package main import ( "flag" "" "" "" "image/color" "math/rand" "strconv" ) var prob = flag.Float64("distribution", .51, "drives the probability of color assignment of turtles in consensus models, closer to .5 results in more even assignment, closer to 0 or 1 biases in favor of a color.") type Slush struct { color int Probability float64 } func NewSlushTurtle() core.Actor { turtle := new(Slush) turtle.Probability = *prob return turtle } func (sm *Slush) Setup(env *core.Environment, t *core.Turtle) { num := rand.Intn(100) if num >= int(sm.Probability*100.0) { sm.color = 2 } else { sm.color = 1 } } func (sm *Slush) Run(env *core.Environment, t *core.Turtle) { t.Wiggle() am1 := t.Amount(env, 1, "1") am2 := t.Amount(env, 1, "2") t.Drop(env, 1, strconv.Itoa(sm.color)) if am1 > 3 || am2 > 3 { if am1 > am2 { sm.color = 1 } else if am2 > am1 { sm.color = 2 } } t.Step(env) } func mainrun() { experiment := new(experiments.Experiment) experiment.InitializeExperiment() experiment.InitTurtles(NewSlushTurtle) experiment.InitPheromone("1", color.RGBA{0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}) experiment.InitPheromone("2", color.RGBA{0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00}) experiment.Run() } func main() { pixelgl.Run(mainrun) }