fix mac deploy version, make shas .txt #658

sarah merged 1 commits from pkg into trunk 2023-04-11 17:30:18 +00:00
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions
Showing only changes of commit ff5332841a - Show all commits

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@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ steps:
- $Env:commitdate += type .\COMMIT_DATE
- $Env:releasedir = "build\\windows\\runner\\Release\\"
- $Env:zip = 'cwtch-' + $Env:version + '.zip'
- $Env:zipsha = $Env:zip + '.sha512'
- $Env:zipsha = $Env:zip + '.sha512.txt'
- $Env:buildname = 'flwtch-' + $Env:commitdate + '-' + $Env:version
- $Env:builddir = $Env:buildname
- echo $Env:pfx > codesign.pfx.b64
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ steps:
- makensis windows\nsis\cwtch-installer.nsi
- move windows\nsis\cwtch-installer.exe cwtch-installer.exe
- signtool sign /v /fd sha256 /a /f codesign.pfx /p $Env:pfx_pass /tr cwtch-installer.exe
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash cwtch-installer.exe -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > cwtch-installer.sha512
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash cwtch-installer.exe -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > cwtch-installer.sha512.txt
- mkdir deploy
- mkdir deploy\$Env:builddir
- move $Env:releasedir $Env:builddir
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ steps:
- powershell -command "(Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha512).Hash" > $Env:zipsha
- move cwtch-installer.exe deploy\$Env:builddir\cwtch-installer-$Env:version.exe
- move deploy\$Env:builddir\$Env:zip
- move *.sha512 deploy\$Env:builddir
- move *.sha512.txt deploy\$Env:builddir
- name: deploy-windows
image: openpriv/flutter-desktop:windows-sdk30-fstable-3.7.1
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ steps:
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin #create-dmg
- macos/
- mkdir -p deploy
- mv Cwtch.dmg deploy/Cwtch-`cat BUILD_VER`.dmg
- mv Cwtch.dmg deploy/Cwtch-`cat VERSION`.dmg
- name: deploy-buildfiles
@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ steps:
- export DIR=flwtch-`cat COMMIT_DATE`-`cat VERSION`
- mv deploy $DIR
- cd $DIR
- find . -type f -exec shasum -a 512 {} \; > ./../mac-sha512s.txt
- mv ./../mac-sha512s.txt .
- find . -type f -exec shasum -a 512 {} \; > ./../Cwtch.dmg.sha512.txt
- mv ./../Cwtch.dmg.sha512.txt .
- cd ..
- scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/id_rsa $DIR