use std::fs::{remove_file, File}; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Read, Write}; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{exit, Child, Command, Stdio}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread::{sleep, spawn}; use std::time::Duration; use std::{fs, thread}; pub struct QemuProcess { child: Box, stdout: Arc>>, len: usize, } const DEBUG : bool = false; /// Pipe streams are blocking, we need separate threads to monitor them without blocking the primary thread. fn child_stream_to_vec(stream: R) -> Arc>> where R: Read + Send + 'static, { let out = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())); let vec = out.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("child_stream_to_vec".into()) .spawn(move || { let mut reader = BufReader::new(stream); loop { let mut buf = vec![0; 8192]; match buf) { Err(err) => { println!("Error reading from stream: {}", err); break; } Ok(got) => { if got == 0 { break; } else { //println!("Waiting for lock"); vec.lock().expect("!lock").extend_from_slice(&buf[]); //println!("Wrote {} Data", got); } } } } println!("stream crashed"); }) .expect("!thread"); out } impl QemuProcess { pub fn new(path: &str) -> QemuProcess { let mut child = Command::new("qemu-system-x86_64") .args([ "-nographic", "-m", "4096", "-net", "nic", "-net", "user", // comment out the below line to disable kvm acceleration "-accel","kvm", "-drive", format!("if=virtio,format=qcow2,file={}", path).as_str(), "-drive", "if=virtio,format=qcow2,file=vd.img", ]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let out = child_stream_to_vec(child.stdout.take().expect("!stdout")); QemuProcess { child: Box::new(child), stdout: out, len: 0, } } pub fn wait_for_shell(&mut self) { println!("Starting Qemu...\x1b[1;32m OK \x1b[0m"); let child_stdin = self.child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); child_stdin.write_all(format!("\n").as_ref()).unwrap(); child_stdin.flush().expect("could not flush qemu stdin"); print!("waiting for vm to start (this can take up to a minute) ..."); std::io::stdout() .flush() .expect("could not flush actual stdout"); loop { let stdout = self.stdout.lock().unwrap().len(); if self.len > 0 && self.len == stdout { println!("\x1b[1;32m OK \x1b[0m"); child_stdin.write_all(format!("root\n").as_ref()).unwrap(); child_stdin.flush().expect("could not flush qemu input"); break; } sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)); self.len = stdout; print!("."); std::io::stdout() .flush() .expect("could not flush actual stdout"); } } pub fn read_until_shell(&mut self, output: bool) -> Vec { // wait until attempting to acquire a lock...some programs (especially Java-based) freak out if stdout isn't consumed fast enough... sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); let mut last_length = self.len; loop { { let stdout = self.stdout.lock().unwrap(); let tbd = String::from_utf8(stdout.as_slice()[self.len..stdout.len()].to_vec()).unwrap(); let parts: Vec = tbd.split("\n").map(|x| String::from(x)).collect(); let last = &parts[parts.len() - 1]; let current_length = stdout.len(); if current_length > last_length { if DEBUG { println!("{}", tbd); std::io::stdout().flush().expect("could not flush output"); } } // Update length last_length = current_length; print!("."); std::io::stdout().flush().expect("could not flush output"); if last.contains("root@debian:") { let mut cleaned_lines = vec![]; println!(". \x1b[1;32mOK\x1b[0m"); // skip the last element (which is the shell prompt) // skip the first element (which is the command) for part in parts.split_last().unwrap().1.iter().skip(1) { if output { println!(" {:?}", part); } let rparts: Vec<&str> = part.split("\r").collect(); if rparts.len() == 0 { cleaned_lines.push(part.clone()) } else if rparts.len() == 1 { // remove end \r cleaned_lines.push(String::from(rparts[0])) } else if rparts.len() == 2 { // remove bracketed paste \u{1b}[?2004l\r2 from start of line cleaned_lines.push(String::from(rparts[0])) } else if rparts.len() == 3 { // remove bracketed paste \u{1b}[?2004l\r2 from start of line cleaned_lines.push(String::from(rparts[1])) } } self.len = stdout.len(); return cleaned_lines; } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); } } pub fn execute_command(&mut self, cmd: &str) { let child_stdin = self.child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); child_stdin .write_all(format!("{}\r\n", cmd).as_ref()) .unwrap(); child_stdin.flush().expect("could not write"); print!("{} ", cmd); } pub fn extract(&mut self, file_to_extract: &str) { let listener = TcpListener::bind(""); match listener { Ok(socket) => { let file_to_extract_clone = String::from(file_to_extract); let handle = spawn(move || { println!("setting up listen socket to extract file from guest network"); let conn = socket.accept(); match conn { Ok((mut conn, _addr)) => { let mut file = vec![]; conn.read_to_end(&mut file) .expect("could not read contents of file"); let extracted_file_name = file_to_extract_clone.split("/").last().unwrap_or("extract_file"); fs::write(extracted_file_name, file).expect("could not write extracted file to "); } Err(_) => {} } }); sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); self.execute_command(format!("nc -w 3 13087 < {}", file_to_extract).as_str()); self.read_until_shell(false); handle.join().expect("could not join networking thread"); } Err(err) => { println!("unable to listen to guest network...{}", err) } } } pub fn close(&mut self) { self.child.kill().expect("could not kill qemu process"); } } // The output is wrapped in a Result to allow matching on errors // Returns an Iterator to the Reader of the lines of the file. fn read_lines

(filename: P) -> std::io::Result>> where P: AsRef, { let file = File::open(filename)?; Ok(BufReader::new(file).lines()) } fn main() { let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() != 3 { println!("usage: repliqate "); exit(1); } let cloud_image = &args[1]; let build_script = &args[2]; let inuse_cloud_image = format!("inuse-{}", cloud_image); let _ = remove_file("vd.img"); fs::copy(cloud_image.as_str(), inuse_cloud_image.as_str()).expect("copying of clean image failed..."); Command::new("qemu-img") .args(["create", "-f", "qcow2", "vd.img", "30G"]) .output() .expect("error creating secondary harddisk image..."); let mut qemu_process = QemuProcess::new(inuse_cloud_image.as_str()); qemu_process.wait_for_shell(); let mut purge = true; if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(build_script.as_str()) { // Consumes the iterator, returns an (Optional) String for line in lines { if let Ok(line) = line { let mut command = line.clone(); let mut output = false; if line.trim().is_empty() { continue; } if line.trim().starts_with("#") { // comment - skip continue; } if line.trim().starts_with("@%") { command = line.replacen("@%", "", 1); output = true; } if line.trim().starts_with("@!") { command = line.replacen("@!", "", 1); let parts: Vec<&str> = command.split(" ").collect(); match parts[0] { "preserve" => { purge = false; println!("preserve metacommand activated. Virtual Disk Images will not be purged at end of run") } "setup-secondary" => { qemu_process.execute_command("mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb"); qemu_process.read_until_shell(false); qemu_process.execute_command(" mkdir /mount"); qemu_process.read_until_shell(false); qemu_process.execute_command("mount -t auto /dev/vdb /mount"); qemu_process.read_until_shell(false); } "extract" => { if parts.len() >= 2 { qemu_process.extract(parts[1]); } else { println!("@!extract requires file parameter"); break; } } "check" => { if parts.len() != 3 { println!("check metacommand needs 2 arguments: check file hash") } // maybe we need to sleep to let the slow...disk update... sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); qemu_process.execute_command(format!("sha512sum {}", parts[1].trim()).as_str()); let sha512result = qemu_process.read_until_shell(false); println!("{:?}", sha512result); if sha512result[0].starts_with(parts[2]) { println!("confirmed build hash of {}", parts[1]) } else { println!( "check hashes do not match {}. {} != {}", parts[1], parts[2], sha512result[0] ); break; } } x => { println!("unknown metacommand {}", x); break; } } } else { qemu_process.execute_command(command.as_str()); qemu_process.read_until_shell(output); } } } } qemu_process.close(); if purge { println!("cleaning up..."); let _ = remove_file("vd.img"); let _ = remove_file(inuse_cloud_image.as_str()); } println!("script finished"); }