
594 lines
12 KiB

@ $00000:
label vbuf:
@ $4B000:
$CB000 ; Set Instruction Pointer to $5B000
label RAX:
$0000000 ; RAX
$0000000 ; R2 - Temp Scratch
$0000000 ; R3 - Temp Scratch
label ARG1
$0000000 ; R4 - ARG 1
$0000000 ; R5 - ARG 2
$0000000 ; R6 - ARG 3
$0000000 ; R7 - ARG 4
$0000000 ; R8 - ARG 5
$0000000 ; RX
$0000000 ; RY
label R(B):
$0000000 ; RVBUF (RY * 640) + RX
label R(c):
$0000001 ; Ghost Post
@ $4B040:
label CycleCount:
$0000000; Cycles
label KeyPressedState:
$0000000; The ID of a Key Being Pressed (If Any)
label _allocator_ptr:
@ $4B0C0:
import display.asm ; setpos
import charset.asm ; charset + hex strings
import strings.asm ; draw_char, draw_string
import util.asm ; print_addr
import graphics.asm; draw_vline, draw_hline, draw_rect
import windows.asm
; Common Strings
data ascii TestWindow Test Window
data ascii TestWindow2 Test Window The Second
data ascii boo_os_version Boo OS v0.0.1
data ascii prompt [sarah@boo] >
data ascii Welcome !@#$%^&*()_+=-0987654321
data ascii Introspection We Can Now Do Introspection:
data ascii label_rax RAX:
data ascii label_rip RIP:
data ascii label_cycles Allocated Memory:
data ascii label_keypress Current Key Pressed:
data image boo_os.png booos.png
data image boo_os_small.png booos-small.png
data image wallpaper.png wallpaper.png
data ascii quit_label QUIT
data ascii jump_label JUMP
data ascii diss_label DISS
data ascii alloc_label ALLOC
data ascii window_lol_label WINDOWS
data buffer command_line_input 64
data buffers 48 terminal 64
; strcmp compares 2 strings in a byte-by-byte manner, incrementing ptrs as it goes. Returns 1 if both bytes
; point to 0. Returns 0 (fail) if it encounters 2 different bytes
; clobbers $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
label strcmp:
loadi $3 $0
label strcmp_loop:
rload $4 $1
rload $5 $2
jeq +3 ; if either of these differ then return 0 to indicate these strings don't match
loadi $1 0
loadi $2 0
jneq +3 ; if both are 0 then we have reached the end of the string
loadi $1 1
inc $4
inc $5
inc $3
tx $1 $3 ;check expected length
tx $2 $6 ;check max length
jneq +3 ; if expected_length == max_length
loadi $1 1 ; return true
jmp strcmp_loop
label shift_terminal:
; copy terminal 0 to terminal 1
loadi $4 terminal[5] ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[6] ; dest
; copy terminal 0 to terminal 1
loadi $4 terminal[4] ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[5] ; dest
; copy terminal 0 to terminal 1
loadi $4 terminal[3] ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[4] ; dest
; copy terminal 0 to terminal 1
loadi $4 terminal[2] ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[3] ; dest
; copy terminal 0 to terminal 1
loadi $4 terminal[1] ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[2] ; dest
; copy terminal 0 to terminal 1
loadi $4 terminal[0] ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[1] ; dest
; copy command line to terminal 0
loadi $4 command_line_input ;src
bcopy $4 terminal[0] ; dest
bzero command_line_input
data ascii diss_nop nop
data ascii diss_store store
data ascii diss_load load
data ascii diss_load_imm loadi (load immediate)
data ascii diss_call call
data ascii diss_ret ret
data ascii diss_unknown unknown opcode
; structure asm block
; start length
; n ptr yo bu
label window_lol
label append_num_to_string:
tx $8 $4
loadi $6 7
label _append_num_to_string_inner:
tx $4 $8 ; temp store for command
loadi $5 4 ; number of bits to shift
mul $6 $5 $5 ; number of bits to shift command >> (count * 8) (3*8, 2*8, 1*8, 0*8)
shift $4 $5 $1 ; do the actual shift
loadi $5 $00000F
and $1 $5 $4
; clobbers 1 2 3 4
call num_to_char;
bappend $4 command_line_input
tx $1 $6
loadi $2 0
jneq +2
dec $6
jmp _append_num_to_string_inner
label _disassemble_cmd:
loadi $1 $3A ; ':'
bappend $1 command_line_input
loadi $1 $20
bappend $1 command_line_input ; space
loadi $1 1c ; 28 bits
shift $4 $1 $2 ;
loadi $5 diss_unknown
; Grab Op Register just in case and put it in $6
loadi $1 $18 ; 24 bits
shift $4 $1 $6 ;
loadi $1 $0F
and $6 $1 $6
; Grab Address just in case and put it in $7
loadi $3 $00FFFFFF
and $4 $3 $7
loadi $C 1 ; default print target reg
loadi $D 1 ; default print addr
; 0x0 = Meta
loadi $1 $0
jneq +7
loadi $C 0 ; default print target reg
loadi $D 0 ; default print addr
loadi $1 0
tx $2 $6
jneq +2
loadi $5 diss_nop
; 0x1 = Store
loadi $1 $1
jneq +2
loadi $5 diss_store
; 0x2 = LOAD
loadi $1 $2
jneq +2
loadi $5 diss_load
; 0x3 = LOAD IMM
loadi $1 $3
jneq +2
loadi $5 diss_load_imm
; 0x0C = Call / Ret
loadi $1 $C
jneq +7
loadi $5 diss_call
loadi 1 0
loadi $C 0 ; don't print address
tx 2 6
jneq +2
loadi $5 diss_ret
label _disassemble_cmd_inner:
rload $5 $1
loadi $2 0
jeq +4 ; _print reg
bappend $1 command_line_input
inc $5
jmp _disassemble_cmd_inner
; Check if we need to prin the register and print it
tx $1 $C
loadi $2 1
jneq +6
loadi $1 $20
bappend $1 command_line_input ; space
tx $4 $6
call num_to_char
bappend $4 command_line_input
; check if we need to print the address and print it
tx $1 $D
loadi $2 1
jneq +6
loadi $1 $20
bappend $1 command_line_input ; space
tx $4 $7
loadi $5 command_line_input
call append_num_to_string
label disassemble:
call string_to_num
; $1 contains a actual address we want to diss
loadi $2 $FFFFFF;
jlt +2
rload $1 $8 ;
call shift_terminal
bzero command_line_input
loadi $6 7
label _disassemble_inner:
tx $4 $8 ; temp store for command
loadi $5 4 ; number of bits to shift
mul $6 $5 $5 ; number of bits to shift command >> (count * 8) (3*8, 2*8, 1*8, 0*8)
shift $4 $5 $1 ; do the actual shift
loadi $5 $00000F
and $1 $5 $4
; clobbers 1 2 3 4
call num_to_char;
bappend $4 command_line_input
tx $1 $6
loadi $2 0
jneq +4
tx $4 $8
call _disassemble_cmd
dec $6
jmp _disassemble_inner
label jump:
call string_to_num
ijmp $1 ;;lol
label do_shell:
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 quit_label
loadi $6 4
call strcmp
loadi $2 1
jneq +2 ; if the command is QUIT, then hlt the machine!! A shell is born
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 diss_label
loadi $6 4
call strcmp
loadi $2 1
jneq +6 ; if the command is QUIT, then hlt the machine!! A shell is born
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 5
add $4 $5 $4
call disassemble
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 jump_label
loadi $6 4
call strcmp
loadi $2 1
jneq +5 ; if the command is QUIT, then hlt the machine!! A shell is born
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 5
add $4 $5 $4
call jump
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 window_lol_label
loadi $6 ff
call strcmp
loadi $2 1
jneq +4 ; if the command is QUIT, then hlt the machine!! A shell is born
loadi $1 1
store $1 window_lol
loadi $4 @command_line_input
loadi $5 alloc_label
loadi $6 5
call strcmp
loadi $2 1
jneq +6
call shift_terminal
bzero command_line_input
loadi $4 10;
call $FFFFF0
call append_num_to_string
label handle_keypress:
; Check for Backspace
loadi $1 $7F
tx $2 $4
jneq +3
bdelete $4 command_line_input
; Check for Return
loadi $1 $0A
tx $2 $4
jneq +4
call do_shell
call shift_terminal
bappend $4 command_line_input
label kernel_windows_start:
label kernel_windows_end:
; 4 contains the data we want to store
label make_node:
tx $C $4 ; temp store 4
loadi $4 2 ; each node is 2 words
call FFFFF0 ; Allocate space
; 4 now contains a ptr to new space
rstore $C $4
; $4 contains the ptr to the new node
; $5 contains the ptr to the end node
label append_node:
inc $5
rstore $4 $5 ; store the pointer to the new node $4 in the next ptr in $5
store $4 kernel_windows_end ; bump the end pointer
label _temp_window_list_ptr
; Kernel Begins
@ $CB000:
; Create a Test Window
loadi $4 $30
loadi $5 $30
loadi $6 $A0
loadi $7 $A0
loadi $8 TestWindow
call make_window
call make_node ; with the data in 4
store $4 kernel_windows_start
store $4 kernel_windows_end
loadi $4 $55
loadi $5 $70
loadi $6 $F0
loadi $7 $A0
loadi $8 TestWindow2
call make_window
call make_node ; with the data in 4
loadi $5 kernel_windows_end
rload $5 $5
call append_node
;tore $4 kernel_windows_end ; bump the end pointer
label kernel_loop:
loadi $9 $0; 640-64
loadi $A $0; 480-64
call set_pos
loadi $4 wallpaper.png
call draw_image
loadi $4 $0
loadi $5 $0
loadi $6 $280
loadi $7 $10
loadi $8 $222222
call draw_filled_rect
load $1 window_lol
loadi $2 1
jneq +19
load $1 CycleCount
loadi $2 $1FF
and $1 $2 $4
load $1 CycleCount
loadi $2 F
shift $1 $2 $1
loadi $2 $F0
and $1 $2 $5
loadi $1 1F
add $1 $5 $5
loadi $6 64
loadi $7 64
loadi $8 TestWindow
call make_window
call make_node ; with the data in 4
loadi $5 kernel_windows_end
rload $5 $5
call append_node
; Render All The Windows...
load $4 kernel_windows_start
label draw_next_window:
store $4 _temp_window_list_ptr ; temp store
rload $4 $4
call draw_window ; draw this window
load $4 _temp_window_list_ptr ; load window pointer from temp
inc $4 ; increment the pointer
rload $4 $4
tx $1 $4
loadi $2 $0
jeq +2
jmp draw_next_window
;loadi $4 window_2
;rload $4 $4
;call draw_window
loadi $9 $5;
loadi $A $5;
call set_pos
loadi $4 boo_os_version
call draw_string;
loadi $9 $1A0;
loadi $A $5;
call set_pos
loadi $4 label_cycles
call draw_string;
loadi $4 _allocator_ptr
call print_addr
loadi $9 1;
loadi $A 20;
call set_pos
loadi $1 0
load $2 KeyPressedState
store $1 KeyPressedState
jeq +3
tx $4 $2
call handle_keypress
; print some shell history
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 150;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[6]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 160;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[5]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 170;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[4]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 180;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[3]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 190;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[2]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 1A0;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[1]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 1B0;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @terminal[0]
call draw_string;
loadi $9 5;
loadi $A 1C0;
call set_pos
loadi $4 prompt
call draw_string;
loadi $9 70;
loadi $A 1C0;
call set_pos
loadi $4 @command_line_input
call draw_string;
jmp kernel_loop;
; Very Very Basic Watermark Memory Allocator
@ $FFFFF0:
; $4 contains a length which corresponds to number of bytes
label allocator:
load $1 _allocator_ptr
add $1 $4 $1
store $1 _allocator_ptr
loadi $2 $FFFFF0
sub $2 $1 $4