pseudorandom 2021-08-10T14:30:00Z Sarah Jamie Lewis urn:uuid:699b0ba2-2fbf-4f9d-b5ac-4a7e044be3c6 3258032e-ec03-4847-9c54-30464284bb52 Revisiting First Impressions: Apple, Parameters and Fuzzy Threshold PSI 2021-08-16T11:05:00Z Last week, Apple published more additional information regarding the parameterization of their new Fuzzy Threshold PSI system in the form of a Security Threat Model... urn:uuid:a7b71725-1cb6-4d8f-8e19-e92580d5b316 A Closer Look At Fuzzy Threshold PSI 2021-08-12T14:30:00Z Apple recently released a detailed cryptographic paper describing a new private set intersection protocol which they named Fuzzy Threshold PSI with Associated Data, or ftPSI-AS for short.... urn:uuid:fc37f259-004e-406b-addb-85cda6107e7b Obfuscated Apples 2021-08-10T14:30:00Z Generating noise in a way which is indistinguishable from real signal is a ridiculously hard problem. Obfuscation does not hide signal, it only adds noise....