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C-bindings for the Go Cwtch Library.

Build Instructions

make linux
make android
make windows

Android Build Notes

Our build infrastructure is using Go 1.15.10, NDK 21.0.6113669, and gomobile commit bdb1ca9a1e083af5929a8214e8a056d638ebbf2d (2021 07 16)

Go 1.17.4, NDK 22.1.7171670, and gomobile 4e6c2922fdeed32d3596616518aaee7b0d79ce55 (2021 12 07) appear to compile as well.

Other version combinations untested and some definitely do not work.

Experimental iOS support

make ios


General Environment Variables

  • LOG_FILE if defined will mean all go logging will go to a file instead of stdout
  • LOG_LEVEL if set to debug will cause debug logging to be included in log output

Linux Desktop:

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to point to
  • or drop a symlink into /usr/lib


  • copy cwtch.aar into flutter_app/android/cwtch


  • copy libCwtch.dll into the directory of the .exe using it


  • copy libCwtch.dylib into the directory you are executing from