# nestur The NES you left outside in the rain but let dry and still kind of works. This is an NES emulator and a work in progress. The CPU and PPU work, though there are still at least a couple bugs. I've mostly tested on Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros. so far. There are plenty of full-featured emulators out there; this is primarily an educational project but I do want it to run well. - One dependency (SDL) - One line of `unsafe` (`std::mem::transmute::() -> i8`) - No heap allocation - NTSC timing ## Controls: ``` Button | Key ___________________ | A | D | | B | F | | Start | Enter | | Select | L-Shift| | Up | Up | | Down | Down | | Left | Left | | Right | Right | ------------------- ``` The code aims to follow the explanations from https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NES_reference_guide where possible, especially in the PPU, and the comments quote from it often. Thanks to Michael Fogleman's https://github.com/fogleman/nes for getting me unstuck at several points. ## To do: - More mappers (only NROM/mapper 0 implemented so far) - Audio - Player 2 controller? - Sprite bug when Goomba smashed in Mario - Figure out performance issue on Windows