import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import '../model.dart'; import '../settings.dart'; import 'messagerow.dart'; class MessageList extends StatefulWidget { @override _MessageListState createState() => _MessageListState(); } class _MessageListState extends State { ScrollController ctrlr1 = ScrollController(); @override Widget build(BuildContext outerContext) { bool showEphemeralWarning = (Provider.of(context).isGroup == false && Provider.of(context).savePeerHistory != "SaveHistory"); bool showOfflineWarning = Provider.of(context).isOnline() == false; bool showMessageWarning = showEphemeralWarning || showOfflineWarning; bool showSyncing = Provider.of(context).isGroup == true && Provider.of(context).status != "Synced"; return RepaintBoundary( child: Container( child: Column(children: [ Visibility( visible: showMessageWarning, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0), color: Provider.of(context).theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(), child: showSyncing ? Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverNotSynced, textAlign: : showOfflineWarning ? Text(Provider.of(context).isGroup ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverConnectivityDisconnected : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.peerOfflineMessage, textAlign: // Only show the ephemeral status for peer conversations, not for groups... : (showEphemeralWarning ? Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.chatHistoryDefault, textAlign: : // We are not allowed to put null here, so put an empty text widge Text("")), )), Expanded( child: Scrollbar( controller: ctrlr1, child: Container( // Only show broken heart is the contact is offline... decoration: BoxDecoration( image: Provider.of(outerContext).isOnline() ? null : DecorationImage( fit: BoxFit.scaleDown, alignment:, image: AssetImage("assets/core/negative_heart_512px.png"), colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Provider.of(context).theme.hilightElementTextColor(), BlendMode.srcIn))), // Don't load messages for syncing server... child: ListView.builder( controller: ctrlr1, itemCount: Provider.of(outerContext).totalMessages, reverse: true, // NOTE: There seems to be a bug in flutter that corrects the mouse wheel scroll, but not the drag direction... itemBuilder: (itemBuilderContext, index) { var trueIndex = Provider.of(outerContext).totalMessages - index - 1; return ChangeNotifierProvider( key: ValueKey(trueIndex), create: (x) => MessageState( context: itemBuilderContext, profileOnion: Provider.of(outerContext, listen: false).onion, // We don't want to listen for updates to the contact handle... contactHandle: Provider.of(x, listen: false).onion, messageIndex: trueIndex, ), builder: (bcontext, child) { String idx = Provider.of(outerContext).isGroup == true && Provider.of(bcontext).signature.isEmpty == false ? Provider.of(bcontext).signature : trueIndex.toString(); return RepaintBoundary(child: MessageRow(key: Provider.of(bcontext).getMessageKey(idx))); }); }, )))) ]))); } }