#![feature(test)] #![deny(missing_docs)] #![feature(external_doc)] #![doc(include = "../README.md")] use bit_vec::BitVec; use curve25519_dalek::constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT; use curve25519_dalek::digest::Digest; use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint; use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use sha3::Sha3_512; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter}; use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Sub}; /// A tag is a probabilistic cryptographic structure. When constructed for a given `FuzzyMetaPublicKey` /// it will pass the `FuzzyMetaDetectionKey::test` 100% of the time. For other public keys /// it will pass the test with probability `gamma` related to the security parameter of the system. /// This system provides the following security properties: /// * Correctness: Valid tags constructed for a specific public key will always validate when tested using the detection key /// * Fuzziness: Invalid tags will produce false positives with probability _p_ related to the security property (_γ_) /// * Security: An adversarial server with access to the detection key is unable to distinguish false positives from true positives. (Detection Ambiguity) #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FuzzyMetaTag { u: RistrettoPoint, y: Scalar, ciphertexts: BitVec, } /// A collection of "secret" data that can be used to determine if a `FuzzyMetaTag` was intended for /// the derived public key. pub struct FuzzyMetaDetectionKey(Vec); impl FuzzyMetaDetectionKey { /// returns true if the tag was intended for this key pub fn test_tag(&self, tag: &FuzzyMetaTag) -> bool { let m = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::g(tag.u, &tag.ciphertexts); let g = RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT; // Re-derive w = g^z from the public tag. // y = (1/r * (z-m) // u = g^r // so w = g^m + u^y // w = g^m + g^(r * 1/r * (z-m)) // w = g^m + g^(z-m) // w = g^z // See below for a full explanation as to the reason for this: let w = g.mul(m).add(tag.u.mul(tag.y)); // for each secret key part... let mut result = true; for (i, x_i) in self.0.iter().enumerate() { // re-derive the key from the tag let k_i = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::h(tag.u, tag.u.mul(x_i), w); // calculate the "original" plaintext let c_i = match tag.ciphertexts.get(i).unwrap() { true => 0x01, false => 0x00, }; let b_i = k_i ^ c_i; // assert that the plaintext is all 1's result = result & (b_i == 1); } return result; } } /// A public identity that others can create tags for. pub struct FuzzyMetaPublicKey(Vec); impl FuzzyMetaPublicKey { /// generate a new tag for this public key pub fn generate_tag(&self) -> FuzzyMetaTag { let mut rng = OsRng::default(); let g = RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT; // generate some random points... let r = Scalar::random(&mut rng); let u = g.mul(r); let z = Scalar::random(&mut rng); let w = g.mul(z); // construct the ciphertext portion of the tag let mut ciphertexts = BitVec::new(); for (_i, h_i) in self.0.iter().enumerate() { let k_i = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::h(u, h_i.mul(r), w); // encrypt a plaintext of all 1's let c_i = k_i ^ 0x01; ciphertexts.push(c_i == 0x01); } // Without this next part, this scheme would not be CCA-secure. Consider a scheme with just // u = ^r and and h_i^r = g^(x_i*r) // An adversarial server with access to a Test oracle (i.e. the decryption key) may be able // to maul a challenge ciphertext by e.g. replacing the order of the ciphertexts. // From the paper: // "The value w corresponds to a chameleon hash [KR00] computed on the message (0,z), where z is chosen at random. // Once the ciphertext has been computed, we use a master trapdoor for the chameleon hash (which is part of the scheme’s secret key) in order to compute a collision (y,m) where m // is a hash of the remaining components of the ciphertext" // Translated m is a challenge over the random element u and the ordered ciphertexts // It is then used to construct a response y which can be used to recover w the random element // used to derive the key. // finally calculate a `y` = 1/r * (z-m) which will be used to re-derive `w` let m = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::g(u, &ciphertexts); let y = r.invert().mul(z.sub(m)); return FuzzyMetaTag { u, y, ciphertexts }; } } impl Display for FuzzyMetaTag { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{} {} {}", hex::encode(self.u.compress().as_bytes()), hex::encode(self.y.as_bytes()), hex::encode(self.ciphertexts.to_bytes()) ) } } /// An identity keypair for generating and validating fuzzy meta tags. pub struct FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair { /// the detection key - this can be given to adversarial servers to help probabilistically /// filter messages (with a false-positive rate derived from γ and a 0% false negative rate) pub detection_key: FuzzyMetaDetectionKey, /// the public key - this can be given to people who you want to contact you pub public_key: FuzzyMetaPublicKey, } impl FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair { /// Generate a new Key Pair given a security parameter `gamma`. Tags generated for a given /// `FuzzyMetaPublicKey::flag` will pass the `FuzzyMetaDetectionKey::test` for other public /// keys with probability $ 2 ^ -8 $ pub fn generate(gamma: usize) -> FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair { let mut rng = OsRng::default(); let g = RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT; let mut s_keys = vec![]; let mut p_keys = vec![]; for _i in 0..gamma { let sk_i = Scalar::random(&mut rng); let pk_i = g.mul(sk_i); s_keys.push(sk_i); p_keys.push(pk_i); } FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair { detection_key: FuzzyMetaDetectionKey { 0: s_keys }, public_key: FuzzyMetaPublicKey { 0: p_keys }, } } /// a hash function that takes 3 risretto points as a parameter and outputs 0 or 1. fn h(u: RistrettoPoint, h: RistrettoPoint, w: RistrettoPoint) -> u8 { let hash = sha3::Sha3_256::digest( format!( "{}{}{}", hex::encode(u.compress().as_bytes()), hex::encode(h.compress().as_bytes()), hex::encode(w.compress().as_bytes()) ) .as_bytes(), ); return hash.as_slice()[0] & 0x01; } /// a hash function which takes a ristretto point and a vector of ciphertexts and ouputs a /// ristretto scalar. fn g(u: RistrettoPoint, points: &BitVec) -> Scalar { Scalar::hash_from_bytes::(format!("{}{}", hex::encode(u.compress().as_bytes()), hex::encode(points.to_bytes())).as_bytes()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { extern crate test; use crate::FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair; use test::Bencher; #[test] fn correctness() { let number_of_messages = 100; let key = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::generate(16); for i in 0..number_of_messages { let tag = key.public_key.generate_tag(); println!("{}: {}", i, tag); assert!(key.detection_key.test_tag(&tag)); } } #[bench] fn generate(_b: &mut Bencher) { let number_of_messages = 1000; let key = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::generate(3); let mut false_positives = 0; for _i in 0..number_of_messages { let key2 = FuzzyMetaTagKeyPair::generate(3); let tag = key2.public_key.generate_tag(); assert!(key2.detection_key.test_tag(&tag)); if key.detection_key.test_tag(&tag) == true { false_positives += 1; } } println!( "Expected False Positive Rate: {}\nActual False Positive Rate: {}", (2.0_f64).powi(-3), (false_positives as f64 / number_of_messages as f64) ); } }