Miguel Ruivo 267cc12caa Updates iOS picker presentation (#813) and fixes import regression on web (#746) 2021-08-31 12:02:15 +01:00
android move from jcenter->mavenCentral in core plugin 2021-08-04 10:46:11 +01:00
ios Updates docs and removes deprecated call warnings 2021-05-26 01:00:48 +01:00
lib Updates iOS picker presentation (#813) and fixes import regression on web (#746) 2021-08-31 12:02:15 +01:00
screenshots Adds desktop support (#271) and onFileLoading callback to web (#766) 2021-08-10 17:54:23 +01:00
web Unifies all platforms in a single plugin with addition of new features 2020-09-11 18:52:07 +01:00
.gitignore Unifies all platforms in a single plugin with addition of new features 2020-09-11 18:52:07 +01:00
.metadata Unifies all platforms in a single plugin with addition of new features 2020-09-11 18:52:07 +01:00
README.md Unifies all platforms in a single plugin with addition of new features 2020-09-11 18:52:07 +01:00
pubspec.yaml Updates example app to null safety 2021-04-01 13:52:44 +01:00



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