settings["Experiments"]);
// single pane vs dual pane preferences
_uiColumnModePortrait = uiColumnModeFromString(settings["UIColumnModePortrait"]);
_uiColumnModeLandscape = uiColumnModeFromString(settings["UIColumnModeLandscape"]);
// Push the experimental settings to Consumers of Settings // Push the experimental settings to Consumers of Settings
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
@ -147,62 +134,16 @@ class Settings extends ChangeNotifier {
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
DualpaneMode get uiColumnModePortrait => _uiColumnModePortrait;
set uiColumnModePortrait(DualpaneMode newval) {
this._uiColumnModePortrait = newval;
DualpaneMode get uiColumnModeLandscape => _uiColumnModeLandscape;
set uiColumnModeLandscape(DualpaneMode newval) {
this._uiColumnModeLandscape = newval;
List<int> uiColumns(bool isLandscape) {
var m = (!isLandscape || uiColumnModeLandscape == DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait) ? uiColumnModePortrait : uiColumnModeLandscape;
switch(m) {
case DualpaneMode.Single: return [1];
case DualpaneMode.Dual1to2: return [1, 2];
case DualpaneMode.Dual1to4: return [1, 4];
print("impossible column configuration: portrait/$uiColumnModePortrait landscape/$uiColumnModeLandscape");
return [1];
static List<DualpaneMode> uiColumnModeOptions(bool isLandscape) {
if (isLandscape) return [DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait, DualpaneMode.Single, DualpaneMode.Dual1to2, DualpaneMode.Dual1to4,];
else return [DualpaneMode.Single, DualpaneMode.Dual1to2, DualpaneMode.Dual1to4];
static DualpaneMode uiColumnModeFromString(String m) {
switch(m) {
case "DualpaneMode.Single": return DualpaneMode.Single;
case "DualpaneMode.Dual1to2": return DualpaneMode.Dual1to2;
case "DualpaneMode.Dual1to4": return DualpaneMode.Dual1to4;
case "DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait": return DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait;
print("Error: ui requested translation of column mode [$m] which doesn't exist");
return DualpaneMode.Single;
static String uiColumnModeToString(DualpaneMode m) {
// todo: translate
switch(m) {
case DualpaneMode.Single: return "Single";
case DualpaneMode.Dual1to2: return "Double (1:2)";
case DualpaneMode.Dual1to4: return "Double (1:4)";
case DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait: return "Same as portrait mode setting";
/// Construct a default settings object. /// Construct a default settings object.
Settings(this.locale, this.theme); Settings(this.locale, this.theme);
/// Convert this Settings object to a JSON representation for serialization on the /// Convert this Settings object to a JSON representation for serialization on the
/// event bus. /// event bus.
dynamic asJson() { dynamic asJson() {
var themeString = theme.identifier(); var themeString = "light";
if (theme == Opaque.dark) {
themeString = "dark";
return { return {
"Locale": this.locale.languageCode, "Locale": this.locale.languageCode,
@ -212,9 +153,7 @@ class Settings extends ChangeNotifier {
"ExperimentsEnabled": this.experimentsEnabled, "ExperimentsEnabled": this.experimentsEnabled,
"Experiments": experiments, "Experiments": experiments,
"StateRootPane": 0, "StateRootPane": 0,
"FirstTime": false, "FirstTime": false
"UIColumnModePortrait": uiColumnModePortrait.toString(),
"UIColumnModeLandscape": uiColumnModeLandscape.toString(),
}; };
} }
} }

View File

@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ class TorStatus extends ChangeNotifier {
int progress; int progress;
String status; String status;
bool connected; bool connected;
String version;
TorStatus({this.connected = false, this.progress = 0, this.status = "", this.version = ""}); TorStatus({this.connected = false, this.progress = 0, this.status = ""});
/// Called by the event bus. /// Called by the event bus.
handleUpdate(int new_progress, String new_status) { handleUpdate(int new_progress, String new_status) {
@ -21,9 +20,4 @@ class TorStatus extends ChangeNotifier {
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
updateVersion(String new_version) {
version = new_version;
} }

View File

@ -119,11 +119,7 @@ class _AddContactViewState extends State<AddContactView> {
CwtchButtonTextField( CwtchButtonTextField(
controller: ctrlrOnion, controller: ctrlrOnion,
onPressed: _copyOnion, onPressed: _copyOnion,
readonly: true, icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.copy_address),
icon: Icon(
size: 32,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copyBtn, tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copyBtn,
), ),
SizedBox( SizedBox(
@ -167,7 +163,7 @@ class _AddContactViewState extends State<AddContactView> {
Widget addGroupTab() { Widget addGroupTab() {
// TODO We should replace with with a "Paste in Server Key Bundle" // TODO We should replace with with a "Paste in Server Key Bundle"
if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).serverList.servers.isEmpty) { if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).serverList.servers.isEmpty) {
return Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addServerFirst); return Text("You need to add a server before you can create a group.");
} }
return Container( return Container(

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
@ -12,8 +11,6 @@ import 'package:cwtch/widgets/textfield.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import '../errorHandler.dart';
import '../main.dart'; import '../main.dart';
import '../opaque.dart'; import '../opaque.dart';
import '../settings.dart'; import '../settings.dart';
@ -102,7 +99,7 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
), ),
CwtchTextField( CwtchTextField(
controller: ctrlrNick, controller: ctrlrNick,
autofocus: false, autofocus: true,
labelText: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.yourDisplayName, labelText: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.yourDisplayName,
validator: (value) { validator: (value) {
if (value.isEmpty) { if (value.isEmpty) {
@ -125,11 +122,7 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
CwtchButtonTextField( CwtchButtonTextField(
controller: ctrlrOnion, controller: ctrlrOnion,
onPressed: _copyOnion, onPressed: _copyOnion,
readonly: true, icon: Icon(Icons.copy),
icon: Icon(
size: 32,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copyBtn, tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copyBtn,
) )
])), ])),
@ -155,7 +148,7 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
visible: usePassword, visible: usePassword,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <Widget>[ child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <Widget>[
Visibility( Visibility(
visible: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion.isNotEmpty && Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).isEncrypted, visible: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion.isNotEmpty,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [
CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.currentPasswordLabel), CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.currentPasswordLabel),
SizedBox( SizedBox(
@ -165,12 +158,9 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
controller: ctrlrOldPass, controller: ctrlrOldPass,
validator: (value) { validator: (value) {
// Password field can be empty when just updating the profile, not on creation // Password field can be empty when just updating the profile, not on creation
if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).isEncrypted && Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion.isEmpty && value.isEmpty && usePassword) { if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion.isEmpty && value.isEmpty && usePassword) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorEmpty; return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorEmpty;
} }
if (Provider.of<ErrorHandler>(context).deleteProfileError == true) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.enterCurrentPasswordForDelete;
return null; return null;
}, },
), ),
@ -242,9 +232,11 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
Tooltip( Tooltip(
message: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.enterCurrentPasswordForDelete, message: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.enterCurrentPasswordForDelete,
child: ElevatedButton.icon( child: ElevatedButton.icon(
onPressed: () { onPressed: checkCurrentPassword()
showAlertDialog(context); ? null
}, : () {
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(primary: theme.current().defaultButtonColor()), style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(primary: theme.current().defaultButtonColor()),
icon: Icon(Icons.delete_forever), icon: Icon(Icons.delete_forever),
label: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteBtn), label: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteBtn),
@ -310,49 +302,52 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
} }
} }
showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) { // TODO Stub - wire this into a libCwtch call.
// set up the buttons bool checkCurrentPassword() {
Widget cancelButton = TextButton( return ctrlrOldPass.value.text.isEmpty;
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.cancel),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
Widget continueButton = TextButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteProfileConfirmBtn),
onPressed: () {
var onion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion;
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.DeleteProfile(onion, ctrlrOldPass.value.text);
const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
() {
if (globalErrorHandler.deleteProfileSuccess) {
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteProfileSuccess + ":" + onion));
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst); // dismiss dialog
} else {
// set up the AlertDialog
AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteProfileConfirmBtn),
actions: [
// show the dialog
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return alert;
} }
} }
showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) {
// set up the buttons
Widget cancelButton = TextButton(
child: Text("Cancel"),
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Opaque.current().defaultButtonColor()),
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Opaque.current().defaultButtonTextColor()),
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
Widget continueButton = TextButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Opaque.current().defaultButtonColor()),
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Opaque.current().defaultButtonTextColor()),
overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Opaque.current().defaultButtonActiveColor()),
padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteProfileConfirmBtn),
onPressed: () {
// TODO Actually Delete the Peer
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
// set up the AlertDialog
AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteProfileConfirmBtn),
actions: [
// show the dialog
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return alert;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../main.dart'; import '../main.dart';
import '../model.dart'; import '../model.dart';
import '../settings.dart';
import 'contactsview.dart'; import 'contactsview.dart';
import 'messageview.dart'; import 'messageview.dart';
@ -15,25 +14,24 @@ class DoubleColumnView extends StatefulWidget {
class _DoubleColumnViewState extends State<DoubleColumnView> { class _DoubleColumnViewState extends State<DoubleColumnView> {
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var flwtch = Provider.of<AppState>(context); var flwtch = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context);
var cols = Provider.of<Settings>(context).uiColumns(true);
return Flex( return Flex(
direction: Axis.horizontal, direction: Axis.horizontal,
children: <Widget>[ children: <Widget>[
Flexible( Flexible(
flex: cols[0], flex: flwtch.columns[0],
child: ContactsView( child: ContactsView(
key: widget.key, key: widget.key,
), ),
), ),
Flexible( Flexible(
flex: cols[1], flex: flwtch.columns[1],
child: flwtch.selectedConversation == null child: flwtch.selectedConversation == ""
? Card(child:Center(child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addContactFirst))) ? Center(child: Text("pick a contact"))
: //dev : //dev
MultiProvider(providers: [ MultiProvider(providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context)), ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context)),
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).contactList.getContact(flwtch.selectedConversation!)!), ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).contactList.getContact(flwtch.selectedConversation)!),
], child: Container(child: MessageView())), ], child: Container(child: MessageView())),
), ),
], ],

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class _GlobalSettingsViewState extends State<GlobalSettingsView> {
}).toList())), }).toList())),
SwitchListTile( SwitchListTile(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingTheme, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())), title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingTheme, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
value: settings.current().identifier() == "light", value: settings.current() == Opaque.light,
onChanged: (bool value) { onChanged: (bool value) {
if (value) { if (value) {
settings.setLight(); settings.setLight();
@ -80,33 +80,24 @@ class _GlobalSettingsViewState extends State<GlobalSettingsView> {
secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.change_theme, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()), secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.change_theme, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
), ),
ListTile( ListTile(
title: Text(/*AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingLanguage*/ "UI Columns in Portrait Mode", style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())), title: Text(/*AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingLanguage*/ "UI Columns", style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
leading: Icon(Icons.table_chart, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()), leading: Icon(Icons.table_chart, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
trailing: DropdownButton( trailing: DropdownButton(
value: settings.uiColumnModePortrait.toString(), value: "Single",
onChanged: (String? newValue) { onChanged: (String? newValue) {
settings.uiColumnModePortrait = Settings.uiColumnModeFromString(newValue!); if (newValue == "Double (1:2)") {
saveSettings(context); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).columns = [1, 2];
} else if (newValue == "Double (1:4)") {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).columns = [1, 4];
} else {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).columns = [1];
}, },
items: Settings.uiColumnModeOptions(false).map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((DualpaneMode value) { // TODO: Only allow in landscape?
items: (Platform.isAndroid ? ["Single"] : ["Single", "Double (1:2)", "Double (1:4)"]).map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((String value) {
return DropdownMenuItem<String>( return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value.toString(), value: value,
child: Text(Settings.uiColumnModeToString(value)), child: Text(value),
title: Text(/*AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingLanguage*/ "UI Columns in Landscape Mode", style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
leading: Icon(Icons.table_chart, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
trailing: DropdownButton(
value: settings.uiColumnModeLandscape.toString(),
onChanged: (String? newValue) {
settings.uiColumnModeLandscape = Settings.uiColumnModeFromString(newValue!);
items: Settings.uiColumnModeOptions(true).map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((DualpaneMode value) {
return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value.toString(),
child: Text(Settings.uiColumnModeToString(value)),
); );
}).toList())), }).toList())),
SwitchListTile( SwitchListTile(
@ -169,7 +160,13 @@ class _GlobalSettingsViewState extends State<GlobalSettingsView> {
)), )),
AboutListTile( AboutListTile(
icon: Icon(, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()), icon: Icon(, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
applicationIcon: Padding(padding:EdgeInsets.all(5), child: Icon(CwtchIcons.cwtch_knott)), applicationIcon: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(20),
child: Image(
image: AssetImage("assets/knott.png"),
width: 128,
height: 128,
applicationName: "Cwtch (Flutter UI)", applicationName: "Cwtch (Flutter UI)",
applicationVersion: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.versionBuilddate.replaceAll("%1", EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_VER).replaceAll("%2", EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_DATE), applicationVersion: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.versionBuilddate.replaceAll("%1", EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_VER).replaceAll("%2", EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_DATE),
applicationLegalese: '\u{a9} 2021 Open Privacy Research Society', applicationLegalese: '\u{a9} 2021 Open Privacy Research Society',

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class _GroupSettingsViewState extends State<GroupSettingsView> {
showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) { showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) {
// set up the buttons // set up the buttons
Widget cancelButton = TextButton( Widget cancelButton = TextButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.cancel), child: Text("Cancel"),
style: ButtonStyle(padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))), style: ButtonStyle(padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
onPressed: () { onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profileimage.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/peersettingsview.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/views/peersettingsview.dart';
@ -43,24 +41,11 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var appState = Provider.of<AppState>(context);
return WillPopScope( return WillPopScope(
onWillPop: _onWillPop, onWillPop: _onWillPop,
child: Scaffold( child: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar( appBar: AppBar(
// setting leading to null makes it do the default behaviour; container() hides it title: Text(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).nickname),
leading: Provider.of<Settings>(context).uiColumns(appState.isLandscape(context)).length > 1 ? Container() : null,
title: Row(children: [
imagePath: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).imagePath,
diameter: 42,
border: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().portraitOnlineBorderColor(),
width: 10,
actions: [ actions: [
//IconButton(icon: Icon(, onPressed: _pushContactSettings), //IconButton(icon: Icon(, onPressed: _pushContactSettings),
//IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.list), onPressed: _pushContactSettings), //IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.list), onPressed: _pushContactSettings),
@ -81,6 +66,12 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
return true; return true;
} }
void _debugResetContact() {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.DebugResetContact(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).profileOnion, Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion);
void _pushContactSettings() { void _pushContactSettings() {
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>( Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (BuildContext bcontext) { builder: (BuildContext bcontext) {
@ -138,7 +129,7 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
child: TextFormField( child: TextFormField(
key: Key('txtCompose'), key: Key('txtCompose'),
controller: ctrlrCompose, controller: ctrlrCompose,
autofocus: !Platform.isAndroid, autofocus: true,
focusNode: focusNode, focusNode: focusNode,
textInputAction: TextInputAction.send, textInputAction: TextInputAction.send,
onFieldSubmitted: _sendMessage, onFieldSubmitted: _sendMessage,
@ -148,14 +139,11 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
enabled: true, enabled: true,
prefixIcon: IconButton( prefixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.send_invite, size: 24, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor()), icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.send_invite, size: 24, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor()),
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.sendInvite, tooltip: "Send a contact or group invite",
enableFeedback: true,
splashColor: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(),
hoverColor: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(),
onPressed: () => _modalSendInvitation(context)), onPressed: () => _modalSendInvitation(context)),
suffixIcon: IconButton( suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.send_24px, size: 24, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor()), icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.send_24px, size: 24, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor()),
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.sendMessage, tooltip: "Send Message",
onPressed: _sendMessage, onPressed: _sendMessage,
), ),
))), ))),
@ -202,9 +190,7 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
ElevatedButton( ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(bcontext)!.inviteBtn, semanticsLabel: AppLocalizations.of(bcontext)!.inviteBtn), child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(bcontext)!.inviteBtn, semanticsLabel: AppLocalizations.of(bcontext)!.inviteBtn),
onPressed: () { onPressed: () {
if (this.selectedContact != "") { this._sendInvitation();
Navigator.pop(bcontext); Navigator.pop(bcontext);
}, },
), ),

View File

@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ class _PeerSettingsViewState extends State<PeerSettingsView> {
}; };
final setPeerAttributeJson = jsonEncode(setPeerAttribute); final setPeerAttributeJson = jsonEncode(setPeerAttribute);
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SendProfileEvent(profileOnion, setPeerAttributeJson); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SendProfileEvent(profileOnion, setPeerAttributeJson);
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.nickChangeSuccess)); // todo translations
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text("Nickname changed successfully"));
ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(snackBar); ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(snackBar);
}, },
icon: Icon(, icon: Icon(,
@ -186,22 +187,6 @@ class _PeerSettingsViewState extends State<PeerSettingsView> {
); );
}).toList())), }).toList())),
]), ]),
Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: [
height: 20,
Row(crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [
message: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.leaveGroup,
child: ElevatedButton.icon(
onPressed: () {
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.leave_chat),
label: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.leaveGroup),
]))))); ])))));
}); });
}); });
@ -212,44 +197,4 @@ class _PeerSettingsViewState extends State<PeerSettingsView> {
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copiedClipboardNotification)); final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copiedClipboardNotification));
ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(snackBar); ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(snackBar);
} }
showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) {
// set up the buttons
Widget cancelButton = TextButton(
child: Text("Cancel"),
style: ButtonStyle(padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
Widget continueButton = TextButton(
style: ButtonStyle(padding: MaterialStateProperty.all(EdgeInsets.all(20))),
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.yesLeave),
onPressed: () {
var profileOnion = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).profileOnion;
var handle = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion;
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.LeaveConversation(profileOnion, handle);
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => == "conversations"); // dismiss dialog
// set up the AlertDialog
AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt),
actions: [
// show the dialog
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return alert;
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@ -7,13 +6,12 @@ import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/torstatusview.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/views/torstatusview.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/passwordfield.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/passwordfield.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/tor_icon.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/tor_icon.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profilerow.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profilerow.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../config.dart';
import '../main.dart'; import '../main.dart';
import '../model.dart'; import '../model.dart';
import '../opaque.dart';
import '../torstatus.dart'; import '../torstatus.dart';
import 'addeditprofileview.dart'; import 'addeditprofileview.dart';
import 'globalsettingsview.dart'; import 'globalsettingsview.dart';
@ -28,8 +26,6 @@ class ProfileMgrView extends StatefulWidget {
class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> { class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
final ctrlrPassword = TextEditingController(); final ctrlrPassword = TextEditingController();
bool closeApp = false;
@override @override
void dispose() { void dispose() {
ctrlrPassword.dispose(); ctrlrPassword.dispose();
@ -42,111 +38,63 @@ class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
// Prevents Android back button from closing the app on the profile manager screen // Prevents Android back button from closing the app on the profile manager screen
// (which would shutdown connections and all kinds of other expensive to generate things) // (which would shutdown connections and all kinds of other expensive to generate things)
// TODO pop up a dialogue regarding closing the app? // TODO pop up a dialogue regarding closing the app?
builder: (context, settings, child) => builder: (context, settings, child) => WillPopScope(
WillPopScope( onWillPop: () async => false,
onWillPop: () async { child: Scaffold(
_showShutdown(); backgroundColor: settings.theme.backgroundMainColor(),
return closeApp; appBar: AppBar(
}, title: Row(children: [
child: Scaffold( Image(
backgroundColor: settings.theme.backgroundMainColor(), image: AssetImage("assets/core/knott-white.png"),
appBar: AppBar( filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium,
title: Row(children: [ isAntiAlias: true,
Image( width: 32,
image: AssetImage("assets/core/knott-white.png"), height: 32,
filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium, colorBlendMode: BlendMode.dstIn,
isAntiAlias: true, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.backgroundHilightElementColor(),
width: 32,
height: 32,
colorBlendMode: BlendMode.dstIn,
color: Provider
width: 10,
Expanded(child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.titleManageProfiles, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())))
actions: getActions(),
), ),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( SizedBox(
onPressed: _pushAddEditProfile, width: 10,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addNewProfileBtn,
child: Icon(
semanticLabel: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addNewProfileBtn,
), ),
body: _buildProfileManager(), Expanded(child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.titleManageProfiles, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())))
)), ]),
actions: [
icon: TorIcon(),
onPressed: _pushTorStatus,
tooltip: Provider.of<TorStatus>(context).progress == 100
? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusOnline
: (Provider.of<TorStatus>(context).progress == 0 ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusDisconnected : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusAttemptingTor),
IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.bug_report_outlined), onPressed: _setLoggingLevelDebug),
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.lock_open_24px),
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipUnlockProfiles,
onPressed: _modalUnlockProfiles,
IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.settings), tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipOpenSettings, onPressed: _pushGlobalSettings),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _pushAddEditProfile,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addNewProfileBtn,
child: Icon(
semanticLabel: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addNewProfileBtn,
body: _buildProfileManager(),
); );
} }
List<Widget> getActions() { void _setLoggingLevelDebug() {
List<Widget> actions = new List<Widget>.empty(growable: true); final setLoggingLevel = {
"EventType": "SetLoggingLevel",
// Tor Status "Data": {"Debug": "true"},
actions.add(IconButton( };
icon: TorIcon(), final setLoggingLevelJson = jsonEncode(setLoggingLevel);
onPressed: _pushTorStatus, Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SendAppEvent(setLoggingLevelJson);
tooltip: Provider.of<TorStatus>(context).progress == 100
? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusOnline
: (Provider.of<TorStatus>(context).progress == 0 ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusDisconnected : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusAttemptingTor),
// Only show debug button on development builds
// Unlock Profiles
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.lock_open_24px),
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipUnlockProfiles,
onPressed: _modalUnlockProfiles,
// Global Settings
actions.add(IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.settings), tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipOpenSettings, onPressed: _pushGlobalSettings));
actions.add(IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.close), tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.shutdownCwtchTooltip, onPressed: _showShutdown));
return actions;
_showShutdown() {
// set up the buttons
Widget cancelButton = TextButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.cancel),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
Widget continueButton = TextButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.shutdownCwtchAction),
onPressed: () {
// Directly call the shutdown command, Android will do this for us...
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).shutdown(MethodCall(""));
closeApp = true;
// set up the AlertDialog
AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.shutdownCwtchDialogTitle),
content: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.shutdownCwtchDialog),
actions: [
// show the dialog
context: context,
barrierDismissible: false,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return alert;
} }
void _pushGlobalSettings() { void _pushGlobalSettings() {

View File

@ -1,37 +1,11 @@
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../model.dart';
import '../settings.dart';
class SplashView extends StatelessWidget { class SplashView extends StatelessWidget {
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<AppState>( return const Scaffold(
builder: (context, appState, child) => Scaffold( body: const Center(child: const Text("Loading Cwtch...")),
body: Center( );
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [
image: AssetImage("assets/core/knott-white.png"),
filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium,
isAntiAlias: true,
width: 200,
height: 200,
image: AssetImage("assets/cwtch_title.png"),
filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium,
isAntiAlias: true,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: Text(appState.appError == "" ? "Loading Cwtch..." : appState.appError,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16.0, color: appState.appError == "" ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.textfieldErrorColor())),
Image(image: AssetImage("assets/Open_Privacy_Logo_lightoutline.png")),
} }
} }

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class _TorStatusView extends State<TorStatusView> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold( return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar( appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.torNetworkStatus), title: Text("Tor Network Status"),
), ),
body: _buildSettingsList(), body: _buildSettingsList(),
); );
@ -43,19 +43,15 @@ class _TorStatusView extends State<TorStatusView> {
child: Column(children: [ child: Column(children: [
ListTile( ListTile(
leading: TorIcon(), leading: TorIcon(),
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.torStatus), title: Text("Tor Status"),
subtitle: Text(torStatus.progress == 100 ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusOnline : torStatus.status), subtitle: Text(torStatus.progress == 100 ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.networkStatusOnline : torStatus.status),
trailing: ElevatedButton( trailing: ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.resetTor), child: Text("Reset"),
onPressed: () { onPressed: () {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.ResetTor(); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.ResetTor();
}, },
), ),
), )
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.torVersion),
subtitle: Text(torStatus.version),
])))); ]))));
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/profilemgrview.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/views/profilemgrview.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../main.dart'; import '../main.dart';
import '../model.dart';
import '../settings.dart';
import 'contactsview.dart'; import 'contactsview.dart';
import 'messageview.dart'; import 'messageview.dart';
// currently unused but maybe one day?
class TripleColumnView extends StatefulWidget { class TripleColumnView extends StatefulWidget {
@override @override
_TripleColumnViewState createState() => _TripleColumnViewState(); _TripleColumnViewState createState() => _TripleColumnViewState();
@ -17,23 +14,20 @@ class TripleColumnView extends StatefulWidget {
class _TripleColumnViewState extends State<TripleColumnView> { class _TripleColumnViewState extends State<TripleColumnView> {
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var appState = Provider.of<AppState>(context); var flwtch = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context);
var settings = Provider.of<Settings>(context);
var columns = settings.uiColumns(appState.isLandscape(context));
return Flex(direction: Axis.horizontal, children: <Widget>[ return Flex(direction: Axis.horizontal, children: <Widget>[
Flexible( Flexible(
flex: columns[0], flex: flwtch.columns[0],
child: ProfileMgrView(), child: ProfileMgrView(),
), ),
Flexible( Flexible(
flex: columns[1], flex: flwtch.columns[1],
child: appState.selectedProfile == null ? Center(child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.createProfileToBegin)) : ContactsView(), //dev child: flwtch.selectedProfile == null ? Center(child: Text("pick a profile")) : ContactsView(), //dev
), ),
Flexible( Flexible(
flex: columns[2], flex: flwtch.columns[2],
child: appState.selectedConversation == null child: flwtch.selectedConversation == ""
? Center(child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addContactFirst)) ? Center(child: Text("pick a contact"))
: //dev : //dev
Container(child: MessageView()), Container(child: MessageView()),
), ),

View File

@ -17,18 +17,6 @@ class CwtchButtonTextField extends StatefulWidget {
} }
class _CwtchButtonTextFieldState extends State<CwtchButtonTextField> { class _CwtchButtonTextFieldState extends State<CwtchButtonTextField> {
late final FocusNode _focusNode;
void initState() {
_focusNode = FocusNode();
_focusNode.addListener(() {
// Select all...
if (_focusNode.hasFocus) widget.controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: widget.controller.text.length);
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<Settings>(builder: (context, theme, child) { return Consumer<Settings>(builder: (context, theme, child) {
@ -36,12 +24,10 @@ class _CwtchButtonTextFieldState extends State<CwtchButtonTextField> {
controller: widget.controller, controller: widget.controller,
readOnly: widget.readonly, readOnly: widget.readonly,
showCursor: !widget.readonly, showCursor: !widget.readonly,
focusNode: _focusNode,
decoration: InputDecoration( decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: IconButton( suffixIcon: IconButton(
onPressed: widget.onPressed, onPressed: widget.onPressed,
icon: widget.icon, icon: widget.icon,
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0),
tooltip: widget.tooltip, tooltip: widget.tooltip,
enableFeedback: true, enableFeedback: true,
color: theme.current().mainTextColor(), color: theme.current().mainTextColor(),

View File

@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ class _ContactRowState extends State<ContactRow> {
var contact = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context); var contact = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context);
return Card( return Card(
clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
color: Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedConversation == contact.onion ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.backgroundHilightElementColor() : null,
borderOnForeground: false,
child: InkWell( child: InkWell(
child: Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ child: Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [
Padding( Padding(
@ -33,7 +31,7 @@ class _ContactRowState extends State<ContactRow> {
diameter: 64.0, diameter: 64.0,
imagePath: contact.imagePath, imagePath: contact.imagePath,
maskOut: !contact.isOnline(), maskOut: !contact.isOnline(),
border: contact.isOnline() ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : contact.isBlocked ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitBlockedBorderColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor()), border: contact.isOnline() ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor()),
), ),
Expanded( Expanded(
child: Padding( child: Padding(
@ -43,14 +41,11 @@ class _ContactRowState extends State<ContactRow> {
children: [ children: [
Text( Text(
contact.nickname, //(contact.isInvitation ? "invite " : "non-invite ") + (contact.isBlocked ? "blokt" : "nonblokt"),// contact.nickname, //(contact.isInvitation ? "invite " : "non-invite ") + (contact.isBlocked ? "blokt" : "nonblokt"),//
style: Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).biggerFont,
style: TextStyle(fontSize: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.contactOnionTextSize(),
color: contact.isBlocked ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitBlockedTextColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor()), //Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).biggerFont,
softWrap: true, softWrap: true,
overflow: TextOverflow.visible, overflow: TextOverflow.visible,
), ),
Text(contact.onion, Text(contact.onion),
style: TextStyle(color: contact.isBlocked ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitBlockedTextColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor())),
], ],
))), ))),
Padding( Padding(
@ -82,19 +77,17 @@ class _ContactRowState extends State<ContactRow> {
]), ]),
onTap: () { onTap: () {
setState(() { setState(() {
// requery instead of using contactinfostate directly because sometimes listview gets confused about data that resorts var flwtch = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false);
Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).contactList.getContact(contact.onion)!.unreadMessages = 0; flwtch.setState(() => flwtch.selectedConversation = contact.onion);
// triggers update in Double/TripleColumnView // case 2/3 handled by Double/TripleColumnView respectively
Provider.of<AppState>(context, listen: false).selectedConversation = contact.onion; if (flwtch.columns.length == 1) _pushMessageView(contact.onion);
// if in singlepane mode, push to the stack
var isLandscape = Provider.of<AppState>(context, listen: false).isLandscape(context);
if (Provider.of<Settings>(context, listen: false).uiColumns(isLandscape).length == 1) _pushMessageView(contact.onion);
}); });
}, },
)); ));
} }
void _pushMessageView(String handle) { void _pushMessageView(String handle) {
Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).contactList.getContact(handle)!.unreadMessages = 0;
var profileOnion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion; var profileOnion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion;
Navigator.of(context).push( Navigator.of(context).push(
MaterialPageRoute<void>( MaterialPageRoute<void>(

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import 'messagebubbledecorations.dart';
// Like MessageBubble but for displaying chat overlay 100/101 invitations // Like MessageBubble but for displaying chat overlay 100/101 invitations
// Offers the user an accept/reject button if they don't have a matching contact already // Offers the user an accept/reject button if they don't have a matching contact already
// todo: Reject buttons currently aren't tracked and will reset when the message is reloaded
class InvitationBubble extends StatefulWidget { class InvitationBubble extends StatefulWidget {
@override @override
InvitationBubbleState createState() => InvitationBubbleState(); InvitationBubbleState createState() => InvitationBubbleState();
@ -21,21 +22,15 @@ class InvitationBubble extends StatefulWidget {
class InvitationBubbleState extends State<InvitationBubble> { class InvitationBubbleState extends State<InvitationBubble> {
bool rejected = false; bool rejected = false;
bool isAccepted = false; FocusNode _focus = FocusNode();
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (Provider.of<MessageState>(context).malformed) {
return MalformedBubble();
var fromMe = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).senderOnion == Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).onion; var fromMe = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).senderOnion == Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).onion;
var isGroup = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).overlay == 101; var isGroup = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).overlay == 101;
isAccepted = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).contactList.getContact(Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteTarget) != null; var isAccepted = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).contactList.getContact(Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteTarget) != null;
var prettyDate = ""; var prettyDate = "";
var borderRadiousEh = 15.0; var borderRadiousEh = 15.0;
var showGroupInvite = Provider.of<Settings>(context).isExperimentEnabled(TapirGroupsExperiment);
rejected = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).flags & 0x01 == 0x01;
var myKey = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).profileOnion + "::" + Provider.of<MessageState>(context).contactHandle + "::" + Provider.of<MessageState>(context).messageIndex.toString(); var myKey = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).profileOnion + "::" + Provider.of<MessageState>(context).contactHandle + "::" + Provider.of<MessageState>(context).messageIndex.toString();
if (Provider.of<MessageState>(context).timestamp != null) { if (Provider.of<MessageState>(context).timestamp != null) {
@ -59,6 +54,8 @@ class InvitationBubbleState extends State<InvitationBubble> {
child: SelectableText(senderDisplayStr + '\u202F', child: SelectableText(senderDisplayStr + '\u202F',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 9.0, color: fromMe ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.messageFromMeTextColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.messageFromOtherTextColor()))); style: TextStyle(fontSize: 9.0, color: fromMe ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.messageFromMeTextColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.messageFromOtherTextColor())));
// todo: translations
// If we receive an invite for ourselves, treat it as a bug. The UI no longer allows this so it could have only come from // If we receive an invite for ourselves, treat it as a bug. The UI no longer allows this so it could have only come from
// some kind of malfeasance. // some kind of malfeasance.
var selfInvite = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteNick == Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).onion; var selfInvite = Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteNick == Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).onion;
@ -66,18 +63,14 @@ class InvitationBubbleState extends State<InvitationBubble> {
return MalformedBubble(); return MalformedBubble();
} }
var wdgMessage = isGroup && !showGroupInvite ? var wdgMessage = fromMe
Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.groupInviteSettingsWarning) :
? senderInviteChrome(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.sendAnInvitation, ? senderInviteChrome(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.sendAnInvitation,
isGroup ? Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).contactList.getContact(Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteTarget)!.nickname : Provider.of<MessageState>(context).message, myKey) isGroup ? Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).contactList.getContact(Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteTarget)!.nickname : Provider.of<MessageState>(context).message, myKey)
: (inviteChrome(isGroup ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.inviteToGroup : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.contactSuggestion, Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteNick, : (inviteChrome(isGroup ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.inviteToGroup : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.contactSuggestion, Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteNick,
Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteTarget, myKey)); Provider.of<MessageState>(context).inviteTarget, myKey));
Widget wdgDecorations; Widget wdgDecorations;
if (isGroup && !showGroupInvite) { if (fromMe) {
wdgDecorations = Text('\u202F');
} else if (fromMe) {
wdgDecorations = MessageBubbleDecoration(ackd: Provider.of<MessageState>(context).ackd, errored: Provider.of<MessageState>(context).error, fromMe: fromMe, prettyDate: prettyDate); wdgDecorations = MessageBubbleDecoration(ackd: Provider.of<MessageState>(context).ackd, errored: Provider.of<MessageState>(context).error, fromMe: fromMe, prettyDate: prettyDate);
} else if (isAccepted) { } else if (isAccepted) {
wdgDecorations = Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.accepted + '\u202F'); wdgDecorations = Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.accepted + '\u202F');
@ -113,7 +106,7 @@ class InvitationBubbleState extends State<InvitationBubble> {
child: Padding( child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(9.0), padding: EdgeInsets.all(9.0),
child: Wrap(runAlignment: WrapAlignment.spaceEvenly, alignment: WrapAlignment.spaceEvenly, runSpacing: 1.0, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ child: Wrap(runAlignment: WrapAlignment.spaceEvenly, alignment: WrapAlignment.spaceEvenly, runSpacing: 1.0, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [
Center(widthFactor: 1, child: Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0), child: Icon(isGroup && !showGroupInvite ? CwtchIcons.enable_experiments : CwtchIcons.send_invite, size: 32))), Center(widthFactor: 1, child: Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0), child: Icon(CwtchIcons.send_invite, size: 32))),
Center( Center(
widthFactor: 1.0, widthFactor: 1.0,
child: Column( child: Column(
@ -127,21 +120,22 @@ class InvitationBubbleState extends State<InvitationBubble> {
} }
void _btnReject() { void _btnReject() {
setState(() { //todo: how should we track inline invite rejections?
var profileOnion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion; setState(() => this.rejected = true);
var contact = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion;
var idx = Provider.of<MessageState>(context, listen: false).messageIndex;
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.UpdateMessageFlags(profileOnion, contact, idx, Provider.of<MessageState>(context, listen: false).flags | 0x01);
Provider.of<MessageState>(context).flags |= 0x01;
} }
void _btnAccept() { void _btnAccept() {
setState(() { var profileOnion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion;
var profileOnion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion; if (Provider.of<MessageState>(context, listen: false).overlay == 100) {
final setPeerAttribute = {
"EventType": "AddContact",
"Data": {"ImportString": Provider.of<MessageState>(context, listen: false).message},
final setPeerAttributeJson = jsonEncode(setPeerAttribute);
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SendProfileEvent(profileOnion, setPeerAttributeJson);
} else {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.ImportBundle(profileOnion, Provider.of<MessageState>(context, listen: false).message); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.ImportBundle(profileOnion, Provider.of<MessageState>(context, listen: false).message);
isAccepted = true; }
} }
// Construct an invite chrome for the sender // Construct an invite chrome for the sender

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
final Color malformedColor = Color(0xFFE85DA1); final Color malformedColor = Color(0xFFE85DA1);
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ class MalformedBubbleState extends State<MalformedBubble> {
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.malformedMessage)], children: [Text("Malformed Message")],
)) ))
]))))); ])))));
}); });

View File

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ class _MessageListState extends State<MessageList> {
bool showEphemeralWarning = (Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == false && Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).savePeerHistory != "SaveHistory"); bool showEphemeralWarning = (Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == false && Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).savePeerHistory != "SaveHistory");
bool showOfflineWarning = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isOnline() == false; bool showOfflineWarning = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isOnline() == false;
bool showMessageWarning = showEphemeralWarning || showOfflineWarning; bool showMessageWarning = showEphemeralWarning || showOfflineWarning;
bool showSyncing = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == true && Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).status != "Synced";
return RepaintBoundary( return RepaintBoundary(
child: Container( child: Container(
child: Column(children: [ child: Column(children: [
@ -29,10 +27,7 @@ class _MessageListState extends State<MessageList> {
child: Container( child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0), padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(), color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(),
child: showSyncing ? child: showOfflineWarning
: showOfflineWarning
? Text(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverConnectivityDisconnected : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.peerOfflineMessage, ? Text(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverConnectivityDisconnected : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.peerOfflineMessage,
textAlign: textAlign:
// Only show the ephemeral status for peer conversations, not for groups... // Only show the ephemeral status for peer conversations, not for groups...
@ -55,7 +50,6 @@ class _MessageListState extends State<MessageList> {
alignment:, alignment:,
image: AssetImage("assets/core/negative_heart_512px.png"), image: AssetImage("assets/core/negative_heart_512px.png"),
colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.hilightElementTextColor(), BlendMode.srcIn))), colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.hilightElementTextColor(), BlendMode.srcIn))),
// Don't load messages for syncing server...
child: ListView.builder( child: ListView.builder(
controller: ctrlr1, controller: ctrlr1,
itemCount: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(outerContext).totalMessages, itemCount: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(outerContext).totalMessages,

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../settings.dart'; import '../settings.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
// Provides a styled Password Input Field for use in Form Widgets. // Provides a styled Password Input Field for use in Form Widgets.
// Callers must provide a text controller, label helper text and a validator. // Callers must provide a text controller, label helper text and a validator.
@ -23,9 +22,9 @@ class _CwtchTextFieldState extends State<CwtchPasswordField> {
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// todo: translations // todo: translations
var label = AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipShowPassword; var label = "View Password";
if (!obscureText) { if (!obscureText) {
label = AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipHidePassword; label = "Hide Password";
} }
return Consumer<Settings>(builder: (context, theme, child) { return Consumer<Settings>(builder: (context, theme, child) {
@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ class _CwtchTextFieldState extends State<CwtchPasswordField> {
controller: widget.controller, controller: widget.controller,
validator: widget.validator, validator: widget.validator,
obscureText: obscureText, obscureText: obscureText,
autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.always,
onFieldSubmitted: widget.action, onFieldSubmitted: widget.action,
textInputAction: TextInputAction.unspecified, textInputAction: TextInputAction.unspecified,
enableSuggestions: false, enableSuggestions: false,

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class _ProfileImageState extends State<ProfileImage> {
filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium, filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium,
// We need some theme specific blending here...we might want to consider making this a theme level attribute // We need some theme specific blending here...we might want to consider making this a theme level attribute
colorBlendMode: !widget.maskOut colorBlendMode: !widget.maskOut
? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.identifier() == "dark" ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme == Opaque.dark
? BlendMode.softLight ? BlendMode.softLight
: BlendMode.darken : BlendMode.darken
: BlendMode.srcOut, : BlendMode.srcOut,

View File

@ -30,96 +30,85 @@ class _ProfileRowState extends State<ProfileRow> {
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(2.0), //border size padding: const EdgeInsets.all(2.0), //border size
child: ProfileImage( child: ProfileImage(
badgeCount: 0, badgeCount: 0,
badgeColor: Provider badgeColor: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitProfileBadgeColor(),
.of<Settings>(context) badgeTextColor: Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitProfileBadgeTextColor(),
badgeTextColor: Provider
diameter: 64.0, diameter: 64.0,
imagePath: profile.imagePath, imagePath: profile.imagePath,
border: profile.isOnline ? Provider border: profile.isOnline ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor())),
.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : Provider
Expanded( Expanded(
child: Column( child: Column(
children: [ children: [
Text( Text(
profile.nickname, profile.nickname,
semanticsLabel: profile.nickname, semanticsLabel: profile.nickname,
style: Provider style: Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).biggerFont,
.of<FlwtchState>(context) softWrap: true,
.biggerFont, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
softWrap: true, ),
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ExcludeSemantics(
), child: Text(
ExcludeSemantics( profile.onion,
child: Text( softWrap: true,
profile.onion, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
softWrap: true, ))
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ],
)) )),
IconButton( IconButton(
enableFeedback: true, enableFeedback: true,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.editProfile + " " + profile.nickname, tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.editProfile + " " + profile.nickname,
icon: Icon(Icons.create, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor()), icon: Icon(Icons.create, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor()),
onPressed: () { onPressed: () {
_pushAddEditProfile(onion: profile.onion, displayName: profile.nickname, profileImage: profile.imagePath, encrypted: profile.isEncrypted); _pushAddEditProfile(onion: profile.onion, displayName: profile.nickname, profileImage: profile.imagePath);
}, },
) )
], ],
), ),
onTap: () { onTap: () {
setState(() { setState(() {
var appState = Provider.of<AppState>(context, listen: false); var flwtch = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false);
appState.selectedProfile = profile.onion; flwtch.cwtch.SelectProfile(profile.onion);
appState.selectedConversation = null; flwtch.setState(() {
flwtch.selectedProfile = profile;
flwtch.selectedConversation = "";
_pushContactList(profile, appState.isLandscape(context));//orientation == Orientation.landscape); switch (flwtch.columns.length) {
case 1:
_pushContactList(profile, false);
case 2:
_pushContactList(profile, true);
} // case 3: handled by TripleColumnView
}); });
}, },
)); ));
} }
void _pushContactList(ProfileInfoState profile, bool isLandscape) { void _pushContactList(ProfileInfoState profile, bool includeDoublePane) {
Navigator.of(context).push( Navigator.of(context).push(
MaterialPageRoute<void>( MaterialPageRoute<void>(
settings: RouteSettings(name: "conversations"), settings: RouteSettings(name: "conversations"),
builder: (BuildContext buildcontext) { builder: (BuildContext buildcontext) {
return OrientationBuilder( return MultiProvider(
builder: (orientationBuilderContext, orientation) { providers: [
return MultiProvider( ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileInfoState>.value(value: profile),
providers: [ ChangeNotifierProvider<ContactListState>.value(value: profile.contactList),
ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileInfoState>.value(value: profile), ],
ChangeNotifierProvider<ContactListState>.value(value: profile.contactList), builder: (context, widget) => includeDoublePane ? DoubleColumnView() : ContactsView(),
], );
builder: (innercontext, widget) {
var appState = Provider.of<AppState>(context);
var settings = Provider.of<Settings>(context);
return settings.uiColumns(appState.isLandscape(innercontext)).length > 1 ? DoubleColumnView() : ContactsView();
}, },
), ),
); );
} }
void _pushAddEditProfile({onion: "", displayName: "", profileImage: "", encrypted: true}) { void _pushAddEditProfile({onion: "", displayName: "", profileImage: ""}) {
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>( Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (BuildContext context) { builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider( return MultiProvider(
providers: [ providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileInfoState>( ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileInfoState>(
create: (_) => ProfileInfoState(onion: onion, nickname: displayName, imagePath: profileImage, encrypted: encrypted), create: (_) => ProfileInfoState(onion: onion, nickname: displayName, imagePath: profileImage),
), ),
], ],
builder: (context, widget) => AddEditProfileView(), builder: (context, widget) => AddEditProfileView(),

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ doNothing(String x) {}
// Provides a styled Text Field for use in Form Widgets. // Provides a styled Text Field for use in Form Widgets.
// Callers must provide a text controller, label helper text and a validator. // Callers must provide a text controller, label helper text and a validator.
class CwtchTextField extends StatefulWidget { class CwtchTextField extends StatefulWidget {
CwtchTextField({required this.controller, required this.labelText, this.validator, this.autofocus = false, this.onChanged = doNothing}); CwtchTextField({required this.controller, required this.labelText, this.validator = null, this.autofocus = false, this.onChanged = doNothing});
final TextEditingController controller; final TextEditingController controller;
final String labelText; final String labelText;
final FormFieldValidator? validator; final FormFieldValidator? validator;
@ -19,18 +19,6 @@ class CwtchTextField extends StatefulWidget {
} }
class _CwtchTextFieldState extends State<CwtchTextField> { class _CwtchTextFieldState extends State<CwtchTextField> {
late final FocusNode _focusNode;
void initState() {
_focusNode = FocusNode();
_focusNode.addListener(() {
// Select all...
if (_focusNode.hasFocus) widget.controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: widget.controller.text.length);
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<Settings>(builder: (context, theme, child) { return Consumer<Settings>(builder: (context, theme, child) {
@ -39,7 +27,6 @@ class _CwtchTextFieldState extends State<CwtchTextField> {
validator: widget.validator, validator: widget.validator,
onChanged: widget.onChanged, onChanged: widget.onChanged,
autofocus: widget.autofocus, autofocus: widget.autofocus,
focusNode: _focusNode,
decoration: InputDecoration( decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: widget.labelText, labelText: widget.labelText,
labelStyle: TextStyle(color: theme.current().mainTextColor(), backgroundColor: theme.current().textfieldBackgroundColor()), labelStyle: TextStyle(color: theme.current().mainTextColor(), backgroundColor: theme.current().textfieldBackgroundColor()),

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
[Desktop Entry] [Desktop Entry]
Version=1.0 Version=1.0
Type=Application Type=Application
Name=Cwtch Name=cwtch
Comment=Metadata Resistant Chat Comment=Metadata Resistant Chat
Exec=env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib/ ./cwtch Exec=env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib/ ./cwtch
Icon=cwtch Icon=cwtch
Terminal=false Terminal=false
Categories=Network;InstantMessaging; Categories=Internet;Chat;
Keywords=Internet;IM;Instant Messaging;Messaging;Chat

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Metadata Resistant Chat
Exec=env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.local/lib/cwtch/ ~/.local/bin/cwtch
Keywords=Internet;IM;Instant Messaging;Messaging;Chat;

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Metadata Resistant Chat
Exec=env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/cwtch /usr/bin/cwtch
Keywords=Internet;IM;Instant Messaging;Messaging;Chat

View File

@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
#include "generated_plugin_registrant.h" #include "generated_plugin_registrant.h"
#include <window_size/window_size_plugin.h>
void fl_register_plugins(FlPluginRegistry* registry) { void fl_register_plugins(FlPluginRegistry* registry) {
g_autoptr(FlPluginRegistrar) window_size_registrar =
fl_plugin_registry_get_registrar_for_plugin(registry, "WindowSizePlugin");
} }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# #
) )

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cp cwtch ~/.local/bin/
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons
cp cwtch.png ~/.local/share/icons
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/cwtch
cp -r data ~/.local/share/cwtch
mkdir -p ~/.local/lib/cwtch
cp -r lib/* ~/.local/lib/cwtch
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications
sed "s|~|$HOME|g" cwtch.home.desktop > $HOME/.local/share/applications/cwtch.desktop

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
cp cwtch /usr/bin/
cp cwtch.png /usr/share/icons
mkdir -p /usr/share/cwtch
cp -r data /usr/share/cwtch
mkdir -p /usr/lib/cwtch
cp -r lib/* /usr/lib/cwtch
cp cwtch.sys.desktop /usr/share/applications/cwtch.desktop

View File

@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
#include "my_application.h" #include "my_application.h"
// Added to check for location of assets folder
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
// To get the home dir of the user
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <flutter_linux/flutter_linux.h> #include <flutter_linux/flutter_linux.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h> #include <gdk/gdkx.h>
@ -21,18 +12,6 @@ struct _MyApplication {
char** dart_entrypoint_arguments; char** dart_entrypoint_arguments;
}; };
// Redefining from flutter/engine::shell/platform/linux/
// struct def required here to enable compiler to allow access to variables
struct _FlDartProject {
GObject parent_instance;
gboolean enable_mirrors;
gchar* aot_library_path;
gchar* assets_path;
gchar* icu_data_path;
gchar** dart_entrypoint_args;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(MyApplication, my_application, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION) G_DEFINE_TYPE(MyApplication, my_application, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION)
// Implements GApplication::activate. // Implements GApplication::activate.
@ -69,36 +48,11 @@ static void my_application_activate(GApplication* application) {
gtk_window_set_title(window, "cwtch"); gtk_window_set_title(window, "cwtch");
} }
gtk_window_set_icon_from_file(window, "./cwtch.png", NULL);
gtk_window_set_default_size(window, 1280, 720); gtk_window_set_default_size(window, 1280, 720);
gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(window)); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(window));
g_autoptr(FlDartProject) project = fl_dart_project_new(); g_autoptr(FlDartProject) project = fl_dart_project_new();
// Check if assets folder is relative to the executable or if we can use a system copy
struct stat info;
if (stat(fl_dart_project_get_assets_path(project), &info ) != 0 ) {
if( stat("/usr/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets", &info ) != 0 ) {
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
const char *homedir = pw->pw_dir;
// /home/$USER/.local/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets
project->assets_path = g_build_filename(homedir, ".local", "share", "cwtch", "data", "flutter_assets", nullptr);
// /home/$USER/.local/lib/cwtch/
project->aot_library_path = g_build_filename(homedir, ".local", "lib", "cwtch", "", nullptr);
// /home/$USER/.local/share/cwtch/data
project->icu_data_path = g_build_filename(homedir, ".local", "share", "cwtch", "data", "icudtl.dat", nullptr);
gtk_window_set_icon_from_file(window, g_build_filename(homedir, ".local", "share", "icons", "cwtch.png", nullptr), NULL);
} else {
// /usr/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets
project->assets_path = g_build_filename("/", "usr", "share", "cwtch", "data", "flutter_assets", nullptr);
// /usr/lib/cwtch
project->aot_library_path = g_build_filename("/", "usr", "lib", "cwtch", "", nullptr);
// /usr/share/cwtch/data
project->icu_data_path = g_build_filename("/", "usr", "share", "cwtch", "data", "icudtl.dat", nullptr);
gtk_window_set_icon_from_file(window, "/usr/share/icons/cwtch.png", NULL);
} else {
gtk_window_set_icon_from_file(window, "./cwtch.png", NULL);
fl_dart_project_set_dart_entrypoint_arguments(project, self->dart_entrypoint_arguments); fl_dart_project_set_dart_entrypoint_arguments(project, self->dart_entrypoint_arguments);
FlView* view = fl_view_new(project); FlView* view = fl_view_new(project);

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Generated by pub # Generated by pub
# See # See
packages: packages:
ansicolor: archive:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
name: ansicolor name: archive
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "2.0.1" version: "3.1.2"
args: args:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ packages:
name: charcode name: charcode
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "1.3.1" version: "1.2.0"
clock: clock:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "1.15.0" version: "1.15.0"
dependency: transitive
name: crypto
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "3.0.1"
cupertino_icons: cupertino_icons:
dependency: "direct main" dependency: "direct main"
description: description:
@ -104,6 +111,11 @@ packages:
description: flutter description: flutter
source: sdk source: sdk
version: "0.0.0" version: "0.0.0"
dependency: "direct main"
description: flutter
source: sdk
version: "0.0.0"
flutter_localizations: flutter_localizations:
dependency: "direct main" dependency: "direct main"
description: flutter description: flutter
@ -119,6 +131,11 @@ packages:
description: flutter description: flutter
source: sdk source: sdk
version: "0.0.0" version: "0.0.0"
dependency: transitive
description: flutter
source: sdk
version: "0.0.0"
glob: glob:
dependency: "direct main" dependency: "direct main"
description: description:
@ -140,13 +157,13 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "4.0.0" version: "4.0.0"
injector: integration_test:
dependency: transitive dependency: "direct main"
description: description:
name: injector name: integration_test
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "2.0.0" version: "1.0.2+3"
intl: intl:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -175,13 +192,6 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "1.4.0" version: "1.4.0"
dependency: "direct dev"
name: msix
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "2.1.3"
nested: nested:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -203,13 +213,6 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "1.1.1" version: "1.1.1"
dependency: transitive
name: package_config
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "2.0.0"
package_info_plus: package_info_plus:
dependency: "direct main" dependency: "direct main"
description: description:
@ -369,6 +372,13 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "1.1.0" version: "1.1.0"
dependency: transitive
name: sync_http
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.3.0"
term_glyph: term_glyph:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -382,7 +392,7 @@ packages:
name: test_api name: test_api
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "0.4.1" version: "0.4.0"
typed_data: typed_data:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -397,6 +407,20 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "2.1.0" version: "2.1.0"
dependency: transitive
name: vm_service
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "6.2.0"
dependency: transitive
name: webdriver
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "3.0.0"
win32: win32:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -404,6 +428,15 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "2.1.1" version: "2.1.1"
dependency: "direct main"
path: "plugins/window_size"
ref: e48abe7c3e9ebfe0b81622167c5201d4e783bb81
resolved-ref: e48abe7c3e9ebfe0b81622167c5201d4e783bb81
url: "git://"
source: git
version: "0.1.0"
xdg_directories: xdg_directories:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:
@ -418,13 +451,6 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "5.1.2" version: "5.1.2"
dependency: transitive
name: yaml
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "3.1.0"
sdks: sdks:
dart: ">=2.13.0 <3.0.0" dart: ">=2.13.0 <3.0.0"
flutter: ">=1.20.0" flutter: ">=1.20.0"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to
# In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion. # In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion.
# Read more about iOS versioning at # Read more about iOS versioning at
# #
version: 1.0.0+15 version: 1.0.0+9
environment: environment:
sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
@ -37,18 +37,30 @@ dependencies:
desktop_notifications: 0.5.0 desktop_notifications: 0.5.0
glob: any glob: any
# todo: flutter_driver causes version conflict. eg
# testing-related deps
integration_test: ^1.0.0
flutter_test: flutter_test:
sdk: flutter sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
url: git://
path: plugins/window_size
ref: e48abe7c3e9ebfe0b81622167c5201d4e783bb81
msix: ^2.1.3
# Uncomment to update lokalise translations (see README for list of deps to comment out bc incompatibilities)
#dev_dependencies: #dev_dependencies:
# flutter_lokalise: any # flutter_lokalise: any
# project_id: "737094205fceda35c50aa2.60364948"
# api_token: "0407300fe4aa1edf1c1818e56234589e74c83c59" # Read only api Token from Dan
# alternatively: flutter pub run intl_translation:generate_from_arb --output-dir=lib/l10n --no-use-deferred-loading lib/intl/app_localizations.dart lib/l10n/intl_*.arb --api-token X --project-id Y
# project_id: ""
# api_token: ""
# include_tags:
# - tag1
# - tag2
flutter_intl: flutter_intl:
enabled: true enabled: true
@ -107,19 +119,3 @@ flutter:
# #
# For details regarding fonts from package dependencies, # For details regarding fonts from package dependencies,
# see # see
display_name: Cwtch
publisher_display_name: Open Privacy Research Society
identity_name: im.cwtch.flwtch
certificate_path: codesign.pfx
certificate_password: pfx_pass
publisher: CN=Open Privacy Research Society, O=Open Privacy Research Society, L=Vancouver, S=British Columbia, C=CA
logo_path: cwtch.png
start_menu_icon_path: cwtch.png
tile_icon_path: assets\cwtch_title.png
icons_background_color: transparent
architecture: x64
capabilities: 'internetClient'

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark()); var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.dark);
var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueLight()); var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.light);
ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark); ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark);
void main() { void main() {

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark()); var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.dark);
var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueLight()); var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.light);
ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark); ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark);
void main() { void main() {

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark()); var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.dark);
var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueLight()); var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.light);
ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark); ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark);
String file(String slug) { String file(String slug) {

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark()); var settingsEnglishDark = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.dark);
var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueLight()); var settingsEnglishLight = Settings(Locale("en", ''), Opaque.light);
ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark); ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> getSettingsEnglishDark() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: settingsEnglishDark);
String file(String slug) { String file(String slug) {

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
#include "generated_plugin_registrant.h" #include "generated_plugin_registrant.h"
#include <window_size/window_size_plugin.h>
void RegisterPlugins(flutter::PluginRegistry* registry) { void RegisterPlugins(flutter::PluginRegistry* registry) {
} }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# #
) )

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 51 KiB

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- cp nsis/cwtch-installer.nsi deploy/
- cd deploy
- makensis -V3 cwtch-installer.nsi
- export BUILDDATE=`date +%G-%m-%d-%H-%M`
- export FILENAME=cwtch-installer-$BUILDDATE.exe
- mv cwtch-installer.exe $FILENAME

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
; USAGE: Run in ui/deploy, requires the output be in 'windows' directory
!include "MUI2.nsh"
; General settings ----------------------------
Name "Cwtch"
; !define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT "SIG Beta Ver. 1.0"
Unicode True
# define the name of the installer
Outfile "cwtch-installer.exe"
# For removing Start Menu shortcut in Windows 7
#RequestExecutionLevel user
RequestExecutionLevel admin ;Require admin rights on NT6+ (When UAC is turned on)
# define the directory to install to, the desktop in this case as specified
# by the predefined $DESKTOP variable
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Cwtch"
;Get installation folder from registry if available
InstallDirRegKey HKCU "Software\Cwtch" "installLocation"
; MUI Interface -----------------------------
; 128x128, 32bit
!define MUI_ICON "../runner/resources/knot_128.ico"
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "cwtch_title.bmp"
!define MUI_TEXTCOLOR "350052"
!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "brand_side.bmp"
ShowInstDetails show
; Pages --------
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "Welcome to the Cwtch installer"
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "Cwtch (pronounced: kutch) is a Welsh word roughly meaning 'a hug that creates a safe space'$\n$\n\
Cwtch is a platform for building consentful, decentralized, untrusted infrastructure using metadata resistant group communication applications. Currently there is a selfnamed instant messaging prototype app that is driving development and testing. Many Further apps are planned as the platform matures."
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TITLE "Enjoy Cwtch"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "You can keep up-to-date on Cwtch and report any issues you have at"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "../../LICENSE"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
; Languages --------------------------------
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
# default section
# define the output path for this file
# define what to install and place it in the output path
# Filler for .sh to populate with contents of deploy/windows
FILE /r "..\..\build\windows\runner\Release\"
# create a shortcut in the start menu programs directory
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Cwtch"
CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\Cwtch\Cwtch.lnk" "$INSTDIR\cwtch.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\cwtch.ico"
;Store installation folder
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Cwtch" "installLocation" $INSTDIR

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.5 KiB