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This is required to access files from external storage. ### iOS Based on the location of the files that you are willing to pick paths, you may need to add some keys to your iOS app's _Info.plist_ file, located in `/ios/Runner/Info.plist`: * **_UIBackgroundModes_** with the **_fetch_** and **_remote-notifications_** keys - Required if you'll be using the `FileType.ANY` or `FileType.CUSTOM`. Describe why your app needs to access background taks, such downloading files (from cloud services). This is called _Required background modes_, with the keys _App download content from network_ and _App downloads content in response to push notifications_ respectively in the visual editor (since both methods aren't actually overriden, not adding this property/keys may only display a warning, but shouldn't prevent its correct usage). ``` UIBackgroundModes fetch remote-notification ``` * **_NSAppleMusicUsageDescription_** - Required if you'll be using the `FileType.AUDIO`. Describe why your app needs permission to access music library. This is called _Privacy - Media Library Usage Description_ in the visual editor. ``` NSAppleMusicUsageDescription Explain why your app uses music ``` * **_NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription_** - Required if you'll be using the `FileType.IMAGE` or `FileType.VIDEO`. Describe why your app needs permission for the photo library. This is called _Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description_ in the visual editor. ``` NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription Explain why your app uses photo library ``` **Note:** Any iOS version below 11.0, will require an Apple Developer Program account to enable _CloudKit_ and make it possible to use the document picker (which happens when you select `FileType.ALL`, `FileType.CUSTOM` or any other option with `getMultiFilePath()`). You can read more about it [here]( https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/CloudKitQuickStart/EnablingiCloudandConfiguringCloudKit/EnablingiCloudandConfiguringCloudKit.html). ## Usage There are only two methods that should be used with this package: #### `FilePicker.getFilePath()` Will let you pick a **single** file. This receives two optional parameters: the `fileType` for specifying the type of the picker and a `fileExtension` parameter to filter selectable files. The available filters are: * `FileType.ANY` - Will let you pick all available files. * `FileType.CUSTOM` - Will let you pick a single path for the extension matching the `fileExtension` provided. * `FileType.IMAGE` - Will let you pick a single image file. Opens gallery on iOS. * `FileType.VIDEO` - WIll let you pick a single video file. Opens gallery on iOS. * `FileType.AUDIO` - Will let you pick a single audio file. Opens music on iOS. Note that DRM protected files won't provide a path, `null` will be returned instead. #### `FilePicker.getMultiFilePath()` Will let you select **multiple** files and retrieve its path at once. Optionally you can provide a `fileExtension` parameter to filter the allowed selectable files. Will return a `Map` with the files name (`key`) and corresponding path (`value`) of all selected files. Picking multiple paths from iOS gallery (image and video) aren't currently supported. #### Usages So, a few example usages can be as follow: ``` // Single file path String filePath; filePath = await FilePicker.getFilePath(type: FileType.ANY); // will let you pick one file path, from all extensions filePath = await FilePicker.getFilePath(type: FileType.CUSTOM, fileExtension: 'svg'); // will filter and only let you pick files with svg extension // Pick a single file directly File file = await FilePicker.getFile(type: FileType.ANY); // will return a File object directly from the selected file // Multi file path Map filesPaths; filePaths = await FilePicker.getMultiFilePath(); // will let you pick multiple files of any format at once filePaths = await FilePicker.getMultiFilePath(fileExtension: 'pdf'); // will let you pick multiple pdf files at once filePaths = await FilePicker.getMultiFilePath(type: FileType.IMAGE); // will let you pick multiple image files at once List allNames = filePaths.keys; // List of all file names List allPaths = filePaths.values; // List of all paths String someFilePath = filePaths['fileName']; // Access a file path directly by its name (matching a key) ``` ##### A few side notes * Using `getMultiFilePath()` on iOS will always use the document picker (aka Files app). This means that multi picks are not currently supported for photo library images/videos or music library files. * When using `FileType.CUSTOM`, unsupported extensions will throw a `MissingPluginException` that is handled by the plugin. * On Android, when available, you should avoid using third-party file explorers as those may prevent file extension filtering (behaving as `FileType.ANY`). In this scenario, you will need to validate it on return. ## Currently supported features * [X] Load paths from **cloud files** (GDrive, Dropbox, iCloud) * [X] Load path from a **custom format** by providing a file extension (pdf, svg, zip, etc.) * [X] Load path from **multiple files** optionally, supplying a file extension * [X] Load path from **gallery** * [X] Load path from **audio** * [X] Load path from **video** * [X] Load path from **any** * [X] Create a `File` object from **any** selected file If you have any feature that you want to see in this package, please add it [here](https://github.com/miguelpruivo/plugins_flutter_file_picker/issues/99). 🎉 ## Demo App ![Demo](https://github.com/miguelpruivo/plugins_flutter_file_picker/blob/master/example/example.gif) ## Example See example app. ## Getting Started For help getting started with Flutter, view our online [documentation](https://flutter.io/). For help on editing plugin code, view the [documentation](https://flutter.io/platform-plugins/#edit-code).