## sendafriend quickly send files or control signals between machines by piping them on the command line, with bidirectional authentication and metadata resistance via tor (built on cwtch) includes a way to quickly exchange onion addresses using a low-entropy shared secret (using pairwise socialist millionaires' protocol on a bbs) and a contact manager note that we only support data up to 64k right now, sorry :( (a fix for this is in the works) ## installation requires you to have go installed and your gopath configured correctly (sorry) `go get openprivacy.ca/openprivacy/sendafriend` ## usage one-time setup, on both machines: `sendafriend pair [make-up-a-name]` activate the receiver first: `sendafriend receive [made-up-name] > file.ext` then the sender: `sendafriend send [made-up-name] < file.ext` ## <3 made with love by errorinn