import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/themes/opaque.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../settings.dart'; class ProfileImage extends StatefulWidget { ProfileImage( {required this.imagePath, required this.diameter, required this.border, this.badgeCount = 0, required this.badgeColor, required this.badgeTextColor, this.maskOut = false, this.tooltip = "", this.disabled = false, this.badgeEdit = false, this.badgeIcon = null}); final double diameter; final String imagePath; final Color border; final int badgeCount; final Color badgeColor; final Color badgeTextColor; final bool maskOut; final bool disabled; final bool badgeEdit; final String tooltip; final Widget? badgeIcon; @override _ProfileImageState createState() => _ProfileImageState(); } class _ProfileImageState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var file = new File(widget.imagePath); var image = Image.file( file, cacheWidth: (4 * widget.diameter.floor()), filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium, fit: BoxFit.cover, alignment:, // We need some theme specific blending here...we might want to consider making this a theme level attribute colorBlendMode: !widget.maskOut ? Provider.of(context).theme.mode == mode_dark ? BlendMode.softLight : BlendMode.darken : BlendMode.srcOut, color: Provider.of(context).theme.portraitBackgroundColor, isAntiAlias: false, width: widget.diameter, height: widget.diameter, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { // on android the above will fail for asset images, in which case try to load them the original way return Image.asset(widget.imagePath, filterQuality: FilterQuality.medium, // We need some theme specific blending here...we might want to consider making this a theme level attribute colorBlendMode: !widget.maskOut ? Provider.of(context).theme.mode == mode_dark ? BlendMode.softLight : BlendMode.darken : BlendMode.srcOut, color: Provider.of(context).theme.portraitBackgroundColor, isAntiAlias: true, width: widget.diameter, height: widget.diameter); }, ); return RepaintBoundary( child: Stack(children: [ ClipOval( clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, child: Container( width: widget.diameter, height: widget.diameter, color: widget.border, foregroundDecoration: widget.disabled ? BoxDecoration( color: Provider.of(context).theme.portraitBackgroundColor, //Colors.grey, backgroundBlendMode: BlendMode.color, //saturation, ) : null, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(2.0), //border size child: ClipOval(clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, child: widget.tooltip == "" ? image : Tooltip(message: widget.tooltip, child: image))))), // badge Visibility( visible: widget.badgeIcon != null || widget.badgeEdit || widget.badgeCount > 0, child: Positioned( bottom: 0.0, right: 0.0, child: CircleAvatar( radius: max(10.0, widget.diameter / 6.0), backgroundColor: widget.badgeColor, child: widget.badgeEdit ? Icon( Icons.edit, color: widget.badgeTextColor, ) : (widget.badgeIcon != null ? widget.badgeIcon : Text(widget.badgeCount > 99 ? "99+" : widget.badgeCount.toString(), style: TextStyle(color: widget.badgeTextColor, fontSize: 8.0))), ), )), // disabled center icon Visibility( visible: widget.disabled, child: Container( width: widget.diameter, height: widget.diameter, child: Center( child: Icon( CwtchIcons.negative_heart_24px, size: widget.diameter / 1.5, color: Provider.of(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor, )))), ])); } }