{ "@@locale": "de", "@@last_modified": "2021-06-24T23:32:06+02:00", "tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "serverNotSynced": "Syncing New Messages (This can take some time)...", "groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "sendMessage": "Send Message", "cancel": "Cancel", "resetTor": "Reset", "torStatus": "Tor Status", "torVersion": "Tor Version", "sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "rejected": "Rejected!", "accepted": "Accepted!", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "newPassword": "New Password", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "leaveGroup": "Leave This Conversation", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "Adresse hier hinzufügen, um einen Kontakt aufzunehmen", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "dateMonthsAgo": "Months Ago", "dateNever": "Never", "dateYearsAgo": "X Years Ago (displayed next to a contact row to indicate time of last action)", "dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateWeeksAgo": "Weeks Ago", "dateDaysAgo": "Days Ago", "dateHoursAgo": "Hours Ago", "dateMinutesAgo": "Minutes Ago", "dateRightNow": "Right Now", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "experimentsEnabled": "Experimente aktiviert", "localeIt": "Italiana", "localeEs": "Espanol", "addListItem": "Liste hinzufügen", "addNewItem": "Ein neues Element zur Liste hinzufügen", "todoPlaceholder": "noch zu erledigen", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Neue Verbindung", "networkStatusOnline": "Online", "networkStatusConnecting": "Verbinde zu Netzwerk und Peers ...", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Versuche, eine Verbindung mit dem Tor-Netzwerk herzustellen", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Vom Internet getrennt, überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Gruppenmitgliedschaft anzeigen", "loadingTor": "Tor wird geladen...", "smallTextLabel": "Klein", "defaultScalingText": "defaultmäßige Textgröße (Skalierungsfaktor:", "builddate": "Aufgebaut auf: %2", "version": "Version %1", "versionTor": "Version %1 mit tor %2", "themeDark": "Dunkel", "themeLight": "Licht", "settingTheme": "Thema", "largeTextLabel": "Groß", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Zoomstufe", "localeDe": "Deutsche", "localePt": "Portuguesa", "localeFr": "Frances", "localeEn": "English", "settingLanguage": "Sprache", "blockUnknownLabel": "Unbekannte Peers blockieren", "zoomLabel": "Benutzeroberflächen-Zoom (betriftt hauptsächlich Text- und Knopgrößen)", "versionBuilddate": "Version: %1 Aufgebaut auf: %2", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Cwtch Einstellungen", "unlock": "Entsperren", "yourServers": "Ihre Server", "yourProfiles": "Ihre Profile", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 Profile mit diesem Passwort geladen", "password": "Passwort", "enterProfilePassword": "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein, um Ihre Profile anzuzeigen", "addNewProfileBtn": "Neues Profil hinzufügen", "deleteConfirmText": "LÖSCHEN", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Profil wirklich löschen", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Geben Sie LÖSCHEN zur Bestätigung ein", "deleteProfileBtn": "Profil löschen", "passwordChangeError": "Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts: Das Passwort wurde abgelehnt", "passwordErrorMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", "saveProfileBtn": "Profil speichern", "createProfileBtn": "Profil speichern", "passwordErrorEmpty": "Passwort kann nicht leer sein", "password2Label": "Passwort erneut eingeben", "password1Label": "Passwort", "currentPasswordLabel": "derzeitiges Passwort", "yourDisplayName": "Ihr Anzeigename", "profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten", "noPasswordWarning": "Wenn für dieses Konto kein Passwort verwendet wird, bedeutet dies, dass alle lokal gespeicherten Daten nicht verschlüsselt werden.", "radioNoPassword": "Unverschlüsselt (kein Passwort)", "radioUsePassword": "Passwort", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "copyBtn": "Kopieren", "editProfile": "Profil bearbeiten", "newProfile": "Neues Profil", "defaultProfileName": "Alice", "profileName": "Anzeigename", "editProfileTitle": "Profil bearbeiten", "addProfileTitle": "Neues Profil hinzufügen", "deleteBtn": "löschen", "unblockBtn": "Peer entblockieren", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf löschen", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Legt fest, ob ein mit dem Peer verknüpfter Verlauf gelöscht werden soll oder nicht.", "savePeerHistory": "Peer-Verlauf speichern", "blockBtn": "Peer blockieren", "saveBtn": "speichern", "displayNameLabel": "Angezeigter Name", "addressLabel": "Adresse", "puzzleGameBtn": "Puzzlespiel", "bulletinsBtn": "Meldungen", "listsBtn": "Listen", "chatBtn": "Chat", "rejectGroupBtn": "Ablehnen", "acceptGroupBtn": "Annehmen", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Möchtest Du die Einladung annehmen", "newGroupBtn": "Neue Gruppe anlegen", "copiedClipboardNotification": "in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "peerOfflineMessage": "Peer ist offline, Nachrichten können derzeit nicht zugestellt werden", "peerBlockedMessage": "Peer ist blockiert", "pendingLabel": "Bestätigung ausstehend", "acknowledgedLabel": "bestätigt", "couldNotSendMsgError": "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden", "dmTooltip": "Klicken, um DM zu senden", "membershipDescription": "Unten steht eine Liste der Benutzer, die Nachrichten an die Gruppe gesendet haben. Möglicherweise enthält diese Benutzerzliste nicht alle, die Zugang zur Gruppe haben.", "addListItemBtn": "Element hinzufügen", "peerNotOnline": "Peer is Offline. Applications cannot be used right now.", "searchList": "Search List", "update": "Update", "inviteBtn": "Einladen", "inviteToGroupLabel": "In die Gruppe einladen", "groupNameLabel": "Gruppenname", "viewServerInfo": "Server Info", "serverSynced": "Synced", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Server getrennt", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Server verbunden", "serverInfo": "Server-Informationen", "invitationLabel": "Einladung", "serverLabel": "Server", "search": "Suche...", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click to cycle colours.\nRight-click to reset.", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click to cycle colours.\nLong-press to reset.", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click to cycle morphs.\nRight-click to reset.", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click to cycle morphs.\nLong-press to reset.", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click to cycle category.\nRight-click to reset.", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click to cycle category.\nLong-press to reset.", "blocked": "Blockiert", "titlePlaceholder": "Titel...", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung veröffentlichen", "newBulletinLabel": "Neue Meldung", "joinGroup": "Gruppe beitreten", "createGroup": "Gruppe erstellen", "addPeer": "Peer hinzufügen", "groupAddr": "Adresse", "invitation": "Einladung", "server": "Server", "groupName": "Gruppenname", "peerName": "Namen", "peerAddress": "Adresse", "joinGroupTab": "Einer Gruppe beitreten", "createGroupTab": "Eine Gruppe erstellen", "addPeerTab": "Einen Peer hinzufügen", "createGroupBtn": "Anlegen", "defaultGroupName": "Tolle Gruppe", "createGroupTitle": "Gruppe Anlegen" }