import QtQuick 2.7 //ApplicationWindow import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 //Dialog import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 ApplicationWindow { id: root visible: true title: "Open Privacy LockBox" minimumWidth: 640 minimumHeight: 640 property string keyfilegentxt property string outfiletxt property string keyfiletxt property string inputfiletxt TabView { anchors.fill: parent Tab { title: "Instructions" Column { anchors.fill: parent padding: 10 Label { width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap rightPadding: 10 text: "This application works in two steps:\n\n1. Use the Generate Keys tab to create files named 'key.public' and 'key.private'. These are encryption and decryption keys, respectively. The public key should be sent to whoever set up the partner web app. The private key should be backed up to a USB stick or somewhere else trustworthy for backup, but you should be careful not to send it over the internet!\n\n2. Once you have downloaded the submissions.dat file from the web app's admin panel, use the Decrypt tab and the private key file from earlier to decrypt the file. It will output a CSV (spreadsheet) file that can be opened in office programs." } } } Tab { title: "Generate Keys" Column { padding: 10 width: parent.width Row { width:parent.width padding:10 Label { text: "Generate New Encryption Keys" font.pixelSize: 22 } } Row { width:parent.width padding:10 TextField { width:parent.width * 0.50 id:keyFileGenLabel placeholderText: "Folder to save keys into" text: root.keyfilegentxt } Button { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: "Browse..." onClicked: function() { keyFileCreateDialog.visible = true } } } Row { width:parent.width padding: 10 Button { text: "Generate!" onClicked: function() { lockbox.generateKey(root.keyfilegentxt) } } } } } Tab { title: "Decrypt" Column { anchors.fill: parent padding:10 Row { width:parent.width padding:10 Label { text: "Decrypt submissions" font.pixelSize: 22 } } Row { width:parent.width padding:10 TextField { width:parent.width * 0.75 id:inputFileLabel placeholderText: "Encrypted submissions file (.dat)" text: root.inputfiletxt } Button { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: "Browse..." onClicked: fileDialog.visible = true } } Row { width:parent.width padding:10 TextField { id:outputFileLabel width:parent.width * 0.75 placeholderText: "Location for decrypted file (.csv)" text: root.outfiletxt } Button { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: "Browse..." onClicked: outputFileDialog.visible = true } } Row { width:parent.width padding:10 TextField { width:parent.width * 0.75 id:keyFileLabel placeholderText: "Decryption key file (.private)" text: root.keyfiletxt } Button { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: "Browse..." onClicked: keyFileDialog.visible = true } } Row { width:parent.width padding:10 Button { text: "Decrypt!" onClicked: function() { lockbox.decryptFile(root.inputfiletxt,root.outfiletxt,root.keyfiletxt) } } } } } } FileDialog { id: outputFileDialog title: "Please choose a file save to" nameFilters: [ "CSV File (*.csv)", "All files (*)" ] folder: shortcuts.home selectFolder: false selectMultiple: false selectExisting:false onAccepted: { console.log("You chose: " + outputFileDialog.fileUrls) root.outfiletxt = outputFileDialog.fileUrls[0] } onRejected: { console.log("Canceled") } Component.onCompleted: visible = false } FileDialog { id: keyFileDialog title: "Please choose an encryption key file" nameFilters: [ "Key File (*.private)", "All files (*)" ] folder: shortcuts.home selectFolder: false selectMultiple: false onAccepted: { console.log("You chose: " + keyFileDialog.fileUrls) root.keyfiletxt = keyFileDialog.fileUrls[0] } onRejected: { console.log("Canceled") } Component.onCompleted: visible = false } FileDialog { id: keyFileCreateDialog title: "Please choose where to save the encryption key file" nameFilters: [ "Key File (*.private)", "All files (*)" ] folder: shortcuts.home selectFolder: true selectMultiple: false onAccepted: { console.log("You chose: " + keyFileCreateDialog.fileUrls) root.keyfilegentxt = keyFileCreateDialog.fileUrls[0] } onRejected: { console.log("Canceled") } Component.onCompleted: visible = false } Connections { // POPUPS ARE INVOKED BY GO FUNCS target: lockbox onDecrypted: function(status, message) { if (status) { messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Information messageDialog.title = "Decrypted Successfully" } else { messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Critical messageDialog.title = "Error Decrypting" } messageDialog.text = message } onSaved: function(status, message) { if (status) { messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Information messageDialog.title = "Encryption Keys Generating Successfully" } else { messageDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Critical messageDialog.title = "Error Generating Encryption Keys" } messageDialog.text = message } } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: "Please choose a file to decrypt" nameFilters: [ "Dat File (*.dat)", "All files (*)" ] folder: shortcuts.home selectFolder: false selectMultiple: false onAccepted: { console.log("You chose: " + fileDialog.fileUrls) root.inputfiletxt = fileDialog.fileUrls[0] } onRejected: { console.log("Canceled") } Component.onCompleted: visible = false } MessageDialog { id: messageDialog title: "May I have your attention please" text: "It's so cool that you are using Qt Quick." onAccepted: { messageDialog.close() } Component.onCompleted: visible = false } }