Merge branch 'trunk' into nima/clickable-links

This commit is contained in:
Nima Boscarino 2021-11-05 22:39:51 -07:00
commit b8d50f234a
41 changed files with 1683 additions and 152 deletions

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ steps:
- echo $BUILDFILES_KEY > ~/id_rsab64 - echo $BUILDFILES_KEY > ~/id_rsab64
- base64 -d ~/id_rsab64 > ~/id_rsa - base64 -d ~/id_rsab64 > ~/id_rsa
- chmod 400 ~/id_rsa - chmod 400 ~/id_rsa
- export DIR=flwtch-`cat VERSION`-`cat BUILDDATE` - export DIR=flwtch-`cat BUILDDATE`-`cat VERSION`
- mv deploy $DIR - mv deploy $DIR
- cp -r coverage/html $DIR/coverage-tests - cp -r coverage/html $DIR/coverage-tests
- cp -r test/failures $DIR/test-failures || true - cp -r test/failures $DIR/test-failures || true
@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ steps:
- find . -type f -exec sha256sum {} \; > ./../sha256s.txt - find . -type f -exec sha256sum {} \; > ./../sha256s.txt
- mv ./../sha256s.txt . - mv ./../sha256s.txt .
- cd .. - cd ..
# TODO: do deployment once files actaully compile
- scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/id_rsa $DIR - scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/id_rsa $DIR
- name: notify-email - name: notify-email
@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ steps:
- $Env:zipsha = $Env:zip + '.sha512' - $Env:zipsha = $Env:zip + '.sha512'
- $Env:msix = 'cwtch-install-' + $Env:version + '.msix' - $Env:msix = 'cwtch-install-' + $Env:version + '.msix'
- $Env:msixsha = $Env:msix + '.sha512' - $Env:msixsha = $Env:msix + '.sha512'
- $Env:buildname = 'flwtch-win-' + $Env:version + '-' + $Env:builddate - $Env:buildname = 'flwtch-win-' + $Env:builddate + '-' + $Env:version
- $Env:builddir = $Env:buildname - $Env:builddir = $Env:buildname
- echo $Env:pfx > codesign.pfx.b64 - echo $Env:pfx > codesign.pfx.b64
- certutil -decode codesign.pfx.b64 codesign.pfx - certutil -decode codesign.pfx.b64 codesign.pfx
@ -276,3 +275,86 @@ trigger:
event: event:
- push - push
- pull_request - pull_request
kind: pipeline
type: exec
name: macos
os: darwin
arch: amd64
disable: true
- name: clone
from_secret: buildbot_key_b64
- mkdir ~/.ssh
- echo $buildbot_key_b64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.b64
- base64 -d ~/.ssh/id_rsa.b64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# force by pass of ssh host key check, less secure
- ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- git init
- git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa'
- git remote add origin$DRONE_REPO.git
- git pull origin trunk
- git fetch --tags
- git checkout $DRONE_COMMIT
# use Drone ssh var instead of hardcode to allow forks to build (
#- git clone$DRONE_REPO.git .
#- git checkout $DRONE_COMMIT
- name: fetch
- ./
- echo `git describe --tags --abbrev=1` > VERSION
- echo `date +%G-%m-%d-%H-%M` > BUILDDATE
- export PATH=$PATH:/Users/Dan/development/flutter/bin
- flutter pub get
- mkdir deploy
- ./
- gem install --user-install cocoapods
- name: build-macos
- export PATH=$PATH:/Users/Dan/development/flutter/bin
- export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem
- export PATH=$GEM_HOME/ruby/2.6.0/bin:$PATH
- flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
- flutter build macos --dart-define BUILD_VER=`cat VERSION` --dart-define BUILD_DATE=`cat BUILDDATE`
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin #create-dmg
- macos/
- mkdir -p deploy
- mv Cwtch.dmg deploy
- name: deploy-buildfiles
from_secret: buildfiles_key
event: push
status: [ success ]
- echo $BUILDFILES_KEY > ~/id_rsab64
- base64 -d ~/id_rsab64 > ~/id_rsa
- chmod 400 ~/id_rsa
- export DIR=flwtch-macos-`cat BUILDDATE`-`cat VERSION`
- mv deploy $DIR
- cd $DIR
- find . -type f -exec shasum -a 512 {} \; > ./../sha512s.txt
- mv ./../sha512s.txt .
- cd ..
- scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/id_rsa $DIR
#repo: # allow forks to build?
branch: trunk
- push
- pull_request

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
v1.3.0-3-gfcc9d71-2021-09-30-23-09 2021-11-06-00-13-v1.4.1

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ To build a release version and load normal profiles, use ` X` in
- run `flutter config --enable-linux-desktop` if you've never done so before - run `flutter config --enable-linux-desktop` if you've never done so before
- optional: launch cwtch-ui directly by running `flutter run -d linux` - optional: launch cwtch-ui directly by running `flutter run -d linux`
- to build cwtch-ui, run `flutter build linux` - to build cwtch-ui, run `flutter build linux`
- optional: launch cwtch-ui build with `env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=linux ./build/linux/x64/release/bundle/cwtch`
- to package the build, run `linux/` - to package the build, run `linux/`
### Building on Windows (for Windows) ### Building on Windows (for Windows)
@ -60,9 +61,11 @@ To build a release version and load normal profiles, use ` X` in
### Building on MacOS ### Building on MacOS
- Navigate to and download the latest libCwtch.dylib into this folder - Cocaopods is required, you may need to `gem install cocaopods -v 1.9.3`
- Download and install Tor Browser (it's currently the only way to get tor for macos) - copy `libCwtch.dylib` into the root folder, or run `` to download it
- run `` to fetch Tor or Download and install Tor Browser and `cp -r /Applications/Tor\ ./macos/`
- `flutter build macos` - `flutter build macos`
- optional: launch cwtch-ui build with `./build/linux/x64/release/bundle/cwtch`
- `./macos/` - `./macos/`
results in a Cwtch.dmg that has libCwtch.dylib and tor in it as well and can be installed into Applications results in a Cwtch.dmg that has libCwtch.dylib and tor in it as well and can be installed into Applications

View File

@ -112,24 +112,26 @@ class FlwtchWorker(context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) :
if (dlID == null) { if (dlID == null) {
dlID = 0; dlID = 0;
} }
val channelId = if (progress >= 0) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val channelId =
createDownloadNotificationChannel(fileKey, fileKey) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
} else { createDownloadNotificationChannel(fileKey, fileKey)
// If earlier version channel ID is not used } else {
// // If earlier version channel ID is not used
"" //
}; ""
val newNotification = NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, channelId) };
.setOngoing(true) val newNotification = NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, channelId)
.setContentTitle("Downloading")//todo: translate .setOngoing(true)
.setContentText(title) .setContentTitle("Downloading")//todo: translate
.setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_download) .setContentText(title)
.setProgress(progressMax, progress, false) .setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_download)
.setSound(null) .setProgress(progressMax, progress, false)
//.setSilent(true) .setSound(null)
.build(); //.setSilent(true)
notificationManager.notify(dlID, newNotification); .build();
notificationManager.notify(dlID, newNotification);
} catch (e: Exception) { } catch (e: Exception) {
Log.i("FlwtchWorker->FileDownloadProgressUpdate", e.toString() + " :: " + e.getStackTrace()); Log.i("FlwtchWorker->FileDownloadProgressUpdate", e.toString() + " :: " + e.getStackTrace());
} }
@ -241,6 +243,12 @@ class FlwtchWorker(context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) :
val fileKey = (a.get("fileKey") as? String) ?: "" val fileKey = (a.get("fileKey") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.checkDownloadStatus(profile, fileKey) Cwtch.checkDownloadStatus(profile, fileKey)
} }
"VerifyOrResumeDownload" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val handle = (a.get("handle") as? String) ?: ""
val fileKey = (a.get("fileKey") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.verifyOrResumeDownload(profile, handle, fileKey)
"SendProfileEvent" -> { "SendProfileEvent" -> {
val onion = (a.get("onion") as? String) ?: "" val onion = (a.get("onion") as? String) ?: ""
val jsonEvent = (a.get("jsonEvent") as? String) ?: "" val jsonEvent = (a.get("jsonEvent") as? String) ?: ""
@ -291,10 +299,61 @@ class FlwtchWorker(context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) :
val groupHandle = (a.get("groupHandle") as? String) ?: "" val groupHandle = (a.get("groupHandle") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.rejectInvite(profile, groupHandle) Cwtch.rejectInvite(profile, groupHandle)
} }
"SetProfileAttribute" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val key = (a.get("Key") as? String) ?: ""
val v = (a.get("Val") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.setProfileAttribute(profile, key, v)
"SetContactAttribute" -> {
val profile = (a.get("ProfileOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val contact = (a.get("Contact") as? String) ?: ""
val key = (a.get("Key") as? String) ?: ""
val v = (a.get("Val") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.setContactAttribute(profile, contact, key, v)
"Shutdown" -> { "Shutdown" -> {
Cwtch.shutdownCwtch(); Cwtch.shutdownCwtch();
return Result.success() return Result.success()
} }
"LoadServers" -> {
val password = (a.get("Password") as? String) ?: ""
"CreateServer" -> {
val password = (a.get("Password") as? String) ?: ""
val desc = (a.get("Description") as? String) ?: ""
val autostart = (a.get("Autostart") as? Boolean) ?: false
Cwtch.createServer(password, desc, autostart)
"DeleteServer" -> {
val serverOnion = (a.get("ServerOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val password = (a.get("Password") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.deleteServer(serverOnion, password)
"LaunchServers" -> {
"LaunchServer" -> {
val serverOnion = (a.get("ServerOnion") as? String) ?: ""
"StopServer" -> {
val serverOnion = (a.get("ServerOnion") as? String) ?: ""
"StopServers" -> {
"DestroyServers" -> {
"SetServerAttribute" -> {
val serverOnion = (a.get("ServerOnion") as? String) ?: ""
val key = (a.get("Key") as? String) ?: ""
val v = (a.get("Val") as? String) ?: ""
Cwtch.setServerAttribute(serverOnion, key, v)
else -> return Result.failure() else -> return Result.failure()
} }
return Result.success() return Result.success()

6 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
curl$VERSION/libCwtch.dylib --output libCwtch.dylib

View File

@ -5,5 +5,3 @@ echo $VERSION
wget$VERSION/cwtch.aar -O android/cwtch/cwtch.aar wget$VERSION/cwtch.aar -O android/cwtch/cwtch.aar
wget$VERSION/ -O linux/ wget$VERSION/ -O linux/
# wget$VERSION/libCwtch.dll -O windows/libCwtch.dll

7 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
cd macos
curl --output tor.tar.gz
tar -xzf tor.tar.gz
chmod a+x Tor/tor.real
cd ..

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
import 'package:flutter/src/services/text_input.dart'; import 'package:flutter/src/services/text_input.dart';
// To handle profiles that are "unencrypted" (i.e don't require a password to open) we currently create a profile with a defacto, hardcoded password.
// Details:
const DefaultPassword = "be gay do crime";
abstract class Cwtch { abstract class Cwtch {
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<void> Start(); Future<void> Start();
@ -48,6 +52,8 @@ abstract class Cwtch {
void CreateDownloadableFile(String profile, String handle, String filenameSuggestion, String filekey); void CreateDownloadableFile(String profile, String handle, String filenameSuggestion, String filekey);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void CheckDownloadStatus(String profile, String fileKey); void CheckDownloadStatus(String profile, String fileKey);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void VerifyOrResumeDownload(String profile, String handle, String filekey);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void ArchiveConversation(String profile, String handle); void ArchiveConversation(String profile, String handle);
@ -63,6 +69,29 @@ abstract class Cwtch {
void SetGroupAttribute(String profile, String groupHandle, String key, String value); void SetGroupAttribute(String profile, String groupHandle, String key, String value);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle); void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetProfileAttribute(String profile, String key, String val);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetContactAttribute(String profile, String contact, String key, String val);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LoadServers(String password);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void CreateServer(String password, String description, bool autostart);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DeleteServer(String serverOnion, String password);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LaunchServers();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LaunchServer(String serverOnion);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void StopServer(String serverOnion);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void StopServers();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DestroyServers();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetServerAttribute(String serverOnion, String key, String val);
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void Shutdown(); void Shutdown();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cwtch/models/message.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/models/message.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/profileservers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/notification_manager.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/notification_manager.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
@ -20,14 +21,16 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
late TorStatus torStatus; late TorStatus torStatus;
late NotificationsManager notificationManager; late NotificationsManager notificationManager;
late AppState appState; late AppState appState;
late ServerListState serverListState;
CwtchNotifier(ProfileListState pcn, Settings settingsCN, ErrorHandler errorCN, TorStatus torStatusCN, NotificationsManager notificationManagerP, AppState appStateCN) { CwtchNotifier(ProfileListState pcn, Settings settingsCN, ErrorHandler errorCN, TorStatus torStatusCN, NotificationsManager notificationManagerP, AppState appStateCN, ServerListState serverListStateCN) {
profileCN = pcn; profileCN = pcn;
settings = settingsCN; settings = settingsCN;
error = errorCN; error = errorCN;
torStatus = torStatusCN; torStatus = torStatusCN;
notificationManager = notificationManagerP; notificationManager = notificationManagerP;
appState = appStateCN; appState = appStateCN;
serverListState = serverListStateCN;
} }
void handleMessage(String type, dynamic data) { void handleMessage(String type, dynamic data) {
@ -59,11 +62,28 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
lastMessageTime:, //show at the top of the contact list even if no messages yet lastMessageTime:, //show at the top of the contact list even if no messages yet
)); ));
break; break;
case "NewServer":
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("NewServer $data");
data["Running"] == "true",
data["Autostart"] == "true",
data["StorageType"] == "storage-password");
case "ServerIntentUpdate":
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("ServerIntentUpdate $data");
var server = serverListState.getServer(data["Identity"]);
if (server != null) {
server.setRunning(data["Intent"] == "running");
case "GroupCreated": case "GroupCreated":
// Retrieve Server Status from Cache... // Retrieve Server Status from Cache...
String status = ""; String status = "";
ServerInfoState? serverInfoState = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.serverList.getServer(data["GroupServer"]); RemoteServerInfoState? serverInfoState = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.serverList.getServer(data["GroupServer"]);
if (serverInfoState != null) { if (serverInfoState != null) {
status = serverInfoState.status; status = serverInfoState.status;
} }
@ -84,6 +104,12 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
// todo standarize // todo standarize
error.handleUpdate("deleteprofile.success"); error.handleUpdate("deleteprofile.success");
break; break;
case "ServerDeleted":
error.handleUpdate("deletedserver." + data["Status"]);
if (data["Status"] == "success") {
case "DeleteContact": case "DeleteContact":
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.removeContact(data["RemotePeer"]); profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.removeContact(data["RemotePeer"]);
break; break;
@ -145,24 +171,32 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
break; break;
case "NewMessageFromGroup": case "NewMessageFromGroup":
if (data["ProfileOnion"] != data["RemotePeer"]) { if (data["ProfileOnion"] != data["RemotePeer"]) {
//if not currently open var idx = int.parse(data["Index"]);
if (appState.selectedProfile != data["ProfileOnion"] || appState.selectedConversation != data["GroupID"]) { var currentTotal = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"])!.totalMessages;
// Only bother to do anything if we know about the group and the provided index is greater than our current total...
if (currentTotal != null && idx >= currentTotal) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["GroupID"])!.totalMessages = idx + 1;
//if not currently open
if (appState.selectedProfile != data["ProfileOnion"] || appState.selectedConversation != data["GroupID"]) {
var timestampSent = DateTime.tryParse(data['TimestampSent'])!;
// TODO: There are 2 timestamps associated with a new group message - time sent and time received.
// Sent refers to the time a profile alleges they sent a message
// Received refers to the time we actually saw the message from the server
// These can obviously be very different for legitimate reasons.
// We also maintain a relative hash-link through PreviousMessageSignature which is the ground truth for
// order.
// In the future we will want to combine these 3 ordering mechanisms into a cohesive view of the timeline
// For now we perform some minimal checks on the sent timestamp to use to provide a useful ordering for honest contacts
// and ensure that malicious contacts in groups can only set this timestamp to a value within the range of `last seen message time`
// and `local now`.
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["GroupID"], timestampSent.toLocal());
notificationManager.notify("New Message From Group!");
} }
var timestampSent = DateTime.tryParse(data['TimestampSent'])!;
// TODO: There are 2 timestamps associated with a new group message - time sent and time received.
// Sent refers to the time a profile alleges they sent a message
// Received refers to the time we actually saw the message from the server
// These can obviously be very different for legitimate reasons.
// We also maintain a relative hash-link through PreviousMessageSignature which is the ground truth for
// order.
// In the future we will want to combine these 3 ordering mechanisms into a cohesive view of the timeline
// For now we perform some minimal checks on the sent timestamp to use to provide a useful ordering for honest contacts
// and ensure that malicious contacts in groups can only set this timestamp to a value within the range of `last seen message time`
// and `local now`.
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(data["GroupID"], timestampSent.toLocal());
notificationManager.notify("New Message From Group!");
} else { } else {
// from me (already displayed - do not update counter) // from me (already displayed - do not update counter)
var idx = data["Signature"]; var idx = data["Signature"];
@ -180,7 +214,10 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
case "MessageCounterResync": case "MessageCounterResync":
var contactHandle = data["RemotePeer"]; var contactHandle = data["RemotePeer"];
if (contactHandle == null || contactHandle == "") contactHandle = data["GroupID"]; if (contactHandle == null || contactHandle == "") contactHandle = data["GroupID"];
profileCN.getProfile(data["Identity"])?.contactList.getContact(contactHandle)!.totalMessages = int.parse(data["Data"]); var total = int.parse(data["Data"]);
if (total != profileCN.getProfile(data["Identity"])?.contactList.getContact(contactHandle)!.totalMessages) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["Identity"])?.contactList.getContact(contactHandle)!.totalMessages = total;
break; break;
case "SendMessageToPeerError": case "SendMessageToPeerError":
// Ignore // Ignore
@ -252,7 +289,7 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
// Retrieve Server Status from Cache... // Retrieve Server Status from Cache...
String status = ""; String status = "";
ServerInfoState? serverInfoState = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])!.serverList.getServer(groupInvite["ServerHost"]); RemoteServerInfoState? serverInfoState = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])!.serverList.getServer(groupInvite["ServerHost"]);
if (serverInfoState != null) { if (serverInfoState != null) {
status = serverInfoState.status; status = serverInfoState.status;
} }
@ -316,7 +353,7 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
} }
break; break;
case "NewRetValMessageFromPeer": case "NewRetValMessageFromPeer":
if (data["Path"] == "name") { if (data["Path"] == "name" && data["Data"].toString().trim().length > 0) {
// Update locally on the UI... // Update locally on the UI...
if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"]) != null) { if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"]) != null) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"])!.nickname = data["Data"]; profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(data["RemotePeer"])!.nickname = data["Data"];
@ -329,7 +366,12 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadMarkManifest(data["FileKey"]); profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadMarkManifest(data["FileKey"]);
break; break;
case "FileDownloadProgressUpdate": case "FileDownloadProgressUpdate":
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadUpdate(data["FileKey"], int.parse(data["Progress"])); var progress = int.parse(data["Progress"]);
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadUpdate(data["FileKey"], progress, int.parse(data["FileSizeInChunks"]));
// progress == -1 is a "download was interrupted" message and should contain a path
if (progress < 0) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadSetPath(data["FileKey"], data["FilePath"]);
break; break;
case "FileDownloaded": case "FileDownloaded":
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadMarkFinished(data["FileKey"], data["FilePath"]); profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.downloadMarkFinished(data["FileKey"], data["FilePath"]);

View File

@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ typedef VoidFromStringStringStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>,
typedef void_from_string_string_int_int_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Int64, Int64); typedef void_from_string_string_int_int_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Int64, Int64);
typedef VoidFromStringStringIntIntFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, int); typedef VoidFromStringStringIntIntFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int, int);
typedef void_from_string_string_byte_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Pointer<Utf8>, Int32, Int8);
typedef VoidFromStringStringByteFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8>, int, Pointer<Utf8>, int, int);
typedef string_to_void_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8> str, Int32 length); typedef string_to_void_function = Void Function(Pointer<Utf8> str, Int32 length);
typedef StringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8> dir, int); typedef StringFn = void Function(Pointer<Utf8> dir, int);
@ -410,6 +413,22 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {;;
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void VerifyOrResumeDownload(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String filekey) {
var fn = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_string_string_string_function>>("c_VerifyOrResumeDownload");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final VerifyOrResumeDownload = fn.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringStringFn>();
final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8();
final u3 = filekey.toNativeUtf8();
VerifyOrResumeDownload(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;;
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void ResetTor() { void ResetTor() {
@ -530,6 +549,139 @@ class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch {;;
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetProfileAttribute(String profile, String key, String val) {
var setProfileAttribute = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_string_string_string_function>>("c_SetProfileAttribute");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final SetProfileAttribute = setProfileAttribute.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringStringFn>();
final u1 = profile.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = key.toNativeUtf8();
final u3 = key.toNativeUtf8();
SetProfileAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetContactAttribute(String profile, String contact, String key, String val) {
var setContactAttribute = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_string_string_string_string_function>>("c_SetContactAttribute");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final SetContactAttribute = setContactAttribute.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringStringStringFn>();
final u1 = profile.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = contact.toNativeUtf8();
final u3 = key.toNativeUtf8();
final u4 = key.toNativeUtf8();
SetContactAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length, u4, u4.length);;;;;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LoadServers(String password) {
var loadServers = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_to_void_function>>("c_LoadServers");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final LoadServers = loadServers.asFunction<StringFn>();
final u1 = password.toNativeUtf8();
LoadServers(u1, u1.length);;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void CreateServer(String password, String description, bool autostart) {
var createServer = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_string_string_byte_function>>("c_CreateServer");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final CreateServer = createServer.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringByteFn>();
final u1 = password.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = description.toNativeUtf8();
CreateServer(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, autostart ? 1 : 0);;;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DeleteServer(String serverOnion, String password) {
var deleteServer = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_string_to_void_function>>("c_DeleteServer");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final DeleteServer = deleteServer.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringFn>();
final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = password.toNativeUtf8();
DeleteServer(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LaunchServers() {
var launchServers = library.lookup<NativeFunction<Void Function()>>("c_LaunchServers");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final LaunchServers = launchServers.asFunction<void Function()>();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LaunchServer(String serverOnion) {
var launchServer = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_to_void_function>>("c_LaunchServer");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final LaunchServer = launchServer.asFunction<StringFn>();
final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8();
LaunchServer(u1, u1.length);;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void StopServer(String serverOnion) {
var shutdownServer = library.lookup<NativeFunction<string_to_void_function>>("c_StopServer");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final ShutdownServer = shutdownServer.asFunction<StringFn>();
final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8();
ShutdownServer(u1, u1.length);;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void StopServers() {
var shutdownServers = library.lookup<NativeFunction<Void Function()>>("c_StopServers");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final ShutdownServers = shutdownServers.asFunction<void Function()>();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DestroyServers() {
var destroyServers = library.lookup<NativeFunction<Void Function()>>("c_DestroyServers");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final DestroyServers = destroyServers.asFunction<void Function()>();
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetServerAttribute(String serverOnion, String key, String val) {
var setServerAttribute = library.lookup<NativeFunction<void_from_string_string_string_function>>("c_SetServerAttribute");
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final SetServerAttribute = setServerAttribute.asFunction<VoidFromStringStringStringFn>();
final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8();
final u2 = key.toNativeUtf8();
final u3 = val.toNativeUtf8();
SetServerAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;;
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
Future<void> Shutdown() async { Future<void> Shutdown() async {

View File

@ -154,6 +154,12 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("CheckDownloadStatus", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "fileKey": fileKey}); cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("CheckDownloadStatus", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "fileKey": fileKey});
} }
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void VerifyOrResumeDownload(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String filekey) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("VerifyOrResumeDownload", {"ProfileOnion": profileOnion, "handle": contactHandle, "filekey": filekey});
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void ResetTor() { void ResetTor() {
@ -202,6 +208,72 @@ class CwtchGomobile implements Cwtch {
} }
@override @override
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetProfileAttribute(String profile, String key, String val) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("SetProfileAttribute", {"ProfileOnion": profile, "Key": key, "Val": val});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetContactAttribute(String profile, String contact, String key, String val) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("SetContactAttribute", {"ProfileOnion": profile, "Contact": contact, "Key": key, "Val": val});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LoadServers(String password) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("LoadServers", {"Password": password});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void CreateServer(String password, String description, bool autostart) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("CreateServer", {"Password": password, "Description": description, "Autostart": autostart});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DeleteServer(String serverOnion, String password) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("DeleteServer", {"ServerOnion": serverOnion, "Password": password});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LaunchServers() {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("LaunchServers", {});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void LaunchServer(String serverOnion) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("LaunchServer", {"ServerOnion": serverOnion});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void StopServer(String serverOnion) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("StopServer", {"ServerOnion": serverOnion});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void StopServers() {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("StopServers", {});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void DestroyServers() {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("DestroyServers", {});
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
void SetServerAttribute(String serverOnion, String key, String val) {
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("SetServerAttribute", {"ServerOnion": serverOnion, "Key": key, "Val": val});
Future<void> Shutdown() async { Future<void> Shutdown() async {
print("gomobile.dart Shutdown"); print("gomobile.dart Shutdown");
cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("Shutdown", {}); cwtchPlatform.invokeMethod("Shutdown", {});

View File

@ -21,6 +21,27 @@ class ErrorHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
bool deleteProfileError = false; bool deleteProfileError = false;
bool deleteProfileSuccess = false; bool deleteProfileSuccess = false;
static const String deletedServerErrorPrefix = "deletedserver";
bool deletedServerError = false;
bool deletedServerSuccess = false;
reset() {
invalidImportStringError = false;
contactAlreadyExistsError = false;
explicitAddContactSuccess = false;
importBundleError = false;
importBundleSuccess = false;
deleteProfileError = false;
deleteProfileSuccess = false;
deletedServerError = false;
deletedServerSuccess = false;
/// Called by the event bus. /// Called by the event bus.
handleUpdate(String error) { handleUpdate(String error) {
var parts = error.split("."); var parts = error.split(".");
@ -37,6 +58,8 @@ class ErrorHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
case deleteProfileErrorPrefix: case deleteProfileErrorPrefix:
handleDeleteProfileError(errorType); handleDeleteProfileError(errorType);
break; break;
case deletedServerErrorPrefix:
} }
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
@ -91,4 +114,19 @@ class ErrorHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
break; break;
} }
} }
handleDeletedServerError(String errorType) {
// reset
deletedServerError = false;
deletedServerSuccess = false;
switch (errorType) {
case successErrorType:
deletedServerSuccess = true;
deletedServerError = true;
} }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "de", "@@locale": "de",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.",
"encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.",
"deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"copyAddress": "Copy Address",
"settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"serverAddress": "Server Address",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profiles",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "settingFileSharing": "File Sharing",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "tooltipSendFile": "Send File",
@ -9,10 +40,9 @@
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.", "messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.",
"labelFilesize": "Size", "labelFilesize": "Size",
"labelFilename": "Filename", "labelFilename": "Filename",
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "downloadFileButton": "Herunterladen",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "openFolderButton": "Open Folder",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact onions",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode",
"archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation",
"profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten", "profileOnionLabel": "Senden Sie diese Adresse an Peers, mit denen Sie sich verbinden möchten",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "en", "@@locale": "en",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.",
"encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.",
"deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"copyAddress": "Copy Address",
"settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"serverAddress": "Server Address",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profiles",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "settingFileSharing": "File Sharing",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "tooltipSendFile": "Send File",
@ -12,7 +43,6 @@
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "downloadFileButton": "Download",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "openFolderButton": "Open Folder",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact onions",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode",
"archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to people you want to connect with", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to people you want to connect with",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "es", "@@locale": "es",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.",
"encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.",
"deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"copyAddress": "Copy Address",
"settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"serverAddress": "Server Address",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profiles",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "settingFileSharing": "File Sharing",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "tooltipSendFile": "Send File",
@ -12,7 +43,6 @@
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "downloadFileButton": "Download",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "openFolderButton": "Open Folder",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact onions",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode",
"archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation",
"profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte", "profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte",

View File

@ -1,18 +1,48 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "fr", "@@locale": "fr",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "verfiyResumeButton": "Vérifier\/reprendre",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "fileCheckingStatus": "Vérification de l'état du téléchargement",
"messageFileOffered": "Contact is offering to send you a file", "fileInterrupted": "Interrompu",
"messageFileSent": "You sent a file", "fileSavedTo": "Enregistré dans",
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.", "plainServerDescription": "Nous vous recommandons de protéger vos serveurs Cwtch par un mot de passe. Si vous ne définissez pas de mot de passe sur ce serveur, toute personne ayant accès à cet appareil peut être en mesure d'accéder aux informations concernant ce serveur, y compris les clés cryptographiques sensibles.",
"labelFilesize": "Size", "encryptedServerDescription": "Le chiffrement dun serveur avec un mot de passe le protège des autres personnes qui peuvent également utiliser cet appareil. Les serveurs cryptés ne peuvent pas être déchiffrés, affichés ou accessibles tant que le mot de passe correct nest pas entré pour les déverrouiller.",
"labelFilename": "Filename", "deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Supprimer vraiment le serveur",
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "deleteServerSuccess": "Le serveur a été supprimé avec succès",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Veuillez saisir le mot de passe actuel pour supprimer ce serveur",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "copyAddress": "Copier l'adresse",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "Si elle est activée, cette option donne un rendu visuel plus privé à l'application pour la diffusion ou la présentation, par exemple en masquant les profils et les contacts.", "settingServersDescription": "L'expérience des serveurs d'hébergement permet d'héberger et de gérer les serveurs Cwtch.",
"settingServers": "Serveurs d'hébergement",
"enterServerPassword": "Entrez le mot de passe pour déverrouiller le serveur",
"unlockProfileTip": "Veuillez créer ou déverrouiller un profil pour commencer !",
"unlockServerTip": "Veuillez créer ou déverrouiller un serveur pour commencer !",
"addServerTooltip": "Ajouter un nouveau serveur",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Serveurs",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Serveurs que vous hébergez",
"saveServerButton": "Enregistrer le serveur",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Contrôle si l'application lance automatiquement le serveur au démarrage.",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Démarrage automatique",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Démarrer ou arrêter le serveur",
"serverEnabled": "Serveur activé",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Votre description du serveur est à des fins de gestion personnelle uniquement, elle ne sera jamais partagée.",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Description du serveur",
"serverAddress": "Adresse du serveur",
"editServerTitle": "Modifier le serveur",
"addServerTitle": "Ajouter un serveur",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profils",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "Si elle est activée, cette option donne un rendu visuel plus privé à l'application pour la diffusion en direct ou la présentation, par exemple, en masquant profil et adresses de contacts.",
"descriptionFileSharing": "L'expérience de partage de fichiers vous permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des fichiers à partir de contacts et de groupes Cwtch. Notez que si vous partagez un fichier avec un groupe, les membres de ce groupe se connecteront avec vous directement via Cwtch pour le télécharger.",
"settingFileSharing": "Partage de fichiers",
"tooltipSendFile": "Envoyer le fichier",
"messageFileOffered": "Contact vous propose de vous envoyer un fichier",
"messageFileSent": "Vous avez envoyé un fichier",
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Activez l'expérience de partage de fichiers pour afficher ce message.",
"labelFilesize": "Taille",
"labelFilename": "Nom de fichier",
"downloadFileButton": "Télécharger",
"openFolderButton": "Ouvrir le dossier",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Récupération des informations sur le fichier...",
"streamerModeLabel": "Mode Streamer\/Présentation", "streamerModeLabel": "Mode Streamer\/Présentation",
"archiveConversation": "Archiver cette conversation", "archiveConversation": "Archiver cette conversation",
"profileOnionLabel": "Envoyez cette adresse aux personnes avec lesquelles vous souhaitez entrer en contact.", "profileOnionLabel": "Envoyez cette adresse aux personnes avec lesquelles vous souhaitez entrer en contact.",

View File

@ -1,10 +1,41 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "it", "@@locale": "it",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"messageFileOffered": "Contact is offering to send you a file", "fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.",
"encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.",
"deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"copyAddress": "Copy Address",
"settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"serverAddress": "Server Address",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profiles",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses",
"descriptionFileSharing": "L'esperimento di condivisione dei file ti consente di inviare e ricevere file dai contatti e dai gruppi di Cwtch. Tieni presente che la condivisione di un file con un gruppo farà sì che i membri di quel gruppo si colleghino con te direttamente su Cwtch per scaricarlo.",
"settingFileSharing": "Condivisione file",
"tooltipSendFile": "Invia file",
"messageFileOffered": "Il contatto offre l'invio di un file",
"messageFileSent": "You sent a file", "messageFileSent": "You sent a file",
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.", "messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.",
"labelFilesize": "Size", "labelFilesize": "Size",
@ -12,7 +43,6 @@
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "downloadFileButton": "Download",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "openFolderButton": "Open Folder",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact onions",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode",
"archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation",
"profileOnionLabel": "Inviare questo indirizzo ai peer con cui si desidera connettersi", "profileOnionLabel": "Inviare questo indirizzo ai peer con cui si desidera connettersi",

View File

@ -1,20 +1,50 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "pl", "@@locale": "pl",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"messageFileOffered": "Contact is offering to send you a file", "fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"messageFileSent": "You sent a file", "fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.", "plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.",
"labelFilesize": "Size", "encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.",
"labelFilename": "Filename", "deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "copyAddress": "Copy Address",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact onions", "settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"serverAddress": "Server Address",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profile",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses",
"descriptionFileSharing": "Eksperyment udostępniania plików pozwala na wysyłanie i odbieranie plików od kontaktów i grup Cwtch. Zauważ, że udostępnienie pliku grupie spowoduje, że członkowie tej grupy połączą się z Tobą bezpośrednio przez Cwtch, aby go pobrać.",
"settingFileSharing": "Udostępnianie plików",
"tooltipSendFile": "Wyślij plik",
"messageFileOffered": "Kontakt proponuje wysłanie Ci pliku",
"messageFileSent": "Plik został wysłany",
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Włącz eksperyment udostępniania plików, aby wyświetlić tę wiadomość.",
"labelFilesize": "Rozmiar",
"labelFilename": "Nazwa pliku",
"downloadFileButton": "Pobierz",
"openFolderButton": "Otwórz folder",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Pobieranie informacji o pliku...",
"streamerModeLabel": "Tryb streamera\/prezentacji",
"archiveConversation": "Zarchiwizuj tę rozmowę",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to contacts you want to connect with", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to contacts you want to connect with",
"addPeerTab": "Add a contact", "addPeerTab": "Add a contact",
"addPeer": "Add Contact", "addPeer": "Add Contact",
@ -27,7 +57,7 @@
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete History", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete History",
"unblockBtn": "Unblock Contact", "unblockBtn": "Unblock Contact",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Contacts", "blockUnknownLabel": "Block Unknown Contacts",
"blockUnknownConnectionsEnabledDescription": "Connections from unknown contacts are blocked. You can change this in Settings", "blockUnknownConnectionsEnabledDescription": "Połączenia od nieznanych kontaktów są blokowane. Można to zmienić w Ustawieniach",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and contacts...", "networkStatusConnecting": "Connecting to network and contacts...",
"showMessageButton": "Show Message", "showMessageButton": "Show Message",
"blockedMessageMessage": "This message is from a profile you have blocked.", "blockedMessageMessage": "This message is from a profile you have blocked.",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
{ {
"@@locale": "pt", "@@locale": "pt",
"@@last_modified": "2021-09-21T23:09:19+02:00", "@@last_modified": "2021-11-05T21:38:20+01:00",
"copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.",
"encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.",
"deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"copyAddress": "Copy Address",
"settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"serverAddress": "Server Address",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Profiles",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses",
"descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.",
"settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "settingFileSharing": "File Sharing",
"tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "tooltipSendFile": "Send File",
@ -12,7 +43,6 @@
"downloadFileButton": "Download", "downloadFileButton": "Download",
"openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "openFolderButton": "Open Folder",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact onions",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode",
"archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to contacts you want to connect with", "profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to contacts you want to connect with",

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import 'cwtch/cwtch.dart';
import 'cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart'; import 'cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart';
import 'licenses.dart'; import 'licenses.dart';
import 'model.dart'; import 'model.dart';
import 'models/servers.dart';
import 'views/profilemgrview.dart'; import 'views/profilemgrview.dart';
import 'views/splashView.dart'; import 'views/splashView.dart';
import 'dart:io' show Platform, exit; import 'dart:io' show Platform, exit;
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ var globalSettings = Settings(Locale("en", ''), OpaqueDark());
var globalErrorHandler = ErrorHandler(); var globalErrorHandler = ErrorHandler();
var globalTorStatus = TorStatus(); var globalTorStatus = TorStatus();
var globalAppState = AppState(); var globalAppState = AppState();
var globalServersList = ServerListState();
void main() { void main() {
print("Cwtch version: ${EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_VER} built on: ${EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_DATE}"); print("Cwtch version: ${EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_VER} built on: ${EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_DATE}");
@ -62,13 +64,13 @@ class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> {
shutdownMethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler(modalShutdown); shutdownMethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler(modalShutdown);
print("initState: creating cwtchnotifier, ffi"); print("initState: creating cwtchnotifier, ffi");
if (Platform.isAndroid) { if (Platform.isAndroid) {
var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager(), globalAppState); var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager(), globalAppState, globalServersList);
cwtch = CwtchGomobile(cwtchNotifier); cwtch = CwtchGomobile(cwtchNotifier);
} else if (Platform.isLinux) { } else if (Platform.isLinux) {
var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, newDesktopNotificationsManager(), globalAppState); var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, newDesktopNotificationsManager(), globalAppState, globalServersList);
cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier); cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier);
} else { } else {
var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager(), globalAppState); var cwtchNotifier = new CwtchNotifier(profs, globalSettings, globalErrorHandler, globalTorStatus, NullNotificationsManager(), globalAppState, globalServersList);
cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier); cwtch = CwtchFfi(cwtchNotifier);
} }
print("initState: invoking cwtch.Start()"); print("initState: invoking cwtch.Start()");
@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> {
ChangeNotifierProvider<AppState> getAppStateProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalAppState); ChangeNotifierProvider<AppState> getAppStateProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalAppState);
Provider<FlwtchState> getFlwtchStateProvider() => Provider<FlwtchState>(create: (_) => this); Provider<FlwtchState> getFlwtchStateProvider() => Provider<FlwtchState>(create: (_) => this);
ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileListState> getProfileListProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (context) => profs); ChangeNotifierProvider<ProfileListState> getProfileListProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (context) => profs);
ChangeNotifierProvider<ServerListState> getServerListStateProvider() => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: globalServersList);
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ class FlwtchState extends State<Flwtch> {
getErrorHandlerProvider(), getErrorHandlerProvider(),
getTorStatusProvider(), getTorStatusProvider(),
getAppStateProvider(), getAppStateProvider(),
], ],
builder: (context, widget) { builder: (context, widget) {
return Consumer2<Settings, AppState>( return Consumer2<Settings, AppState>(

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/messagerow.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/messagerow.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/models/profileservers.dart';
//////////////////// ////////////////////
/// UI State /// /// UI State ///
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class ContactListState extends ChangeNotifier {
class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier { class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
ContactListState _contacts = ContactListState(); ContactListState _contacts = ContactListState();
ServerListState _servers = ServerListState(); ProfileServerListState _servers = ProfileServerListState();
final String onion; final String onion;
String _nickname = ""; String _nickname = "";
String _imagePath = ""; String _imagePath = "";
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
List<dynamic> servers = jsonDecode(serversJson); List<dynamic> servers = jsonDecode(serversJson);
this._servers.replace( { this._servers.replace( {
// TODO Keys... // TODO Keys...
return ServerInfoState(onion: server["onion"], status: server["status"]); return RemoteServerInfoState(onion: server["onion"], status: server["status"]);
})); }));
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
} }
ContactListState get contactList => this._contacts; ContactListState get contactList => this._contacts;
ServerListState get serverList => this._servers; ProfileServerListState get serverList => this._servers;
@override @override
void dispose() { void dispose() {
@ -362,11 +362,21 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
this._downloads[fileKey] = FileDownloadProgress(numChunks,; this._downloads[fileKey] = FileDownloadProgress(numChunks,;
} }
void downloadUpdate(String fileKey, int progress) { void downloadUpdate(String fileKey, int progress, int numChunks) {
if (!downloadActive(fileKey)) { if (!downloadActive(fileKey)) {
print("error: received progress for unknown download " + fileKey); if (progress < 0) {
this._downloads[fileKey] = FileDownloadProgress(numChunks,;
this._downloads[fileKey]!.interrupted = true;
} else {
print("error: received progress for unknown download " + fileKey);
} else { } else {
if (this._downloads[fileKey]!.interrupted) {
this._downloads[fileKey]!.interrupted = false;
this._downloads[fileKey]!.chunksDownloaded = progress; this._downloads[fileKey]!.chunksDownloaded = progress;
this._downloads[fileKey]!.chunksTotal = numChunks;
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
} }
@ -394,7 +404,7 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
} }
bool downloadActive(String fileKey) { bool downloadActive(String fileKey) {
return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey); return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) && !this._downloads[fileKey]!.interrupted;
} }
bool downloadGotManifest(String fileKey) { bool downloadGotManifest(String fileKey) {
@ -405,10 +415,27 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) && this._downloads[fileKey]!.complete; return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) && this._downloads[fileKey]!.complete;
} }
bool downloadInterrupted(String fileKey) {
return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) && this._downloads[fileKey]!.interrupted;
void downloadMarkResumed(String fileKey) {
if (this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey)) {
this._downloads[fileKey]!.interrupted = false;
double downloadProgress(String fileKey) { double downloadProgress(String fileKey) {
return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) ? this._downloads[fileKey]!.progress() : 0.0; return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) ? this._downloads[fileKey]!.progress() : 0.0;
} }
// used for loading interrupted download info; use downloadMarkFinished for successful downloads
void downloadSetPath(String fileKey, String path) {
if (this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey)) {
this._downloads[fileKey]!.downloadedTo = path;
String? downloadFinalPath(String fileKey) { String? downloadFinalPath(String fileKey) {
return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) ? this._downloads[fileKey]!.downloadedTo : null; return this._downloads.containsKey(fileKey) ? this._downloads[fileKey]!.downloadedTo : null;
} }
@ -431,6 +458,7 @@ class FileDownloadProgress {
int chunksTotal = 1; int chunksTotal = 1;
bool complete = false; bool complete = false;
bool gotManifest = false; bool gotManifest = false;
bool interrupted = false;
String? downloadedTo; String? downloadedTo;
DateTime? timeStart; DateTime? timeStart;
DateTime? timeEnd; DateTime? timeEnd;

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import '../../model.dart';
class FileMessage extends Message { class FileMessage extends Message {
final MessageMetadata metadata; final MessageMetadata metadata;
final String content; final String content;
final RegExp nonHex = RegExp(r'[^a-f0-9]');
FileMessage(this.metadata, this.content); FileMessage(this.metadata, this.content);
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ class FileMessage extends Message {
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: this.metadata, value: this.metadata,
builder: (bcontext, child) { builder: (bcontext, child) {
String idx = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == true && this.metadata.signature != null ? this.metadata.signature! : this.metadata.messageIndex.toString(); String idx = this.metadata.contactHandle + this.metadata.messageIndex.toString();
dynamic shareObj = jsonDecode(this.content); dynamic shareObj = jsonDecode(this.content);
if (shareObj == null) { if (shareObj == null) {
return MessageRow(MalformedBubble()); return MessageRow(MalformedBubble());
@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ class FileMessage extends Message {
String nonce = shareObj['n'] as String; String nonce = shareObj['n'] as String;
int fileSize = shareObj['s'] as int; int fileSize = shareObj['s'] as int;
if (!validHash(rootHash, nonce)) {
return MessageRow(MalformedBubble());
return MessageRow(FileBubble(nameSuggestion, rootHash, nonce, fileSize), key: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(bcontext).getMessageKey(idx)); return MessageRow(FileBubble(nameSuggestion, rootHash, nonce, fileSize), key: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(bcontext).getMessageKey(idx));
}); });
} }
@ -47,6 +52,9 @@ class FileMessage extends Message {
String rootHash = shareObj['h'] as String; String rootHash = shareObj['h'] as String;
String nonce = shareObj['n'] as String; String nonce = shareObj['n'] as String;
int fileSize = shareObj['s'] as int; int fileSize = shareObj['s'] as int;
if (!validHash(rootHash, nonce)) {
return MessageRow(MalformedBubble());
return FileBubble( return FileBubble(
nameSuggestion, nameSuggestion,
rootHash, rootHash,
@ -61,4 +69,8 @@ class FileMessage extends Message {
MessageMetadata getMetadata() { MessageMetadata getMetadata() {
return this.metadata; return this.metadata;
} }
bool validHash(String hash, String nonce) {
return hash.length == 128 && nonce.length == 48 && !hash.contains(nonHex) && !nonce.contains(nonHex);
} }

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ class InviteMessage extends Message {
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: this.metadata, value: this.metadata,
builder: (bcontext, child) { builder: (bcontext, child) {
String idx = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == true && this.metadata.signature != null ? this.metadata.signature! : this.metadata.messageIndex.toString(); String idx = this.metadata.contactHandle + this.metadata.messageIndex.toString();
String inviteTarget; String inviteTarget;
String inviteNick; String inviteNick;
String invite = this.content; String invite = this.content;

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class QuotedMessage extends Message {
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: this.metadata, value: this.metadata,
builder: (bcontext, child) { builder: (bcontext, child) {
String idx = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == true && this.metadata.signature != null ? this.metadata.signature! : this.metadata.messageIndex.toString(); String idx = this.metadata.contactHandle + this.metadata.messageIndex.toString();
return MessageRow( return MessageRow(
QuotedMessageBubble(message["body"], quotedMessage.then((LocallyIndexedMessage? localIndex) { QuotedMessageBubble(message["body"], quotedMessage.then((LocallyIndexedMessage? localIndex) {
if (localIndex != null) { if (localIndex != null) {

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class TextMessage extends Message {
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: this.metadata, value: this.metadata,
builder: (bcontext, child) { builder: (bcontext, child) {
String idx = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).isGroup == true && this.metadata.signature != null ? this.metadata.signature! : this.metadata.messageIndex.toString(); String idx = this.metadata.contactHandle + this.metadata.messageIndex.toString();
return MessageRow(MessageBubble(this.content), key: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(bcontext).getMessageKey(idx)); return MessageRow(MessageBubble(this.content), key: Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(bcontext).getMessageKey(idx));
}); });
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ProfileServerListState extends ChangeNotifier {
List<RemoteServerInfoState> _servers = [];
void replace(Iterable<RemoteServerInfoState> newServers) {
RemoteServerInfoState? getServer(String onion) {
int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
return idx >= 0 ? _servers[idx] : null;
void updateServerCache(String onion, String status) {
int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
if (idx >= 0) {
_servers[idx] = RemoteServerInfoState(onion: onion, status: status);
} else {
print("Tried to update server cache without a starting state...this is probably an error");
List<RemoteServerInfoState> get servers => _servers.sublist(0); //todo: copy?? dont want caller able to bypass changenotifier
class RemoteServerInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
final String onion;
final String status;
RemoteServerInfoState({required this.onion, required this.status});

View File

@ -9,28 +9,72 @@ class ServerListState extends ChangeNotifier {
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
void clear() {
ServerInfoState? getServer(String onion) { ServerInfoState? getServer(String onion) {
int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion); int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
return idx >= 0 ? _servers[idx] : null; return idx >= 0 ? _servers[idx] : null;
} }
void updateServerCache(String onion, String status) { void add(String onion, String serverBundle, bool running, String description, bool autoStart, bool isEncrypted) {
var sis = ServerInfoState(onion: onion, serverBundle: serverBundle, running: running, description: description, autoStart: autoStart, isEncrypted: isEncrypted);
int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion); int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
if (idx >= 0) { if (idx >= 0) {
_servers[idx] = ServerInfoState(onion: onion, status: status); _servers[idx] = sis;
} else { } else {
print("Tried to update server cache without a starting state...this is probably an error"); _servers.add(ServerInfoState(onion: onion,
serverBundle: serverBundle,
running: running,
description: description,
autoStart: autoStart,
isEncrypted: isEncrypted));
} }
notifyListeners(); notifyListeners();
} }
void updateServer(String onion, String serverBundle, bool running, String description, bool autoStart, bool isEncrypted) {
int idx = _servers.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
if (idx >= 0) {
_servers[idx] = ServerInfoState(onion: onion, serverBundle: serverBundle, running: running, description: description, autoStart: autoStart, isEncrypted: isEncrypted);
} else {
print("Tried to update server list without a starting state...this is probably an error");
void delete(String onion) {
_servers.removeWhere((element) => element.onion == onion);
List<ServerInfoState> get servers => _servers.sublist(0); //todo: copy?? dont want caller able to bypass changenotifier List<ServerInfoState> get servers => _servers.sublist(0); //todo: copy?? dont want caller able to bypass changenotifier
} }
class ServerInfoState extends ChangeNotifier { class ServerInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
final String onion; String onion;
final String status; String serverBundle;
String description;
bool running;
bool autoStart;
bool isEncrypted;
ServerInfoState({required this.onion, required this.status}); ServerInfoState({required this.onion, required this.serverBundle, required this.running, required this.description, required this.autoStart, required this.isEncrypted});
void setAutostart(bool val) {
autoStart = val;
void setRunning(bool val) {
running = val;
void setDescription(String val) {
description = val;
} }

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import 'opaque.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
const TapirGroupsExperiment = "tapir-groups-experiment"; const TapirGroupsExperiment = "tapir-groups-experiment";
const ServerManagementExperiment = "servers-experiment";
const FileSharingExperiment = "filesharing"; const FileSharingExperiment = "filesharing";
const ClickableLinksExperiment = "clickable-links"; const ClickableLinksExperiment = "clickable-links";

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/errorHandler.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/errorHandler.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/models/profileservers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/buttontextfield.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/buttontextfield.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/cwtchlabel.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/cwtchlabel.dart';
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class _AddContactViewState extends State<AddContactView> {
}, },
isExpanded: true, // magic property isExpanded: true, // magic property
value: server, value: server,
items: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context)<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((ServerInfoState serverInfo) { items: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context)<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((RemoteServerInfoState serverInfo) {
return DropdownMenuItem<String>( return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: serverInfo.onion, value: serverInfo.onion,
child: Text( child: Text(
@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ class _AddContactViewState extends State<AddContactView> {
/// TODO Manage Servers Tab /// TODO Manage Servers Tab
Widget manageServersTab() { Widget manageServersTab() {
final tiles = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context) server) { final tiles = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context) server) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<ServerInfoState>.value( return ChangeNotifierProvider<RemoteServerInfoState>.value(
value: server, value: server,
child: ListTile( child: ListTile(
title: Text(server.onion), title: Text(server.onion),

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:math';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/cwtch.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/model.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/model.dart';
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
labelText: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.yourDisplayName, labelText: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.yourDisplayName,
validator: (value) { validator: (value) {
if (value.isEmpty) { if (value.isEmpty) {
// TODO l10n ize
return "Please enter a display name"; return "Please enter a display name";
} }
return null; return null;
@ -287,32 +289,19 @@ class _AddEditProfileViewState extends State<AddEditProfileView> {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.CreateProfile(ctrlrNick.value.text, ctrlrPass.value.text); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.CreateProfile(ctrlrNick.value.text, ctrlrPass.value.text);
Navigator.of(context).pop(); Navigator.of(context).pop();
} else { } else {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.CreateProfile(ctrlrNick.value.text, "be gay do crime"); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.CreateProfile(ctrlrNick.value.text, DefaultPassword);
Navigator.of(context).pop(); Navigator.of(context).pop();
} }
} else { } else {
// Profile Editing // Profile Editing
if (ctrlrPass.value.text.isEmpty) { if (ctrlrPass.value.text.isEmpty) {
// Don't update password, only update name // Don't update password, only update name
final event = { Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SetProfileAttribute(Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion, "", ctrlrNick.value.text);
"EventType": "SetAttribute",
"Data": {"Key": "", "Data": ctrlrNick.value.text}
final json = jsonEncode(event);
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SendProfileEvent(Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion, json);
Navigator.of(context).pop(); Navigator.of(context).pop();
} else { } else {
// At this points passwords have been validated to be the same and not empty // At this points passwords have been validated to be the same and not empty
// Update both password and name, even if name hasn't been changed... // Update both password and name, even if name hasn't been changed...
final updateNameEvent = { Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SetProfileAttribute(Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion, "", ctrlrNick.value.text);
"EventType": "SetAttribute",
"Data": {"Key": "", "Data": ctrlrNick.value.text}
final updateNameEventJson = jsonEncode(updateNameEvent);
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SendProfileEvent(Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion, updateNameEventJson);
final updatePasswordEvent = { final updatePasswordEvent = {
"EventType": "ChangePassword", "EventType": "ChangePassword",
"Data": {"Password": ctrlrOldPass.text, "NewPassword": ctrlrPass.text} "Data": {"Password": ctrlrOldPass.text, "NewPassword": ctrlrPass.text}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/cwtch.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/cwtchlabel.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/passwordfield.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/textfield.dart';
import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../errorHandler.dart';
import '../main.dart';
import '../config.dart';
/// Pane to add or edit a server
class AddEditServerView extends StatefulWidget {
const AddEditServerView();
_AddEditServerViewState createState() => _AddEditServerViewState();
class _AddEditServerViewState extends State<AddEditServerView> {
final _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
final ctrlrDesc = TextEditingController(text: "");
final ctrlrOldPass = TextEditingController(text: "");
final ctrlrPass = TextEditingController(text: "");
final ctrlrPass2 = TextEditingController(text: "");
final ctrlrOnion = TextEditingController(text: "");
late bool usePassword;
//late bool deleted;
void initState() {
var serverInfoState = Provider.of<ServerInfoState>(context, listen: false);
ctrlrOnion.text = serverInfoState.onion;
usePassword = serverInfoState.isEncrypted;
if (serverInfoState.description.isNotEmpty) {
ctrlrDesc.text = serverInfoState.description;
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: ctrlrOnion.text.isEmpty ? Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addServerTitle) : Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.editServerTitle),
body: _buildSettingsList(),
void _handleSwitchPassword(bool? value) {
setState(() {
usePassword = value!;
Widget _buildSettingsList() {
return Consumer2<ServerInfoState, Settings>(builder: (context, serverInfoState, settings, child) {
return LayoutBuilder(builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints viewportConstraints) {
return Scrollbar(
isAlwaysShown: true,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
child: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints(
minHeight: viewportConstraints.maxHeight,
child: Form(
key: _formKey,
child: Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(30, 0, 30, 10),
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20, 0 , 20, 10),
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: [
// Onion
visible: serverInfoState.onion.isNotEmpty,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [
height: 20,
CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverAddress),
height: 20,
// Description
Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [
height: 20,
CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverDescriptionLabel),
height: 20,
controller: ctrlrDesc,
labelText: "Description",
autofocus: false,
height: 20,
// Enabled
visible: serverInfoState.onion.isNotEmpty,
child: SwitchListTile(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverEnabled, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverEnabledDescription),
value: serverInfoState.running,
onChanged: (bool value) {
if (value) {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.LaunchServer(serverInfoState.onion);
} else {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.StopServer(serverInfoState.onion);
activeTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(),
inactiveTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonDisabledColor(),
secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.negative_heart_24px, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
// Auto start
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverAutostartLabel, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serverAutostartDescription),
value: serverInfoState.autoStart,
onChanged: (bool value) {
if (! serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty) {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SetServerAttribute(serverInfoState.onion, "autostart", value ? "true" : "false");
activeTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(),
inactiveTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonDisabledColor(),
secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.favorite_24dp, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
// ***** Password *****
// use password toggle
visible: serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[
height: 20,
value: usePassword,
fillColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(settings.current().defaultButtonColor()),
activeColor: settings.current().defaultButtonActiveColor(),
onChanged: _handleSwitchPassword,
style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
height: 20,
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24),
child: Text(
usePassword ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.encryptedServerDescription : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.plainServerDescription,
height: 20,
// current password
visible: serverInfoState.onion.isNotEmpty && serverInfoState.isEncrypted,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <Widget>[
CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.currentPasswordLabel),
height: 20,
controller: ctrlrOldPass,
autoFillHints: [AutofillHints.newPassword],
validator: (value) {
// Password field can be empty when just updating the profile, not on creation
if (serverInfoState.isEncrypted &&
serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty &&
value.isEmpty &&
usePassword) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorEmpty;
if (Provider.of<ErrorHandler>(context).deletedServerError == true) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer;
return null;
height: 20,
// new passwords 1 & 2
// Currently we don't support password change for servers so also gate this on Add server, when ready to support changing password remove the onion.isEmpty check
visible: serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty && usePassword,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [
CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.newPassword),
height: 20,
controller: ctrlrPass,
validator: (value) {
// Password field can be empty when just updating the profile, not on creation
if (serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty && value.isEmpty && usePassword) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorEmpty;
if (value != ctrlrPass2.value.text) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorMatch;
return null;
height: 20,
CwtchLabel(label: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.password2Label),
height: 20,
controller: ctrlrPass2,
validator: (value) {
// Password field can be empty when just updating the profile, not on creation
if (serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty && value.isEmpty && usePassword) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorEmpty;
if (value != ctrlrPass.value.text) {
return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.passwordErrorMatch;
return null;
height: 20,
children: [
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty ? _createPressed : _savePressed,
child: Text(
serverInfoState.onion.isEmpty ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addServerTitle : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.saveServerButton,
visible: serverInfoState.onion.isNotEmpty,
child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: [
height: 20,
message: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer,
child: ElevatedButton.icon(
onPressed: () {
icon: Icon(Icons.delete_forever),
label: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteBtn),
// ***** END Password *****
void _createPressed() {
// This will run all the validations in the form including
// checking that display name is not empty, and an actual check that the passwords
// match (and are provided if the user has requested an encrypted profile).
if (_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
if (usePassword) {
.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.CreateServer(ctrlrPass.value.text, ctrlrDesc.value.text, Provider.of<ServerInfoState>(context, listen: false).autoStart);
} else {
.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.CreateServer(DefaultPassword, ctrlrDesc.value.text, Provider.of<ServerInfoState>(context, listen: false).autoStart);
void _savePressed() {
var server = Provider.of<ServerInfoState>(context, listen: false);
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.cwtch.SetServerAttribute(server.onion, "description", ctrlrDesc.text);
if (_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
// TODO support change password
showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) {
// set up the buttons
Widget cancelButton = ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.cancel),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
Widget continueButton = ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteServerConfirmBtn),
onPressed: () {
var onion = Provider
.of<ServerInfoState>(context, listen: false)
.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.DeleteServer(onion, Provider.of<ServerInfoState>(context, listen: false).isEncrypted ? ctrlrOldPass.value.text : DefaultPassword);
const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
() {
if (globalErrorHandler.deletedServerSuccess) {
final snackBar = SnackBar(content: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteServerSuccess + ":" + onion));
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => == "servers"); // dismiss dialog
} else {
// set up the AlertDialog
AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.deleteServerConfirmBtn),
actions: [
// show the dialog
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return alert;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import 'package:cwtch/widgets/contactrow.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profileimage.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profileimage.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/textfield.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/textfield.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/tor_icon.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/widgets/tor_icon.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../main.dart'; import '../main.dart';
import '../settings.dart'; import '../settings.dart';
@ -103,9 +104,19 @@ class _ContactsViewState extends State<ContactsView> {
if (Provider.of<Settings>(context).blockUnknownConnections) { if (Provider.of<Settings>(context).blockUnknownConnections) {
actions.add(Tooltip(message: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.blockUnknownConnectionsEnabledDescription, child: Icon(CwtchIcons.block_unknown))); actions.add(Tooltip(message: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.blockUnknownConnectionsEnabledDescription, child: Icon(CwtchIcons.block_unknown)));
} }
IconButton(icon: TorIcon(), onPressed: _pushTorStatus), // Copy profile onion
); actions.add(IconButton(
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.address_copy_2),
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copyAddress,
onPressed: () {
Clipboard.setData(new ClipboardData(text: Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion));
// TODO servers
// Search contacts
actions.add(IconButton( actions.add(IconButton(
// need both conditions for displaying initial empty textfield and also allowing filters to be cleared if this widget gets lost/reset // need both conditions for displaying initial empty textfield and also allowing filters to be cleared if this widget gets lost/reset
icon: Icon(showSearchBar || Provider.of<ContactListState>(context).isFiltered ? Icons.search_off :, icon: Icon(showSearchBar || Provider.of<ContactListState>(context).isFiltered ? Icons.search_off :,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart';
import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart'; import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/settings.dart';
@ -188,6 +190,27 @@ class _GlobalSettingsViewState extends State<GlobalSettingsView> {
inactiveTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonDisabledColor(), inactiveTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonDisabledColor(),
secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.enable_groups, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()), secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.enable_groups, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
), ),
visible: !Platform.isAndroid && !Platform.isIOS,
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingServers, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingServersDescription),
value: settings.isExperimentEnabled(ServerManagementExperiment),
onChanged: (bool value) {
Provider.of<ServerListState>(context, listen: false).clear();
if (value) {
} else {
// Save Settings...
activeTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonActiveColor(),
inactiveTrackColor: settings.theme.defaultButtonDisabledColor(),
secondary: Icon(CwtchIcons.dns_24px, color: settings.current().mainTextColor()),
SwitchListTile( SwitchListTile(
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingFileSharing, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())), title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingFileSharing, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())),
subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.descriptionFileSharing), subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.descriptionFileSharing),

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import '../model.dart';
import '../torstatus.dart'; import '../torstatus.dart';
import 'addeditprofileview.dart'; import 'addeditprofileview.dart';
import 'globalsettingsview.dart'; import 'globalsettingsview.dart';
import 'serversview.dart';
class ProfileMgrView extends StatefulWidget { class ProfileMgrView extends StatefulWidget {
ProfileMgrView(); ProfileMgrView();
@ -56,12 +57,14 @@ class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
SizedBox( SizedBox(
width: 10, width: 10,
), ),
Expanded(child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.titleManageProfiles, style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor()))) Expanded(child: Text(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 600 ?
AppLocalizations.of(context)!.titleManageProfiles : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.titleManageProfilesShort,
style: TextStyle(color: settings.current().mainTextColor())))
]), ]),
actions: getActions(), actions: getActions(),
), ),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _pushAddEditProfile, onPressed: _pushAddProfile,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addNewProfileBtn, tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addNewProfileBtn,
child: Icon( child: Icon(
Icons.add, Icons.add,
@ -95,6 +98,11 @@ class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
onPressed: _modalUnlockProfiles, onPressed: _modalUnlockProfiles,
)); ));
// Servers
if (Provider.of<Settings>(context).isExperimentEnabled(ServerManagementExperiment) && !Platform.isAndroid && !Platform.isIOS) {
actions.add(IconButton(icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.dns_black_24dp), tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serversManagerTitleShort, onPressed: _pushServers));
// Global Settings // Global Settings
actions.add(IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.settings), tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipOpenSettings, onPressed: _pushGlobalSettings)); actions.add(IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.settings), tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipOpenSettings, onPressed: _pushGlobalSettings));
@ -119,6 +127,18 @@ class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
)); ));
} }
void _pushServers() {
settings: RouteSettings(name: "servers"),
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [Provider.value(value: Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context))],
child: ServersView(),
void _pushTorStatus() { void _pushTorStatus() {
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>( Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (BuildContext context) { builder: (BuildContext context) {
@ -130,7 +150,7 @@ class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
)); ));
} }
void _pushAddEditProfile({onion: ""}) { void _pushAddProfile({onion: ""}) {
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>( Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (BuildContext context) { builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider( return MultiProvider(
@ -216,9 +236,9 @@ class _ProfileMgrViewState extends State<ProfileMgrView> {
).toList(); ).toList();
if (tiles.isEmpty) { if (tiles.isEmpty) {
return const Center( return Center(
child: const Text( child: Text(
"Please create or unlock a profile to begin!", AppLocalizations.of(context)!.unlockProfileTip,
textAlign:, textAlign:,
)); ));
} }

lib/views/serversview.dart Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/addeditservers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/passwordfield.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/serverrow.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/torstatus.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/tor_icon.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import '../main.dart';
import '../settings.dart';
class ServersView extends StatefulWidget {
_ServersView createState() => _ServersView();
class _ServersView extends State<ServersView> {
final ctrlrPassword = TextEditingController();
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text( MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 600 ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serversManagerTitleLong : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.serversManagerTitleShort),
actions: getActions(),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _pushAddServer,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addServerTooltip,
child: Icon(
semanticLabel: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.addServerTooltip,
body: Consumer<ServerListState>(
builder: (context, svrs, child) {
final tiles = server) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<ServerInfoState>.value(
value: server,
builder: (context, child) => RepaintBoundary(child: ServerRow()),
final divided = ListTile.divideTiles(
context: context,
tiles: tiles,
if (tiles.isEmpty) {
return Center(
child: Text(
return ListView(children: divided);
List<Widget> getActions() {
List<Widget> actions = new List<Widget>.empty(growable: true);
// Unlock Profiles
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.lock_open_24px),
color: Provider.of<ServerListState>(context).servers.isEmpty ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.defaultButtonColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.mainTextColor(),
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.tooltipUnlockProfiles,
onPressed: _modalUnlockServers,
return actions;
void _modalUnlockServers() {
context: context,
isScrollControlled: true,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets,
child: RepaintBoundary(
child: Container(
height: 200, // bespoke value courtesy of the [TextField] docs
child: Center(
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: <Widget>[
height: 20,
autofocus: true,
controller: ctrlrPassword,
action: unlock,
validator: (value) {},
height: 20,
Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [
child: ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.unlock, semanticsLabel: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.unlock),
onPressed: () {
void unlock(String password) {
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.LoadServers(password);
ctrlrPassword.text = "";
void _pushAddServer() {
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [ChangeNotifierProvider<ServerInfoState>(
create: (_) => ServerInfoState(onion: "", serverBundle: "", description: "", autoStart: true, running: false, isEncrypted: true),
child: AddEditServerView(),

View File

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ class FileBubble extends StatefulWidget {
} }
class FileBubbleState extends State<FileBubble> { class FileBubbleState extends State<FileBubble> {
void initState() {
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var fromMe = Provider.of<MessageMetadata>(context).senderHandle == Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).onion; var fromMe = Provider.of<MessageMetadata>(context).senderHandle == Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).onion;
@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ class FileBubbleState extends State<FileBubble> {
} else if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadComplete(widget.fileKey())) { } else if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadComplete(widget.fileKey())) {
// in this case, whatever marked download.complete would have also set the path // in this case, whatever marked download.complete would have also set the path
var path = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadFinalPath(widget.fileKey())!; var path = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadFinalPath(widget.fileKey())!;
wdgDecorations = Text('Saved to: ' + path + '\u202F'); wdgDecorations = Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.fileSavedTo + ': ' + path + '\u202F');
} else if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadActive(widget.fileKey())) { } else if (Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadActive(widget.fileKey())) {
if (!Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadGotManifest(widget.fileKey())) { if (!Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadGotManifest(widget.fileKey())) {
wdgDecorations = Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.retrievingManifestMessage + '\u202F'); wdgDecorations = Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.retrievingManifestMessage + '\u202F');
@ -84,12 +89,15 @@ class FileBubbleState extends State<FileBubble> {
} else if (flagStarted) { } else if (flagStarted) {
// in this case, the download was done in a previous application launch, // in this case, the download was done in a previous application launch,
// so we probably have to request an info lookup // so we probably have to request an info lookup
var path = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadFinalPath(widget.fileKey()); if (!Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadInterrupted(widget.fileKey()) ) {
if (path == null) { wdgDecorations = Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.fileCheckingStatus + '...' + '\u202F');
wdgDecorations = Text('Checking download status...' + '\u202F');
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.CheckDownloadStatus(Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion, widget.fileKey()); Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.CheckDownloadStatus(Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion, widget.fileKey());
} else { } else {
wdgDecorations = Text('Saved to: ' + path + '\u202F'); var path = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context).downloadFinalPath(widget.fileKey()) ?? "";
wdgDecorations = Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children:[Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.fileInterrupted + ': ' + path + '\u202F'),ElevatedButton(onPressed: _btnResume, child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.verfiyResumeButton))]
} }
} else { } else {
wdgDecorations = Center( wdgDecorations = Center(
@ -167,6 +175,13 @@ class FileBubbleState extends State<FileBubble> {
} }
} }
void _btnResume() async {
var profileOnion = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).onion;
var handle = Provider.of<MessageMetadata>(context, listen: false).senderHandle;
Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).downloadMarkResumed(widget.fileKey());
Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.VerifyOrResumeDownload(profileOnion, handle, widget.fileKey());
// Construct an file chrome for the sender // Construct an file chrome for the sender
Widget senderFileChrome(String chrome, String fileName, String rootHash, int fileSize) { Widget senderFileChrome(String chrome, String fileName, String rootHash, int fileSize) {
return ListTile( return ListTile(

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profileimage.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../errorHandler.dart';
import '../main.dart'; import '../main.dart';
import '../model.dart'; import '../model.dart';
import '../settings.dart'; import '../settings.dart';
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ class _ProfileRowState extends State<ProfileRow> {
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.editProfile + " " + profile.nickname, tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.editProfile + " " + profile.nickname,
icon: Icon(Icons.create, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor()), icon: Icon(Icons.create, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor()),
onPressed: () { onPressed: () {
_pushAddEditProfile(onion: profile.onion, displayName: profile.nickname, profileImage: profile.imagePath, encrypted: profile.isEncrypted); _pushEditProfile(onion: profile.onion, displayName: profile.nickname, profileImage: profile.imagePath, encrypted: profile.isEncrypted);
}, },
) )
], ],
@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ class _ProfileRowState extends State<ProfileRow> {
); );
} }
void _pushAddEditProfile({onion: "", displayName: "", profileImage: "", encrypted: true}) { void _pushEditProfile({onion: "", displayName: "", profileImage: "", encrypted: true}) {
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>( Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (BuildContext context) { builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider( return MultiProvider(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import 'package:cwtch/main.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/views/addeditservers.dart';
import 'package:cwtch/widgets/profileimage.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import '../cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
import '../errorHandler.dart';
import '../model.dart';
import '../settings.dart';
class ServerRow extends StatefulWidget {
_ServerRowState createState() => _ServerRowState();
class _ServerRowState extends State<ServerRow> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var server = Provider.of<ServerInfoState>(context);
return Card(clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
margin: EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
child: InkWell(
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6.0), //border size
child: Icon(CwtchIcons.dns_24px,
color: server.running ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor(),
size: 64)
child: Column(
children: [
semanticsLabel: server.description,
style: Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).biggerFont.apply(color: server.running ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor()),
softWrap: true,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
visible: !Provider.of<Settings>(context).streamerMode,
child: ExcludeSemantics(
child: Text(
softWrap: true,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: TextStyle(color: server.running ? Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor() : Provider.of<Settings>(context).theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor()),
// Copy server button
enableFeedback: true,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.copyServerKeys,
icon: Icon(CwtchIcons.address_copy_2, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor()),
onPressed: () {
Clipboard.setData(new ClipboardData(text: server.serverBundle));
// Edit button
enableFeedback: true,
tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.editServerTitle,
icon: Icon(Icons.create, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor()),
onPressed: () {
void _pushEditServer(ServerInfoState server ) {
settings: RouteSettings(name: "serveraddedit"),
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [ChangeNotifierProvider<ServerInfoState>(
create: (_) => server,
child: AddEditServerView(),

View File

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
# Run from SRCROOT # Run from SRCROOT
cp libCwtch.dylib build/macos/Build/Products/Release/ cp libCwtch.dylib build/macos/Build/Products/Release/
cp -r /Applications/Tor\ build/macos/Build/Products/Release/ cp -r macos/Tor build/macos/Build/Products/Release/
rm Cwtch.dmg rm Cwtch.dmg
rm -r macos_dmg rm -r macos_dmg
mkdir macos_dmg mkdir macos_dmg
cp -r "build/macos/Build/Products/Release/" macos_dmg/ cp -r "build/macos/Build/Products/Release/" macos_dmg/
create-dmg \ create-dmg \
--volname "Cwtch" \ --volname "Cwtch" \
--volicon "macos/cwtch.icns" \ --volicon "macos/cwtch.icns" \

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to
# In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion. # In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion.
# Read more about iOS versioning at # Read more about iOS versioning at
# #
version: 1.3.0+21 version: 1.4.0+22
environment: environment:
sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"