## 1.2.0 **Breaking change** Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to [also migrate](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate) if they're using the original support library. ## 1.1.1 * Updates README file. ## 1.1.0 **Breaking changes** * `FileType.PDF` was removed since now it can be used along with custom file types by using the `FileType.CUSTOM` and providing the file extension (e.g. PDF, SVG, ZIP, etc.). * `FileType.CAPTURE` is now `FileType.CAMERA` **New features** * Now it is possible to provide a custom file extension to filter file picking options by using `FileType.CUSTOM` **Bug fixes and updates** * Fixes file names from cloud on Android. Previously it would always display **Document** * Fixes an issue on iOS where an exception was being thrown after canceling and re-opening the picker. * Fixes an issue where collision could happen with request codes on Android. * Adds public documentation to `file_picker` * Example app updated. * Updates .gitignore ## 1.0.3 * Fixes `build.gradle`. ## 1.0.2 * Minor update of README file. ## 1.0.1 * Adds comments for public API ## 1.0.0 * **Version 1.0** release. * Adds support for ANY and VIDEO files. * Fixes an issue where permissions were recursively asked on Android. * Fixes an issue where some paths from document files couldn't be loaded with Android 8.0. * Updates README file to match changes. * General refactor & cleanup. ## 0.1.6 * Replaces commons dependency with FilePath class on Android, to handle path resolution on different SDK. ## 0.1.5 * Minor correction on README file. ## 0.1.4 * Changed Meta minimum version due to versioning conflict with flutter_localization. ## 0.1.3 * Updated readme. ## 0.1.2 * Changed license from Apache 2.0 to MIT. * Adds demo screenshot. ## 0.1.1 * Adds license information (Apache 2.0). * Adds CHANGELOG details. ## 0.1.0 * Initial realise. * Supports picking paths from files on local storage, cloud. * Supports picking paths from both gallery & camera due to [image_picker](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/image_picker) dependency.