# FuzzyTags ![](https://git.openprivacy.ca/openprivacy/fuzzytags/media/branch/trunk/FuzzyTags_Logo.png) Anonymous messaging systems (and other privacy-preserving applications) often require a mechanism for one party to learn that another party has messaged them ("notifications"). Many schemes rely on a bandwidth-intensive "download everything and attempt-decryption" approach. Others rely on a trusted 3rd party, or various non-collusion assumptions, to provide a "private" service. Other schemes require that parties arrange themselves in "buckets" or "mailboxes" effectively creating smaller instances of the "download everything" approach. It would be awesome if we could get an **untrusted**, **adversarial** server to do the work for us without compromising metadata-resistance or requiring parties to split themselves into buckets (effectively dividing the anonymity set of the system)! **fuzzytags** is an experimental probabilistic cryptographic tagging structure to do just that! Instead of placing messages into deterministic buckets based on the recipient, **fuzzytags** allow each message to probabilistically address itself to several parties in addition to the intended party - utilizing the anonymity of the whole set of participants, instead of the ones who happen to share a bucket for a given round. Specifically **fuzzytags** provide the following properties: * Correctness: Valid tags constructed for a specific tagging key will always validate when tested using a derived detection key. * Fuzziness: Tags will produce false positive matches with probability _p_ related to the security property (_γ_) when tested against detection keys they were not intended for. * Security: An adversarial server with access to the detection key **is unable to distinguish false positives from true positives**. (this property is referred to as *Detection Ambiguity*) ## Security (hic sunt dracones) This crate provides an experimental implementation of the `FMD2` scheme described in ["Fuzzy Message Detection"](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/089). Using Ristretto as the prime order group. This code has not undergone any significant review. Further, the properties provided by this system are highly dependent on selecting a **false positive rate** _p_ and **scheme constant** _γ_ for your system. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. If _p_ is too low, then the probability of false positives for a given party will be very high. If _p_ is too high, then an adversarial server will be able to link messages to recipients with probability approaching _1_. Likewise a large _γ_ means higher bandwidth costs, but a small _γ_ reveals more of the root secret to the server while also increasing the change of perfect (but false) matches across all parties. We are also [building a simulator](https://git.openprivacy.ca/openprivacy/fuzzytags-sim) to understand these parameter choices in addition to other factors when deploying fuzzytags to real-world systems. For more guidance (and warnings) on integrating fuzzytags into a privacy preserving application see [documentation](https://docs.rs/fuzzytags/#integrating-fuzzytags) ## Terminology and a more detailed System Description There exists a metadata resistant application that uses untrusted servers to mediate communication between parties. Each party can be identified with a set of cryptographic identifiers and there exists methods in or external to the system to distribute keys securely and authentically. Now, instead of each party adopting a download-everything approach to metadata privacy (or invoking non-collusion or other assumptions) we can leverage fuzzytags to reduce the number of messages downloaded from the server by each party while maintaining a formalized concept of metadata privacy. Every party generates a `RootSecret`, from which they can derive a `DetectionKey` and a `TaggingKey`. These keys will be generated with a parameter _γ_ that relates to the minimum false-positive probability 2^-γ. When submitting messages to the server for an intended **recipient**, the **sender** will generate a new tag from the **recipients** `TaggingKey`. All parties will `extract` a `DetectionKey` from their key pair. This key will be of length `n` and provide a false positive detection probability of 0 <= 2^-n <= 2^-γ. This detection key can be given to an adversarial server. When fetching new messages from the adversarial server, the server first runs a `test` of the tag of the message against the parties' detection key. If the tag passes the test, the message (along with the tag) is provided to the **recipient**. Finally, the **recipient** runs their own `test` of the tag against an extracted detection key such that the probability of a false positive will be 2^-n == 2^-γ. This will produce a subset of messages likely intended for the **recipient**, with a smaller probability of false positives. Alternatively the **recipient** can simply try and decrypt every message in the subset of messages that the server provided them (depending on the efficiency of the decryption method). ## Usage A party first needs to generate `RootSecret` use fuzzytags::RootSecret; let secret = RootSecret::<24>::generate(); From the secret detection key a party can derive a `DetectionKey` which can be given to adversarial server to fuzzily detect tags on behalf of the party. From the secret detection key a party can also derive a `TaggingKey` that can be public and given to other parties for the purpose of generating fuzzytags addressed to a given party. The `24` in the above code is a security property (_γ_) in the system. For a given gamma, a tag generated for a specific public key will validate against a random public key with a maximum probability of _2^-gamma_. ## Generating Tags Once in possession of a tagging key, a party in a metadata resistant app can use it to generate tags: use fuzzytags::RootSecret; let secret = RootSecret::<24>::generate(); let tagging_key = secret.tagging_key(); // Give public key to a another party... // and then they can do... let tag = tagging_key.generate_tag(); These tags can then be attached to a message in a metadata resistant system. ## Testing Tags First it is necessary to extract a detection key for a given false positive probability _0 <= 2^-n <= 2^-γ_. This extracted key can then be given to an adversarial server. The server can then test a given tag against the detection key e.g.: use fuzzytags::RootSecret; let secret = RootSecret::<24>::generate(); let tagging_key = secret.tagging_key(); // extract a detection key let detection_key = secret.extract_detection_key(5); // Give the tagging key to a another party... // and then they can do... let tag = tagging_key.generate_tag(); // The server can now do this: if detection_key.test_tag(&tag) { // the message attached to this tag *might* be for the party associated with the detection key } else { // the message attached to this tag is definitely *not* for the party associated with the detection key. } ## Entangled Tags When enabled with the `entangled` feature the `TaggingKey::generate_entangled_tag` function is available. This allows you to generate tags that will validate against **multiple** detection keys from **distinct tagging keys** and opens up applications like **multiple broadcast** and **deniable sending**. use fuzzytags::{RootSecret, TaggingKey}; let secret_1 = RootSecret::<24>::generate(); let secret_2 = RootSecret::<24>::generate(); let tagging_key_1 = secret_1.tagging_key(); // give this to a sender let tagging_key_2 = secret_2.tagging_key(); // give this to a sender // Will validate for detection keys derived from both secret_1 and secret_2 up // to n=8 #[cfg(feature = "entangled")] let tag = TaggingKey::generate_entangled_tag(vec![tagging_key_1,tagging_key_2], 8); ## Serialization This crate relies on `serde` for serialization. FuzzyTags are first compressed into a byte array of 64 bytes + `γ` bits, padded to the end with zeros to the nearest byte. This representation can then be exchanged using a number of different approaches e.g.: use fuzzytags::RootSecret; use fuzzytags::Tag; let secret = RootSecret::<24>::generate(); let tagging_key = secret.tagging_key(); // Give public key to a another party... // and then they can do... let tag = tagging_key.generate_tag(); // An example using JSON serialization...see serde doc for other formats: let serialized_tag = serde_json::to_string(&tag).unwrap(); println!("Serialized: {}", serialized_tag); // We can then deserialize with: let deserialized_tag: Result, serde_json::Error> = serde_json::from_str(&serialized_tag); println!("Deserialized: {}", deserialized_tag.unwrap()); ## Benchmarks We use [criterion](https://crates.io/crates/criterion) for benchmarking, and benchmarks can run using `cargo bench` Results will be in `target/criterion/report/index.html`. ## Credits and Contributions - Based on [Fuzzy Message Detection](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/089) by Gabrielle Beck and Julia Len and Ian Miers and Matthew Green - Performance & API improvements contributed by Henry de Valence - Universal Tag Bug found by [Lee Bousfield](https://github.com/PlasmaPower/) - Thanks to Henry de Valence, George Tankersly, Lee Bousfield and others for helpful discussions.