# log A simple log primative Open Privacy uses ## Examples: log.AddEverythingFromPattern("connectivity") log.SetLevel(log.LevelDebug) log.ExcludeFromPattern("connection/connection") log.ExcludeFromPattern("outbound/3dhauthchannel") log.AddPrivacyFilter(func(s string) bool { return len(s) == 56 }) log.SetPrivacyFilterReplace(true) log.Debugf("Creating the thing with param %v\n", param) log.Infoln("Doing thing X") log.Warnf("This might be bad: %v\n", err) log.Errorf("Failed to do thing: %v\n", err) ### Making log go to a file ``` if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { filelogger, err := log.NewFile(log.LevelInfo, "cwtch_log.txt") if err == nil { log.SetStd(filelogger) } } ```