# Android, Go, and gomobile This image was built for use with Drone CI but can be used with any docker setup you want. Versions are: - 2021.03 - Go 1.15.10 - Android API 29 - 2018.07 - Go 1.10.3 - Android API 28 ## Install and Use ### Version 2021.03 This image includes: - Android SDK, NDK, tools, and API version 29 and Buildtools 30.0.2 at `/usr/local/android-sdk` - Go lang 1.10.3 at `/usr/local/go` - $GOPATH set to `/gomobile` - GOPATH includes gomobile cmd tools and source This container has its own GOPATH with only gomobile in it, so to use, you'll need to re-get your go dependancies and then run `gomobile init`. The following example shows a Drone CI step using this image gomobile-build: image: openpriv/android-go-mobile:2021.03 commands: - go mod download - gomobile init - make