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New Cwtch Nightly (v1.11.0-74-g0406) In this development log we take a look at the new Cwtch Nightly cwtch-nightly-v.11-74
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Sarah Jamie Lewis Executive Director, Open Privacy Research Society /img/sarah.jpg

We are getting close to a 1.12 release. This week we are drawing attention to the latest Cwtch Nightly (2023-06-05-17-36-v1.11.0-74-g0406) that is now available for wider testing.

As a reminder, the Open Privacy Research Society have also announced they are want to raise $60,000 in 2023 to help move forward projects like Cwtch. Please help support projects like ours with a one-off donations or recurring support via Patreon.

New Nightly

There is a new Nightly build are available from our build server. The latest nightly we recommend testing is 2023-06-05-17-36-v1.11.0-74-g0406.

This version has a large number of improvements and bug fixes including:

  • A new Font Scaling setting
  • Several networking and connection management improvements including automatic detection and response to network changes, and several bug fixes that impacted time-to-connection after a resetting Tor.
  • Updated UI font styles
  • Dependency updates, including a new base of Flutter 3.10.
  • A fix for stuck file downloading notifications on Android
  • A fix for missing profile images in certain edge cases on Android
  • Japanese, Swedish, and Swahili translation options
  • A new retry peer connection button for prompting Cwtch to prioritize specific connections
  • Tails support

In addition, this nightly also includes a number of performance improvements that should fix reported rendering issues on less powerful devices.

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