+++ date = "2018-09-21T09:27:27-07:00" title = "What is Decentralization?" tags = ["decentralization"] draft = false +++ Decentralization is important because building systems that distribute power is important. Building systems that resist abuses of power is important. In it's simplest definition, decentralization is the degree to which an entity within the system can resist coercion and still function as part of the system. Now be careful, coercion doesn't mean force, it means negative incentives to align with an authority. Note how nothing in the above definition explicitly references the distribution or the ownership of entities. Nodes can be distributed across whole planet and can be operated by dozens of independent organizations and the system, as a whole, could still be centralized. A great example of the above is Email. Email clients are very diverse, the same with providers, however when it comes to decisions that impact the whole system, a handful of centralized actors (and in particular, Google) have a very large say in the outcome. And here we come the concept of Practical Centralization. The idea that even if a protocol is designed with autonomy in mind, the way that it has been deployed/implemented has resulted in uneven power distribution. See: email (gmail), ntp (google, canonical) etc. Practical centralization is a hard concept to grasp because it isn't obvious from reading a paper or protocol spec how adoption will play out. However, it is nevertheless something that has to be designed against. Hard coded defaults/trust anchors, centralized upgrade severs, user preference, proprietary features, spam, ddos prevention...so many things can practically cause [emergent centralization](https://fieldnotes.resistant.tech/defensive-decentralization/) and give a handful of people uneven control over the whole system (and it's future direction). We need to move beyond naive conceptualizations of decentralization (like the percentage of nodes owned by an entity), and instead, holistically, understand how trust and power are given, distributed and interact. As an example let's take my favorite decentralized protocol: Ricochet. Assuming the continued operation of the Tor network - ricochet users can continue communicating with other uses without any interference or assistance from the developers or anyone else. If the project shut down tomorrow, or updated the software to attempt to censor specific clients, those ricochet peers would still work. I also built on top of the ricochet protocol completely separate from the canonical spec. My code can still interoperate should I choose that. It can evolve. Ricochet is therefore decentralized at the Protocol, the Political, and the Practical. I kind of glanced over a big assumption there ("the continued operation of the Tor network") - many would see this as evidence that Ricochet is not a decentralized system because it relies on Tor, whose relay consensus is highly centralized around the distribution of the directory server list from the Tor network. Does that make Ricochet centralized? I don't believe so. I could argue that even with the existence of the directory server list that Tor is more decentralized than not. Anyone can spin up a relay. The existence of the centralized directory server list doesn't compromise the trust associated with Tor's main function (routing and anonymizing traffic). Even without that argument, I think it is worth pointing out that it is possible to build decentralized systems on top of centralized ones. In fact, right now it's the only option for many types of applications - IP addresses assignment is not a decentralized process, internet routing is a highly centralized operation, and going much further down the stack - we only have one planet. The important principle here is that to be considered decentralized, a system should not undermine the decentralization of the layers below it - and should work to distribute trust & power equitably to the layers above it. Decentralization is ultimately about distributing trust and power.