working on drag and drop to load games

This commit is contained in:
Theron 2020-03-01 14:17:09 -06:00
parent 435a1b41fc
commit 91f0aa479b
2 changed files with 45 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Nestur is an NES emulator. There are plenty of full-featured emulators out there
<img src="pics/smb.png" width=250> <img src="pics/zelda_dungeon.png" width=250> <img src="pics/kirby.png" width=250> <img src="pics/dk.png" width=250> <img src="pics/smb3.png" width=250> <img src="pics/excitebike.png" width=250>
The code aims to follow the explanations from the [NES dev wiki]( where possible, especially in the PPU, and the comments quote from it often. Thanks to everyone who contributes to that wiki/forum, and to Michael Fogleman's [NES]( and Scott Ferguson's [Fergulator]( for getting me unstuck at several points.
## Controls
Button | Key
@ -25,8 +27,6 @@ ___________________
## Save states
To save the state of the game at any time, press F5. To load the most recent save state, press F9. If the game is called `mygame.nes`, the save state files will be called `mygame-X.dat` where `X` is a number. To load any previous save state, drag and drop a `.dat` file onto the window.
The code aims to follow the explanations from the [NES dev wiki]( where possible, especially in the PPU, and the comments quote from it often. Thanks to everyone who contributes to that wiki/forum, and to Michael Fogleman's [NES]( and Scott Ferguson's [Fergulator]( for getting me unstuck at several points.
## Compilation and use
1. Install [Rust](

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@ -18,10 +18,15 @@ use state::{save_state, load_state, find_next_filename, find_last_filename};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use sdl2::Sdl;
use sdl2::render::{Canvas, Texture};
use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode;
use sdl2::EventPump;
use sdl2::event::Event;
use sdl2::pixels::PixelFormatEnum;
use sdl2::video::Window;
use sdl2::messagebox::*;
// use cpuprofiler::PROFILER;
@ -37,18 +42,48 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
let byte_height = 240 * screen::SCALE_FACTOR; // NES image is 240 pixels tall, multiply by scale factor for total number of rows needed
let mut screen_buffer = vec![0; byte_width * byte_height]; // contains raw RGB data for the screen
let argv = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>();
let filename = if argv.len() > 1 {
} else {
show_simple_message_box(MessageBoxFlag::OK, title: &str, message: &str, window: W)
let name;
'waiting: loop {
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::DropFile{ filename: f, .. } => {
name = f;
break 'waiting;
_ => std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)),
run_game(&sdl_context, &mut event_pump, &mut screen_buffer, &mut canvas, &mut texture, &filename)
fn run_game(
sdl_context: &Sdl,
event_pump: &mut EventPump,
screen_buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
canvas: &mut Canvas<Window>,
texture: &mut Texture,
filename: &str
) -> Result<(), String> {
// Set up audio
let mut temp_buffer = vec![]; // receives one sample each time the APU ticks. this is a staging buffer so we don't have to lock the mutex too much.
let apu_buffer = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::<f32>::new())); // stays in this thread, receives raw samples between frames
let sdl_buffer = Arc::clone(&apu_buffer); // used in audio device's callback to select the samples it needs
let audio_device = audio::initialize(&sdl_context, sdl_buffer).expect("Could not create audio device");
let audio_device = audio::initialize(sdl_context, sdl_buffer).expect("Could not create audio device");
let mut half_cycle = false;
// Initialize hardware components
let filename = get_filename();
let filepath = Path::new(&filename).to_path_buf();
let mapper = get_mapper(filename.clone());
let filepath = Path::new(filename).to_path_buf();
let mapper = get_mapper(filename.to_string());
let ppu = Ppu::new(mapper.clone());
let apu = Apu::new();
let mut cpu = Cpu::new(mapper.clone(), ppu, apu);
@ -79,12 +114,12 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
for _ in 0..cpu_cycles * 3 {
let (pixel, end_of_frame) = cpu.ppu.clock();
match pixel {
Some((x, y, color)) => draw_pixel(&mut screen_buffer, x, y, color),
Some((x, y, color)) => draw_pixel(screen_buffer, x, y, color),
None => (),
if end_of_frame {
fps += 1; // keep track of how many frames we've rendered this second
draw_to_window(&mut texture, &mut canvas, &screen_buffer)?; // draw the buffer to the window with SDL
draw_to_window(texture, canvas, &screen_buffer)?; // draw the buffer to the window with SDL
let mut b = apu_buffer.lock().unwrap(); // unlock mutex to the real buffer
b.append(&mut temp_buffer); // send this frame's audio data, emptying the temp buffer
let now = Instant::now();
@ -93,7 +128,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
std::thread::sleep(timer + Duration::from_millis(1000/60) - now);
timer = Instant::now();
if !process_events(&mut event_pump, &filepath, &mut cpu) {
if !process_events(event_pump, &filepath, &mut cpu) {
break 'running;
@ -162,7 +197,7 @@ TODO:
- high- and low-pass audio filters
- DMC audio channel
- untangle CPU and APU/PPU?
- GUI? drag and drop ROMs?
- GUI: load new game if .nes dropped, instructions on screen if no arg given, error messages if wrong file dropped.
- reset function/button