package server import ( "crypto/ed25519" "" "" "" "" "" tor2 "" "" "" "" "fmt" "" "" "" "path" ) // Server encapsulates a complete, compliant Cwtch server. type Server struct { service tapir.Service config Config metricsPack metrics.Monitors tokenTapirService tapir.Service tokenServer *privacypass.TokenServer tokenService primitives.Identity tokenServicePrivKey ed25519.PrivateKey tokenServiceStopped bool onionServiceStopped bool running bool existingMessageCount int } // Setup initialized a server from a given configuration func (s *Server) Setup(serverConfig Config) { s.config = serverConfig bs := new(persistence.BoltPersistence) bs.Open(path.Join(serverConfig.ConfigDir, "tokens.db")) s.tokenServer = privacypass.NewTokenServerFromStore(bs) s.tokenService = s.config.TokenServiceIdentity() s.tokenServicePrivKey = s.config.TokenServerPrivateKey } // Identity returns the main onion identity of the server func (s *Server) Identity() primitives.Identity { return s.config.Identity() } // Run starts a server with the given privateKey func (s *Server) Run(acn connectivity.ACN) error { addressIdentity := tor.GetTorV3Hostname(s.config.PublicKey) identity := primitives.InitializeIdentity("", &s.config.PrivateKey, &s.config.PublicKey) var service tapir.Service service = new(tor2.BaseOnionService) service.Init(acn, s.config.PrivateKey, &identity) s.service = service log.Infof("cwtch server running on cwtch:%s\n", addressIdentity+".onion:") s.metricsPack.Start(service, s.config.ConfigDir, s.config.ServerReporting.LogMetricsToFile) ms := new(storage.MessageStore) err := ms.Init(s.config.ConfigDir, s.config.MaxBufferLines, s.metricsPack.MessageCounter) if err != nil { return err } // Needed because we only collect metrics on a per-session basis // TODO fix metrics so they persist across sessions? s.existingMessageCount = len(ms.FetchMessages()) s.tokenTapirService = new(tor2.BaseOnionService) s.tokenTapirService.Init(acn, s.tokenServicePrivKey, &s.tokenService) tokenApplication := new(applications.TokenApplication) tokenApplication.TokenService = s.tokenServer powTokenApp := new(applications.ApplicationChain). ChainApplication(new(applications.ProofOfWorkApplication), applications.SuccessfulProofOfWorkCapability). ChainApplication(tokenApplication, applications.HasTokensCapability) go func() { s.tokenTapirService.Listen(powTokenApp) s.tokenServiceStopped = true }() go func() { s.service.Listen(NewTokenBoardServer(ms, s.tokenServer)) s.onionServiceStopped = true }() s.running = true return nil } // KeyBundle provides the signed keybundle of the server func (s *Server) KeyBundle() *model.KeyBundle { kb := model.NewKeyBundle() identity := s.config.Identity() kb.Keys[model.KeyTypeServerOnion] = model.Key(identity.Hostname()) kb.Keys[model.KeyTypeTokenOnion] = model.Key(s.tokenService.Hostname()) kb.Keys[model.KeyTypePrivacyPass] = model.Key(s.tokenServer.Y.String()) kb.Sign(identity) return kb } // CheckStatus returns true if the server is running and/or an error if any part of the server needs to be restarted. func (s *Server) CheckStatus() (bool, error) { if s.onionServiceStopped == true || s.tokenServiceStopped == true { return s.running, fmt.Errorf("one of more server components are down: onion:%v token service: %v", s.onionServiceStopped, s.tokenServiceStopped) } return s.running, nil } // Shutdown kills the app closing all connections and freeing all goroutines func (s *Server) Shutdown() { s.service.Shutdown() s.tokenTapirService.Shutdown() s.metricsPack.Stop() s.running = false } // Statistics is an encapsulation of information about the server that an operator might want to know at a glance. type Statistics struct { TotalMessages int } // GetStatistics is a stub method for providing some high level information about // the server operation to bundling applications (e.g. the UI) func (s *Server) GetStatistics() Statistics { // TODO Statistics from Metrics is very awkward. Metrics needs an overhaul to make safe total := s.existingMessageCount if s.metricsPack.TotalMessageCounter != nil { total += s.metricsPack.TotalMessageCounter.Count() } return Statistics{ TotalMessages: total, } } // ConfigureAutostart sets whether this server should autostart (in the Cwtch UI/bundling application) func (s *Server) ConfigureAutostart(autostart bool) { s.config.AutoStart = autostart s.config.Save(s.config.ConfigDir, s.config.FilePath) }