# repliqate - reproducible builds Repliqate is a tool for testing and confirming reproducible builds processes based on Qemu, and a Debian Cloud image. ## Step 0: Install Qemu for your System Qemu is usually available via your package manager, of can be compiled from source. ## Step 1: Obtain a Debian Cloud Image Official cloud images can be found here: https://cloud.debian.org/images/cloud/ - you will need a `nocloud` to work with Qemu e.g. **debian-11-nocloud-amd64-20221219-1234.qcow2** ### Optional Step: Resize Cloud Images Depending on how many packages need to be installed as part of your build script you may need to resize the disk size of the provided image e.g. `qemu-img resize debian-11-nocloud-amd64-20221219-1234.qcow2 +10G` ## Step 2: Define a Build Script A build script sets up dependencies, folder locations, and source code repositories needed to produce a builds. See the Cwtch [repliqate-scripts repository](https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts) folder for examples and inspiration. ## Step 3: Run Repliqate Basic example: `repliqate cloud-img.qcow2 build.script` ## Build Script By default, each line is interpreted as a command to run in the build environment. Lines starting with `#` are treated as comments and ignored. Lines starting with `@%` e.g. `@%echo "Hello World"` indicate to repliqate that it should output the result of the command. This is useful when debugging build steps. Lines starting with `@!` are treated as repliqate meta commands: * `@!check ` - executes a `sha512sum` command on the given file, checks the result against the given hash, and terminates the build on failure. * `@!preserve` - repliqate will skip deleting temporary disk images at shutdown (see FAQ for more information) ## FAQ Answers to a few possible questions: ### What are the `inuse-*qcow2` and `vd.img` files These are temporary disk images that are used while repliqate is running. By default, repliqate deletes these once the script has run, however adding the metacommand `@!preserve` anywhere in the build script will cause repliqate to skip the cleanup - these disk images can then be mounted and explored further (e.g. to debug an issue) ### Why not use Docker? We do use Docker as part of our continuous build processes. However, we have chosen to develop repliqate to meet two specific requirements: 1. Standlone and Unprivileged - [Docker requires a whole host of permissions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/) to be granted, and privileged services to be setup, in order for containers to be run by non-root users. Our goal with repliqate was to provide a standalone way of reproducing builds. 2. Redundancy - Having a tool that is entirely separate from our build containers (and the Docker infrastructure that supports them) allows us have both keep each other in check. ### Builds are slow. Can they be sped up? Virtualization is inherently slower than running on bare metal. We consider the speed overhead worth it for complete isolation of the build environment. However, if you are considering using repliqate for something more speed-sensitive then you may want to consider enabling and using qemu with [kvm](https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/KVM) enabled.