# Ricochet Testing Specification This documents outlines each scenario this library must correctly handle and links it to the automated test that exercises that functionality. # Version Negotiation ## Open File: [iricochet_test.go](./ricochet_test.go) This stub test exercises the Open() function. `TestRicochetOpen`, `TestRicochetOpenWithError`. ## Inbound File: [inbound_version_negotiation_test.go](./inbound_version_negotiation_test.go) ### Invalid Protocol If the inbound listener receives: * Less than 4 bytes (`TestBadProtcolLength`) * The first 2 bytes are not equal ot 0x49 and 0x4D * A number of supported Versions < 1 (`TestNoSupportedVersions`, `TestInvalidVersionList`) Then it must close the connection. ### No Compatible Version Found If the inbound listener does not receive a compatible version in the list of supported versions. Then is must close the connection. `TestNoCompatibleVersions` ### Successful Version Negotiation Assuming the inbound listener receives a valid protocol message, and that message contains a known supported version. Then the connection should remain open. `TestNegotiateInboundVersions` ## Outbound File: [outbound_version_negotiation_test.go](./outbound_version_negotiation_test.go) ### No Compatible Version Found If the outbound connection receives a response that does not match one of the versions they sent out in their supporting list. Then then must close the connection `TestInvalidResponse` , `TestInvalidServer` ### Successful Version Negotiation Assuming the outbound connection receives a valid protocol message, and that message contains a known supported version. Then the connection should remain open. `TestOutboundVersionNegotiation`