Updating Group Chat invite, fixing test errors

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2018-03-14 15:03:53 -07:00
parent 440ffb64ef
commit d47b165bab
10 changed files with 77 additions and 186 deletions

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@ -93,7 +93,10 @@ func (p *Profile) StartGroup(server string) (groupID string, invite []byte) {
GroupSharedKey: group.GroupKey[:],
ServerHost: server,
invite, err := proto.Marshal(gci)
cp := &protocol.CwtchPeerPacket{
GroupChatInvite: gci,
invite, err := proto.Marshal(cp)

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@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func TestProfileIdentity(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("alice should have added sarah as a contact %v", err)
alice.AddCwtchIdentity("sarah.onion", *ci)
alice.AddCwtchIdentity("sarah.onion", ci)
if alice.Contacts["sarah.onion"].Name != "Sarah" {
t.Errorf("alice should have added sarah as a contact %v", alice.Contacts)

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@ -2,24 +2,24 @@ package connections
import (
func PeerAuthValid(hostname string, publicKey rsa.PublicKey) (allowed, known bool) {
return true, true
func runtestpeer(t *testing.T,tp *TestPeer) {
func runtestpeer(t *testing.T, tp *TestPeer) {
ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", "")
conn, _ := ln.Accept()
defer conn.Close()
@ -42,23 +42,40 @@ func runtestpeer(t *testing.T,tp *TestPeer) {
return peer
go func() {
alice := model.GenerateNewProfile("alice")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
rc.Do(func() error {
channel := rc.Channel("im.cwtch.peer", channels.Inbound)
if channel != nil {
peerchannel, ok := channel.Handler.(*peer.CwtchPeerChannel)
if ok {
return nil
type TestPeer struct {
ReceivedIdentityPacket bool
ReceivedIdentityPacket bool
ReceivedGroupInvite bool
func (tp *TestPeer) ClientIdentity(ci *protocol.CwtchIdentity) {
tp.ReceivedIdentityPacket = true
tp.ReceivedIdentityPacket = true
func (tp *TestPeer) HandleGroupInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) {
tp.ReceivedGroupInvite = true
func TestPeerPeerConnection(t *testing.T) {
profile := model.GenerateNewProfile("sarah")
profile := model.GenerateNewProfile("sarah")
ppc := NewPeerPeerConnection("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr", profile)
//numcalls := 0
tp := new(TestPeer)
@ -74,8 +91,16 @@ func TestPeerPeerConnection(t *testing.T) {
if state != AUTHENTICATED {
t.Errorf("connection state should be authenticated(3), was instead %v", state)
if tp.ReceivedIdentityPacket == false {
t.Errorf("should have received an identity packet")
t.Errorf("should have received an identity packet")
_, invite := profile.StartGroup("aaa.onion")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
if tp.ReceivedGroupInvite == false {
t.Errorf("should have received an group invite packet")

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package connections
import (
@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ func (psc *PeerServerConnection) Run() error {
psc.connection.RequestOpenChannel("im.cwtch.server.fetch", &fetch.CwtchPeerFetchChannel{Handler: psc})
return nil
psc.connection.Do(func() error {
psc.connection.RequestOpenChannel("im.cwtch.server.listen", &listen.CwtchPeerListenChannel{Handler: psc})
return nil

View File

@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ package peer
import (
@ -35,11 +35,13 @@ func (cpi *CwtchPeerInstance) Init(rai *application.ApplicationInstance, ra *app
type CwtchPeer struct {
Profile *model.Profile
PendingContacts []string
PendingInvites map[string][]string
mutex sync.Mutex
Log chan string `json:"-"`
Profile *model.Profile
PendingContacts []string
PendingInvites map[string][]string
mutex sync.Mutex
Log chan string `json:"-"`
peerconnections map[string]*connections.PeerPeerConnection
serverconnections map[string]*connections.PeerServerConnection
func NewCwtchPeer(name string) *CwtchPeer {
@ -47,13 +49,15 @@ func NewCwtchPeer(name string) *CwtchPeer {
peer.Profile = model.GenerateNewProfile(name)
peer.PendingInvites = make(map[string][]string)
peer.Log = make(chan string)
peer.peerconnections = make(map[string]*connections.PeerPeerConnection)
peer.serverconnections = make(map[string]*connections.PeerServerConnection)
return peer
func (cp *CwtchPeer) Save(profilefile string) error {
bytes,_ := json.Marshal(cp)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(cp)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(profilefile, bytes, 0600)
return err
@ -81,10 +85,6 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) InviteOnionToGroup(onion string, groupid string) {
func (cp *CwtchPeer) PeerListen(onion string) {
func (cp *CwtchPeer) JoinServer(onion string) {
@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) Listen() error {
cpi := new(CwtchPeerInstance)
cpi.Init(rai, cwtchpeer)
return func() channels.Handler {
chat := new(protocol.CwtchPeerChannel)
chat.Handler = &CwtchPeerHandler{Onion: rai.RemoteHostname, Peer: cp}
return chat
cpc := new(peer.CwtchPeerChannel)
cpc.Handler = &CwtchPeerHandler{Onion: rai.RemoteHostname, Peer: cp}
return cpc
@ -123,52 +123,7 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) Listen() error {
func (cp *CwtchPeer) EstablishContact(onion string) {
rc, err := goricochet.Open(onion)
if err == nil {
cp.Log <- "Connected to " + onion
cp.RegisterChannelHandler("im.cwtch.peer", func() channels.Handler {
peer := new(protocol.CwtchPeerChannel)
peer.Handler = &CwtchPeerHandler{Onion: onion, Peer: cp}
return peer
if err == nil {
_, err := connection.HandleOutboundConnection(rc).ProcessAuthAsClient(identity.Initialize("", cp.Profile.OnionPrivateKey))
if err == nil {
cp.Log <- "Authed to " + onion
go func() {
rc.Do(func() error {
rc.RequestOpenChannel("im.cwtch.peer", &protocol.CwtchPeerChannel{
Handler: &CwtchPeerHandler{Onion: onion, Peer: cp},
return nil
sendIdentity := func(message []byte) {
rc.Do(func() error {
channel := rc.Channel("im.cwtch.peer", channels.Outbound)
if channel != nil {
cwtchchannel, ok := channel.Handler.(*protocol.CwtchPeerChannel)
if ok {
} else {
cp.Log <- "Error finding cwtch channel " + onion
return nil
// onion is offline
// TODO Sleep, Wake, Retry (assuming contact still exists)
type CwtchPeerHandler struct {
@ -178,10 +133,11 @@ type CwtchPeerHandler struct {
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) ClientIdentity(ci *protocol.CwtchIdentity) {
cph.Peer.Log <- "Received Client Identity from " + cph.Onion + " " + ci.String()
cph.Peer.Profile.AddCwtchIdentity(cph.Onion, *ci)
cph.Peer.Profile.AddCwtchIdentity(cph.Onion, ci)
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) HandleGroupInvite() {
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) HandleGroupInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) {
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) HandleGroupMessage(gm *protocol.GroupMessage) {

View File

@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ import (
func TestCwtchPeerGenerate(t *testing.T) {
sarah := NewCwtchPeer("sarah")
sarahLoaded, err := LoadCwtchPeer("./test_profile")
if err != nil || sarahLoaded.Profile.Name != "sarah" {
t.Errorf("something went wrong saving and loading profiles %v %v", err, sarahLoaded)
alice := NewCwtchPeer("alice")
aliceLoaded, err := LoadCwtchPeer("./test_profile")
if err != nil || aliceLoaded.Profile.Name != "alice" {
t.Errorf("something went wrong saving and loading profiles %v %v", err, aliceLoaded)
//t.Logf("%v", sarahLoaded)

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@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ func TestPeerFetchChannel(t *testing.T) {
pfc.Handler = th
channel := new(channels.Channel)
channel.ID = 3
channel.SendMessage = func([]byte) {}
channel.CloseChannel = func() {}
result, err := pfc.OpenOutbound(channel)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected result but also got non-nil error: result:%v, err: %v", result, err)

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) Packet(data []byte) {
if cpp.GetCwtchIdentify() != nil {
} else if cpp.GetGroupChatInvite() != nil {

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
package protocol
import (
// CwtchPeerChannel implements the ChannelHandler interface for a channel of
// type "im.ricochet.Cwtch". The channel may be inbound or outbound.
// CwtchPeerChannel implements protocol-level sanity and state validation, but
// does not handle or acknowledge Cwtch messages. The application must provide
// a CwtchPeerChannelHandler implementation to handle Cwtch events.
type CwtchPeerChannel struct {
// Methods of Handler are called for Cwtch events on this channel
Handler CwtchPeerChannelHandler
channel *channels.Channel
// CwtchPeerChannelHandler is implemented by an application type to receive
// events from a CwtchPeerChannel.
type CwtchPeerChannelHandler interface {
// Type returns the type string for this channel, e.g. "im.ricochet.Cwtch".
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) SendMessage(data []byte) {
// Type returns the type string for this channel, e.g. "im.ricochet.Cwtch".
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) Type() string {
return "im.cwtch.peer"
// Closed is called when the channel is closed for any reason.
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) Closed(err error) {
// OnlyClientCanOpen - for Cwtch channels any side can open
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) OnlyClientCanOpen() bool {
return false
// Singleton - for Cwtch channels there can only be one instance per direction
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) Singleton() bool {
return true
// Bidirectional - for Cwtch channels are not bidrectional
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) Bidirectional() bool {
return false
// RequiresAuthentication - Cwtch channels require hidden service auth
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) RequiresAuthentication() string {
return "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service"
// OpenInbound is the first method called for an inbound channel request.
// If an error is returned, the channel is rejected. If a RawMessage is
// returned, it will be sent as the ChannelResult message.
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) OpenInbound(channel *channels.Channel, raw *Protocol_Data_Control.OpenChannel) ([]byte, error) {
cpc.channel = channel
messageBuilder := new(utils.MessageBuilder)
return messageBuilder.AckOpenChannel(channel.ID), nil
// OpenOutbound is the first method called for an outbound channel request.
// If an error is returned, the channel is not opened. If a RawMessage is
// returned, it will be sent as the OpenChannel message.
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) OpenOutbound(channel *channels.Channel) ([]byte, error) {
cpc.channel = channel
messageBuilder := new(utils.MessageBuilder)
return messageBuilder.OpenChannel(channel.ID, cpc.Type()), nil
// OpenOutboundResult is called when a response is received for an
// outbound OpenChannel request. If `err` is non-nil, the channel was
// rejected and Closed will be called immediately afterwards. `raw`
// contains the raw protocol message including any extension data.
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) OpenOutboundResult(err error, crm *Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult) {
if err == nil {
if crm.GetOpened() {
cpc.channel.Pending = false
// Packet is called for each raw packet received on this channel.
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) Packet(data []byte) {
cpp := &CwtchPeerPacket{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(data, cpp)
if err == nil {
if cpp.GetCwtchIdentify() != nil {