![](./lockbox.png) Host a submission form on an untrusted or shared host by using public-key encryption! This repository hosts the source code for the Lockbox app, which works together with the [Lockbox web app](https://git.openprivacy.ca/openprivacy/lockbox-web). Lockbox is a barebones form submission app intended to be easily adaptable for different needs. It works by capturing all submitted form data and encrypting it with a (libsodium) public key before saving it. Saved data can only be read by decrypting it with your unique private key, which can be kept offline and protected however you like. ## Installation * Use the Lockbox app or the `cmd/genkeys.php` script to generate `key.public` and `key.private` files * Only people with the `key.private` file can decrypt submissions -- make a backup copy of it and keep it somewhere safe! If you lose it, you won't be able to recover any submissions you haven't decrypted yet. * Upload the [web app files](https://git.openprivacy.ca/openprivacy/lockbox-web) and your generated `key.public` file onto a webserver that supports PHP * Configure the form by editing `php/form.inc.php` and `php/config.inc.php` * Rename admin.php to something unpredictable if you would like to use it ## Usage * Submissions can only be decrypted using the `key.private` you generated earlier. * Download the encrypted `submissions.dat` file either directly from your server or by using the renamed `admin.php` script. * Use the Lockbox app or `cmd/decrypt.php` to decrypt submissions. It will output a CSV file that can be opened in any spreadsheet editor (such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc). ## Making HTML forms * We are working on attaching an HTML form generator. For now, you can write HTML by hand or use any form editor you prefer that is capable of outputting HTML. * The submission script will capture all form fields submitted to it. * Field ordering is not preserved by default. If you would like spreadsheet columns to appear in a certain order, you can give your form fields a number and an underscore, for example `01_name`, `02_address`, `03_phone` etc. The Lockbox app will remove the numeric prefix when creating the spreadsheet. * Do not name a form field `email` as it is used for detecting bots. * Submission time, submission number, and submitter IP address are all added automatically.