A Flutter based Cwtch UI
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Sarah Jamie Lewis bb5fbf1b7f Merge branch 'trunk' into notification-fixes 2021-06-29 17:19:55 -07:00
android Propagate group name on Android properly 2021-06-29 17:19:08 -07:00
assets Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
integration_test Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
ios Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
lib Show Syncing Message + Update libcwtch-go to fix message fetching issues 2021-06-29 16:44:43 -07:00
linux Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
test Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
test_driver Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
windows Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
.drone.yml drone windows rm msix, sign exe directly 2021-06-25 01:15:55 -07:00
.gitignore Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
.metadata Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
ARCH.md Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
LIBCWTCH-GO.version Show Syncing Message + Update libcwtch-go to fix message fetching issues 2021-06-29 16:44:43 -07:00
LICENSE mit license 2021-06-25 15:13:50 -07:00
README.md README Updates 2021-06-25 08:40:47 -07:00
SPEC.md Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
cwtch-android-lifecycle.png Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
cwtch.png Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
fetch-libcwtch-go.ps1 Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
fetch-libcwtch-go.sh Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
fetch-tor-win.ps1 update fetch-tor-win.ps1 2021-06-24 17:06:22 -07:00
fetch-tor.sh Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
l10n.yaml Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
pubspec.lock Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00
pubspec.yaml android versioncode bump 2021-06-25 10:57:58 -07:00
regenerate_opaque_theme.sh Fresh Respository Commit - Cwtch Beta 2021-06-24 16:10:45 -07:00


Cwtch UI

A Flutter based Cwtch UI.

This README covers build instructions, for information on Cwtch itself please go to https://cwtch.im

Getting Started

First you will need a valid flutter sdk installation and run flutter pub get to fetch dependencies.

You will probably want to disable Analytics on the Flutter Tool: flutter config --no-analytics

Building on Linux (for Linux)

  • run fetch-libcwtch-go.shlibCwtch-go to fetch a prebuild version of libCwtch-go.so go to ./linux. Include ./linux in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • run fetch-tor.sh and/or ensure that tor is in $PATH
  • run flutter run -d linux

Building on Windows (for Windows)

  • run fetch-libcwtch-go.ps1 to fetch a prebuild version of libCwtch.dll
  • run fetch-tor-win.ps1 to fetch Tor for windows
  • run flutter run -d windows

Building on Linux/Windows (for Android)

  • Follow the steps above to fetch libCwtch-go and tor (these will fetch Android versions of these binaries also)
  • run flutter run with an Android phone connect via USB (or some other valid debug mode)

Known Platform Issues

  • Windows: Flutter engine has a known bug around the Right Shift key being sticky. We have implemented a partial workaround, if this happens, tap left shift and it will reset.

l10n Instructions

Adding a new string

Strings are managed directly from our Lokalise(url?) project. Keys should be valid Dart variable names in lowerCamelCase. After adding a new key and providing/obtaining translations for it, follow the next step to update your local copy.

Updating translations

Only Open Privacy staff members can update translations.

In Lokalise, hit Download and make sure:

  • Format is set to "Flutter (.arb)
  • Output filename is set to l10n/intl_%LANG_ISO%.%FORMAT%
  • Empty translations is set to "Replace with base language"

Build, download and unzip the output, overwriting lib/l10n. The next time Flwtch is built, Flutter will notice the changes and update app_localizations.dart accordingly (thanks to generate:true in pubspec.yaml).

Adding a language

If a new language has been added to the Lokalise project, two additional manual steps need to be done:

  • Create a new key called localeXX for the name of the language
  • Add it to the settings pane by updating getLanguageFull() in lib/views/globalsettingsview.dart

Then rebuild as normal.

Using a string

Any widget underneath the main MaterialApp should be able to:

import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';

and then use:



With generate: true in pubspec.yaml, the Flutter build process checks l10n.yaml for input/output filenames.