import 'package:file_picker/src/platform_file.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; class FilePickerResult { const FilePickerResult(this.files); /// Picked files. final List files; /// If this pick contains only a single resource. bool get isSinglePick => files.length == 1; /// The length of picked files. int get count => files.length; /// A `List` containing all paths from picked files. /// /// This may or not be available and will typically reference cached copies of /// original files (which can be accessed through its URI property). /// /// Only available on IO. Throws `UnsupportedError` on Web. List get paths => files .map((file) => kIsWeb ? throw UnsupportedError( 'Picking paths is unsupported on Web. Please, use bytes property instead.') : file.path) .toList(); /// A `List` containing all names from picked files with its extensions. List get names => =>; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(this, other)) { return true; } return other is FilePickerResult && listEquals(other.files, files); } @override int get hashCode => files.hashCode; @override String toString() => 'FilePickerResult(files: $files)'; }