image previews #267

sarah merged 29 commits from ipreview into trunk 2021-12-19 20:05:09 +00:00
8 changed files with 114 additions and 34 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 8a8c5fc3e2 - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"@@locale": "de",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Color Theme",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Midnight",
"themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin",
"themeNameGhost": "Ghost",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNameWitch": "Witch",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"@@locale": "en",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Color Theme",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Midnight",
"themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin",
"themeNameGhost": "Ghost",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNameWitch": "Witch",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"@@locale": "es",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Color Theme",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Midnight",
"themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin",
"themeNameGhost": "Ghost",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNameWitch": "Witch",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",

View File

@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
"@@locale": "fr",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",
"experimentClickableLinksDescription": "The clickable links experiment allows you to click on URLs shared in messages",
"enableExperimentClickableLinks": "Enable Clickable Links",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"experimentClickableLinksDescription": "L'expérience des liens cliquables vous permet de cliquer sur les URLs partagés dans les messages",
"themeNameWitch": "Sorcière",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Citrouille",
"themeNameNeon2": "Néon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Néon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Minuit",
"themeNameMermaid": "Sirène",
"themeNameGhost": "Fantôme",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"themeColorLabel": "Thème de couleur",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Les images seront téléchargées et prévisualisées automatiquement. Veuillez noter que la prévisualisation des images peut souvent conduire à des failles de sécurité, et vous ne devriez pas activer cette expérience si vous utilisez Cwtch avec des contacts non fiables. Les images de profil sont prévues pour Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Aperçu des images et photos de profil",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Dossier de téléchargement",
"enableExperimentClickableLinks": "Activer les liens cliquables",
"serverMetricsLabel": "Métriques du serveur",
"serverTotalMessagesLabel": "Nombre total de messages",
"serverConnectionsLabel": "Connexion",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"@@locale": "it",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Color Theme",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Midnight",
"themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin",
"themeNameGhost": "Ghost",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNameWitch": "Witch",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"@@locale": "pl",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Color Theme",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Midnight",
"themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin",
"themeNameGhost": "Ghost",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNameWitch": "Witch",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"@@locale": "pt",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Color Theme",
"themeNameNeon2": "Neon2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Neon1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Midnight",
"themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin",
"themeNameGhost": "Ghost",
"themeNameVampire": "Vampire",
"themeNameWitch": "Witch",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",

View File

@ -1,26 +1,38 @@
"@@locale": "ru",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-15T02:16:43+01:00",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures",
"experimentClickableLinksDescription": "The clickable links experiment allows you to click on URLs shared in messages",
"enableExperimentClickableLinks": "Enable Clickable Links",
"serverConnectionsLabel": "Connection",
"serverTotalMessagesLabel": "Total Messages",
"serverMetricsLabel": "Server Metrics",
"saveBtn": "Сохранить",
"@@last_modified": "2021-12-16T21:50:40+01:00",
"themeColorLabel": "Тема",
"themeNameNeon2": "Неон2",
"themeNameNeon1": "Неон1",
"themeNameMidnight": "Полночь",
"themeNameMermaid": "Русалка",
"themeNamePumpkin": "Тыква",
"themeNameGhost": "Призрак",
"themeNameVampire": "Вампир",
"themeNameWitch": "Ведьма",
"themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch",
"settingDownloadFolder": "Скачать папку",
"settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Автоматическая загрузка изображений. Обратите внимание, что предварительный просмотр изображений часто может использоваться для взлома или деаномизации. Не используйте данную функцию если Вы контактируете с ненадежными контактами. Аватары профиля запланированы для версии Cwtch 1.6.",
"settingImagePreviews": "Предпросмотр изображений и фотографий профиля",
"experimentClickableLinksDescription": "Экспериментальная функция которая позволяет нажимать на URL адреса в сообщениях",
"enableExperimentClickableLinks": "Включить кликабельные ссылки",
"serverConnectionsLabel": "Соединение",
"serverTotalMessagesLabel": "Всего сообщений",
"serverMetricsLabel": "Показатели сервера",
"manageKnownServersShort": "Серверы",
"manageKnownServersLong": "Управление серверами",
"displayNameTooltip": "Введите отображаемое имя",
"manageKnownServersButton": "Управление серверами",
"fieldDescriptionLabel": "Описание",
"groupsOnThisServerLabel": "Группы, в которых я нахожусь, размещены на этом сервере",
"importLocalServerButton": "Импорт %1",
"importLocalServerSelectText": "Выбрать локальный сервер",
"importLocalServerLabel": "Импортировать локальный сервер",
"newMessagesLabel": "Новое сообщение",
"localeRU": "Русский",
"profileOnionLabel": "Send this address to contacts you want to connect with",
"manageKnownServersShort": "Servers",
"manageKnownServersLong": "Manage Known Servers",
"displayNameTooltip": "Please enter a display name",
"manageKnownServersButton": "Manage Known Servers",
"fieldDescriptionLabel": "Description",
"groupsOnThisServerLabel": "Groups I am in hosted on this server",
"importLocalServerButton": "Import %1",
"importLocalServerSelectText": "Select Local Server",
"importLocalServerLabel": "Import a locally hosted server",
"newMessagesLabel": "New Messages",
"savePeerHistory": "Хранить историю",
"saveBtn": "Сохранить",
"networkStatusOnline": "В сети",
"copiedToClipboardNotification": "Скопировано в буфер обмена",
"defaultProfileName": "Алиса",
@ -29,7 +41,6 @@
"groupNameLabel": "Имя группы",
"serverLabel": "Сервер",
"copyBtn": "Копировать",
"localeRU": "Russian",
"copyServerKeys": "Копировать ключи",
"verfiyResumeButton": "Проверить\/продолжить",
"fileCheckingStatus": "Проверка статуса загрузки",
@ -210,7 +221,6 @@
"unblockBtn": "Разблокировать контакт",
"dontSavePeerHistory": "Удалить историю",
"savePeerHistoryDescription": "Определяет политуку хранения или удаления переписки с данным контактом.",
"savePeerHistory": "Хранить исторую",
"blockBtn": "Заблокировать контакт",
"displayNameLabel": "Отображаемое имя",
"addressLabel": "Адрес",