l10n updates #190

sarah merged 2 commits from l10nupdates into trunk 2021-06-15 00:28:11 +00:00
7 changed files with 1121 additions and 1016 deletions

View File

@ -32,14 +32,24 @@ After adding a new key and providing/obtaining translations for it, follow the n
### Updating translations ### Updating translations
Only Open Privacy staff members can update translations automatically: Only Open Privacy staff members can update translations.
``` In Lokalise, hit Download and make sure:
flutter pub run flutter_lokalise download -v --api-token "<X>" --project-id "<Y>"
This will download a bundle of translations from Lokalise and convert it to resource files in `lib/l10n/intl_*.arb`. * Format is set to "Flutter (.arb)
The next time Flwtch is built, Flutter will notice the changes and update `app_localizations.dart` accordingly (thanks to `generate:true` in `pubspec.yaml`). * Output filename is set to `l10n/intl_%LANG_ISO%.%FORMAT%`
* Empty translations is set to "Replace with base language"
Build, download and unzip the output, overwriting `lib/l10n`. The next time Flwtch is built, Flutter will notice the changes and update `app_localizations.dart` accordingly (thanks to `generate:true` in `pubspec.yaml`).
### Adding a language
If a new language has been added to the Lokalise project, two additional manual steps need to be done:
* Create a new key called `localeXX` for the name of the language
* Add it to the settings pane by updating `getLanguageFull()` in `lib/views/globalsettingsview.dart`
Then rebuild as normal.
### Using a string ### Using a string
@ -57,6 +67,5 @@ Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.stringIdentifer),
### Configuration ### Configuration
API tokens are only available to Open Privacy staff at this time, who will perform the translation updates for you as part of merging your PRs.
With `generate: true` in `pubspec.yaml`, the Flutter build process checks `l10n.yaml` for input/output filenames. With `generate: true` in `pubspec.yaml`, the Flutter build process checks `l10n.yaml` for input/output filenames.

View File

@ -1,170 +1,186 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "de", "@@locale": "de",
"accepted": "", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-15T02:08:49+02:00",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Annehmen", "createGroupTitle": "Gruppe Anlegen",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Möchtest Du die Einladung annehmen", "serverLabel": "Server",
"acknowledgedLabel": "bestätigt", "groupNameLabel": "Gruppenname",
"addListItem": "Liste hinzufügen", "defaultGroupName": "Tolle Gruppe",
"addListItemBtn": "Element hinzufügen", "createGroupBtn": "Anlegen",
"addNewItem": "Ein neues Element zur Liste hinzufügen", "profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Neues Profil hinzufügen", "copyBtn": "Kopieren",
"addPeer": "Peer hinzufügen", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"addPeerTab": "Einen Peer hinzufügen", "addPeerTab": "Einen Peer hinzufügen",
"addProfileTitle": "Neues Profil hinzufügen", "createGroupTab": "Eine Gruppe erstellen",
"addressLabel": "Adresse", "joinGroupTab": "Einer Gruppe beitreten",
"blockBtn": "Peer blockieren", "peerAddress": "Adresse",
"blocked": "Blockiert", "peerName": "Namen",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Unbekannte Peers blockieren", "groupName": "Gruppenname",
"builddate": "Aufgebaut auf: %2", "server": "Server",
"bulletinsBtn": "Meldungen", "invitation": "Einladung",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "groupAddr": "Adresse",
"chatHistoryDefault": "", "addPeer": "Peer hinzufügen",
"contactAlreadyExists": "", "createGroup": "Gruppe erstellen",
"contactSuggestion": "", "joinGroup": "Gruppe beitreten",
"conversationSettings": "", "newBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung veröffentlichen",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "titlePlaceholder": "Titel...",
"copyBtn": "Kopieren", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "Adresse hier hinzufügen, um einen Kontakt aufzunehmen",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden", "blocked": "Blockiert",
"createGroup": "Gruppe erstellen", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupBtn": "Anlegen", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createGroupTab": "Eine Gruppe erstellen", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupTitle": "Gruppe Anlegen", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createProfileBtn": "Profil speichern", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.",
"currentPasswordLabel": "derzeitiges Passwort", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Einstellungen", "search": "Suche...",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "", "invitationLabel": "Einladung",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "", "serverInfo": "Server-Informationen",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server verbunden",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server getrennt",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "", "serverSynced": "Synced",
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "", "serverNotSynced": "Out of Sync",
"dateDaysAgo": "", "viewServerInfo": "Server Info",
"dateHoursAgo": "", "saveBtn": "speichern",
"dateLastMonth": "", "inviteToGroupLabel": "In die Gruppe einladen",
"dateLastYear": "", "inviteBtn": "Einladen",
"dateMinutesAgo": "", "deleteBtn": "löschen",
"dateMonthsAgo": "", "update": "Update",
"dateNever": "", "searchList": "Search List",
"dateRightNow": "", "peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.",
"dateWeeksAgo": "", "addListItemBtn": "Element hinzufügen",
"dateYearsAgo": "", "membershipDescription": "Unten steht eine Liste der Benutzer, die Nachrichten an die Gruppe gesendet haben. Möglicherweise enthält diese Benutzerzliste nicht alle, die Zugang zur Gruppe haben.",
"dateYesterday": "", "dmTooltip": "Klicken, um DM zu senden",
"defaultGroupName": "Tolle Gruppe", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "acknowledgedLabel": "bestätigt",
"defaultScalingText": "defaultmäßige Textgröße (Skalierungsfaktor:", "pendingLabel": "Bestätigung ausstehend",
"deleteBtn": "Löschen", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer ist blockiert",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Geben Sie LÖSCHEN zur Bestätigung ein", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer ist offline, Nachrichten können derzeit nicht zugestellt werden",
"deleteConfirmText": "LÖSCHEN", "copiedClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Profil löschen", "newGroupBtn": "Neue Gruppe anlegen",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Profil wirklich löschen", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Möchtest Du die Einladung annehmen",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "", "acceptGroupBtn": "Annehmen",
"descriptionExperiments": "", "rejectGroupBtn": "Ablehnen",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"displayNameLabel": "Angezeigter Name", "listsBtn": "Listen",
"dmTooltip": "Klicken, um DM zu senden", "bulletinsBtn": "Meldungen",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf löschen", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzlespiel",
"editProfile": "Profil bearbeiten", "addressLabel": "Adresse",
"editProfileTitle": "Profil bearbeiten", "displayNameLabel": "Angezeigter Name",
"enableGroups": "", "blockBtn": "Peer blockieren",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "", "savePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf speichern",
"enterProfilePassword": "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein, um Ihre Profile anzuzeigen", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Legt fest, ob ein mit dem Peer verknüpfter Verlauf gelöscht werden soll oder nicht.",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 Profile mit diesem Passwort geladen", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf löschen",
"experimentsEnabled": "Experimente aktiviert", "unblockBtn": "Peer entblockieren",
"groupAddr": "Adresse", "addProfileTitle": "Neues Profil hinzufügen",
"groupName": "Gruppenname", "editProfileTitle": "Profil bearbeiten",
"groupNameLabel": "Gruppenname", "profileName": "Anzeigename",
"invalidImportString": "", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"invitation": "Einladung", "newProfile": "Neues Profil",
"invitationLabel": "Einladung", "editProfile": "Profil bearbeiten",
"inviteBtn": "Einladen", "radioUsePassword": "Passwort",
"inviteToGroup": "", "radioNoPassword": "Unverschlüsselt (kein Passwort)",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "In die Gruppe einladen", "noPasswordWarning": "Wenn für dieses Konto kein Passwort verwendet wird, bedeutet dies, dass alle lokal gespeicherten Daten nicht verschlüsselt werden.",
"joinGroup": "Gruppe beitreten", "yourDisplayName": "Ihr Anzeigename",
"joinGroupTab": "Einer Gruppe beitreten", "currentPasswordLabel": "derzeitiges Passwort",
"largeTextLabel": "Groß", "password1Label": "Passwort",
"leaveGroup": "", "password2Label": "Passwort erneut eingeben",
"listsBtn": "Listen", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Passwort kann nicht leer sein",
"loadingTor": "Tor wird geladen...", "createProfileBtn": "Profil speichern",
"localeDe": "Deutsche", "saveProfileBtn": "Profil speichern",
"localeEn": "", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"localeEs": "", "passwordChangeError": "Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts: Das Passwort wurde abgelehnt",
"localeFr": "", "deleteProfileBtn": "Profil löschen",
"localeIt": "", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Geben Sie LÖSCHEN zur Bestätigung ein",
"localePt": "", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Profil wirklich löschen",
"membershipDescription": "Unten steht eine Liste der Benutzer, die Nachrichten an die Gruppe gesendet haben. Möglicherweise enthält diese Benutzerzliste nicht alle, die Zugang zur Gruppe haben.", "deleteConfirmText": "LÖSCHEN",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Versuche, eine Verbindung mit dem Tor-Netzwerk herzustellen", "addNewProfileBtn": "Neues Profil hinzufügen",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Verbinde zu Netzwerk und Peers ...", "enterProfilePassword": "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein, um Ihre Profile anzuzeigen",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Vom Internet getrennt, überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung", "password": "Passwort",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 Profile mit diesem Passwort geladen",
"newBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung", "yourProfiles": "Ihre Profile",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Neue Verbindung", "yourServers": "Ihre Server",
"newGroupBtn": "Neue Gruppe anlegen", "unlock": "Entsperren",
"newPassword": "", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Einstellungen",
"newProfile": "Neues Profil", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Aufgebaut auf: %2",
"noPasswordWarning": "Wenn für dieses Konto kein Passwort verwendet wird, bedeutet dies, dass alle lokal gespeicherten Daten nicht verschlüsselt werden.", "zoomLabel": "Benutzeroberflächen-Zoom (betriftt hauptsächlich Text- und Knopgrößen)",
"password": "Passwort", "blockUnknownLabel": "Unbekannte Peers blockieren",
"password1Label": "Passwort", "settingLanguage": "Sprache",
"password2Label": "Passwort erneut eingeben", "localeEn": "English",
"passwordChangeError": "Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts: Das Passwort wurde abgelehnt", "localeFr": "Frances",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Passwort kann nicht leer sein", "localePt": "Portuguesa",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", "localeDe": "Deutsche",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "Adresse hier hinzufügen, um einen Kontakt aufzunehmen", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoomstufe",
"peerAddress": "Adresse", "largeTextLabel": "Groß",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Peer ist blockiert", "settingTheme": "Thema",
"peerName": "Namen", "themeLight": "Licht",
"peerNotOnline": "", "themeDark": "Dunkel",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Peer ist offline, Nachrichten können derzeit nicht zugestellt werden", "experimentsEnabled": "Experimente aktiviert",
"pendingLabel": "Bestätigung ausstehend", "versionTor": "Version %1 mit tor %2",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung veröffentlichen", "version": "Version %1",
"profileName": "Anzeigename", "builddate": "Aufgebaut auf: %2",
"profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten", "defaultScalingText": "defaultmäßige Textgröße (Skalierungsfaktor:",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzlespiel", "smallTextLabel": "Klein",
"radioNoPassword": "Unverschlüsselt (kein Passwort)", "loadingTor": "Tor wird geladen...",
"radioUsePassword": "Passwort", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Gruppenmitgliedschaft anzeigen",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Vom Internet getrennt, überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung",
"rejected": "", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Versuche, eine Verbindung mit dem Tor-Netzwerk herzustellen",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Ablehnen", "networkStatusConnecting": "Verbinde zu Netzwerk und Peers ...",
"saveBtn": "Speichern", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"savePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf speichern", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Neue Verbindung",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Legt fest, ob ein mit dem Peer verknüpfter Verlauf gelöscht werden soll oder nicht.", "addListItem": "Liste hinzufügen",
"saveProfileBtn": "Profil speichern", "addNewItem": "Ein neues Element zur Liste hinzufügen",
"search": "Suche...", "todoPlaceholder": "noch zu erledigen",
"searchList": "", "localeEs": "Espanol",
"sendAnInvitation": "", "localeIt": "Italiana",
"server": "Server", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server verbunden", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server getrennt", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"serverInfo": "Server-Informationen", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"serverLabel": "Server", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"serverNotSynced": "", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"serverSynced": "", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoomstufe", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"settingLanguage": "Sprache", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"settingTheme": "Thema", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"smallTextLabel": "Klein", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"successfullAddedContact": "", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"themeDark": "Dunkel", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"themeLight": "Licht", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"titleManageContacts": "", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"titleManageProfiles": "", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"titleManageServers": "", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"titlePlaceholder": "Titel...", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"todoPlaceholder": "noch zu erledigen", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"tooltipAddContact": "", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"unblockBtn": "Peer entblockieren", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"unlock": "Entsperren", "dateNever": "Never",
"update": "", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"version": "Version %1", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Aufgebaut auf: %2", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"versionTor": "Version %1 mit tor %2", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Gruppenmitgliedschaft anzeigen", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"viewServerInfo": "", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"yesLeave": "", "newPassword": "New Password",
"yourDisplayName": "Ihr Anzeigename", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"yourProfiles": "Ihre Profile", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"yourServers": "Ihre Server", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"zoomLabel": "Benutzeroberflächen-Zoom (betriftt hauptsächlich Text- und Knopgrößen)" "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"torVersion": "Tor Version",
"torStatus": "Tor Status",
"resetTor": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sendMessage": "Send Message",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message"
} }

View File

@ -1,170 +1,186 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "en", "@@locale": "en",
"accepted": "Accepted!", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-15T02:08:49+02:00",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Accept", "createGroupTitle": "Create Group",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Do you want to accept the invitation to", "serverLabel": "Server",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Acknowledged", "groupNameLabel": "Group Name",
"addListItem": "Add a New List Item", "defaultGroupName": "Awesome Group",
"addListItemBtn": "Add Item", "createGroupBtn": "Create",
"addNewItem": "Add a new item to the list", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile", "copyBtn": "Copy",
"addPeer": "Add Peer", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copied to Clipboard",
"addPeerTab": "Add a peer", "addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"addProfileTitle": "Add new profile", "createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"addressLabel": "Address", "joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"blockBtn": "Block Peer", "peerAddress": "Address",
"blocked": "Blocked", "peerName": "Name",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers", "groupName": "Group name",
"builddate": "Built on: %2", "server": "Server",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins", "invitation": "Invitation",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "groupAddr": "Address",
"chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "addPeer": "Add Peer",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "createGroup": "Create group",
"contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "joinGroup": "Join group",
"conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "newBulletinLabel": "New Bulletin",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copied to clipboard", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Post new bulletin",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copied to Clipboard", "titlePlaceholder": "title...",
"copyBtn": "Copy", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "Paste a cwtch address, invitation or key bundle here to add a new conversation",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Could not send this message", "blocked": "Blocked",
"createGroup": "Create group", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupBtn": "Create", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createGroupTab": "Create a group", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupTitle": "Create Group", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createProfileBtn": "Create Profile", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Settings", "search": "Search...",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\\nLong-press to reset.", "invitationLabel": "Invitation",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\\nRight-click to reset.", "serverInfo": "Server Information",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\\nLong-press to reset.", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\\nRight-click to reset.", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\\nLong-press to reset.", "serverSynced": "Synced",
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\\nRight-click to reset.", "serverNotSynced": "Out of Sync",
"dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "viewServerInfo": "Server Info",
"dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "saveBtn": "Save",
"dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invite to group",
"dateLastYear": "Last Year", "inviteBtn": "Invite",
"dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "deleteBtn": "Delete",
"dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "update": "Update",
"dateNever": "Never", "searchList": "Search List",
"dateRightNow": "Right Now", "peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.",
"dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "addListItemBtn": "Add Item",
"dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "membershipDescription": "Below is a list of users who have sent messages to the group. This list may not reflect all users who have access to the group.",
"dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dmTooltip": "Click to DM",
"defaultGroupName": "Awesome Group", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Could not send this message",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "acknowledgedLabel": "Acknowledged",
"defaultScalingText": "Default size text (scale factor:", "pendingLabel": "Pending",
"deleteBtn": "Delete", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now",
"deleteConfirmText": "DELETE", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copied to clipboard",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile", "newGroupBtn": "Create new group",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Do you want to accept the invitation to",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "acceptGroupBtn": "Accept",
"descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "rejectGroupBtn": "Reject",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"displayNameLabel": "Display Name", "listsBtn": "Lists",
"dmTooltip": "Click to DM", "bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle Game",
"editProfile": "Edit Profille", "addressLabel": "Address",
"editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile", "displayNameLabel": "Display Name",
"enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "blockBtn": "Block Peer",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History",
"enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History",
"experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments", "unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer",
"groupAddr": "Address", "addProfileTitle": "Add new profile",
"groupName": "Group name", "editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile",
"groupNameLabel": "Group Name", "profileName": "Display name",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"invitation": "Invitation", "newProfile": "New Profile",
"invitationLabel": "Invitation", "editProfile": "Edit Profille",
"inviteBtn": "Invite", "radioUsePassword": "Password",
"inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Invite to group", "noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted",
"joinGroup": "Join group", "yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name",
"joinGroupTab": "Join a group", "currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password",
"largeTextLabel": "Large", "password1Label": "Password",
"leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "password2Label": "Reenter password",
"listsBtn": "Lists", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty",
"loadingTor": "Loading tor...", "createProfileBtn": "Create Profile",
"localeDe": "Deutsche", "saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile",
"localeEn": "English", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"localeEs": "Espanol", "passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected",
"localeFr": "Frances", "deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile",
"localeIt": "Italiana", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm",
"localePt": "Portuguesa", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile",
"membershipDescription": "Below is a list of users who have sent messages to the group. This list may not reflect all users who have access to the group.", "deleteConfirmText": "DELETE",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network", "addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...", "enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection", "password": "Password",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password",
"newBulletinLabel": "New Bulletin", "yourProfiles": "Your Profiles",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection", "yourServers": "Your Servers",
"newGroupBtn": "Create new group", "unlock": "Unlock",
"newPassword": "New Password", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Settings",
"newProfile": "New Profile", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2",
"noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted", "zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (mostly affects text and button sizes)",
"password": "Password", "blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers",
"password1Label": "Password", "settingLanguage": "Language",
"password2Label": "Reenter password", "localeEn": "English",
"passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected", "localeFr": "Frances",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty", "localePt": "Portuguesa",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match", "localeDe": "Deutsche",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "Paste a cwtch address, invitation or key bundle here to add a new conversation", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level",
"peerAddress": "Address", "largeTextLabel": "Large",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked", "settingTheme": "Theme",
"peerName": "Name", "themeLight": "Light",
"peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.", "themeDark": "Dark",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now", "experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments",
"pendingLabel": "Pending", "versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Post new bulletin", "version": "Version %1",
"profileName": "Display name", "builddate": "Built on: %2",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with", "defaultScalingText": "Default size text (scale factor:",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle Game", "smallTextLabel": "Small",
"radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)", "loadingTor": "Loading tor...",
"radioUsePassword": "Password", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection",
"rejected": "Rejected!", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Reject", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...",
"saveBtn": "Save", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.", "addListItem": "Add a New List Item",
"saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile", "addNewItem": "Add a new item to the list",
"search": "Search...", "todoPlaceholder": "Todo...",
"searchList": "Search List", "localeEs": "Espanol",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "localeIt": "Italiana",
"server": "Server", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"serverInfo": "Server Information", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"serverLabel": "Server", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"serverNotSynced": "Out of Sync", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"serverSynced": "Synced", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"settingLanguage": "Language", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"settingTheme": "Theme", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"smallTextLabel": "Small", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"themeDark": "Dark", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"themeLight": "Light", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"titlePlaceholder": "title...", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"todoPlaceholder": "Todo...", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"unlock": "Unlock", "dateNever": "Never",
"update": "Update", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"version": "Version %1", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"viewServerInfo": "Server Info", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "newPassword": "New Password",
"yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"yourProfiles": "Your Profiles", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"yourServers": "Your Servers", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (mostly affects text and button sizes)" "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"torVersion": "Tor Version",
"torStatus": "Tor Status",
"resetTor": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sendMessage": "Send Message",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message"
} }

View File

@ -1,170 +1,186 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "es", "@@locale": "es",
"accepted": "", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-15T02:08:49+02:00",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Aceptar", "createGroupTitle": "Crear un grupo",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "¿Quieres aceptar la invitación a ", "serverLabel": "Servidor",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Reconocido", "groupNameLabel": "Nombre del grupo",
"addListItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista", "defaultGroupName": "El Grupo Asombroso",
"addListItemBtn": "Agregar artículo", "createGroupBtn": "Crear",
"addNewItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista", "profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Agregar nuevo perfil", "copyBtn": "Copiar",
"addPeer": "Agregar Contacto", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles",
"addPeerTab": "Agregar Contacto", "addPeerTab": "Agregar Contacto",
"addProfileTitle": "Agregar nuevo perfil", "createGroupTab": "Crear un grupo",
"addressLabel": "Dirección", "joinGroupTab": "Únete a un grupo",
"blockBtn": "Bloquear contacto", "peerAddress": "Dirección",
"blocked": "Bloqueado", "peerName": "Nombre",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Bloquear conexiones desconocidas", "groupName": "Nombre del grupo",
"builddate": "Basado en: %2", "server": "Servidor",
"bulletinsBtn": "Boletines", "invitation": "Invitación",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "groupAddr": "Dirección",
"chatHistoryDefault": "", "addPeer": "Agregar Contacto",
"contactAlreadyExists": "", "createGroup": "Crear perfil",
"contactSuggestion": "", "joinGroup": "Únete al grupo",
"conversationSettings": "", "newBulletinLabel": "Nuevo Boletín",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Publicar nuevo boletín",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles", "titlePlaceholder": "título...",
"copyBtn": "Copiar", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "...pegar una dirección aquí para añadir contacto...",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "No se pudo enviar este mensaje", "blocked": "Bloqueado",
"createGroup": "Crear perfil", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click para cambiar categoría. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"createGroupBtn": "Crear", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click para cambiar categoría. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"createGroupTab": "Crear un grupo", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"createGroupTitle": "Crear un grupo", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"createProfileBtn": "Crear perfil", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click para cambiar colores. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Contraseña actual", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click para cambiar colores. Click derecho para reiniciar.",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configuración de Cwtch", "search": "Búsqueda...",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Click para cambiar categoría. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "invitationLabel": "Invitación",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Click para cambiar categoría. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "serverInfo": "Información del servidor",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Click para cambiar colores. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Servidor conectado",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Click para cambiar colores. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Servidor desconectado",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "serverSynced": "Sincronizado",
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "serverNotSynced": "Fuera de sincronización con el servidor",
"dateDaysAgo": "", "viewServerInfo": "Información del servidor",
"dateHoursAgo": "", "saveBtn": "Guardar",
"dateLastMonth": "", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitar al grupo",
"dateLastYear": "", "inviteBtn": "Invitar",
"dateMinutesAgo": "", "deleteBtn": "Eliminar",
"dateMonthsAgo": "", "update": "Actualizar",
"dateNever": "", "searchList": "Buscar en la lista",
"dateRightNow": "", "peerNotOnline": "Este contacto no está en línea, la aplicación no puede ser usada en este momento",
"dateWeeksAgo": "", "addListItemBtn": "Agregar artículo",
"dateYearsAgo": "", "membershipDescription": "La lista a continuación solo muestra los miembros que han enviado mensajes al grupo, no incluye a todos los usuarios dentro del grupo",
"dateYesterday": "", "dmTooltip": "Haz clic para enviar mensaje directo",
"defaultGroupName": "El Grupo Asombroso", "couldNotSendMsgError": "No se pudo enviar este mensaje",
"defaultProfileName": "Alicia", "acknowledgedLabel": "Reconocido",
"defaultScalingText": "Tamaño predeterminado de texto (factor de escala:", "pendingLabel": "Pendiente",
"deleteBtn": "Eliminar", "peerBlockedMessage": "Contacto bloqueado",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Escribe ELIMINAR para confirmar", "peerOfflineMessage": "Este contacto no está en línea, los mensajes no pueden ser entregados en este momento",
"deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINAR", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Eliminar Perfil", "newGroupBtn": "Crear un nuevo grupo de chat",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Confirmar eliminar perfil", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "¿Quieres aceptar la invitación a ",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "", "acceptGroupBtn": "Aceptar",
"descriptionExperiments": "", "rejectGroupBtn": "Rechazar",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"displayNameLabel": "Nombre de Usuario", "listsBtn": "Listas",
"dmTooltip": "Haz clic para enviar mensaje directo", "bulletinsBtn": "Boletines",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Eliminar historial de contacto", "puzzleGameBtn": "Juego de rompecabezas",
"editProfile": "Editar perfil", "addressLabel": "Dirección",
"editProfileTitle": "Editar perfil", "displayNameLabel": "Nombre de Usuario",
"enableGroups": "", "blockBtn": "Bloquear contacto",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "", "savePeerHistory": "Guardar el historial con contacto",
"enterProfilePassword": "Ingresa tu contraseña para ver tus perfiles", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina si eliminar o no el historial asociado con el contacto.",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 perfiles cargados con esa contraseña", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Eliminar historial de contacto",
"experimentsEnabled": "Experimentos habilitados", "unblockBtn": "Desbloquear contacto",
"groupAddr": "Dirección", "addProfileTitle": "Agregar nuevo perfil",
"groupName": "Nombre del grupo", "editProfileTitle": "Editar perfil",
"groupNameLabel": "Nombre del grupo", "profileName": "Nombre de Usuario",
"invalidImportString": "", "defaultProfileName": "Alicia",
"invitation": "Invitación", "newProfile": "Nuevo perfil",
"invitationLabel": "Invitación", "editProfile": "Editar perfil",
"inviteBtn": "Invitar", "radioUsePassword": "Contraseña",
"inviteToGroup": "", "radioNoPassword": "Sin cifrado (sin contraseña)",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitar al grupo", "noPasswordWarning": "No usar una contraseña para esta cuenta significa que los datos almacenados localmente no serán encriptados",
"joinGroup": "Únete al grupo", "yourDisplayName": "Tu nombre de usuario",
"joinGroupTab": "Únete a un grupo", "currentPasswordLabel": "Contraseña actual",
"largeTextLabel": "Grande", "password1Label": "Contraseña",
"leaveGroup": "", "password2Label": "Vuelve a ingresar tu contraseña",
"listsBtn": "Listas", "passwordErrorEmpty": "El campo de contraseña no puede estar vacío",
"loadingTor": "Cargando tor...", "createProfileBtn": "Crear perfil",
"localeDe": "Alemán", "saveProfileBtn": "Guardar perfil",
"localeEn": "Inglés", "passwordErrorMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"localeEs": "Español", "passwordChangeError": "Hubo un error cambiando tu contraseña: la contraseña ingresada fue rechazada",
"localeFr": "Francés", "deleteProfileBtn": "Eliminar Perfil",
"localeIt": "Italiano", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Escribe ELIMINAR para confirmar",
"localePt": "Portugués", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Confirmar eliminar perfil",
"membershipDescription": "La lista a continuación solo muestra los miembros que han enviado mensajes al grupo, no incluye a todos los usuarios dentro del grupo", "deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINAR",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Intentando conectarse a la red Tor", "addNewProfileBtn": "Agregar nuevo perfil",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Conectando a la red y a los contactos...", "enterProfilePassword": "Ingresa tu contraseña para ver tus perfiles",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Sin conexión, comprueba tu conexión", "password": "Contraseña",
"networkStatusOnline": "En línea", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 perfiles cargados con esa contraseña",
"newBulletinLabel": "Nuevo Boletín", "yourProfiles": "Tus perfiles",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nueva conexión", "yourServers": "Tus servidores",
"newGroupBtn": "Crear un nuevo grupo de chat", "unlock": "Desbloquear",
"newPassword": "", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configuración de Cwtch",
"newProfile": "Nuevo perfil", "versionBuilddate": "Versión: %1 Basado en %2",
"noPasswordWarning": "No usar una contraseña para esta cuenta significa que los datos almacenados localmente no serán encriptados", "zoomLabel": "Zoom de la interfaz (afecta principalmente el tamaño del texto y de los botones)",
"password": "Contraseña", "blockUnknownLabel": "Bloquear conexiones desconocidas",
"password1Label": "Contraseña", "settingLanguage": "Idioma",
"password2Label": "Vuelve a ingresar tu contraseña", "localeEn": "Inglés",
"passwordChangeError": "Hubo un error cambiando tu contraseña: la contraseña ingresada fue rechazada", "localeFr": "Francés",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "El campo de contraseña no puede estar vacío", "localePt": "Portugués",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden", "localeDe": "Alemán",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "...pegar una dirección aquí para añadir contacto...", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Nivel de zoom",
"peerAddress": "Dirección", "largeTextLabel": "Grande",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Contacto bloqueado", "settingTheme": "Tema",
"peerName": "Nombre", "themeLight": "Claro",
"peerNotOnline": "Este contacto no está en línea, la aplicación no puede ser usada en este momento", "themeDark": "Oscuro",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Este contacto no está en línea, los mensajes no pueden ser entregados en este momento", "experimentsEnabled": "Experimentos habilitados",
"pendingLabel": "Pendiente", "versionTor": "Versión %1 con tor %2",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Publicar nuevo boletín", "version": "Versión %1",
"profileName": "Nombre de Usuario", "builddate": "Basado en: %2",
"profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte", "defaultScalingText": "Tamaño predeterminado de texto (factor de escala:",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Juego de rompecabezas", "smallTextLabel": "Pequeño",
"radioNoPassword": "Sin cifrado (sin contraseña)", "loadingTor": "Cargando tor...",
"radioUsePassword": "Contraseña", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Ver membresía del grupo",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Sin conexión, comprueba tu conexión",
"rejected": "", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Intentando conectarse a la red Tor",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Rechazar", "networkStatusConnecting": "Conectando a la red y a los contactos...",
"saveBtn": "Guardar", "networkStatusOnline": "En línea",
"savePeerHistory": "Guardar el historial con contacto", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nueva conexión",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina si eliminar o no el historial asociado con el contacto.", "addListItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista",
"saveProfileBtn": "Guardar perfil", "addNewItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista",
"search": "Búsqueda...", "todoPlaceholder": "Por hacer...",
"searchList": "Buscar en la lista", "localeEs": "Español",
"sendAnInvitation": "", "localeIt": "Italiano",
"server": "Servidor", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Servidor conectado", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Servidor desconectado", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"serverInfo": "Información del servidor", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"serverLabel": "Servidor", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"serverNotSynced": "Fuera de sincronización con el servidor", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"serverSynced": "Sincronizado", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Nivel de zoom", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"settingLanguage": "Idioma", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"settingTheme": "Tema", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"smallTextLabel": "Pequeño", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"successfullAddedContact": "", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"themeDark": "Oscuro", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"themeLight": "Claro", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"titleManageContacts": "", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"titleManageProfiles": "", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"titleManageServers": "", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"titlePlaceholder": "título...", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"todoPlaceholder": "Por hacer...", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"tooltipAddContact": "", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"unblockBtn": "Desbloquear contacto", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"unlock": "Desbloquear", "dateNever": "Never",
"update": "Actualizar", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"version": "Versión %1", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"versionBuilddate": "Versión: %1 Basado en %2", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"versionTor": "Versión %1 con tor %2", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Ver membresía del grupo", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"viewServerInfo": "Información del servidor", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"yesLeave": "", "newPassword": "New Password",
"yourDisplayName": "Tu nombre de usuario", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"yourProfiles": "Tus perfiles", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"yourServers": "Tus servidores", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"zoomLabel": "Zoom de la interfaz (afecta principalmente el tamaño del texto y de los botones)" "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"torVersion": "Tor Version",
"torStatus": "Tor Status",
"resetTor": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sendMessage": "Send Message",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message"
} }

View File

@ -1,170 +1,186 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "fr", "@@locale": "fr",
"accepted": "", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-15T02:08:49+02:00",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Accepter", "createGroupTitle": "Créer un groupe",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Voulez-vous accepter l'invitation au groupe", "serverLabel": "Serveur",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmé", "groupNameLabel": "Nom du groupe",
"addListItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément", "defaultGroupName": "Un super groupe",
"addListItemBtn": "", "createGroupBtn": "Créer",
"addNewItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément à la liste", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with",
"addNewProfileBtn": "", "copyBtn": "Copier",
"addPeer": "", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"addPeerTab": "", "addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"addProfileTitle": "", "createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"addressLabel": "Adresse", "joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"blockBtn": "", "peerAddress": "Address",
"blocked": "", "peerName": "Name",
"blockUnknownLabel": "", "groupName": "Group name",
"builddate": "", "server": "Server",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins", "invitation": "Invitation",
"chatBtn": "Discuter", "groupAddr": "Address",
"chatHistoryDefault": "", "addPeer": "Add Peer",
"contactAlreadyExists": "", "createGroup": "Create group",
"contactSuggestion": "", "joinGroup": "Join group",
"conversationSettings": "", "newBulletinLabel": "Nouveau bulletin",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Envoyer un nouveau bulletin",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier", "titlePlaceholder": "titre...",
"copyBtn": "Copier", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "... coller une adresse ici pour ajouter un contact...",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossible d'envoyer ce message", "blocked": "Blocked",
"createGroup": "", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupBtn": "Créer", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createGroupTab": "", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupTitle": "Créer un groupe", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createProfileBtn": "", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.",
"currentPasswordLabel": "", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Préférences Cwtch", "search": "Search...",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "", "invitationLabel": "Invitation",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "", "serverInfo": "Server Information",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "", "serverSynced": "Synced",
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "", "serverNotSynced": "Out of Sync",
"dateDaysAgo": "", "viewServerInfo": "Server Info",
"dateHoursAgo": "", "saveBtn": "Sauvegarder",
"dateLastMonth": "", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Inviter quelqu'un",
"dateLastYear": "", "inviteBtn": "Invitation",
"dateMinutesAgo": "", "deleteBtn": "Effacer",
"dateMonthsAgo": "", "update": "Update",
"dateNever": "", "searchList": "Search List",
"dateRightNow": "", "peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.",
"dateWeeksAgo": "", "addListItemBtn": "Add Item",
"dateYearsAgo": "", "membershipDescription": "Liste des utilisateurs ayant envoyés un ou plusieurs messages au groupe. Cette liste peut ne pas être representatives de l'ensemble des membres du groupe.",
"dateYesterday": "", "dmTooltip": "Envoyer un message privé",
"defaultGroupName": "Un super groupe", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossible d'envoyer ce message",
"defaultProfileName": "", "acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmé",
"defaultScalingText": "Taille par défaut du texte (échelle:", "pendingLabel": "En attente",
"deleteBtn": "Effacer", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now",
"deleteConfirmText": "", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"deleteProfileBtn": "", "newGroupBtn": "Créer un nouveau groupe",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Voulez-vous accepter l'invitation au groupe",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "", "acceptGroupBtn": "Accepter",
"descriptionExperiments": "", "rejectGroupBtn": "Refuser",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "", "chatBtn": "Discuter",
"displayNameLabel": "Pseudo", "listsBtn": "Listes",
"dmTooltip": "Envoyer un message privé", "bulletinsBtn": "Bulletins",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle",
"editProfile": "", "addressLabel": "Adresse",
"editProfileTitle": "", "displayNameLabel": "Pseudo",
"enableGroups": "", "blockBtn": "Block Peer",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "", "savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History",
"enterProfilePassword": "", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History",
"experimentsEnabled": "", "unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer",
"groupAddr": "", "addProfileTitle": "Add new profile",
"groupName": "", "editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile",
"groupNameLabel": "Nom du groupe", "profileName": "Display name",
"invalidImportString": "", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"invitation": "", "newProfile": "New Profile",
"invitationLabel": "Invitation", "editProfile": "Edit Profille",
"inviteBtn": "Invitation", "radioUsePassword": "Password",
"inviteToGroup": "", "radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Inviter quelqu'un", "noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted",
"joinGroup": "", "yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name",
"joinGroupTab": "", "currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password",
"largeTextLabel": "Large", "password1Label": "Password",
"leaveGroup": "", "password2Label": "Reenter password",
"listsBtn": "Listes", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty",
"loadingTor": "", "createProfileBtn": "Create Profile",
"localeDe": "", "saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile",
"localeEn": "", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"localeEs": "", "passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected",
"localeFr": "", "deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile",
"localeIt": "", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm",
"localePt": "", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile",
"membershipDescription": "Liste des utilisateurs ayant envoyés un ou plusieurs messages au groupe. Cette liste peut ne pas être representatives de l'ensemble des membres du groupe.", "deleteConfirmText": "DELETE",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "", "addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile",
"networkStatusConnecting": "", "enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "", "password": "Password",
"networkStatusOnline": "", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password",
"newBulletinLabel": "Nouveau bulletin", "yourProfiles": "Your Profiles",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "", "yourServers": "Your Servers",
"newGroupBtn": "Créer un nouveau groupe", "unlock": "Unlock",
"newPassword": "", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Préférences Cwtch",
"newProfile": "", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2",
"noPasswordWarning": "", "zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (essentiellement la taille du texte et des composants de l'interface)",
"password": "", "blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers",
"password1Label": "", "settingLanguage": "Language",
"password2Label": "", "localeEn": "English",
"passwordChangeError": "", "localeFr": "Frances",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "", "localePt": "Portuguesa",
"passwordErrorMatch": "", "localeDe": "Deutsche",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "... coller une adresse ici pour ajouter un contact...", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level",
"peerAddress": "", "largeTextLabel": "Large",
"peerBlockedMessage": "", "settingTheme": "Theme",
"peerName": "", "themeLight": "Light",
"peerNotOnline": "", "themeDark": "Dark",
"peerOfflineMessage": "", "experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments",
"pendingLabel": "En attente", "versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Envoyer un nouveau bulletin", "version": "Version %1",
"profileName": "", "builddate": "Built on: %2",
"profileOnionLabel": "", "defaultScalingText": "Taille par défaut du texte (échelle:",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzle", "smallTextLabel": "Petit",
"radioNoPassword": "", "loadingTor": "Loading tor...",
"radioUsePassword": "", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection",
"rejected": "", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Refuser", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...",
"saveBtn": "Sauvegarder", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"savePeerHistory": "", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "", "addListItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément",
"saveProfileBtn": "", "addNewItem": "Ajouter un nouvel élément à la liste",
"search": "", "todoPlaceholder": "A faire...",
"searchList": "", "localeEs": "Espanol",
"sendAnInvitation": "", "localeIt": "Italiana",
"server": "", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"serverInfo": "", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"serverLabel": "Serveur", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"serverNotSynced": "", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"serverSynced": "", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"settingLanguage": "", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"settingTheme": "", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"smallTextLabel": "Petit", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"successfullAddedContact": "", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"themeDark": "", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"themeLight": "", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"titleManageContacts": "", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"titleManageProfiles": "", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"titleManageServers": "", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"titlePlaceholder": "titre...", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"todoPlaceholder": "A faire...", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"tooltipAddContact": "", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"unblockBtn": "", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"unlock": "", "dateNever": "Never",
"update": "", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"version": "", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"versionBuilddate": "", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"versionTor": "", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"viewServerInfo": "", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"yesLeave": "", "newPassword": "New Password",
"yourDisplayName": "", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"yourProfiles": "", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"yourServers": "", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (essentiellement la taille du texte et des composants de l'interface)" "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"torVersion": "Tor Version",
"torStatus": "Tor Status",
"resetTor": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sendMessage": "Send Message",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message"
} }

View File

@ -1,170 +1,186 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "it", "@@locale": "it",
"accepted": "", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-15T02:08:49+02:00",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Accetta", "createGroupTitle": "Crea un gruppo",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Vuoi accettare l'invito a", "serverLabel": "Server",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Riconosciuto", "groupNameLabel": "Nome del gruppo",
"addListItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista", "defaultGroupName": "Gruppo fantastico",
"addListItemBtn": "Aggiungi elemento", "createGroupBtn": "Crea",
"addNewItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista", "profileOnionLabel": "Inviare questo indirizzo ai peer con cui si desidera connettersi",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo", "copyBtn": "Copia",
"addPeer": "Aggiungi peer", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli appunti",
"addPeerTab": "Aggiungi un peer", "addPeerTab": "Aggiungi un peer",
"addProfileTitle": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo", "createGroupTab": "Crea un gruppo",
"addressLabel": "Indirizzo", "joinGroupTab": "Unisciti a un gruppo",
"blockBtn": "Blocca il peer", "peerAddress": "Indirizzo",
"blocked": "Bloccato", "peerName": "Nome",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Blocca peer sconosciuti", "groupName": "Nome del gruppo",
"builddate": "Costruito il: %2", "server": "Server",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bollettini", "invitation": "Invito",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "groupAddr": "Indirizzo",
"chatHistoryDefault": "", "addPeer": "Aggiungi peer",
"contactAlreadyExists": "", "createGroup": "Crea un gruppo",
"contactSuggestion": "", "joinGroup": "Unisciti al gruppo",
"conversationSettings": "", "newBulletinLabel": "Nuovo bollettino",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli Appunti", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Pubblica un nuovo bollettino",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli Appunti", "titlePlaceholder": "titolo...",
"copyBtn": "Copia", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "... incolla qui un indirizzo per aggiungere un contatto...",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossibile inviare questo messaggio", "blocked": "Bloccato",
"createGroup": "Crea un gruppo", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"createGroupBtn": "Crea", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"createGroupTab": "Crea un gruppo", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"createGroupTitle": "Crea un gruppo", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"createProfileBtn": "Crea un profilo", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\nPressione lunga per resettare.",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Password corrente", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Impostazioni di Cwtch", "search": "Ricerca...",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\\nPressione lunga per resettare.", "invitationLabel": "Invito",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere le categorie.\\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.", "serverInfo": "Informazioni sul server",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\\nPressione lunga per resettare.", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server connesso",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i colori.\\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server disconnesso",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\\nPressione lunga per resettare.", "serverSynced": "Sincronizzato",
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "Fare clic per scorrere i morph.\\nCliccare con il tasto destro per resettare.", "serverNotSynced": "Non sincronizzato",
"dateDaysAgo": "", "viewServerInfo": "Informazioni sul server",
"dateHoursAgo": "", "saveBtn": "Salva",
"dateLastMonth": "", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitare nel gruppo",
"dateLastYear": "", "inviteBtn": "Invitare",
"dateMinutesAgo": "", "deleteBtn": "Elimina",
"dateMonthsAgo": "", "update": "Aggiornamento",
"dateNever": "", "searchList": "Cerca nella lista",
"dateRightNow": "", "peerNotOnline": "Il peer è offline. Le applicazioni non possono essere utilizzate in questo momento.",
"dateWeeksAgo": "", "addListItemBtn": "Aggiungi elemento",
"dateYearsAgo": "", "membershipDescription": "Di seguito è riportato un elenco di utenti che hanno inviato messaggi al gruppo. Questo elenco potrebbe non corrispondere a tutti gli utenti che hanno accesso al gruppo.",
"dateYesterday": "", "dmTooltip": "Clicca per inviare un Messagio Diretto",
"defaultGroupName": "Gruppo fantastico", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Impossibile inviare questo messaggio",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice", "acknowledgedLabel": "Riconosciuto",
"defaultScalingText": "Testo di dimensioni predefinite (fattore di scala:", "pendingLabel": "In corso",
"deleteBtn": "Elimina", "peerBlockedMessage": "Il peer è bloccato",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Digita ELIMINA per confermare", "peerOfflineMessage": "Il peer è offline, i messaggi non possono essere recapitati in questo momento",
"deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINA", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiato negli Appunti",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Elimina profilo", "newGroupBtn": "Crea un nuovo gruppo",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Elimina realmente il profilo", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Vuoi accettare l'invito a",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "", "acceptGroupBtn": "Accetta",
"descriptionExperiments": "", "rejectGroupBtn": "Rifiuta",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"displayNameLabel": "Nome visualizzato", "listsBtn": "Liste",
"dmTooltip": "Clicca per inviare un Messagio Diretto", "bulletinsBtn": "Bollettini",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Elimina cronologia dei peer", "puzzleGameBtn": "Gioco di puzzle",
"editProfile": "Modifica profilo", "addressLabel": "Indirizzo",
"editProfileTitle": "Modifica profilo", "displayNameLabel": "Nome visualizzato",
"enableGroups": "", "blockBtn": "Blocca il peer",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "", "savePeerHistory": "Salva cronologia peer",
"enterProfilePassword": "Inserisci una password per visualizzare i tuoi profili", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina se eliminare o meno ogni cronologia eventualmente associata al peer.",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profili caricati con quella password", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Elimina cronologia dei peer",
"experimentsEnabled": "Esperimenti abilitati", "unblockBtn": "Sblocca il peer",
"groupAddr": "Indirizzo", "addProfileTitle": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo",
"groupName": "Nome del gruppo", "editProfileTitle": "Modifica profilo",
"groupNameLabel": "Nome del gruppo", "profileName": "Nome visualizzato",
"invalidImportString": "", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"invitation": "Invito", "newProfile": "Nuovo profilo",
"invitationLabel": "Invito", "editProfile": "Modifica profilo",
"inviteBtn": "Invitare", "radioUsePassword": "Password",
"inviteToGroup": "", "radioNoPassword": "Non criptato (senza password)",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitare nel gruppo", "noPasswordWarning": "Non utilizzare una password su questo account significa che tutti i dati archiviati localmente non verranno criptati",
"joinGroup": "Unisciti al gruppo", "yourDisplayName": "Il tuo nome visualizzato",
"joinGroupTab": "Unisciti a un gruppo", "currentPasswordLabel": "Password corrente",
"largeTextLabel": "Grande", "password1Label": "Password",
"leaveGroup": "", "password2Label": "Reinserire la password",
"listsBtn": "Liste", "passwordErrorEmpty": "La password non può essere vuota",
"loadingTor": "Caricamento di tor...", "createProfileBtn": "Crea un profilo",
"localeDe": "Tedesco", "saveProfileBtn": "Salva il profilo",
"localeEn": "Inglese", "passwordErrorMatch": "Le password non corrispondono",
"localeEs": "Spagnolo", "passwordChangeError": "Errore durante la modifica della password: password fornita rifiutata",
"localeFr": "Francese", "deleteProfileBtn": "Elimina profilo",
"localeIt": "Italiano", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Digita ELIMINA per confermare",
"localePt": "Portoghese", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Elimina realmente il profilo",
"membershipDescription": "Di seguito è riportato un elenco di utenti che hanno inviato messaggi al gruppo. Questo elenco potrebbe non corrispondere a tutti gli utenti che hanno accesso al gruppo.", "deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINA",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Tentativo di connessione alla rete Tor", "addNewProfileBtn": "Aggiungi nuovo profilo",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connessione alla rete e ai peer ...", "enterProfilePassword": "Inserisci una password per visualizzare i tuoi profili",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnesso da Internet, controlla la tua connessione", "password": "Password",
"networkStatusOnline": "Online", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profili caricati con quella password",
"newBulletinLabel": "Nuovo bollettino", "yourProfiles": "I tuoi profili",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nuova connessione", "yourServers": "I tuoi server",
"newGroupBtn": "Crea un nuovo gruppo", "unlock": "Sblocca",
"newPassword": "", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Impostazioni di Cwtch",
"newProfile": "Nuovo profilo", "versionBuilddate": "Versione: %1 Costruito il: %2",
"noPasswordWarning": "Non utilizzare una password su questo account significa che tutti i dati archiviati localmente non verranno criptati", "zoomLabel": "Zoom dell'interfaccia (influisce principalmente sulle dimensioni del testo e dei pulsanti)",
"password": "Password", "blockUnknownLabel": "Blocca peer sconosciuti",
"password1Label": "Password", "settingLanguage": "Lingua",
"password2Label": "Reinserire la password", "localeEn": "Inglese",
"passwordChangeError": "Errore durante la modifica della password: password fornita rifiutata", "localeFr": "Francese",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "La password non può essere vuota", "localePt": "Portoghese",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Le password non corrispondono", "localeDe": "Tedesco",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "... incolla qui un indirizzo per aggiungere un contatto...", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Livello di zoom",
"peerAddress": "Indirizzo", "largeTextLabel": "Grande",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Il peer è bloccato", "settingTheme": "Tema",
"peerName": "Nome", "themeLight": "Chiaro",
"peerNotOnline": "Il peer è offline. Le applicazioni non possono essere utilizzate in questo momento.", "themeDark": "Scuro",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Il peer è offline, i messaggi non possono essere recapitati in questo momento", "experimentsEnabled": "Esperimenti abilitati",
"pendingLabel": "In corso", "versionTor": "Versione %1 con tor %2",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Pubblica un nuovo bollettino", "version": "Versione %1",
"profileName": "Nome visualizzato", "builddate": "Costruito il: %2",
"profileOnionLabel": "Inviare questo indirizzo ai peer con cui si desidera connettersi", "defaultScalingText": "Testo di dimensioni predefinite (fattore di scala:",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Gioco di puzzle", "smallTextLabel": "Piccolo",
"radioNoPassword": "Non criptato (senza password)", "loadingTor": "Caricamento di tor...",
"radioUsePassword": "Password", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Visualizza i membri del gruppo",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnesso da Internet, controlla la tua connessione",
"rejected": "", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Tentativo di connessione alla rete Tor",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Rifiuta", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connessione alla rete e ai peer ...",
"saveBtn": "Salva", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"savePeerHistory": "Salva cronologia peer", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nuova connessione",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina se eliminare o meno ogni cronologia eventualmente associata al peer.", "addListItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista",
"saveProfileBtn": "Salva il profilo", "addNewItem": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento alla lista",
"search": "Ricerca...", "todoPlaceholder": "Da fare...",
"searchList": "Cerca nella lista", "localeEs": "Spagnolo",
"sendAnInvitation": "", "localeIt": "Italiano",
"server": "Server", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Server connesso", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server disconnesso", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"serverInfo": "Informazioni sul server", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"serverLabel": "Server", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"serverNotSynced": "Non sincronizzato", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"serverSynced": "Sincronizzato", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Livello di zoom", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"settingLanguage": "Lingua", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"settingTheme": "Tema", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"smallTextLabel": "Piccolo", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"successfullAddedContact": "", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"themeDark": "Scuro", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"themeLight": "Chiaro", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"titleManageContacts": "", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"titleManageProfiles": "", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"titleManageServers": "", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"titlePlaceholder": "titolo...", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"todoPlaceholder": "Da fare...", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"tooltipAddContact": "", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"unblockBtn": "Sblocca il peer", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"unlock": "Sblocca", "dateNever": "Never",
"update": "Aggiornamento", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"version": "Versione %1", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"versionBuilddate": "Versione: %1 Costruito il: %2", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"versionTor": "Versione %1 con tor %2", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Visualizza i membri del gruppo", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"viewServerInfo": "Informazioni sul server", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"yesLeave": "", "newPassword": "New Password",
"yourDisplayName": "Il tuo nome visualizzato", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"yourProfiles": "I tuoi profili", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"yourServers": "I tuoi server", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"zoomLabel": "Zoom dell'interfaccia (influisce principalmente sulle dimensioni del testo e dei pulsanti)" "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"torVersion": "Tor Version",
"torStatus": "Tor Status",
"resetTor": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sendMessage": "Send Message",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message"
} }

View File

@ -1,170 +1,186 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "pt", "@@locale": "pt",
"accepted": "", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-15T02:08:49+02:00",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Aceitar", "createGroupTitle": "Criar Grupo",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Você quer aceitar o convite para", "serverLabel": "Servidor",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmada", "groupNameLabel": "Nome do Grupo",
"addListItem": "Adicionar Item à Lista", "defaultGroupName": "Grupo incrível",
"addListItemBtn": "", "createGroupBtn": "Criar",
"addNewItem": "Adicionar novo item à lista", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to peers you want to connect with",
"addNewProfileBtn": "", "copyBtn": "Copiar",
"addPeer": "", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado",
"addPeerTab": "", "addPeerTab": "Add a peer",
"addProfileTitle": "", "createGroupTab": "Create a group",
"addressLabel": "Endereço", "joinGroupTab": "Join a group",
"blockBtn": "", "peerAddress": "Address",
"blocked": "", "peerName": "Name",
"blockUnknownLabel": "", "groupName": "Group name",
"builddate": "", "server": "Server",
"bulletinsBtn": "Boletins", "invitation": "Invitation",
"chatBtn": "Chat", "groupAddr": "Address",
"chatHistoryDefault": "", "addPeer": "Add Peer",
"contactAlreadyExists": "", "createGroup": "Create group",
"contactSuggestion": "", "joinGroup": "Join group",
"conversationSettings": "", "newBulletinLabel": "Novo Boletim",
"copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Postar novo boletim",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado", "titlePlaceholder": "título…",
"copyBtn": "Copiar", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "… cole um endereço aqui para adicionar um contato…",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Não deu para enviar esta mensagem", "blocked": "Blocked",
"createGroup": "", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupBtn": "Criar", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createGroupTab": "", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.",
"createGroupTitle": "Criar Grupo", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.",
"createProfileBtn": "", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.",
"currentPasswordLabel": "", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configurações do Cwtch", "search": "Search...",
"cycleCatsAndroid": "", "invitationLabel": "Convite",
"cycleCatsDesktop": "", "serverInfo": "Server Information",
"cycleColoursAndroid": "", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server Connected",
"cycleColoursDesktop": "", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server Disconnected",
"cycleMorphsAndroid": "", "serverSynced": "Synced",
"cycleMorphsDesktop": "", "serverNotSynced": "Out of Sync",
"dateDaysAgo": "", "viewServerInfo": "Server Info",
"dateHoursAgo": "", "saveBtn": "Salvar",
"dateLastMonth": "", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Convidar ao grupo",
"dateLastYear": "", "inviteBtn": "Convidar",
"dateMinutesAgo": "", "deleteBtn": "Deletar",
"dateMonthsAgo": "", "update": "Update",
"dateNever": "", "searchList": "Search List",
"dateRightNow": "", "peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.",
"dateWeeksAgo": "", "addListItemBtn": "Add Item",
"dateYearsAgo": "", "membershipDescription": "A lista abaixo é de usuários que enviaram mensagens ao grupo. Essa lista pode não refletir todos os usuários que têm acesso ao grupo.",
"dateYesterday": "", "dmTooltip": "Clique para DM",
"defaultGroupName": "Grupo incrível", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Não deu para enviar esta mensagem",
"defaultProfileName": "", "acknowledgedLabel": "Confirmada",
"defaultScalingText": "Texto tamanho padrão (fator de escala: ", "pendingLabel": "Pendente",
"deleteBtn": "Deletar", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer is blocked",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now",
"deleteConfirmText": "", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado",
"deleteProfileBtn": "", "newGroupBtn": "Criar novo grupo",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Você quer aceitar o convite para",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "", "acceptGroupBtn": "Aceitar",
"descriptionExperiments": "", "rejectGroupBtn": "Recusar",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "", "chatBtn": "Chat",
"displayNameLabel": "Nome de Exibição", "listsBtn": "Listas",
"dmTooltip": "Clique para DM", "bulletinsBtn": "Boletins",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "", "puzzleGameBtn": "Jogo de Adivinhação",
"editProfile": "", "addressLabel": "Endereço",
"editProfileTitle": "", "displayNameLabel": "Nome de Exibição",
"enableGroups": "", "blockBtn": "Block Peer",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "", "savePeerHistory": "Save Peer History",
"enterProfilePassword": "", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether or not to delete any history associated with the peer.",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete Peer History",
"experimentsEnabled": "", "unblockBtn": "Unblock Peer",
"groupAddr": "", "addProfileTitle": "Add new profile",
"groupName": "", "editProfileTitle": "Edit Profile",
"groupNameLabel": "Nome do Grupo", "profileName": "Display name",
"invalidImportString": "", "defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"invitation": "", "newProfile": "New Profile",
"invitationLabel": "Convite", "editProfile": "Edit Profille",
"inviteBtn": "Convidar", "radioUsePassword": "Password",
"inviteToGroup": "", "radioNoPassword": "Unencrypted (No password)",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Convidar ao grupo", "noPasswordWarning": "Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted",
"joinGroup": "", "yourDisplayName": "Your Display Name",
"joinGroupTab": "", "currentPasswordLabel": "Current Password",
"largeTextLabel": "Grande", "password1Label": "Password",
"leaveGroup": "", "password2Label": "Reenter password",
"listsBtn": "Listas", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Password cannot be empty",
"loadingTor": "", "createProfileBtn": "Create Profile",
"localeDe": "", "saveProfileBtn": "Save Profile",
"localeEn": "", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"localeEs": "", "passwordChangeError": "Error changing password: Supplied password rejected",
"localeFr": "", "deleteProfileBtn": "Delete Profile",
"localeIt": "", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Type DELETE to confirm",
"localePt": "", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Really Delete Profile",
"membershipDescription": "A lista abaixo é de usuários que enviaram mensagens ao grupo. Essa lista pode não refletir todos os usuários que têm acesso ao grupo.", "deleteConfirmText": "DELETE",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "", "addNewProfileBtn": "Add new profile",
"networkStatusConnecting": "", "enterProfilePassword": "Enter a password to view your profiles",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "", "password": "Password",
"networkStatusOnline": "", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 profiles loaded with that password",
"newBulletinLabel": "Novo Boletim", "yourProfiles": "Your Profiles",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "", "yourServers": "Your Servers",
"newGroupBtn": "Criar novo grupo", "unlock": "Unlock",
"newPassword": "", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configurações do Cwtch",
"newProfile": "", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Built on: %2",
"noPasswordWarning": "", "zoomLabel": "Zoom da interface (afeta principalmente tamanho de texto e botões)",
"password": "", "blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Peers",
"password1Label": "", "settingLanguage": "Language",
"password2Label": "", "localeEn": "English",
"passwordChangeError": "", "localeFr": "Frances",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "", "localePt": "Portuguesa",
"passwordErrorMatch": "", "localeDe": "Deutsche",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "… cole um endereço aqui para adicionar um contato…", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoom level",
"peerAddress": "", "largeTextLabel": "Grande",
"peerBlockedMessage": "", "settingTheme": "Theme",
"peerName": "", "themeLight": "Light",
"peerNotOnline": "", "themeDark": "Dark",
"peerOfflineMessage": "", "experimentsEnabled": "Enable Experiments",
"pendingLabel": "Pendente", "versionTor": "Version %1 with tor %2",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Postar novo boletim", "version": "Version %1",
"profileName": "", "builddate": "Built on: %2",
"profileOnionLabel": "", "defaultScalingText": "Texto tamanho padrão (fator de escala: ",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Jogo de Adivinhação", "smallTextLabel": "Pequeno",
"radioNoPassword": "", "loadingTor": "Loading tor...",
"radioUsePassword": "", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "View Group Membership",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Disconnected from the internet, check your connection",
"rejected": "", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Attempting to connect to Tor network",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Recusar", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and peers...",
"saveBtn": "Salvar", "networkStatusOnline": "Online",
"savePeerHistory": "", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "New Connection",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "", "addListItem": "Adicionar Item à Lista",
"saveProfileBtn": "", "addNewItem": "Adicionar novo item à lista",
"search": "", "todoPlaceholder": "Afazer…",
"searchList": "", "localeEs": "Espanol",
"sendAnInvitation": "", "localeIt": "Italiana",
"server": "", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings",
"serverInfo": "", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"serverLabel": "Servidor", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists",
"serverNotSynced": "", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"serverSynced": "", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations",
"settingLanguage": "", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"settingTheme": "", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles",
"smallTextLabel": "Pequeno", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.",
"successfullAddedContact": "", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.",
"themeDark": "", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.",
"themeLight": "", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ",
"titleManageContacts": "", "dateRightNow": "Right Now",
"titleManageProfiles": "", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago",
"titleManageServers": "", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago",
"titlePlaceholder": "título…", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago",
"todoPlaceholder": "Afazer…", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago",
"tooltipAddContact": "", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "", "dateLastYear": "Last Year",
"unblockBtn": "", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)",
"unlock": "", "dateNever": "Never",
"update": "", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago",
"version": "", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers",
"versionBuilddate": "", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:",
"versionTor": "", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"viewServerInfo": "", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation",
"yesLeave": "", "newPassword": "New Password",
"yourDisplayName": "", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.",
"yourProfiles": "", "accepted": "Accepted!",
"yourServers": "", "rejected": "Rejected!",
"zoomLabel": "Zoom da interface (afeta principalmente tamanho de texto e botões)" "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ",
"sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ",
"torVersion": "Tor Version",
"torStatus": "Tor Status",
"resetTor": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"sendMessage": "Send Message",
"sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully",
"createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin",
"addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status",
"debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile",
"malformedMessage": "Malformed message"
} }