# Build processes ## Linux and Android We use [Briar's Tor Reproducer](https://code.briarproject.org/briar/tor-reproducer) to build our tor linux and android binaries. ``` git clone https://code.briarproject.org/briar/tor-reproducer.git ``` Either edit the tor-versions.json or copy in the one from this directory ``` docker build --tag tor-reproducer: . docker run tor-reproducer: ./build-tor.py docker ps -a docker cp 937d81a46c33:/opt/tor-reproducer/tor_arm_pie.zip tor- docker cp 937d81a46c33:/opt/tor-reproducer/tor_arm64_pie.zip tor_arm64_pie.zip docker cp 937d81a46c33:/opt/tor-reproducer/tor_linux-x86_64.zip tor- docker cp 937d81a46c33:/opt/tor-reproducer/tor_linux-aarch64.zip tor_linux-aarch64.zip ``` Where 937d81a46c33 is the container ID from `docker ps -a`. Cleanup with ``` docker container prune docker rmi tor-reproducer: ``` ## Windows For Window we are bundling the [Tor Windows Expert Bundle](https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/). ## Historical Previously we used some scripts that have been moved to `oldscripts`. They did not generate correct android binaries.