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Feature: Sending and receiving chat messages
Given I wait until the widget with type "ProfileRow" is present
And I wait for 4 seconds
Given I tap the button that contains the text "Alice"
And I tap the button that contains the text "Bob"
And I wait until the text "Contact is offline, messages can't be delivered right now" is absent
#And I wait for 6 seconds
When I fill the "txtCompose" field with "hello! this is a test!"
And I tap the "btnSend" button
Then I expect a "MessageBubble" widget with text "hello! this is a test!\u202F" to be present within 5 seconds
#Then I expect the text "hello! this is a test!" to be present
And I tap the back button
And I tap the back button
Scenario: Bob receives the message from Alice
Given I tap the button that contains the text "Bob"
And I tap the button that contains the text "Alice"
Then I expect a "MessageBubble" widget with text "hello! this is a test!\u202F" to be present within 5 seconds
Scenario: Bob replies to a message from Alice
Given I tap the button that contains the text "Bob"
And I tap the button that contains the text "Alice"
#When I swipe right by 15 pixels on the element that contains the text "hello! this is a test!\u202F"
#When I swipe right by 15 pixels on the widget of type "MessageBubble" with text "hello! this is a test!\u202F"
And I tap the button with tooltip "Reply to this message"
And I fill the "txtCompose" field with "yay the test worked"
And I tap the "btnSend" button
Then I expect to see the message "yay the test worked\u202F" replying to "hello! this is a test!" within 5 seconds
And I take a screenshot