Make IsValidHostname More Robust

IsValidHostname now rejects public keys that are invalid ed25519
curve points in addition to ed25519 points that contain torsion
components (which are defined to be invalid Tor Hostnames).

Note: The lack of these checks previously  would have been unlikely to manifest as an issue further up the
stack because Tor would have prevented Cwtch from connecting to bad curve
points, the Tapir authentication protocol would have failed with invalid curve points,
and the experimental group chats only rely on signatures for voluntary authorship attribution,
rather than e.g. consensus or security.
This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2021-09-27 19:52:25 -07:00
parent 7a2c5f8fed
commit 6d5accb338
4 changed files with 112 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module
go 1.13
require ( v1.0.0-rc.1 v0.0.4 v1.0.2 v0.0.0-20201012173705-84dcc777aaee

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ v1.0.0-rc.1 h1:m0VOOB23frXZvAOK44usCgLWvtsxIoMCTBGJZlpmGfU= v1.0.0-rc.1/go.mod h1:N1IkdkCkiLB6tki+MYJoSx2JTY9NUlxZE7eHn5EwJns= v0.0.4 h1:CO7EkGyz+jegZ4ap8g5NWRuDHA/56KKvGySR6OBPW+c= v0.0.4/go.mod h1:13ZqhKyqakDsN/ZkQkIGNULsmLyqtXc46XBcnuXm/mU= v1.0.2 h1:HLP4wsw4ljczFAelYnbObIs821z+jgMPCe8uODPnGQM=

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package tor
import (
@ -39,12 +40,41 @@ func GetTorV3Hostname(pub ed25519.PublicKey) string {
return strings.ToLower(serviceID)
// IsValidHostname returns true if the given address is a valid onion v3 address
func IsValidHostname(address string) bool {
if len(address) == V3HostnameLength {
if len(address) == V3HostnameLength {
data, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.ToUpper(address))
if err == nil {
pubkey := data[0:ed25519.PublicKeySize]
// Tor won't allow us to connect to a hostname containing a torsion component
// However because we permit authentication over inbound connections we would like to
// be extra safe and reject all *invalid* hostnames that contain a torsion component...
// to do this we need to multiply the point by the order of the group and check that the
// result is the ed25519 identity element.
// l = order of the group (minus 1)
l_bytes := []byte{236, 211, 245, 92, 26, 99, 18, 88, 214, 156, 247, 162, 222, 249, 222, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16}
l,_ := edwards25519.NewScalar().SetCanonicalBytes(l_bytes)
// construct a curve point from the public key
// if this fails then the hostname is invalid
p,err := new(edwards25519.Point).SetBytes(pubkey)
if err != nil {
return false
// Calculate l*P (actually (l-1)P + P because of the limitations of the scalar library...
result := new(edwards25519.Point).ScalarMult(l, p)
result = new(edwards25519.Point).Add(result, p)
// The result should be the identity point..assuming the hostname contains no torsion components...
if result.Equal(edwards25519.NewIdentityPoint()) == 0 {
return false
// Finally check that we arrive at the same hostname as the one we were given...
if GetTorV3Hostname(ed25519.PublicKey(pubkey)) == address {
return true

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package tor
import (
@ -13,6 +16,81 @@ func TestGenerateHashedPassword(t *testing.T) {
func TestIsValidHostname(t *testing.T) {
openprivonion := "openpravyvc6spbd4flzn4g2iqu4sxzsizbtb5aqec25t76dnoo5w7yd"
t.Logf("testing: %v", openprivonion)
if IsValidHostname(openprivonion) == false {
t.Fatalf("open privacy onion should validate as a valid hostname")
sarahonion := "icyt7rvdsdci42h6si2ibtwucdmjrlcb2ezkecuagtquiiflbkxf2cqd"
t.Logf("testing: %v", sarahonion)
if IsValidHostname(sarahonion) == false {
t.Fatalf("sarah onion should validate as a valid hostname")
// First we will construct a torsion point from our Valid Onion
pubKey,_ := torutil.PublicKeyFromV3OnionServiceID(openprivonion)
pubKeyPoint,_ := new(edwards25519.Point).SetBytes(pubKey)
torsionPubKeyBytes,_ := hex.DecodeString("26e8958fc2b227b045c3f489f2ef98f0d5dfac05d3c63339b13802886d53fc05")
torsionHostname,_ := torutil.PublicKeyFromV3OnionServiceID(GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKeyBytes))
torsionPoint,_ := new(edwards25519.Point).SetBytes(torsionHostname)
malformedKey := new(edwards25519.Point).Add(pubKeyPoint, torsionPoint)
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(malformedKey.Bytes()))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(malformedKey.Bytes())) == true {
t.Fatalf("torsion onion should not validate as a valid hostname")
// Testing a few torsion points taken from
torsionPubKey,_ := hex.DecodeString("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey)) == true {
t.Fatalf("torsion onion should not validate as a valid hostname")
torsionPubKey,_ = hex.DecodeString("26e8958fc2b227b045c3f489f2ef98f0d5dfac05d3c63339b13802886d53fc05")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey)) == true {
t.Fatalf("torsion onion should not validate as a valid hostname")
torsionPubKey,_ = hex.DecodeString("c9fff3af0471c28e33e98c2043e44f779d0427b1e37c521a6bddc011ed1869af")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey)) == true {
t.Fatalf("torsion onion should not validate as a valid hostname")
torsionPubKey,_ = hex.DecodeString("f43e3a046db8749164c6e69b193f1e942c7452e7d888736f40b98093d814d5e7")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey)) == true {
t.Fatalf("torsion onion should not should validate as a valid hostname")
torsionPubKey,_ = hex.DecodeString("300ef2e64e588e1df55b48e4da0416ffb64cc85d5b00af6463d5cc6c2b1c185e")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(torsionPubKey)) == true {
t.Fatalf("torsion onion should not validate as a valid hostname")
// this should pass
// (also from
validPubKey,_ := hex.DecodeString("4ba2e44760dff4c559ef3c38768c1c14a8a54740c782c8d70803e9d6e3ad8794")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(validPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(validPubKey)) == false {
t.Fatalf("valid onion should validate as a valid hostname")
// Finally test a completely invalid key...
badPubKey,_ := hex.DecodeString("e19c65de75c68cf3b7643ea732ba9eb1a3d20d6d57ba223c2ece1df66feb5af0")
t.Logf("testing: %v", GetTorV3Hostname(badPubKey))
if IsValidHostname( GetTorV3Hostname(badPubKey)) == true {
t.Fatalf("invalid ed25519 point should not validate as a valid hostname")
func TestGenerateTorrc(t *testing.T) {
path := "./torrc.test"
password := "examplehashedpassword"