import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; Future> filePathsToPlatformFiles( List filePaths, bool withReadStream, bool withData, ) { return Future.wait( filePaths .where((String filePath) => filePath.isNotEmpty) .map((String filePath) async { final file = File(filePath); if (withReadStream) { return createPlatformFile(file, null, file.openRead()); } if (!withData) { return createPlatformFile(file, null, null); } final bytes = await file.readAsBytes(); return createPlatformFile(file, bytes, null); }).toList(), ); } Future createPlatformFile( File file, Uint8List? bytes, Stream>? readStream, ) async => PlatformFile( bytes: bytes, name: basename(file.path), path: file.path, readStream: readStream, size: await file.length(), ); Future runExecutableWithArguments( String executable, List arguments, ) async { final processResult = await, arguments); final path = processResult.stdout?.toString().trim(); if (processResult.exitCode != 0 || path == null || path.isEmpty) { return null; } return path; } Future isExecutableOnPath(String executable) async { final path = await runExecutableWithArguments('which', [executable]); if (path == null) { throw Exception( 'Couldn\'t find the executable $executable in the path.', ); } return path; }