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package application
import (
// Instance is a concrete instance of a ricochet application, encapsulating a connection
type Instance struct {
Connection *connection.Connection
RemoteHostname string
// InstanceFactory generates ApplicationInstances on a specific connection.
type InstanceFactory struct {
handlerMap map[string]func(*Instance) func() channels.Handler
// Init sets up an Application Factory
func (af *InstanceFactory) Init() {
af.handlerMap = make(map[string]func(*Instance) func() channels.Handler)
// AddHandler defines a channel type -> handler construct function
func (af *InstanceFactory) AddHandler(ctype string, chandler func(*Instance) func() channels.Handler) {
af.handlerMap[ctype] = chandler
// GetHandlers returns all handlers
func (af *InstanceFactory) GetHandlers() []string {
keys := make([]string, len(af.handlerMap))
i := 0
for k := range af.handlerMap {
keys[i] = k
return keys
// GetHandler returns a set handler for the channel type.
func (af *InstanceFactory) GetHandler(ctype string) func(*Instance) func() channels.Handler {
return af.handlerMap[ctype]
// GetApplicationInstance builds a new application instance using a connection as a base.
func (af *InstanceFactory) GetApplicationInstance(rc *connection.Connection) *Instance {
rai := new(Instance)
rai.RemoteHostname = rc.RemoteHostname
rai.Connection = rc
for t, h := range af.handlerMap {
rai.RegisterChannelHandler(t, h(rai))
return rai