# Opaque Open Privacy's Awesome Qt-based User Experience Library! ## Usage Add the Opaque widgets as a submodule wherever your QML files are stored: ``` cd qml git submodule add https://git.openprivacy.ca/openprivacy/opaque.git git submodule init git submodule update ``` Compile as normal. :) ## Translations Currently the EmojiDrawer is the only widget that needs translations, and it hasn't been fully ported into the translation system yet. To use translations, install the appropriate `i18n/*` files as Qt translators. For example, in Cwtch we load translations as follows: ``` gcd.OpaqueTranslator = core.NewQTranslator(nil) gcd.OpaqueTranslator.Load("translation_"+core.QLocale_System().Name(), ":/qml/opaque/i18n/", "", "") core.QCoreApplication_InstallTranslator(gcd.OpaqueTranslator) ``` ## Widgets Documentation coming soon. :)