• v1.14.7 50c9f66aca

    v1.14.7 Stable

    sarah released this 2024-02-27 21:15:00 +00:00 | 29 commits to trunk since this release

    This fix mainly addresses several long standing issues with Android, but also contains an important update to libCwtch.

    • New Android 13 Foreground Service Permission (FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC) - to ensure better stability
    • Fixes an issue that prevented some contacts from fetching profile images
    • Android Notification fix to prevent exceptions when displaying full "Conversation Info" notifications with profile images enabled
    • Cwtch Reload functionality fixed on Android to prevent over-zealous deletion of messages for contacts with unsaved history
    • A few minor UI fixes for Android and Desktop to better fit small screens (more on the way!)

    Reproducible Bindings

    Cwtch 1.14.7 is based on libCwtch version libCwtch-autobindings-2024-02-26-18-01-v0.0.14. The repliqate scripts to reproduce these bindings from source can be found at https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts/src/branch/main/cwtch-autobindings-v0.0.14

  • v1.14.6-nightly 7cea83d141

    v1.14.6-nightly Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2024-02-26 22:43:01 +00:00 | 37 commits to trunk since this release

  • v1.14.0 5626e6ed90

    v1.14.0 Stable

    sarah released this 2024-02-14 08:13:48 +00:00 | 67 commits to trunk since this release

    A special thanks to the amazing volunteer translators and testers who made this release possible.

    • New Features:
      • Custom Themes - You can now load custom themes into Cwtch.
      • Message View Backgrounds - This release contains the first support for (optional) background images in the message view. Future releases will allow per-conversation images.
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Fixed tor connectivity in newer Tails releases
      • Fixes in the Retry Plugin for better managing of a large number of contacts
      • Several UX improvements for font scaling, and styling
      • Fixed Android File Sharing Bug which prevent downloads of non-previewed files.
      • Fixed Android File Sharing Bug that resulted in a UI reset triggered by a rate race condition between reconnection and new message arriving
      • Split Settings Pane into multiple tabs for easier navigation of options
      • Fixed contact row date time/localization inconsistency
      • Fixed contact row issue where LANG wasn't set on some linux systems
      • libCwtch now support older Mac releases (min 10.12)
      • Updates images and descriptions in the Windows Installer
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Core translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish , Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian , Romanian , Russian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Partial translations for Korean (41%), Japanese (26%), , Luxembourgish (19%), Greek (15%), Uzbek (9%), and Portuguese (5%)
      • Theme Refresh - Many small adjustments to existing themes to make them more accessible

    Reproducible Bindings

    Cwtch 1.14 is based on libCwtch version libCwtch-autobindings-2024-02-12-11-04-v0.0.12.
    The repliqate scripts to reproduce these bindings from source
    can be found at https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts/src/branch/main/cwtch-autobindings-v0.0.12

  • v1.13.2 c09f10b650

    v1.13.2 Stable

    sarah released this 2023-11-30 18:40:43 +00:00 | 145 commits to trunk since this release

    • Tor Upgrade to
  • v1.13.1 69b7ddb2c1

    v1.13.1 Stable

    sarah released this 2023-10-03 17:15:41 +00:00 | 161 commits to trunk since this release

    • fix emoji font on Windows
    • clarify offline mode behaviour
  • v1.13.0 19377e033f

    v1.13.0 Stable

    sarah released this 2023-09-27 04:50:04 +00:00 | 164 commits to trunk since this release

    • New Features:
      • Conversation Search - Cwtch can now find messages based on their content.
      • Appear Offline Mode - in this mode Cwtch does not launch an listen service for inbound contacts, and allows a profile to be more selective in the contacts they connect to.
      • Whonix Support - new runtime flags make changes that allow Cwtch to run on Whonix
      • New Save History Global Setting - by default Cwtch deletes all messages on shutdown unless a conversation is otherwise configured. This change allows a user to change this default behaviour.
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Based on Flutter 3.13.4
      • Updated Android Target to 33
      • Profile Status Menu now has many more options, including offline status, edit profile and enabling/disabling profile
      • File Sharing Bug Fixes
        • Manage shared files now supports re-enabling older file shares
      • Improvements towards UI Reproducible Builds
      • Server Info now propagates to the UI consistently
      • Prevent DBus Exceptions on platforms where it is unsupported
      • Packaged Emoji Font
      • Fixes to retry manager which have greater improved (re)connection efficacy
      • Allow deleting server info in Manage Servers
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Core translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish , Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian , Romanian , Russian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Partial translations for Korean (37%), Japanese (27%), , Luxembourgish (20%), Greek (15%), Uzbek (10%), and Portuguese (5%)
      • Font Scaling improvements on several screens
  • v1.12.0 cc4403261e

    v1.12.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2023-06-16 02:16:16 +00:00 | 250 commits to trunk since this release

    A special thanks to the amazing volunteer translators and testers who made this release possible.

    • New Features:
      • Profile Attributes - profiles can now be augmented with additional public information
      • Availability Status - you can now notify contacts that you are away or busy
      • Five New Supported Localizations: Japanese, Korean, Slovak, Swahili and Swedish
      • Support for Tails - adds an OnionGrater configuration and a new CWTCH_TAILS environment variable that enables special Tor behaviour.
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Based on Flutter 3.10
      • Inter is now the main UI font
      • New Font Scaling setting
      • New Network Management code to better manage Tor on unstable networks
      • File Sharing Experiment Fixes
        • Fix performance issues for file bubble
        • Allow restarting of file shares that have timed out
        • Fix NPE in FileBubble caused by deleting the underlying file
        • Move from RetVal to UpdateConversationAttributes to minimze UI thread issues
      • Updates to Linux install scripts to support more distributions
      • Add a Retry Peer connection to prioritize connection attempts for certain conversations
      • Updates to _FlDartProject to allow custom setting of Flutter asset paths
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Core translations for Danish (75%), Norwegian (76%), and Romanian (75%)
      • Partial translations for Japanese (29%), Korean (23%), Luxembourgish (22%), Greek (16%), and Portuguese (6%)

    Reproducible Bindings

    Cwtch 1.12 is based on libCwtch version libCwtch-autobindings-2023-06-13-10-50-v0.0.5. The repliqate scripts to reproduce these bindings from source can be found at https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts/src/branch/main/cwtch-autobindings-v0.0.5

  • v1.11.0 c83ef21f90

    v1.11.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2023-03-28 20:27:58 +00:00 | 334 commits to trunk since this release

    A special thanks to the amazing volunteer translators and testers who made this release possible.

    • New Features:
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • When preserving a message draft, quoted messages are now also saved
      • Layout issues caused by pathological unicode are now prevented
      • Improved performance of message row rendering
      • Clickable Links: Links in replies are now selectable
      • Clickable Links: Fixed error when highlighting certain URIs
      • File Downloading: Fixes for file downloading and exporting on 32bit Android devices
      • Server Hosting: Fixes for several layout issues
      • Build pipeline now runs automated UI tests
      • Fix issues caused by scrollbar controller overriding
      • Initial support for the Blodeuwedd Assistant (currently compile-time disabled)
      • Cwtch Library:
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Core translations for Danish (75%), Norwegian (76%), and Romanian (75%)
      • Partial translations for Luxembourgish (22%), Greek (16%), and Portuguese (6%)

    Reproducible Bindings

    Cwtch 1.11 is based on libCwtch version 2023-03-16-15-07-v0.0.3-1-g50c853a. The repliqate scripts to reproduce these bindings from source can be found at https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/repliqate-scripts/src/branch/main/cwtch-autobindings-v0.0.3-1-g50c853a

  • v1.10.0 00c385bb91

    v1.10.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2022-12-15 03:59:24 +00:00 | 379 commits to trunk since this release

    For a more detailed overview of changes present in the 1.10 release see issues tagged cwtch-beta-1.10 in our
    issue tracker.

    A special thanks to the amazing volunteer translators and testers who made this release possible.

    • New Features:
      • Fine-grained Profile Autostart - you can now control which profiles are automatically enabled at start up
      • New Connection Backend - we have reworked connection management in Cwtch to minimize contention inside the Tor process, and to prioritize regular contacts. This results in faster peering times, and more stable connections
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Profile Exporting now works on Android devices
      • Profile Image Shares are now re-initialized every start up to ensure that profile images are available to new contacts. (Previously profile image shares expired after 30-days like all other file shares)
      • Fix a bug that prevented sharing files on Android in certain configurations
      • Many colorscheme improvements to packaged themes
      • A new Juniper theme
      • Improved UX for unlocking profiles
      • Fix a bug that prevented the deletion of profiles
      • Streamer mode now hides cwtch addresses on configuration screens
      • Message formatting now applies to quoted messages
      • Message formatting can now be disabled when experiments are disabled
      • Fix bug that prevented Cwtch from finding packaged Tor binary in some installations
      • Upgrade to Flutter 3.3.5
      • New Android Splash Screen
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Core translations for Danish (85%), Norwegian (85%), and Romanian (85%)
      • Partial translations for Luxembourgish (25%), Greek (19%), and Portuguese (7%)
  • v1.9.0 2d89b30881

    v1.9.0 Pre-Release

    sarah released this 2022-09-10 20:02:17 +00:00 | 436 commits to trunk since this release

    • New Features:
      • View Replies - quickly view all replies to a specific message
      • Manage Shared Files - pause or restart sharing of files to specific conversations
      • Pin Conversations - important conversations can now be pinned to the top of the conversations list
      • Cwtch Handook is now available in Italian, German and Spanish
    • Bug Fixes / Improvements:
      • Group messages are now viewable while the group is actively syncing
      • Group Anti-spam challenge/completion status is now surfaced in the UX
      • Fixed duplicate contact add bug (Android)
      • Introduced better error handling for the file sharing experiment
        • Automatic downloads are now not triggered if download directory does not exist or is incorrectly configured
        • Failed file downloads can now be restarted through the UX
      • Tor Version is now surfaced correctly in UI after restarts
      • Custom Tor SOCKS port configuration is now used
      • Peering attempts are now paused until Tor is fully bootstrapped
      • Per-conversation messages drafts are now saved while Cwtch is open
    • Accessibility / UX:
      • Full translations for French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, and Welsh
      • Core translations for Danish (85%), Norwegian (85%), and Romanian (85%).
      • Partial translations for Luxembourgish (25%), Greek (19%), and Portuguese (7%).
      • Updates to experiment descriptions to remove outdated references to previous versions