
316 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"@@locale": "cy",
"@@last_modified": "2022-03-02T20:22:18+01:00",
"localeCy": "Cymraeg",
"tooltipRemoveThisQuotedMessage": "Dileu'r neges a ddyfynnwyd.",
"settingUIColumnDouble14Ratio": "Dwbl (1:4)",
"settingUIColumnDouble12Ratio": "Dwbl (1:2)",
"settingUIColumnSingle": "Sengl",
"inviteToGroup": "Rydych wedi cael gwahoddiad i ymuno â grŵp:",
"titleManageServers": "Rheoli Gweinyddwyr",
"titleManageProfiles": "Rheoli Proffiliau Cwtch",
"titleManageContacts": "Sgyrsiau",
"contactAlreadyExists": "Cyswllt Eisoes Yn Bod",
"blockUnknownLabel": "Rhwystro Cysylltiadau Anhysbys",
"cwtchSettingsTitle": "Gosodiadau Cwtch",
"unlock": "Datgloi",
"saveBtn": "Arbed",
"savePeerHistory": "Achub Hanes",
"inviteToGroupLabel": "Gwahodd i grŵp",
"blockBtn": "Rhwystro Cyswllt",
"viewServerInfo": "Gwybodaeth Gweinydd",
"serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Gweinydd wedi'i Ddatgysylltu",
"serverConnectivityConnected": "Gweinydd wedi'i Gysylltiedig",
"serverInfo": "Gwybodaeth Gweinydd",
"server": "Gweinydd",
"descriptionStreamerMode": "Os caiff ei droi ymlaen, mae'r opsiwn hwn yn gwneud yr ap yn fwy gweledol preifat ar gyfer ffrydio neu gyflwyno gyda, er enghraifft, cuddio proffil a chyfeiriadau cyswllt",
"serverAddress": "Cyfeiriad y Gweinydd",
"copyAddress": "Copïo Cyfeiriad",
"successfullAddedContact": "Wedi llwyddo i ychwanegu ",
"descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "Os caiff ei droi ymlaen, bydd yr opsiwn hwn yn cau'n awtomatig cysylltiadau gan ddefnyddwyr Cwtch nad ydynt wedi'u hychwanegu at eich rhestr cysylltiadau.",
"descriptionExperimentsGroups": "Mae'r arbrawf grŵp yn caniatáu i Cwtch gysylltu â seilwaith gweinydd heb ei ymddiried i hwyluso cyfathrebu â mwy nag un cyswllt.",
"descriptionExperiments": "Mae arbrofion Cwtch yn nodweddion optio i mewn dewisol syn ychwanegu swyddogaethau ychwanegol at Cwtch a allai fod ag ystyriaethau preifatrwydd gwahanol ir sgwrs draddodiadol syn gwrthsefyll metadata 1:1 e.e. sgwrs grŵp, integreiddio bot ac ati.",
"conversationSettings": "Gosodiadau Sgwrsio",
"versionBuilddate": "Fersiwn: % 1 Adeiladwyd ar: % 2",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Wedi'i gopïo i'r Clipfwrdd",
"displayNameLabel": "Enw Arddangos",
"groupNameLabel": "Enw'r Grŵp",
"serverNotSynced": "Wrthi'n cysoni Negeseuon Newydd (Gall hyn gymryd peth amser)...",
"serverSynced": "Cysoni",
"invitationLabel": "Gwahoddiad",
"search": "Chwilio...",
"tooltipAcceptContactRequest": "Derbyn y cais cyswllt hwn.",
"addContactConfirm": "Ychwanegu cyswllt %1",
"pasteAddressToAddContact": "Gludwch gyfeiriad cwtch, gwahoddiad neu fwndel allweddol yma i ychwanegu sgwrs newydd",
"titlePlaceholder": "teitl...",
"postNewBulletinLabel": "Postio bwletin newydd",
"newBulletinLabel": "Bwletin Newydd",
"joinGroup": "Ymunwch â'r grŵp",
"createGroup": "Creu grŵp",
"addPeer": "Ychwanegu Cyswllt",
"peerAddress": "Cyfeiriad",
"joinGroupTab": "Ymunwch â grŵp",
"addPeerTab": "Ychwanegu cyswllt",
"profileOnionLabel": "Anfonwch y cyfeiriad hwn at bobl rydych chi am gysylltu â nhw",
"tooltipReplyToThisMessage": "Ymateb i'r neges hon",
"addContact": "Ychwanegu cyswllt",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"leaveConversation": "Gadael y Sgwrs Hon",
"notificationNewMessageFromGroup": "Neges newydd mewn grŵp!",
"localePl": "Pwylaidd",
"plainServerDescription": "Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn diogelu eich proffiliau Cwtch gyda chyfrinair. Os nad ydych yn gosod cyfrinair ar y proffil hwn yna mae'n bosibl y bydd unrhyw un sydd â mynediad i'r ddyfais hon yn gallu cyrchu gwybodaeth am y proffil hwn, gan gynnwys cysylltiadau, negeseuon ac allweddi cryptograffig sensitif.",
"encryptedServerDescription": "Mae amgryptio proffil gyda chyfrinair yn ei amddiffyn rhag pobl eraill a allai ddefnyddio'r ddyfais hon hefyd. Ni ellir dadgryptio, arddangos na chyrchu proffiliau wedi'u hamgryptio nes bod y cyfrinair cywir wedi'i fewnbynnu i'w datgloi.",
"fieldDescriptionLabel": "Disgrifiad",
"conversationNotificationPolicyDefault": "Diofyn",
"conversationNotificationPolicyNever": "Byth",
"settingGroupBehaviour": "Ymddygiad",
"settingsGroupAppearance": "Ymddangosiad",
"settingsGroupExperiments": "Arbrofion",
"notificationContentSimpleEvent": "Digwyddiad Plaen",
"notificationContentContactInfo": "Gwybodaeth am Sgyrsiau",
"newMessageNotificationSimple": "Neges Newydd",
"newMessageNotificationConversationInfo": "Neges Newydd gan %1",
"localeRo": "Romanaidd",
"localeLb": "Lwcsembwrgaidd",
"localeEl": "Groegaidd",
"localeNo": "Norwyaidd",
"retrievingManifestMessage": "Wrthi'n nôl gwybodaeth ffeil...",
"streamerModeLabel": "Streamer Cyflwyno",
"blockUnknownConnectionsEnabledDescription": "Mae cysylltiadau o gysylltiadau anhysbys wedi'u rhwystro. Gallwch newid hyn mewn Gosodiadau",
"encryptedProfileDescription": "Mae amgryptio proffil gyda chyfrinair yn ei amddiffyn rhag pobl eraill a allai ddefnyddio'r ddyfais hon hefyd. Ni ellir dadgryptio, arddangos na chyrchu proffiliau wedi'u hamgryptio nes bod y cyfrinair cywir wedi'i fewnbynnu i'w datgloi.",
"plainProfileDescription": "Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn diogelu eich proffiliau Cwtch gyda chyfrinair. Os nad ydych yn gosod cyfrinair ar y proffil hwn yna mae'n bosibl y bydd unrhyw un sydd â mynediad i'r ddyfais hon yn gallu cyrchu gwybodaeth am y proffil hwn, gan gynnwys cysylltiadau, negeseuon ac allweddi cryptograffig sensitif.",
"groupInviteSettingsWarning": "Rydych chi wedi cael gwahoddiad i ymuno â grŵp! Galluogwch yr Arbrawf Sgwrsio Grŵp yn y Gosodiadau i weld y Gwahoddiad hwn.",
"shutdownCwtchAction": "Cau Cwtch",
"shutdownCwtchDialog": "Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am gau Cwtch? Bydd hyn yn cau pob cysylltiad, ac yn gadael y cais.",
"profileDeleteSuccess": "Proffil wedi'i ddileu yn llwyddiannus",
"debugLog": "Trowch logio dadfygio consol ymlaen",
"addContactFirst": "Ychwanegu neu ddewis sgwrs i ddechrau sgwrsio.",
"torNetworkStatus": "Statws rhwydwaith Tor",
"nickChangeSuccess": "Newidiwyd llysenw proffil yn llwyddiannus",
"createProfileToBegin": "Creu neu ddatgloi proffil i ddechrau",
"deleteProfileSuccess": "Proffil wedi'i ddileu yn llwyddiannus",
"sendInvite": "Anfonwch gyswllt neu wahoddiad grŵp",
"resetTor": "Ailosod",
"sendAnInvitation": "Rydych wedi anfon gwahoddiad ar gyfer:",
"contactSuggestion": "Dyma awgrym cyswllt ar gyfer: ",
"chatHistoryDefault": "Bydd y sgwrs hon yn cael ei dileu pan fydd Cwtch ar gau! Gellir galluogi hanes y neges fesul sgwrs drwy'r ddewislen Gosodiadau ar y dde uchaf.",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Rhowch y cyfrinair cyfredol i ddileu'r proffil hwn.",
"enableGroups": "Galluogi Sgwrsio Grŵp",
"newConnectionPaneTitle": "Cysylltiad Newydd",
"networkStatusOnline": "Ar-lein",
"networkStatusConnecting": "Cysylltu â rhwydwaith a chysylltiadau...",
"networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Ceisio cysylltu â rhwydwaith Tor",
"networkStatusDisconnected": "Wedi datgysylltu o'r rhyngrwyd, gwiriwch eich cysylltiad",
"viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Gweld Aelodaeth y Grŵp",
"loadingTor": "Wrthi'n llwytho tor...",
"smallTextLabel": "Bach",
"error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 proffil wedi'u llwytho gyda'r cyfrinair hwnnw",
"enterProfilePassword": "Rhowch gyfrinair i weld eich proffiliau",
"passwordChangeError": "Gwall wrth newid cyfrinair: Gwrthod cyfrinair wedi'i gyflenwi",
"noPasswordWarning": "Mae peidio â defnyddio cyfrinair ar y cyfrif hwn yn golygu na fydd yr holl ddata a gedwir yn lleol yn cael ei amgryptio",
"profileName": "Enw arddangos",
"editProfileTitle": "Golygu Proffil",
"addProfileTitle": "Ychwanegu proffil newydd",
"deleteBtn": "Dileu",
"unblockBtn": "Dadrwystro Cyswllt",
"puzzleGameBtn": "Gêm Pos",
"acceptGroupInviteLabel": "Ydych chi am dderbyn y gwahoddiad i",
"newGroupBtn": "Creu grŵp newydd",
"peerOfflineMessage": "Mae cyswllt all-lein, ni ellir cyflwyno negeseuon ar hyn o bryd",
"copyBtn": "Copi",
"peerBlockedMessage": "Mae cyswllt wedi'i rwystro",
"pendingLabel": "Arfaeth",
"acknowledgedLabel": "Cydnabyddir",
"couldNotSendMsgError": "Doedd dim modd anfon y neges hon",
"membershipDescription": "Isod ceir rhestr o ddefnyddwyr sydd wedi anfon negeseuon i'r grŵp. Efallai na fydd y rhestr hon yn adlewyrchu'r holl ddefnyddwyr sydd â mynediad i'r grŵp.",
"addListItemBtn": "Ychwanegu Eitem",
"peerNotOnline": "Mae'r cyswllt all-lein. Does dim modd defnyddio ceisiadau ar hyn o bryd.",
"searchList": "Rhestr Chwilio",
"update": "Diweddaru",
"inviteBtn": "Gwahodd",
"notificationPolicyMute": "Tawelwch",
"torSettingsUseCustomTorServiceConfigurastionDescription": "Diystyru'r ffurfweddiad tor-rhwygo diofyn. Rhybudd: Gallai hyn fod yn beryglus. Dim ond os ydych chi'n gwybod beth rydych chi'n ei wneud y byddwch chi'n gwneud hyn.",
"torSettingsErrorSettingPort": "Rhaid i Rif y Porth fod rhwng 1 a 65535",
"labelACNCircuitInfo": "Gwybodaeth Cylchdaith ACN",
"labelTorNetwork": "Rhwydwaith Tor",
"torSettingsEnabledAdvanced": "Galluogi Ffurfweddiad Tor Uwch",
"msgAddToAccept": "Ychwanegwch y cyfrif hwn at eich cysylltiadau er mwyn derbyn y ffeil hon.",
"btnSendFile": "Anfon Ffeil",
"msgConfirmSend": "Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am anfon",
"msgFileTooBig": "Ni all maint y ffeil fod yn fwy na 10 GB",
"storageMigrationModalMessage": "Mudo proffiliau i fformat storio newydd. Gallai hyn gymryd ychydig funudau...",
"loadingCwtch": "Wrthi'n Llwytho Cwtch...",
"themeColorLabel": "Thema Lliw",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Canol Nos",
"themeNameMermaid": "Môr-forwyn",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pwmpen",
"themeNameGhost": "Ysbryd",
"themeNameVampire": "Fampir",
"themeNameWitch": "Gwrach",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Lawrlwytho Ffolder",
"settingImagePreviews": "Rhagolwg Delwedd a Lluniau Proffil",
"experimentClickableLinksDescription": "Mae'r arbrawf dolenni cliciadwy yn caniatáu ichi glicio ar URLs a rennir mewn negeseuon",
"enableExperimentClickableLinks": "Galluogi Dolenni y Gellir eu Clicio",
"displayNameTooltip": "Rhowch enw arddangos",
"importLocalServerButton": "Mewngludo %1",
"newMessagesLabel": "Negeseuon Newydd",
"localeRU": "Rwsaidd",
"descriptionFileSharing": "Mae'r arbrawf rhannu ffeiliau yn caniatáu i chi anfon a derbyn ffeiliau o gysylltiadau a grwpiau Cwtch. Sylwer y bydd rhannu ffeil gyda grŵp yn arwain at aelodau o'r grŵp hwnnw yn cysylltu â chi'n uniongyrchol dros Cwtch i'w lawrlwytho.",
"titleManageProfilesShort": "Proffiliau",
"settingFileSharing": "Rhannu Ffeiliau",
"tooltipSendFile": "Anfon Ffeil",
"messageFileOffered": "Mae cyswllt yn cynnig anfon ffeil atoch",
"messageEnableFileSharing": "Galluogi'r arbrawf rhannu ffeiliau i weld y neges hon.",
"messageFileSent": "Anfonasoch ffeil",
"labelFilesize": "Maint",
"labelFilename": "Enw ffeil",
"downloadFileButton": "Lawrlwytho",
"openFolderButton": "Ffolder Agored",
"archiveConversation": "Archifo'r Sgwrs hon",
"showMessageButton": "Dangos Neges",
"blockedMessageMessage": "Mae'r neges hon o broffil rydych chi wedi'i rwystro.",
"placeholderEnterMessage": "Teipiwch neges...",
"notificationNewMessageFromPeer": "Neges newydd o gyswllt!",
"tooltipHidePassword": "Cuddio Cyfrinair",
"tooltipShowPassword": "Dangos Cyfrinair",
"shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Cau Cwtch?",
"shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Cau Cwtch",
"malformedMessage": "Neges wedi'i chamffurfio",
"sendMessage": "Anfon Neges",
"cancel": "Canslo",
"torStatus": "Statws Tor",
"torVersion": "Fersiwn Tor",
"rejected": "Gwrthodwyd!",
"accepted": "Derbyniwyd!",
"newPassword": "Cyfrinair Newydd",
"yesLeave": "Ydw, Gadael Y Sgwrs Hon",
"localeIt": "Eidaleg",
"localeEs": "Espanol",
"builddate": "Adeiladwyd ar: % 2",
"version": "Fersiwn %1",
"versionTor": "Fersiwn %1 gyda rhwygo %2",
"experimentsEnabled": "Galluogi Arbrofion",
"themeDark": "Tywyll",
"themeLight": "Golau",
"settingTheme": "Defnyddio Themâu Golau",
"largeTextLabel": "Mawr",
"settingInterfaceZoom": "Lefel Chwyddo",
"localeDe": "Deutsche",
"localePt": "Portuguesa",
"localeFr": "Frances",
"localeEn": "Saesneg",
"settingLanguage": "Laith",
"password": "Cyfrinair",
"addNewProfileBtn": "Ychwanegu proffil newydd",
"deleteConfirmText": "DELETE",
"deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Dileu Proffil yn Wirioneddol",
"deleteConfirmLabel": "Teipiwch DELETE i gadarnhau",
"deleteProfileBtn": "Dileu Proffil",
"passwordErrorMatch": "Nid yw cyfrineiriau'n cyfateb",
"saveProfileBtn": "Cadw Proffil",
"createProfileBtn": "Creu Proffil",
"passwordErrorEmpty": "Ni all cyfrinair fod yn wag",
"password2Label": "Ailosod cyfrinair",
"password1Label": "Cyfrinair",
"currentPasswordLabel": "Cyfrinair Cyfredol",
"yourDisplayName": "Eich Enw Arddangos",
"radioNoPassword": "Heb ei amgryptio (Dim cyfrinair)",
"radioUsePassword": "Cyfrinair",
"newProfile": "Proffil Newydd",
"editProfile": "Golygu Proffil",
"defaultProfileName": "Alice",
"addressLabel": "Cyfeiriad",
"bulletinsBtn": "Bwletinau",
"listsBtn": "Rhestrau",
"chatBtn": "Sgwrsio",
"rejectGroupBtn": "Gwrthod",
"acceptGroupBtn": "Derbyn",
"dmTooltip": "Cliciwch i DM",
"serverLabel": "Gweinydd",
"blocked": "Rhwystro",
"invitation": "Gwahoddiad",
"groupAddr": "Cyfeiriad",
"peerName": "Enw",
"createGroupTab": "Creu grŵp",
"createGroupBtn": "Creu",
"defaultGroupName": "Grŵp Gwych",
"createGroupTitle": "Creu Grŵp",
"conversationNotificationPolicySettingDescription": "Control notification behaviour for this conversation",
"conversationNotificationPolicySettingLabel": "Conversation Notification Policy",
"notificationContentSettingDescription": "Controls the contents of conversation notifications",
"notificationPolicySettingDescription": "Controls the default application notification behaviour",
"notificationContentSettingLabel": "Notification Content",
"notificationPolicySettingLabel": "Notification Policy",
"conversationNotificationPolicyOptIn": "Opt In",
"notificationPolicyDefaultAll": "Default All",
"notificationPolicyOptIn": "Opt In",
"tooltipSelectACustomProfileImage": "Select a Custom Profile Image",
"torSettingsEnabledCacheDescription": "Cache the current downloaded Tor consensus to reuse next time Cwtch is opened. This will allow Tor to start faster. When disabled, Cwtch will purge cached data on start up.",
"torSettingsEnableCache": "Cache Tor Consensus",
"descriptionACNCircuitInfo": "In depth information about the path that the anonymous communication network is using to connect to this conversation.",
"fileSharingSettingsDownloadFolderTooltip": "Browse to select a different default folder for downloaded files.",
"fileSharingSettingsDownloadFolderDescription": "When files are downloaded automatically (e.g. image files, when image previews are enabled) a default location to download the files to is needed.",
"torSettingsUseCustomTorServiceConfiguration": "Use a Custom Tor Service Configuration (torrc)",
"torSettingsCustomControlPortDescription": "Use a custom port for control connections to the Tor proxy",
"torSettingsCustomControlPort": "Custom Control Port",
"torSettingsCustomSocksPortDescription": "Use a custom port for data connections to the Tor proxy",
"torSettingsCustomSocksPort": "Custom SOCKS Port",
"torSettingsEnabledAdvancedDescription": "Use an existing Tor service on your system, or change the parameters of the Cwtch Tor Service",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"serverConnectionsLabel": "Connection",
"serverTotalMessagesLabel": "Total Messages",
"serverMetricsLabel": "Server Metrics",
"manageKnownServersShort": "Servers",
"manageKnownServersLong": "Manage Known Servers",
"manageKnownServersButton": "Manage Known Servers",
"groupsOnThisServerLabel": "Groups I am in hosted on this server",
"importLocalServerSelectText": "Select Local Server",
"importLocalServerLabel": "Import a locally hosted server",
"copyServerKeys": "Copy keys",
"verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume",
"fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status",
"fileInterrupted": "Interrupted",
"fileSavedTo": "Saved to",
"deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server",
"deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server",
"enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server",
"settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers",
"settingServers": "Hosting Servers",
"enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server",
"unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!",
"unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!",
"addServerTooltip": "Add new server",
"serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers",
"serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host",
"saveServerButton": "Save Server",
"serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start",
"serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart",
"serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server",
"serverEnabled": "Server Enabled",
"serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared",
"serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description",
"editServerTitle": "Edit Server",
"addServerTitle": "Add Server",
"contactGoto": "Go to conversation with %1",
"settingUIColumnOptionSame": "Same as portrait mode setting",
"settingUIColumnLandscape": "UI Columns in Landscape Mode",
"settingUIColumnPortrait": "UI Columns in Portrait Mode",
"tooltipRejectContactRequest": "Reject this contact request",
"addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group",
"reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.",
"tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.",
"tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane",
"invalidImportString": "Invalid import string",
"todoPlaceholder": "Todo...",
"addNewItem": "Add a new item to the list",
"addListItem": "Add a New List Item",
"defaultScalingText": "Default size text (scale factor:",
"zoomLabel": "Interface zoom (mostly affects text and button sizes)",
"yourServers": "Your Servers",
"yourProfiles": "Your Profiles",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Delete History",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determines whether to delete any history associated with the contact."