message cache expansion: stores all messages fetched, indexed by hash and id where possible
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is pending Details

This commit is contained in:
Dan Ballard 2022-01-20 09:13:54 -05:00
parent d5cb37ed9c
commit 793b6e2e1a
10 changed files with 202 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -143,25 +143,10 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
var senderHandle = data['RemotePeer'];
var senderImage = data['Picture'];
var isAuto = data['Auto'] == "true";
String? contenthash = data['ContentHash'];
var selectedConversation = appState.selectedProfile == data["ProfileOnion"] && appState.selectedConversation == identifier;
// We might not have received a contact created for this contact yet...
// In that case the **next** event we receive will actually update these values...
if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(identifier) != null) {
if (appState.selectedProfile != data["ProfileOnion"] || appState.selectedConversation != identifier) {
} else {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(identifier)!.updateMessageCache(identifier, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, isAuto, data["Data"]);
// We only ever see messages from authenticated peers.
// If the contact is marked as offline then override this - can happen when the contact is removed from the front
// end during syncing.
if (profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(identifier)!.isOnline() == false) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(identifier)!.status = "Authenticated";
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.newMessage(identifier, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, isAuto, data["Data"], contenthash, selectedConversation, );
case "PeerAcknowledgement":
@ -200,18 +185,12 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
var timestampSent = DateTime.tryParse(data['TimestampSent'])!;
var currentTotal = profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(identifier)!.totalMessages;
var isAuto = data['Auto'] == "true";
String? contenthash = data['ContentHash'];
var selectedConversation = appState.selectedProfile == data["ProfileOnion"] && appState.selectedConversation == identifier;
// Only bother to do anything if we know about the group and the provided index is greater than our current total...
if (currentTotal != null && idx >= currentTotal) {
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.getContact(identifier)!.updateMessageCache(identifier, idx, timestampSent, senderHandle, senderImage, isAuto, data["Data"]);
//if not currently open
if (appState.selectedProfile != data["ProfileOnion"] || appState.selectedConversation != identifier) {
} else {
// TODO: There are 2 timestamps associated with a new group message - time sent and time received.
// Sent refers to the time a profile alleges they sent a message
// Received refers to the time we actually saw the message from the server
@ -222,7 +201,8 @@ class CwtchNotifier {
// For now we perform some minimal checks on the sent timestamp to use to provide a useful ordering for honest contacts
// and ensure that malicious contacts in groups can only set this timestamp to a value within the range of `last seen message time`
// and `local now`.
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.updateLastMessageTime(identifier, timestampSent.toLocal());
profileCN.getProfile(data["ProfileOnion"])?.contactList.newMessage(identifier, idx, timestampSent, senderHandle, senderImage, isAuto, data["Data"], contenthash, selectedConversation);
notificationManager.notify("New Message From Group!");
} else {

View File

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ class ContactInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
late Map<String, GlobalKey<MessageRowState>> keys;
int _newMarker = 0;
DateTime _newMarkerClearAt =;
//late List<MessageInfo?> messageCache;
late MessageCache messageCache;
// todo: a nicer way to model contacts, groups and other "entities"
late bool _isGroup;
@ -54,7 +56,8 @@ class ContactInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
this._lastMessageTime = lastMessageTime == null ? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0) : lastMessageTime;
this._server = server;
this._archived = archived;
this.messageCache = List.empty(growable: true);
//this.messageCache = List.empty(growable: true);
this.messageCache = new MessageCache();
keys = Map<String, GlobalKey<MessageRowState>>();
@ -196,18 +199,31 @@ class ContactInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
return ret;
void updateMessageCache(int conversation, int messageID, DateTime timestamp, String senderHandle, String senderImage, bool isAuto, String data) {
this.messageCache.insert(0, MessageInfo(MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversation, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, "", {}, false, false, isAuto), data));
void newMessage(int identifier, int messageID, DateTime timestamp, String senderHandle, String senderImage, bool isAuto, String data, String? contenthash, bool selectedConversation) {
if (!selectedConversation) {
} else {
this.messageCache.addNew(profileOnion, identifier, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, isAuto, data, contenthash);
this.totalMessages += 1;
// We only ever see messages from authenticated peers.
// If the contact is marked as offline then override this - can happen when the contact is removed from the front
// end during syncing.
if (isOnline() == false) {
status = "Authenticated";
void bumpMessageCache() {
this.messageCache.insert(0, null);
this.totalMessages += 1;
void ackCache(int messageID) {
this.messageCache.firstWhere((element) => element?.metadata.messageID == messageID)?.metadata.ackd = true;

View File

@ -122,4 +122,9 @@ class ContactListState extends ChangeNotifier {
int idx = _contacts.indexWhere((element) => element.onion == byHandle);
return idx >= 0 ? _contacts[idx] : null;
void newMessage(int identifier, int messageID, DateTime timestamp, String senderHandle, String senderImage, bool isAuto, String data, String? contenthash, bool selectedConversation) {
getContact(identifier)?.newMessage(identifier, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, isAuto, data, contenthash, selectedConversation);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cwtch/config.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../main.dart';
import 'messagecache.dart';
import 'messages/filemessage.dart';
import 'messages/invitemessage.dart';
import 'messages/malformedmessage.dart';
@ -28,7 +30,9 @@ const GroupConversationHandleLength = 32;
abstract class Message {
MessageMetadata getMetadata();
Widget getWidget(BuildContext context, Key key);
Widget getPreviewWidget(BuildContext context);
@ -57,48 +61,108 @@ Message compileOverlay(MessageMetadata metadata, String messageData) {
Future<Message> messageHandler(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier, int index, {bool byID = false}) {
Future<Message> messageHandler(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier,
{bool byIndex = false, int? index, bool byID = false, int? id, bool byHash = false, String? hash}) {
var malformedMetadata = MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, 0,, "", "", "", <String, String>{}, false, true, false);
if (!byIndex && !byID && !byHash) {
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Error calling messageHandler: one of byIndex, byID, byHash must be set");
return Future.value(MalformedMessage(malformedMetadata));
if ((byID && id == null) || (byIndex && index == null) || (byHash && hash == null)) {
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Error calling messageHandler: byType needs corresponding value and it was not set");
return Future.value(MalformedMessage(malformedMetadata));
// Hit cache
MessageInfo? messageInfo = getMessageInfoFromCache(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, byIndex: byIndex, index: index, byID: byID, id: id, byHash: byHash, hash: hash);
if (messageInfo != null) {
return Future.value(compileOverlay(messageInfo.metadata, messageInfo.wrapper));
// Fetch and Cache
var messageInfoFuture = fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, byIndex: byIndex, index: index, byID: byID, id: id, byHash: byHash, hash: hash);
return messageInfoFuture.then( (MessageInfo? messageInfo) {
if (messageInfo != null) {
return compileOverlay(messageInfo.metadata, messageInfo.wrapper);
} else {
return MalformedMessage(malformedMetadata);
MessageInfo? getMessageInfoFromCache(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier,
{bool byIndex = false, int? index, bool byID = false, int? id, bool byHash = false, String? hash}) {
// Hit cache
try {
var cache = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).contactList.getContact(conversationIdentifier)?.messageCache;
if (cache != null && cache.length > index) {
if (cache[index] != null) {
return Future.value(compileOverlay(cache[index]!.metadata, cache[index]!.wrapper));
if (cache != null) {
MessageInfo? messageInfo = null;
if (byID) {
messageInfo = cache.getById(id!);
} else if (byHash) {
messageInfo = cache.getByContentHash(hash!);
} else {
messageInfo = cache.getByIndex(index!);
if (messageInfo != null) {
return messageInfo;
} catch (e) {
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("message handler exception on get from cache: $e");
// provider check failed...make an expensive call...
return null;
Future<MessageInfo?> fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier,
{bool byIndex = false, int? index, bool byID = false, int? id, bool byHash = false, String? hash}) {
// Load and cache
try {
Future<dynamic> rawMessageEnvelopeFuture;
if (byID) {
rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.GetMessageByID(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, index);
rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider
.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.GetMessageByID(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, id!);
} else if (byHash) {
rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider
.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.GetMessageByContentHash(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, hash!);
} else {
rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.GetMessage(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, index);
rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider
.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false)
.GetMessage(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, index!);
return rawMessageEnvelopeFuture.then((dynamic rawMessageEnvelope) {
var metadata = MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, index,, "", "", "", <String, String>{}, false, true, false);
try {
dynamic messageWrapper = jsonDecode(rawMessageEnvelope);
// There are 2 conditions in which this error condition can be met:
// 1. The application == nil, in which case this instance of the UI is already
// broken beyond repair, and will either be replaced by a new version, or requires a complete
// restart.
// 2. This index was incremented and we happened to fetch the timeline prior to the messages inclusion.
// This should be rare as Timeline addition/fetching is mutex protected and Dart itself will pipeline the
// calls to libCwtch-go - however because we use goroutines on the backend there is always a chance that one
// will find itself delayed.
// The second case is recoverable by tail-recursing this future.
// There are 2 conditions in which this error condition can be met:
// 1. The application == nil, in which case this instance of the UI is already
// broken beyond repair, and will either be replaced by a new version, or requires a complete
// restart.
// 2. This index was incremented and we happened to fetch the timeline prior to the messages inclusion.
// This should be rare as Timeline addition/fetching is mutex protected and Dart itself will pipeline the
// calls to libCwtch-go - however because we use goroutines on the backend there is always a chance that one
// will find itself delayed.
// The second case is recoverable by tail-recursing this future.
if (messageWrapper['Message'] == null || messageWrapper['Message'] == '' || messageWrapper['Message'] == '{}') {
return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
print("Tail recursive call to messageHandler called. This should be a rare event. If you see multiples of this log over a short period of time please log it as a bug.");
return messageHandler(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, -1, byID: byID).then((value) => value);
return fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, byIndex: byIndex,
index: index,
byID: byID,
id: id,
byHash: byHash,
hash: hash).then((value) => value);
// Construct the initial metadata
// Construct the initial metadata
var messageID = messageWrapper['ID'];
var timestamp = DateTime.tryParse(messageWrapper['Timestamp'])!;
var senderHandle = messageWrapper['PeerID'];
@ -107,16 +171,47 @@ Future<Message> messageHandler(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int co
var ackd = messageWrapper['Acknowledged'];
var error = messageWrapper['Error'] != null;
var signature = messageWrapper['Signature'];
metadata = MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, signature, attributes, ackd, error, false);
var contenthash = messageWrapper['ContentHash'];
var localIndex = messageWrapper['LocalIndex'];
var metadata = MessageMetadata(
var messageInfo = new MessageInfo(metadata, messageWrapper['Message']);
return compileOverlay(metadata, messageWrapper['Message']);
var cache = Provider
.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false)
if (cache != null) {
if (byID) {
cache.addUnindexed(messageInfo, contenthash);
} else if (byHash) {
cache.addUnindexed(messageInfo, contenthash);
} else {
cache.add(messageInfo, index!, contenthash);
return messageInfo;
} catch (e) {
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("an error! " + e.toString());
return MalformedMessage(metadata);
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("message handler exception on parse message and cache: " + e.toString());
return null;
} catch (e) {
return Future.value(MalformedMessage(MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, -1,, "", "", "", <String, String>{}, false, true, false)));
EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("message handler exeption on get message: $e");
return Future.value(null);
@ -139,12 +234,14 @@ class MessageMetadata extends ChangeNotifier {
dynamic get attributes => this._attributes;
bool get ackd => this._ackd;
set ackd(bool newVal) {
this._ackd = newVal;
bool get error => this._error;
set error(bool newVal) {
this._error = newVal;

View File

@ -9,21 +9,51 @@ class MessageInfo {
class MessageCache {
late Map<int, MessageInfo> cache;
late List<int?> cacheByIndex;
late Map<String, int> cacheByHash;
MessageCache() {
this.cache = {};
this.cacheByIndex = List.empty(growable: true);
cache = {};
cacheByIndex = List.empty(growable: true);
cacheByHash = {};
int get indexedLength => cacheByIndex.length;
void addNew(int conversation, int messageID, DateTime timestamp, String senderHandle, String senderImage, bool isAuto, String data) {
MessageInfo? getById(int id) => cache[id];
MessageInfo? getByIndex(int index) {
if (index >= cacheByIndex.length) {
return null;
return cache[cacheByIndex[index]];
MessageInfo? getByContentHash(String contenthash) => cache[cacheByHash[contenthash]];
void addNew(String profileOnion, int conversation, int messageID, DateTime timestamp, String senderHandle, String senderImage, bool isAuto, String data, String? contenthash) {
this.cache[messageID] = MessageInfo(MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversation, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, "", {}, false, false, isAuto), data);
this.cacheByIndex.insert(0, messageID);
if (contenthash != null && contenthash != "") {
this.cacheByHash[contenthash] = messageID;
void add(MessageInfo messageInfo, int index, String? contenthash) {
this.cache[messageInfo.metadata.messageID] = messageInfo;
this.cacheByIndex.insert(index, messageInfo.metadata.messageID);
if (contenthash != null && contenthash != "") {
this.cacheByHash[contenthash] = messageInfo.metadata.messageID;
void addUnindexed(MessageInfo messageInfo, String? contenthash) {
this.cache[messageInfo.metadata.messageID] = messageInfo;
if (contenthash != null && contenthash != "") {
this.cacheByHash[contenthash] = messageInfo.metadata.messageID;
// TODO inserting nulls travel down list causing fails for all
void bumpMessageCache() {
this.messageCache.insert(0, null);
this.totalMessages += 1;
this.cacheByIndex.insert(0, null);
void ackCache(int messageID) {

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../../main.dart';
import '../messagecache.dart';
import '../profile.dart';
class QuotedMessageStructure {
final String quotedHash;
@ -21,22 +23,6 @@ class QuotedMessageStructure {
class LocallyIndexedMessage {
final dynamic message;
final int index;
LocallyIndexedMessage(this.message, this.index);
LocallyIndexedMessage.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: message = json['Message'],
index = json['LocalIndex'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'Message': message,
'LocalIndex': index,
class QuotedMessage extends Message {
final MessageMetadata metadata;
final String content;
@ -70,34 +56,11 @@ class QuotedMessage extends Message {
return MalformedBubble();
var quotedMessagePotentials = Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context).cwtch.GetMessageByContentHash(metadata.profileOnion, metadata.conversationIdentifier, message["quotedHash"]);
Future<LocallyIndexedMessage?> quotedMessage = quotedMessagePotentials.then((matchingMessages) {
if (matchingMessages == "[]") {
return null;
// reverse order the messages from newest to oldest and return the
// first matching message where it's index is less than the index of this
// message
try {
var list = (jsonDecode(matchingMessages) as List<dynamic>).map((data) => LocallyIndexedMessage.fromJson(data)).toList();
LocallyIndexedMessage candidate = list.reversed.first;
return candidate;
} catch (e) {
// Malformed Message will be returned...
return null;
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: this.metadata,
builder: (bcontext, child) {
return MessageRow(
QuotedMessageBubble(message["body"], quotedMessage.then((LocallyIndexedMessage? localIndex) {
if (localIndex != null) {
return messageHandler(bcontext, metadata.profileOnion, metadata.conversationIdentifier, localIndex.index);
return MalformedMessage(this.metadata);
QuotedMessageBubble(message["body"], messageHandler(bcontext, metadata.profileOnion, metadata.conversationIdentifier, byHash: true, hash: message["quotedHash"])),
key: key);
} catch (e) {

View File

@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ class ProfileInfoState extends ChangeNotifier {
void dispose() {
void updateFrom(String onion, String name, String picture, String contactsJson, String serverJson, bool online) {

View File

@ -225,7 +225,10 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 80), () {
Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).contactList.getContact(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).identifier)?.bumpMessageCache();
var profile = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).profileOnion;
var identifier = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).identifier;
//Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).contactList.getContact(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).identifier)?.bumpMessageCache();
fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(context, profile, identifier, byIndex: true, index: 0);
Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).newMarker++;
// Resort the contact list...
Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context, listen: false).contactList.updateLastMessageTime(Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context, listen: false).identifier,;
@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ class _MessageViewState extends State<MessageView> {
if (Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedConversation != null && Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedIndex != null) {
var quoted = FutureBuilder(
messageHandler(context, Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedProfile!, Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedConversation!, Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedIndex!, byID: true),
messageHandler(context, Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedProfile!, Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedConversation!, id: Provider.of<AppState>(context).selectedIndex!, byID: true),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
var message =! as Message;

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class _MessageListState extends State<MessageList> {
var messageIndex = index;
return FutureBuilder(
future: messageHandler(outerContext, profileOnion, contactHandle, messageIndex),
future: messageHandler(outerContext, profileOnion, contactHandle, byIndex: true, index: messageIndex),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
var message = as Message;

View File

@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ class MessageRowState extends State<MessageRow> with SingleTickerProviderStateMi
var mark = Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).newMarker;
if (mark > 0 &&
Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).messageCache.length > mark &&
Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).messageCache[mark - 1]?.metadata.messageID == Provider.of<MessageMetadata>(context).messageID) {
Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).messageCache.indexedLength > mark &&
Provider.of<ContactInfoState>(context).messageCache.getByIndex(mark - 1)?.metadata.messageID == Provider.of<MessageMetadata>(context).messageID) {
return Column(crossAxisAlignment: fromMe ? CrossAxisAlignment.end : CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [Align(alignment:, child: _bubbleNew()), mr]);
} else {
return mr;