First cut of bulk verification function (feature gated)

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2021-02-13 12:11:18 -08:00
parent 5a61d9461a
commit 85dc8ed9ad
2 changed files with 106 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ sha3 = "0.9.1"
serde = {version="1.0.123", features=["derive"]}
bit-vec = {version="0.6.3"}
brute-force = {version="0.1.0", features=["curve25519"], optional=true}
rayon = {version="1.5.0", optional=true}
criterion = {version="0.3", features=["html_reports"]}
@ -29,4 +30,5 @@ name = "fuzzy_tags_benches"
harness = false
entangled = ["brute-force"]
entangled = ["brute-force"]
bulk_verify = ["rayon"]

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@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ use brute_force::adaptors;
#[cfg(feature = "entangled")]
use brute_force::brute_force;
#[cfg(feature = "bulk_verify")]
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
#[cfg(feature = "bulk_verify")]
use rayon::iter::IndexedParallelIterator;
#[cfg(feature = "bulk_verify")]
use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefIterator;
#[cfg(feature = "bulk_verify")]
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
/// A tag is a probabilistic cryptographic structure. When constructed for a given `TaggingKey`
/// it will pass the `DetectionKey::test_tag` 100% of the time. For other tagging keys
/// it will pass the test with probability `GAMMA` related to the security parameter of the system.
@ -349,11 +358,88 @@ impl<const GAMMA: u8> DetectionKey<{ GAMMA }> {
let b_i = k_i ^ c_i;
if b_i != 1 {
return false;
// assert that the plaintext is all 1's
result = result & (b_i == 1);
return result;
/// A bulk testing function that takes in an vector of detection keys and returns a vector
/// of indexes where the tag matched.
#[cfg(feature = "bulk_verify")]
pub fn test_tag_bulk(detection_keys: &Vec<DetectionKey<{GAMMA}>>, tag: &Tag<{ GAMMA }>) -> Vec<usize> {
// A few checks to make sure the tag is well formed.
// All zeros in u or y can lead to a tag that validates against *all* tagging keys
// That doesn't seem like a great idea, so we return false to be safe.
// Zero values should never appear in well generated tags.
if tag.u.eq(&RistrettoPoint::default()) || tag.y.eq(&Scalar::zero()) {
return vec![];
let m = RootSecret::<GAMMA>::g(tag.u, &tag.ciphertexts);
// Re-derive w = g^z from the public tag.
// y = (1/r) * (z-m)
// u = g^r
// so w = g^m + u^y
// w = g^m + g^(r * 1/r * (z-m))
// w = g^m + g^(z-m)
// w = g^z
// See below for a full explanation as to the reason for this:
let w = RistrettoPoint::multiscalar_mul(&[m, tag.y], &[g, tag.u]);
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// for each secret part...
let mut results : Vec<(usize)> = vec![];
detection_keys.par_iter().enumerate().for_each_with(tx.clone(), |tx,(index,detection_key)| {
let mut result = true;
for (i, x_i) in detection_key.0.iter().enumerate() {
// re-derive the key from the tag
let k_i = RootSecret::<GAMMA>::h(tag.u, tag.u.mul(x_i), w);
// calculate the "original" plaintext
let c_i = match tag.ciphertexts.get(i) {
Some(true) => 0x01,
Some(false) => 0x00,
_ => 0x00,
// we've run out of ciphertext, it doesn't really matter what we put here, the rest of the test will fail
// since the security of k_i is modelled as a random oracle, (k_i ^ 0) should also be random
let b_i = k_i ^ c_i;
if b_i != 1 {
result = false;
// assert that the plaintext is all 1's
result = result & (b_i == 1);
if result {
loop {
let result = rx.recv();
match result {
Ok(index) => {
_ => {
return results;
/// A public identity that others can create tags for.
@ -488,7 +574,7 @@ impl<const GAMMA: u8> TaggingKey<{ GAMMA }> {
mod tests {
use crate::{RootSecret, Tag};
use crate::{RootSecret, Tag, DetectionKey};
use bit_vec::BitVec;
use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint;
use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;
@ -568,6 +654,22 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(feature = "bulk_verify")]
fn test_check_multiple() {
use crate::TaggingKey;
let secrets: Vec<RootSecret<24>> = (0..2).map(|_x| RootSecret::<24>::generate()).collect();
let tagging_keys: Vec<TaggingKey<24>> = secrets.iter().map(|x| x.tagging_key()).collect();
// it takes ~15 minutes on a standard desktop to find a length=24 match for 2 parties, so for testing let's keep things light
let entangled_tag = TaggingKey::generate_entangled_tag(tagging_keys, 16);
let detection_keys = secrets.iter().map(|x|x.extract_detection_key(16)).collect();
let results = DetectionKey::test_tag_bulk(&detection_keys, &entangled_tag);
for result in results.iter() {
assert_eq!(*result, true);
fn correctness() {
let number_of_messages = 100;